Captain Jacob Baldy's Company

Pay Roll of Captain Jacob Baldy's Company of the Sixth Battalion Berks County Militia, commanded by Colonel Joseph Hiester, in the service of the United States, from 10th August to September 9th, 1780.

Captain: Jacob Baldy

Lieutenant: Jacob Sigfrid

Ensign: Christian Medeira


Jacob Beisel
Adam Deitrich
Daniel Stout
Labrecht Wagner

Quartermaster Sergeant: Nicholas Brosius


John Humel
Frederick Goldshall
Adam Smith

Drummer: Nicholas Mayer

Fifer: Philip Altendoerffer


Jacob Arnold
Michael Arnold
Daniel Bautzler
Deidrich Beaver
George Beck
Nicholas Berge
Matthias Bruder
Jacob Bush
Michael Christman
Plany Coschry
Peter Dilboue
Henry Franfelder
George Fisher
George Foltz
Adam Gansel
Ellick Gross
Burkhard Heines
George Heist
Michael Hoffman
John Kamb
John Kamp
Frederick Kercher
George Kercher
Conrad Kisling
Samuel Klein
Christian Kles
Anthony Kletzgy
John Klockner
George Kristman
Michael Lamb
Abram Lantzer
Frederick Leiby
Samuel Leiby
John Leslie
Joseph Lorentz
Henry Lotz
Jacob May
Felix McCarty
Frederick Mengel
Bernhard Mercle
Jacob Michael
John Raush
Mathias Reamer
Michael Reber
Peter Reisdorff
John Ressler
Michael Road
Mathias Sahm
Ludwig Shartly
Philip Sheffer
Mathias Sleman
Joseph Snable
Leonard Snyder
Jacob Sterner
Christian Sweyer
John Wageman
Martin Wagner

Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, pp. 299-300.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:10 PST

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