Application for Marriage License

No. 213.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Berks, ss.:

We, the undersigned, in accordance with the statements hereinafter contained, the facts set forth wherein we and each of us do solemnly swear are ture and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, do hereby make application to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Berks County, Pennsylvania, for a license to marry.

Harvey Jonas Miller
Lottie E. Guinther

Statement of Male

Full name Harvey Jonas Miller
Relationship of parties None
Color White
Occupation Silk Weaver
Birthplace Breiningsville, Lehigh Co., Pa.
Residence Macungie, Lehigh Co., Pa.
Age 26
Previous marriage(s) None
Date of death of former wife  
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease No
Name and surname of father Harvey Miller
Name and surname of mother Louisa Miller
Maiden name of mother Louisa Zuber
Residence of father Macungie, Pa.
Residence of mother Macungie, Pa.
Color of father White
Color of mother White
Occupation of father Watchman
Occupation of mother Housekeeper
Birthplace of father Oley, Berks Co., Pa
Birthplace of mother Rockland Twp., Berks Co.
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under guardianship as a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug? No
Has applicant, within 5 years, been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons? No
Is applicant physically able to support a family? Yes
Signature of applicant Harvey Jonas Miller

Statement of Female

Full name Lottie E. Guinther
Relationship of parties None
Color White
Occupation Housework
Birthplace Oley, Berks Co., Pa.
Residence Washington Twp., Berks Co., Pa.
Age 22 years
Previous marriage(s) None
Date of death of former husband or husbands  
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease No
Name and surname of father Milton Guinther
Name and surname of mother Barbara Guinther
Maiden name of mother Barbara Youse
Residence of father Clayon, Berks Co., Pa.
Residence of mother Clayon, Berks Co., Pa.
Color of father White
Color of mother White
Occupation of father Farmer
Occupation of mother Housekeeper
Birthplace of father Rockland Twp., Berks Co., Pa.
Birthplace of mother Rockland Twp., Berks Co., Pa.
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under guardianship as a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug? No
Signature of applicant Lottie E. Guinther

Sworn and subscribed before me this 6th day of October A.D. 1923

Wesley K. Schultz
Official title: Justice of the Peace
My commission expires: January 7th 1924

Whereupon a Marriage License was issued in due form of law this 10th day of October, A.D. 1923

Orson N. Ritzman
Clerk of the Orphans' Court

Return of Duplicate Certificate

I, David C. Kaufman, hereby certify that on the 13 day of Oct. 1923 at Emaus Pennsylvania, Harvey Jonas Miller and Lottie E. Guinther were by me united in marriage, in accordance with License issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Berks County, numbered 213.

Filed Oct. 24, 1923
David C. Kaufman
Minister of the Gospel

Submitted by: Audrie.

Last Modified Sunday, 31-Jan-2021 08:01:46 PST

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