August and September, 1861 | in camp, near Washington, D.C. |
October 10, 1861 | moved to Langley, Va., a distance of eight miles |
October 19, 20 and 21 | toward Leesburg, with advance of McCall's Division, the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, and return, thirty-two miles |
Total for October, 40 miles | |
November 27 | scout to Drainesville and beyond, thirty-six miles |
Total for November, 36 miles | |
December 20 | to Drainesville, twenty-eight miles |
Total for December, 28 miles | |
January 1862 | two scouts beyond Difficult creek, twenty miles each |
Total for January, 40 miles | |
February | a scout of twenty-five miles |
March 10 | marched to Hunter's Mills, fourteen miles |
March 13 | extensive scout toward Leesburg, forty eight miles |
March 13 and 14 | to near Alexandria, twenty-five miles |
March 15 | to Falls Church, six miles |
Total for March, 94 miles | |
April 9 | to Fairfax Court House, ten miles |
April 10 | to Manassas Junction, twenty miles |
April 11 | to Catletts Station, twelve miles |
April 13 and 14 | a scout to Hackett's Mills, near Safford Court House, twenty-five miles |
April 17 and 18 | to Falmouth, thirty-five miles |
April 18 and 19 | Companies G and H scout to Aquia Landing, thirty miles |
April 24 and 25 | regiment sent to King George Court House, forty miles; march, to camp, below Falmouth, six miles |
Total for April, 178 miles | |
May 25, 1862 | from six miles below Falmouth - beyond the Pamunkey river, toward Richmond |
May 28 | return to Fredericksburg, about one hundred miles |
May 29 | by way of Catletts Station to Strasburg, sixty miles |
Total for May, 160 miles | |
June 1 | Strasburg up the Shenandoah Valley, reaching Port Republic on the 9th, sixty miles |
June 9 | back to Mt. Jackson, to Strasburg, reaching Manassas on the 23d |
Total for June, 155 miles | |
July 4 | marched to Warrenton Junction and famous scouts to the Rappahannock by portions of the regiment, ninety miles |
July 16 | to Culpepper, twenty-five miles |
July 17 | to Ragged Mountain fifteen miles, and scouting while there, forty-five miles |
July 22 | returned to Culpepper, fifteen miles |
Total for July, 175 miles | |
August 1 | marched to Rapidann, fourteen miles |
scouting by detachments for six days, one hundred miles | |
July 8 | to Cedar Mountain, eight miles |
July 20 | to Rappahannock Station, twenty miles |
July 21 | by a circuitous route, with numerous counter-marches to Centreville, seventy miles |
Total for August, 212 miles | |
September 1 | to Alexandria, twenty-five miles |
September 3 | to Bailey's Cross Roads, six miles |
September 26 | detachment of five companies to Centreville, employed for four weeks in scouting Manassas plains, two hundred and fifty miles |
Total for September, 281 miles | |
October 10 | scout to Bealton Station and return, one hundred miles |
October 27 and 28 | to Chantilly, twenty miles |
October 30 | to Aldie, thirty miles |
Total for October, 150 miles | |
November 1 | return to Chantilly, twenty-five miles |
November 3, 4 and 5 | to Upperville, thirty-seven miles |
November 6 | by a circuitous route to Warrenton, twenty-five miles |
November 7 | to Rappahannock Bridge, twelve miles |
November 20, 21 and 22 | to Brook's Station, thirty-eight miles |
Total for November, 167 miles | |
December 10 | marched to Falmouth, ten miles |
December 14 | to Lamb's Creek Church, ten miles |
December 28 | to Bell Plain Landing, fourteen miles |
Total for December, 34 miles | |
January 2, 1863 | to picket at Lamb's Creek Church, ten miles |
January 5 | return to Bell Plain Landing, ten miles |
January 8 | to picket and return, twenty miles |
January 17 | to picket and return, twenty miles |
January 21 to 23 | Burnside's advance, twelve miles |
January 27 | to picket and return, twenty miles |
Total for January, 92 miles | |
February 2 | to picket and return the 5th, twenty miles |
February 14 | to picket and return the 17th, twenty miles |
February 27 | to picket for ten days, ten miles |
Total for February, 50 miles | |
March 5 | relieved from picket and return to camp, ten miles |
March 19 | to picket and return on the 19th, twenty miles; and scout at night to the neck below, forty miles |
March 21 | another scout by detachment, forty miles |
Total for March, 110 miles | |
April 12 | to King George Court House, sixteen miles; scouts while on picket, seventy miles |
Total for April, 86 miles | |
May 9 | march to Potomac Creek Bridge, thirty miles |
May 18 | to United States Ford, nine miles |
May 28 | to Warrenton Junction, Morrisville and Bealton Station, thirty-five miles |
Total for May, 74 miles | |
June, 1863 | moved to Morrisville, fourteen miles |
June 9 | to Brandy Station and returned to Rappahannock Station, eighteen miles |
June 10 | to Warrenton Junction, twelve miles |
June 13 | to Warrenton, nine miles |
June 15 | to Manasas Junction, twenty miles |
June 16 and 17 | to Aldie, twenty miles |
June 18 | to Thoroughfare Gap, eight miles |
June 21 and 22 | to Aldie and Upperville and return, thirty-two miles |
June 26 | to Leesburg, nine miles |
June 27 | crossed Edwards' Ferry and marched all night, reaching Frederick city next day |
June 29 | to Middleburg, marching all night |
June 30 | to Taneytown, total from the 27th, sixty miles |
Total for June, 202 miles | |
July 1 | to battle-field of Gettysburg, twelve miles |
July 5 | to Creagarstown, twenty-five miles |
July 7 | via Frederick city to Middleburg and South Mountain, twenty-two miles |
July 9 | to Boonsboro', ten miles |
July 11 | to Antietam Creek, five miles |
July 12 | back to Boonsboro', five miles |
July 14 | to Harper's Ferry, twenty-seven miles |
July 15 | to Shepherdstown, Va., and return the night of the 16th to Harper's Ferry, eighteen miles |
July 19 | crossed the Shenandoah river east, six miles |
July 20 | to Perryville, ten miles |
July 21 | to Hillsboro', four miles |
July 23 | to Ashby's Gap, twenty miles |
July 26 | move through Upperville to Middleburg, fourteen miles |
July 27 | through White Plains to Warrenton, twenty miles |
July 28 | to Warrenton Junction, nine miles |
July 29 | to Warrenton, nine miles |
July 30 | to Amisville, south of Rappahannock, fifteen miles |
Total for July, 232 miles | |
August 4 | scout toward Culpepper, sixteen miles |
August 5 | scout toward Culpepper, sixteen miles |
August 8 | return to Sulphur Springs and on picket, eight miles |
August 15 | to Warrenton, six miles |
August 18 | scout by detachment to Salem and returned, eighteen miles |
August 19 | scout to Gainesville and return, forty miles |
August 24 | crossed the Rappahannock to Jefferson on, picket and returned on 27th, eighteen miles |
Total for August, 112 miles | |
September 4 | on picket at Carter's Creek, eight miles |
September 7 | return to camp, eight miles |
September 10 and 11 | scout to Middleburg and return, fifty miles |
September 12 | to Jefferson, eight miles |
September 13 | through Culpepper to Cedar Mountain, twenty-seven miles |
September 14 | to the Rapidann, five miles |
September 18 | return to Culpepper, eleven miles |
September 22 | to the Rapidann, eight miles |
September 25 | to Culpepper, eight miles |
September 26 | moved back to Catletts Station, seventeen miles; scouting while here, 50 miles |
Total for September, 205 miles | |
October 3 | to United States Ford, a circuitous route, forty miles |
October 11 | to Rappahannock Station, twenty-five miles |
October 13 | to Auburn, ten miles |
October 14 | to Brentsville, ten miles |
October 15 | crossed and re-crossed Bull Run, twenty miles; picket and scout along Bull Run, twenty miles |
October 21 | move to Gainesville, twelve miles |
October 22 | to Warrenton, twelve miles |
Total for October, 149 miles | |
November 6 | move to Bealton Station, twelve miles |
November 9 | to Fayetteville, nine miles |
November 21 | pursuit of Moseby, thirty miles |
November 23 | marched to Bealton Station, nine miles |
November 24 | beyond the Rappahannock, eighteen miles |
November 26 | cross the Rapidann and in the direction of Orange Court House, twenty-five miles |
November 27 | to battle-field of New Hope Church and return to Parker's Store, twenty-five miles |
November 28 | to Wilderness Tavern and return to Parker's Store on 30th, fifteen miles |
Total for November, 143 miles | |
December 11 | to Wilderness Tavern, seven miles |
December 2 | re-crossed the Rapidann, fourteen miles |
December 6 | to Brandy Station, twelve miles |
December 10 and 11 | to Warrenton for winter quarters, twenty-two miles |
December 25 | scout by detachment to Salem and return, eighteen miles |
Total for December, 73 miles | |
January 1, 1864 | to Front Royal and return on the 4th, seventy miles |
January 8 | to Salem and return, eighteen miles |
Total for January, 88 miles | |
February 17 | scout to Ashby's Gap and return, sixty miles |
February 27 | to Charlotteville and return, seventy-eight miles |
Total for February, 138 miles | |
March, 7 | to New Baltimore and return, ten miles |
March, 8 | to Sulphur Springs and return, ten miles; various scouts during the month, one hundred and thirty miles |
Total for March, 150 miles | |
April 21 | to Turkey Run, six miles |
April 24 | to Morrisville, eighteen miles |
Total for April 24 miles | |
May 3 | to Richardsville, eighteen miles |
May 4 | to Pine Creek, ten miles |
May 5 to 8 | marching and counter-marching, thirty miles |
May 9 to 14 | marched via Fredericksburg, Childsburg, North Anna, Beaverdam Station, South Anna, at Ground Squirrel bridge, Hungary Station, Brock road, Meadow bridge, Bottom bridge to James river, at Haxall's Landing, ninety miles |
May 17 to 25 | via Jordon's bridge, Baltimore Cross Roads, Cold Harbor, White House, Ayletts, White Chimneys to Chesterfield Station, one hundred and ten miles |
May 26 to June 3 | via Pamunky, at Hanovertown, Maws' Shop, Cold Harbor, marching and counter-marching to Bottom bridge, sixty miles |
June 6 to 25 | from Bottom bridge via New Castle, crossing the Pamunky at that place, Ayletts, Pole Cat Station, crossed North East river and North Anna River to Trevillian Station, and returned via the Catharpen road, Spottsylvania Court House, Guinea Station, Bowling Green, Newtown, Clarksville, Walkertown, King and Queen Court House, and returned to Clarksville, crossed Matapony river at Dunkirk, and again via Ayletts, King William Court House to White House, and then to James river at Wyandott's Landing, one hundred and eighty-three miles |
27 of June to 4th of July | 20 miles |
July 11 to 16 | to Jerusalem Plank road, Reams Station and return, forty-eight miles |
25 to August 8 | crossing the James river to Malvern Hill and return via Reams Station to Light House Point, fifty-eight miles |
August 11 to 13 | to Jerusalem Plank road and return, thirty miles |
From night of 13th to September 1 | across the James river, back to army headquarters, to Weldon Railroad and return to City Point, sixty-five miles |
Total from May to September, 672 miles |
Total from May to September, 672 miles.
Total for 1861, 112 miles.
Total for 1862, 1631 miles.
Total for 1863, 1528 miles.
Total for 1864, 1068 miles.
Sum total for three years 4339 miles
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:36 PST