KEISER, James W., M.D.

Born in Reading, Pa., Sept. 24, 1860; educated in the public schools; commenced the study of medicine at the age of sixteen; was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1882, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession in the city of Reading. He is Secretary of the Pathological Society of Berks County, and has acquired a reputation as a writer on medical and sanitary topics. Married Dr. Clara Shetter, who practices medicine with her husband as Dr. Clara Shetter Keiser. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 383)

KEMP, Ellwood Leitheiser

Clergyman, educator; born in Hamburg, Berks County, Pa., Jan. 31, 1857; was graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in 1881, and studied divinity. Ordained a clergyman of the Reformed Church in the United States; Professor of Ancient Languages, 1881-1886; Psychology and Pedagogy, 1886-1888; Keystone State Normal School, Pa.; President Wichita University, Kansas, 1888-1891; President Palatinate College, Pa., 1891-1893; Vice President 1893-1902; principal since July, 1902, East Stroudsburg State Normal School. Principal faculty Pocono Pines Chautauqua Assembly, Pa. Author of "Idyl of the War," and other poems, 1882, "History of Education," 1902. Address, East Stroudsburg, Pa. (p. 387)

KERN, Willim M., M.D.

Born June 20, 1821, in Hamburg, Berks County, Pa.; educated in the Pottsville Academy, Dickinson College, and University of Pennsylvania; was graduated as M.D., class of 1847. He entered the army after McClellan retired from before Richmond as Assistant Surgeon, but his health becoming impaired, he returned to Pittsburg and resumed practice; April 1, 1880, removed to Philadelphia and retired from the practice of medicine. He is a member of the Alumni Society of the University of Pennsylvania. Address, 63 West Sharpnack, Germantown, Pa. (p. 390)


Hat manufacturer; born at Rheims, Bavaria, Germany, Sept. 27, 1832; educated in the schools of his native city; came to America in July, 1854, landing at New York; located at once in Reading, Pa., and obtained employment in a hat factory, learning the business of making wool and felt hats; engaged in business in 1869 in Reading; located at Mohnsville in 1874, where he entered a factory and is still in business. Having admitted his son and son-in-law into partnership, the firm is now Jacob C. Kessler & Co. He married Christian Schell, of Reading, March 26, 1857. Address, Mohnsville, Pa. (p. 390)


President of the Schuylkill Valley Bank of Reading. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 397)

KLINE, David C., M.D.

Born in Northumberland County, Pa., near Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1855; educated in the public schools and at the Bloomsburg State Normal School and Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa. He read medicine with Dr. F.B. Richstine; was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1883; commenced practicing in Columbia, Lancaster County, in the same year, but soon removed to the city of Reading, where he is still in active practice. Associate member of the Reading Press Club; President of the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania for the year 1904. Republican in politics. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 398)

KLINE, Mahlon N.

President and General Manager of the Smith, Kline & French Company, Arch street, below fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa., which is one of the largest wholesale drug concerns in the United States; born Feb. 6, 1846, near Hamburg, Berks County, Pa; he was educated in the public schools near Hamburg, and for two years attended a private school in Reading, Pa. When he was fourteen years old he went to Philadelphia, and attended public school for six months, returning then to his home in Berks County, where he taught school for one year at a place three miles from Reading. For a year and a half he worked in a country store at Hamburg, and then returned to Philadelphia to take a position as bookkeeper with the wholesale drug firm of Smith & Shoemaker, at 243 North Third street; this was Feb. 15, 1865; he was admitted as a member of the firm in 1868; Mr. Shoemaker retired in 1869 and the name of the firm was changed to Smith, Kline & Co.; they continued in business until 1887, when they removed to 429 and 431 Arch street, where they have been located ever since, occupying now No. 433 and 435 Arch street; in 1888 the firm was incorporated under the name of the Smith & Kline Company. On Jan. 1, 1891, the business of the wholesale drug house of French, Richards & Co. was closed out, and Mr. Henry B. French entered the Smith & Kline Company, and was elected its Vice President, the name being changed to the Smith, Kline & French Company. In volume the business is the third in its line in the United States. Mr. Kline was President of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association in 1885, and was Chairman of its most prominent and active committee from 1887 to 1897; he was President and has been for many years a Director of the Philadelphia Drug Exchange; he has been since its organization a member of the Board of Directors of the Trades League; in January, 1904, he was elected First Vice President of that organization; he is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Bourse. He is a member of the Union League, and the Manheim Cricket Club; he is Accounting Warden and Superintendent of the Sunday School, and Director of the Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew of the Church of the Saviour; he is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Franklin Reformatory Home. Address, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. (pp. 398-99)


President of the Colonial Trust Company of Reading; born in Greeneville, Conn., July 13, 1804; educated in common schools, Connecticut and Pennsylvania and State Model School, Trenton, N.J., Palatinate College, Myerstown, Pa. Married Miss Ella Hall, June 21, 1877. Democrat. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 403)


Clergyman and principal of Perkiomen Seminary; was born in Hereford, Berks County, Sept. 10, 1863. Educated in public schools and taught school for three years. A student of Oberlin Academy, Oberlin, Ohio; graduate of Oberlin College 1889, and Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1892. A student at the University of Berlin, Germany, during the years 1891-1892, and traveled in England, Scotland, and Germany during that time; was also a student at the University of Pennsylvania for several years. Since 1892 pastor of the Schwenkfelder Church near Pennsburg, Pa. Address, Perkiomen Seminary, Pennsburg, Pa. (p. 405)

KURTZ, B. Frank

City official; born in Willow Glen, Feb. 4, 1851; was educated at the public school and Grammar School of the District; has held all the local offices of the Township--School Director for twenty years, and a member of the present board, Secretary, for ten years; President and Secretary of different organizations. Married Laura E. Good, May 1, 1879; has acted as administrator, executor, an assignee of estates; conducted, and now owns, the Willowglen Roller Mills, twenty-five years; has crossed the Continent and lectured on the trip. Address, Joanna, Berks County, Pa. (p. 406)

KURTZ, J. Ellis, M.D.

Physician; born in Juniata County, Pa., in 1858; son of Dr. Samuel L. Kurtz; acquired his preliminary education in the public schools of Reading, Pa., graduating from the High School in the class of 1872; entered Trinity College, Connecticut, and completed the full academical course, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1877, and of A.M. in 1880; studied medicine with his father, and was graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in the class of 1880. Has practiced his profession in the city of Reading since his graduation. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 407)

KURTZ, Samuel L., M.D.

Physician; born, Sept. 27, 1832, in Chester County, Pa.; educated in the public schools and at Freeland Seminary, Montgomery County; read medicine with Dr. Geiger, of Harleysville, Pa.; graduated in 1854 from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; commenced the practice of medicine in Phoenixville, Pa., and then removed to Juniata County, where he enlisted at the outbreak of the Civil War, in 1861. Mr. Kurtz was assigned to duty as Assistant Surgeon at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, and was chosen in March, 1862, Assistant Surgeon of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Reserves. In June of that year he was promoted to Surgeon and transferred to the Eighty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and participated in the several engagements before Petersburg and Richmond, Va. Has been a practicing physician in Reading since 1865. Address, Reading; Pa. (p. 407)

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