Captain: Michael Wolf
First Lieutenant: Conrad Weiser
Second Lieugenant: Isaac Depuy
Ensign: Henry Battorf
Drummer: Daniel Fisher
Fifer: Philip Werner
Michael Selser
Wendle Seibert
Rudolph Manbeck
Weirick Selser
Jacob Yeglick
John Klein
George Nagle
Peter Spang
George Graff
Philiip Smith
Nicholas Dornmayer
Nicholas Saleday
Peter Fegh
James Smith
John Guld
Moses Hofys
Henry Rab
Adam Mathias
Henry Kobel
William Daley
Ludwig Swartz
John Briker
Philip Ginder
Christopher Henly
Henry Rost
Philip Graff
George Deiter
Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, p. 251.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:10 PST
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