Born in 1836 in Berks County, Pa.; educated in the public schools, at the Womelsdorf Academy and Philomathean Academy, the latter near Birdsboro, Pa.; studied medicine with Drs. Newcomet, of Stouchsburg; Schweinhard, of Palmyra, and Richardson, of Philadelphia; graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in the class of 1868; commenced the practice of his profession in Reading, Pa., soon thereafter, where he still resides. Although engaged in general practice, has made a study of the eye for a number of years. Is also engaged in manufacturing enterprises and in real estate operations. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 12)
County Controller; born in the city of Reading, Pa.; son of Hon S. E. Ancona; interested with his father in insurance and real estate, and also in manufacturing enterprises; active in the Democratic politics of Berks County; served as a member of the Democratic County Committee for a number of years, and was then elected chairman, holding the office for seven terms; elected County Controller, which office he now holds; resided in Hamburg, Pa., for a number of years, where he was in the hat manufacturing business; had previously been a resident of Washington, D. C., where he married Miss Sallie Flinn (deceased); his present wife is Miss Catherine Stambach, to whom he was married in 1890. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 13)
Former member of Congress; born in Lititz, Lancaster County, Pa., November 20, 1824; removed with his parents to Berks County at an early age, and was educated in the common schools of the county; held a clerical position with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company in the office of the General Superintendent, which was then in the city of Reading; elected to Congress at the November election, 1860, as a Democrat, and was twice re-elected, thus serving three terms, covering the exciting times of the Civil War, from 1861 to 1867; was one of the representatives of Congress appointed in 1866 to attend the funeral of Gen. Winfield Scott; assisted to organize the Reading Fire Insurance and Trust Company, serving as Secretary and Treasurer for over thirty years, until the fire insurance business was sold to another company; has since devoted much time and attention to traveling in the United States and foreign countries; interested in home institutions, and especially the fire department; President of the Hampden Fire Company from its organization; member of the Firemen's Union for many years; served also in the Reading School Board for a number of terms. Married Francisca E. Feger, May 20, 1848. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 13)
Capitalist; born in Reading, Pa., in 1836, and educated in the schools of his native place; succeeded his father in the manufacture of wool hats, in which he was engaged for over twenty years, and massed a fortune; has since devoted his attention to his investments and operations in real estate; was President of the Reading Fire Insurance Company for a number of years, and a Director the Farmers' National Bank. When the Reading Savings Bank suspended in 1877, with liabilities of nearly $1,000,000, he was appointed assignee and successfully wound up the affairs of the institution. He was married to Ellen L. Rick. Address, Reading, Pa. (p. 17)
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:32 PST