Captain: George Will
First Lieutenant: Michael Bush
Second Lieutenant: -- Strohecker
Ensign: -- Yeager
John Fasig
John Boyer
Casper Koch
Joseph Kendall, on furlough
Henry Setley
William Heaster
Nicholas Falix
David Fox
Frederick Hofner
John Printz
Conrad Shrefler
John Shoemaker
Martin Kisley
Michael Fichthorn
John Harp
John Barnhard
Christopher Walker
Nicholas Dick
Michael Madary
Casper Madary
Nicholas Scharrer
Christian Bansey
Jacob Silfires
John Raifsnider
Andrew Fichthorn
Benj. Lienboch, on furlough
Godfrey Baker, on furlough
Valentine Fultz, on furlough
John Fulwiler, on furlough
Frederick Ropp
Balser Henritz
Nicholas Schlichter
Anthony Pap
Nicholas Seidel
Henry Bickley
John Burckhard
Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, p. 255.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:10 PST
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