Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading

Honorary Vice Presidents of the 175th Anniversary Committee

Honorary Vice Presidents of the 175th Anniversary Committee
H.A. Acker John M. Fries R.H. Mengel James A. Schofer
William H. Albright Keyser Fry James B. Mercer J.H. Schofield
Harry L. Althouse Lewis T. Ganster George W. Miller D.E. Schroeder
Daniel F. Ancona O.S. Geiger H.O. Miller John R. Schuler
A.W. Arnold H.C. Geissler H.R. Miller F.F. Seidel
Joel A. Arnold A.A. Gery James M. Miller T.C. Seidel
Theodore Auman J. Stanley Giles S.S. Miller Samuel R. Seyfert
John S. Avery A.W. Goodrich Max Mitttendorf William Seyfert
Edwin C. Baker George G. Guenther John G. Mohn F.R. Shanaman
John Barbey Horace H. Hammer E.E. Moore D. Sharman
Raymond S. Bard C.R. Heizmann Thomas P. Moore W.E. Sharman
Jere H. Barr Samuel M. Helms Walter W. Moyer Samuel Sherman
Solon D. Bausher Daniel J. Hendel Charles H. Muhlenberg William A. Sharp
August Bendel John R. Hendel Edward C. Nolan B.Y. Sharer
Dr. John M. Bertolet Hunter Henninger Hans W. Nolde Harvey H. Shomo
S.E. Bertolet T.C. Herbert Gustav Oberlander W.A. Shomo
F.A. Bigelow Conrad High James O'Rourke I.C. Sithens
George W. Billman J. George Hintz W. Harry Orr Heber L. Smith
Philip Bissinger F.G. Hodges Neff E. Parish Jefferson Snyder
G.T. Bone Harry E. Hook J. Heber Parker T.I. Snyder
Rev. Mgr. Geo. Bornemann George D. Horst Joseph S. Pendleton Leo Sondheim
John B. Bowers Edward A. Howell Edward Pengelly Clifford Spohn
Edward J. Bowman Daniel H. Hunter George Pomeroy, Sr. Wilbur Stanley
H.D. Brauff E.C. Hunter George Pomeroy, Jr. R. Stauffer
Thomas Breneiser H.A. Israel Charles W. Potteiger Aaron B. Stein
Stanley Bright H.K. Janssen H.J. Potts David Sternbergh
Adam B. Brossman Earl S. Jenckes P.H. Price J.B. Stevens
H.F. Brossman H.F. Kantner Daniel F. Printz H.Y. Stoner
S.A. Brumbach H.P. Keiser Edwin A. Quier J. Henry Stump
William D. Brumbach J.A. Keppelman John B. Raser John E. Sullivan
James S. Brusstar J.H. Keppelman John W. Rauch Mahlon G. Taylor
Walter F. Bush George J. Kessler George A. Ravel Ferdinand Thun
Frederick W. Curtis George L. Kestner Dr. Howard S. Reeser Harry S. Towson
Wallace V. Custer William L. Kiefer Lambert Rehr Robert M. Tyack
John B. Dampman Peter Klein William F. Remppis E.L. Trexler
William H. Dechant William H. Kline J.L. Rhoads I.S. Umbenhauer
G.H. Delp Edward H. Knerr Dr. Homer J. Rhode Joseph Umble
C.K. Derr John J. Knoll Joseph W. Richards C.R. VanReed
John C. Dethoff F.C. Kolb L. Richards E.P. VanReed
I.A. Deysher H.G. Kurtz S.Y. Reigner Wellington VanReed
W.S. Dickinson I.G. Kutz E.S. Richardson Robert Waidelich
D.W. Dietrich J.J. Kutz Arthur Rick J. Edward Wanner
Edward J. Dives Charles H. Leinbach James Rick, Sr. S. Warkocjewski
George W. Dulaney Joseph V.R. Leinbach John Rick J.M. Webster
H.J. Dumn Charles E. Leippe Dr. Walter A. Rigg Arthur Weida
Clinton F. Earl O. Lentz Herman P. Roeper William C. Werts
William B. Eckert A.W. Luck F.A. Roland F.S. Wertz
William K. Eckert W.H. Luden W.S. Rothermel E.L. West
George F. Eisenbrown Max Luria C.H. Ruhl I. Whiteson
Lee M. Erdman F.S. Livingood Eugene I. Sandt Charles W. Wilhelm
Horace M. Fehr Henry Maltzberger Howard B. Saylor W.A. Witman, Jr.
Charles A. Fisher Constantine Mantis John S. Saylor W.H. Yocum
J.W. Fisher F.A. Marx George B. Schaeffer L.G. Yoder
Victor B. Fisher C.W. Matten Jacob Schaeffer W.J. Young
G. Walter Focht George W. Mayers Paul Schaeffer W.S. Young
J.M. Frame H.R. Mays Charles H. Schlegel E.S. Youse
Rev. Julius Frank William McIlvain Horace E. Schlemm P.S. Zieber
  E. Richard Meinig   Willard Ziegler

Source: Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading, PA, and the 150th Anniversary of the Reading Volunteer Fire Department Sept. 30th to Oct. 6th 1923, ed. by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Reading, PA, 1923, p. 27.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:44 PST

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