President of the National Bank of Boyerstown. Address, Boyerstown, Berks County, Pa. (p. 764)
Born in Halton County, Ontario, Feb. 14, 1841; son of George Walter, who emigrated from England in 1837; educated in Canadian schools until twenty years old, when, owing to ill health, he entered a hygienic institution at Danville, N. Y.; his improvement under the treatment received caused him to study hygeo-therapeutics, and he was graduated from an institution giving that mode of treatment in 1873. After practicing a season in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, he leased a sanitarium near Wernersville, Berks County, which he conducted three years; then in 1876 he purchased ground, and commenced erecting buildings and established the present sanitarium known as the Walter Sanitarium, Walter's Park, Pa. Dr. Walter has written many papers on health topics, is the author of "The Exact Science of Health." He has greatly enlarged his establishment since it was founded. On July 4, 1872, he married Eunice C. Lippincott, daughter of John Lippincott of South China, Maine. Address, Walter's Park, Pa. (p. 765)
Attorney-at-law; born near Kutztown, Berks County, Pa., Dec. 1, 1840; in boyhood he worked on his father's farm, and had scanty school opportunities, yet made such use of them that he was able to serve as teacher in 1856, 1857 and 1858. In 1859 he entered Union Seminary, New Berlin, Pa. In 1860 he became a student and teacher in Fairview Seminary at Kutztown, entered Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster in 1862, graduating in 1865. He was admitted to the bar at Lancaster two months after graduating; in other words, he crowded a college and legal course into three years, and began to practice law at Reading, Pa., during the latter part of 1865, and soon acquired a lucrative business. He became prominent in the Democratic Party, by whom he was elected District Attorney for Berks County in 1871; he became County Solicitor after his term had expired; was a candidate for Congress in 1878 against Hon. Hiester Clymer and came within a few hundred votes of defeating him at the primaries. In 1879 he became interested in the Mellert Foundry and Machine Company, also in the Reading Foundry Company in 1885, and made a great deal of money in connection with these concerns. In 1893 the concerns became heavy losers, involving Mr. Wanner to a very large extent financially, so that he was compelled to go back again to the bar in 1902, in which he has since made the best possible efforts to obtain again a portion of his former practice. He has also been largely interested in the construction and maintenance of waterworks of late years, having been the President off and on of quite a number of them. He was also a candidate again for District Attorney during the spring of this year (1904). but was defeated after a vigorous and interesting campaign. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 768)
Clergyman; born in Bernville, Berks County, Pa., March 30, 1863; educated in the public schools and Muhlenberg College. Member of Board of Trustees of the Topton Lutheran Orphans' Home since 1896. Married Alma M. Rentshler, April 21. 1883. Ordained to the ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, May 29, 1888; English missionary in Newark, N.J., 1889; pastor in Mount Joy, Pa., 1890-1893; pastor in Boyerstown, Pa., 1893, Address, Boyerstown, Berks County, Pa. (p. 778)
Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Montgomery County; born in Longswamp Township, Berks County, Pa., April 12, 1866; educated in the public and private schools of that county; taught public school three terms; studied medicine at the University of Vermont, also at the University of New York City, and was graduated from the latter institution in the spring of 1888. Immediately thereafter he removed to Frederick, Montgomery County, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He was elected to the House of Representatives in November, 1902. Address, Frederick, Pa. (p. 779)
Sanitarium proprietor; born in Lower Heidelburg Township, Berks County, Pa., May 15, 1842 on an estate which had been in the family since 1739; attended the common schools of the vicinity, several academies, Millersville Normal School and the Duff Mercantile College, Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1861; had previously taught school for four winters, and after graduating entered the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating as M.D. in 1864. Mr. Wenrich practiced medicine at Wernersville, Pa., till 1873, after which he engaged with Dr. J.W. Deppin in coal, lumber, limestone and other lines of business, and in 1879 purchased, in association with Dr. Deppen [sic], the tract of land since known as Grand View Sanitarium, of which he has been superintendent for twenty-five years; it is situated on the slope of the South Mountains, in Lower Heidelberg Township, and is notable for the healthfulness of its air and climatic conditions. For several years Dr. Wenrich has been sole proprietor of the sanitarium, which has greatly prospered under his care; his son, George C., is associated with him in its management. Address, Grand View Sanitarium, Berks County, Pa. (pp. 782-783)
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