Clergyman, teacher, author; born at Uniontown, Md., Jan. 1, 1825; son of Jacob and Rebecca Valentine; was graduated from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, 1850; D.D., 1866; LL.D., Wittenberg College, Ohio, 1886. Married, December 18, 1855, Margaret G. Galt. Ordained Lutheran minister, October, 1852; preached at Winchester, Va., 1852-1853; Greensburg, Pa., 1853-1854; principal of Emaus Institute, Middletown, Pa., 1854-1859; pastor St. Matthew's Church, Reading, Pa., 1859-1866; Professor Ecclesiastical History, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1866-1868; President Pennsylvania College, 1868-1884. Joint editor Lutheran Quarterly, 1871-1876, 1880-1885, and since 1898. From 1884 to 1903 Professor of Systematic Theology and Chairman of the Faculty of the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg; since 1902 Emeritus Professor. Author of "Natural Theology, or Rational Theism," 1885; "Theoretical Ethics," 1897; "Christian Truth and Life," 1898; also numerous pamphlets and contributions to reviews and other journals. Address, Gettysburg, Pa. (pp. 754-755)
VAN REED, WellingtonMerchant; born in Spring Township, Berks County, Pa., near the village of Sinking Spring; educated in the public schools, and graduated from the Reading Scientific Academy; entered the Reading Adler newspaper office, where he was bookkeeper and clerk for seven years; he then went into the merchant tailoring business, in which he is still engaged. He was one of the organizers of the Reading and Southwestern Street Railway Company in 1890, and a Director for a number of years; one of the incorporators of the Schuylkill Valley Bank, in which he is a Director; Secretary of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Sinking Spring for many years; Director of the Berks County Agricultural and Horticultural Society and Chairman of the Committee on Grounds; has represented the society at the Pennsylvania State College annual meeting and commencement exercises for the past fifteen years; Director and Vice President of the Auburn Shale Brick Company; Director in a number of building associations; member of the Reading School Board nearly thirty years and Chairman for twenty-five years of the Committee on Building and Repairs, which will have in charge in 1904 the erection of the new Boys' High School, to cost $350,000. Married Catharine Kessler daughter of Charles Kessler, who was one of the proprietors of the Reading Adler when Mr. Van Reed was connected with the newspaper as clerk. Democrat in politics and Ward Chairman for a long period. Address, Reading, Pa. (pp. 756-757)
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:34 PST