Lieutenant Colonel: Henry Haller
Major: Gabriel Hiester
Lieutenant Colonel: Mark Bird
Major: John Jones
Lieutenant Colonel: Nicholas Lutz
Major: John Old
Lieutenant Colonel: Balzer Gheer
Major: Michael Lindemuth
Lieutenant Colonel: John Patton
Major: John Thornburgh
Lieutenant Colonel: Daniel Hunter
Major: Conrad Leffler
Lieutenant Colonel: Sebastian Levan
Major: Samuel Ebey
Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, p. 252-254.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:08 PST
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