Pay Roll of a Detachment of the Sixth Battalion, Berks County Militia, Guarding Prisoners in Reading Goal, that had attempted to break out, and afterwards guarding them from Reading to Lancaster.
Captain: Conrad Geist
Ensign: Jacob Stehly
George Gertner
William Shener
Mathias Bapp
Peter Custard
Christian Deringer
Christopher Diem
George Donnelly
Paul Egy
George Eisenbeis
Isaac Ermel
Peter Feather
Conrad Fesig
Peter Fesig
Christopher Fisher
John Fister
George Fry
Jesse Grinding
John Heiner
George Houser
George Jeager
Philip Klinger
William Knorr
Mathias Leib
Abraham Levan
Daniel McCoy
Dewalt Miller
John Miller
Frederick Nagel
Philip Nagel
Jacob Petry
Zacharia Rexroad
Christian Settely
Henry Settely
Christian Shreffler
James Simpson
John Snyder
Henry Wolff
Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, p. 303.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:08 PST
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