Manager for Pennsylvania of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York; born in Reading, Pa., May 9, 1842; was graduated from the Central High School, Philadelphia, 1859; enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as private in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry; discharged Nov. 24, 1862, to accept commission as Lieutenant and Adjutant of the Twenty-seventh New Jersey Volunteers; mustered out at expiration of term of regiment, July 2, 1863. Appointed First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the Twenty-third New Jersey Volunteers; commissioned Captain Jan. 13, 1864; brevetted Major March 13, 1865; mustered out July 17, 1865; received medal of honor. He entered the Philadelphia General Agency of the Mutual Life, 1866; partner in management 1872; General Agent 1887; manager 1901. President Department of Charities and Correction, Philadelphia, 1892-1899; member of Board of Directors of City Trusts since June, 1899; Director of the Union League 1901-1904; Secretary 1903-1904; member of Council of Historical Society of Pennsylvania; member of Board of Trustees of the Free Library of Philadelphia; member of Grand Army of the Republic, also of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of United States; Director of Philadelphia Trust, Safe Deposit and Insurance Company; collector of Lincoln and Thackeray Literature. Address, Germantown, Pa. (p. 409)
Brewer; born in Reading, Pa., Nov. 2, 1852; son of Frederick Lauer [sic], who was a pioneer brewer of this country, and the first President of the United States Brewers' Association. Mr. Lauer [sic] was educated in the public schools of his native city and in institutions in Germany. He learned the brewing business under the instruction of his father, and upon the latter's death in 1883 succeeded him as manager of the business he had established. Upon the organization of the Lauer Brewing Company, he became President and General Manager, and still officiates in that capacity, being virtually the sole owner of the business. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 411)
Clergyman; born Feb. 15, 1851, near Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa; educated Kutztown Normal School and Womelsdorf Academy. East Pennsylvania Conference Theological Course. Minister of the Gospel for thirty years. Prior to this, school teacher in Berks and Carbon Counties, Pa. Married Emma Horn, of Weissport, Carbon County, Dec. 24, 1872. Licensed to preach, 1875; advanced to Deacon's orders, 1876; Elder's orders, 1878; served Hellertown, Uniontown, Mahanoy City, Tamaqua, Germantown, Norristown, Allentown. Bethlehem, St. John, Reading, Ebenezer and Christ Church at present. Been serving as one of the conference Secretaries since 1890 continuously and editor and publisher of the Conference Journal Annual from 1896 to 1902. Also on the board of examiners in conference a number of years. Address, 1039 Robeson St., Reading, Pa. (p. 423)
Physician; born in Berks County, Pa., the descendant of a French-Huguenot family which emigrated to America in 1682, settling in New York and removing to Pennsylvania in 1712. There the descendants of the family have since resided, as farmers, manufacturers, or members of the professions. After attending public school he studied in a military academy at Reading from 1851 to 1855, and afterward taught school for several years. Selecting the profession of medicine, he studied for a time under a Kutztown doctor, and then in the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1861. Opening an office in Leesport, Pa., he practiced medicine there for ten years, and afterward removed to Titusville during the petroleum excitement at that place. In 1875 he entered upon the practice of medicine in Philadelphia, where in 1878 he aided in organizing the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company, whose Medical Director he has since been. In 1885 he published a treatise on "Medical Examinations for Life Insurance," which has had a large sale. He is a member of several medical societies, and his one surviving son, George F., has taken up his father's profession. Address, 733 North Forty-first St., Philadelphia, Pa. (pp. 424-425)
Major United States Army; born in Reading, Pa., 1857; entered United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., June, 1875; was graduated June, 1879; Second Lieutenant, Fifth Infantry; served at Fort Keogh, Mont., from 1879 to 1886 with Fifth Infantry; promoted First Lieutenant, Fifth Infantry, June, 1884; served in North Dakota, 1886-1888; Texas, 1888-1892; Florida and Georgia, 1892-1897; Adjutant, Fifth Infantry, 1892-1896; Captain, Fifth Infantry, June 1, 1897; Major and Assistant Adjutant General, United States Vols., June, 1898; Adjutant General, Third Division, Fourth Army Corps, June, 1898, to December, 1898; Adjutant General, Third Division, Second Army Corps, December, 1898, to February. 1899; Adjutant General, Second Division, Second Army Corps, February, 1899, to April, 1899; served in Cuba, April, 1899, to July, 1899, with Fifth Infantry. Appointed Major of Volunteers, and assigned to Thirty-first Volunteer Infantry, July, 1899; served with the Thirty-first Volunteers in Philippine Islands, October, 1899, to June, 1901, commanding sub-district of Davao, Mindanao; Adjutant General, First Separate Brigade, Luzon, P.I., December, 1901, to July, 1902. Promoted Major Twenty-first U.S. Infantry, May 5, 1902; detailed as Adjutant General and assigned to Department of the Lakes, Chicago, since September, 1903. Address, Adjutant General's Department, Chicago, Ills. (p. 429)
Attorney at law; born Nov. 23, 1872, at Reading, Berks County, Pa.; attended private schools in Reading till October, 1888; 1888-1897 at St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H.; 1891-1895 at Harvard, where he was graduated in 1895; 1896-1897 attended Dickinson School of Law at Carlisle, Pa.; 1897-1899 was in the Middle West, ranching at Iron Mountain, Wyo., and clerking in a real estate office in Omaha; 1899 admitted to the bar of Berks County, Pa.; 1900 admitted to the Nebraska Supreme Court; 1901-1904 practiced law at Reading, Pa. Democrat in politics. Address, 536 Court St., Reading, Pa. (p. 435)
Lawyer; born in Womelsdorf, Berks County, Pa.; son of Dr. John B. Livingood, a prominent physician; educated at the Union Academy, Womelsdorf, and Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. After attending the Yale Law School and having been enrolled as a law student in Berks County, he was admitted to the Reading bar on Jan. 7, 1845, since which time he has been in active practice, making him one of the oldest lawyers in Pennsylvania. At one time he was in partnership with Robert M. Barr, who afterward became State Reporter. The Livingood family is descended from one of the first emigrants who located in the Tulpehocken Settlement. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 435)
Lawyer; born in Womelsdorf, Berks County, Pa., April 5, 1837, a son of Dr. John Livingood; educated at the Union Academy, Womelsdorf, and at the Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., graduating from the former in 1851, and from the latter in 1855; taught school several terms, and then entered the Law School of Harvard University. Was admitted to the bar in Lowell, Mass., upon motion of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. Subsequently was admitted to practice in Berks County on Jan. 19, 1860, and has resided in Reading since, except six years (1873-1879), when he practiced law in Philadelphia. In 1862 Mr. Livingood served in the Civil War as a private in the Independent Cavalry, commanded by Major Samuel L. Young. In 1874 he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C., on motion of Jeremiah S. Black. Address, Reading, Pa. (pp. 435-436)
Born July 13, 1850, in Longswamp Township, Berks County, Pa.; educated at the Longswamp Centre School, White Hall Academy, Keystone State Normal School, and the University of Pennsylvania, graduating from the Medical Department of that institution in 1875. After practicing medicine in Longswamp, Mertztown and Fleetwood, he removed to the city of Reading, where he is engaged in the practice of his profession. He has also devoted considerable attention to fruit culture, and is interested in various business enterprises. He is prominently connected with the Masonic and other fraternities; is a member of Huguenot Lodge, No. 337, F. and A.M.; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, R.A.M.; Reading Commandery, No. 42, K.T.; thirty-second degree A.A.S.R., Philadelphia Consistory; A.A.O.N. of the Mystic Shrine, and Progressive Lodge No. 470, I.O.O.F. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 438)
Physician; born in Centre Township, Berks County, Pa., November 15, 1846; educated in the common schools, at the State Normal Schools at Millersville and Kutztown, and the Reading Classical Academy; studied medicine and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1868; practiced his profession in Mechanicsburg, Pa., seven years, and at Centreport, near the place of his birth, the same length of time; located in the city of Reading in 1882, where he has since continued in active practice; has attained eminence in surgery and has frequently performed difficult operations in the Reading Hospital. He was Postmaster of Centreport, Pa., a number of years, and also served as a member of the Republican County Committee while a resident of Centreport, and also on the Republican State Committee. Address. Reading, Pa. (p. 440)
President of the Hamburg Savings Bank. Address, Hamburg, Berks County, Pa. (p. 440)
Manufacturer; born in Reading, Pa., March 5, 1859; educated in the public schools; apprenticed to a confectioner at the age of fifteen years; learned the business of candy making thoroughly; commenced business for himself in 1879, in a shop, 5x6 feet; at end of a year had made and disposed of 30,000 pounds of candy. In 1880, increased his shop to 15x20 feet, and employed an assistant; the following year erected an additional story to his shop, and employed two more hands. Thus the business grew until to-day Mr. Luden has one of the largest candy factories in the country, and employs several hundred hands. Married May 15. 1889, Miss Annie Ritter, daughter of William S. Ritter, a well known publisher. Republican in politics. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 445)
Physician; born in Reading, Berks County, on May 21, 1875; attended the public schools of Reading, graduating from Reading High School in 1894; entered medical school of the University of Pennsylvania in 1895; graduating in 1899; resident physician of Reading Hospital 1899 to 1900, and of University of Pennsylvania; hospital 1900 to 1901; chief resident physician of University Hospital 1901 to 1902. At present instructor in Gynaecology in University of Pennsylvania and surgeon in out-patient department of same institution; married to Aleeta Ashley, of Savannah, Ga., July, 1903. Address, 412 South Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. (p. 446)
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