On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Abraham Kerper to Miss Elizabeth Boyer, both of this borough.
In Bethlehem, on the 16th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Seidel, Mr. Henry Held, one of the editors of the Freyheit's Presse of Orwigsburg, Schuylkill county, to Miss Maria Elizabetha Till, of Bethlehem.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Joseph Snyder to Miss Mary Tyson, both of this borough.
On Thursday, the 30th ult., by Evan Evans, Esq., Mr. Samuel Rea, of Chester county, to Miss Lydia Morris of Berks County.
In Orwigsburg, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Mr. Beyer, Mr. Charles Frailey, to Miss Mary Conner, both of Orwigsburg.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. George M. Wicks to Miss Catharine Hughes, both of this borough.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Samuel Meyers, one of the editors of this paper, to Miss Mary Christine, both of this borough.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Samuel Graul to Miss Sarah Malzberger, both of this borough.
On Tuesday evening, by the same, Mr. George Brumfield, of Amity township, to Mrs. Hannah Potter, both of this borough.
On Sunday evening, the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Himes, Mr. George Reiter, of this borough, to Miss Susanna Aurand, of Union County, PA.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. William Till to Miss Ann Gallager? or Pfleiger?, both of this borough.
In this borough, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. Greer, the Rev. Timothy Alden, of Meadville, President of Allegheny College, to Miss Sohia Louisa Luker Mulcock, daughter of the late George Mulcock, Merchant of Philadelphia.
In Alsace township, on the 25th ult., Mr. John Gage to Miss Sarah Smeck.
On Wednesday morning, the 14th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Greer, Mr. J. Anderson to Miss Mary Morris, all of this borough.
At Orwigsburg, on the 7th inst., by Peter Frailey, Esq., George Taylor, Esq., Counsellor at Law of that place, to Miss M'Ilhenny, daughter of the late James M'Ilhenny, of Philadelphia.
On the 20th inst., by Mordecai Lewis, Esq., Mr. William Wells, to Miss Christiana Beard both of Robeson township.
On Tuesday the 24th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Isaac Addams of Cumru, to Miss Rebecca Haak, of Alsace township.
On the 8th of September, by the Rev. Mr. Engle, Mr. Daniel Bortman to Miss Elizabeth Grim, both of Bern township.
On the 26th ult., by David Finger, Esq., Mr. Christopher Morris to Miss Mary Ann Flemming, both of Robeson township, Berks County.
On the 6th inst., in this borough, by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Henry Yundt to Miss Maria Kinser, both of Hinkletown, Lancaster County.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. John W. Tyson to Miss Maria Foesig, both of Reading.
On Tuesday evening last, by the same, Dr. E. Chichester, of Trexlertown, to Miss Sophia Birkinbine of this place.
In Harrisburg, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Lochman, Mr. Simon Cameron, junior editor of the Intelligencer, to Miss Margaret Brum, of that borough.
In this borough, on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. John Nagle to Miss Mary Kunsman.
On the 20th inst., by Mordecai Lewis, Esq., Mr. Samuel Troop to Miss Margaret Eames, both of Caernarvon township, Berks County.
On Sunday last, by Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Samuel Backer to Miss Maria Shade, both of Alsace township.
Last week, by Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. George Barlet, to Miss Susanna Fox, both of Ruscombmanor township.
On the 19th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Boyer, Mr. John Trout to Miss Anna Maria Niesse? Both of Tulpehocken township.
In Philadelphia, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Abercrombie, Mr. John Norwell, editor of the Franklin Gazette, to Miss Isabella Freeman. All of that city.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Oslow Taylor to Miss Mary Babb, both of this place.
On Sunday, the 22d ult. By the Rev. Muhlenberg, Mr. John Hepler to Miss Elizabeth Coller, both of this borough.
On Sunday evening, the 19th inst., Mr. Levi Lefever to Miss Susanna Schand? Both of Pricetown.
On the same day in this borough by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Peter Klinger to Miss Mary Wolf, both of this borough.
On the 4th inst., by Mordecai Lewis, Esq., Jesse Lacy of Chester County to Miss Sarah Bitler of Caernarvon township, Berks county.
In this borough, on Wednesday evening, the 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Edward Anderson to Miss Elizabeth E. Biddle, daughter of Marks John Biddle, Esq., all of this borough.
In Philadelphia, by the Rev. Mr. Boardhead, Mr. Matthews Walker, Jr., of this borough to Miss Rebecca Ann Stricker, of the county of Philadelphia.
In Richmond, VA., by Parson Hart, Mr. John Stagg to Miss Elizabeth K. Fox.
In Baltimore, Mr. F.G. Ringgold to Miss Ann Bradshaw, Mr. E.J. Pratt to Miss Catharine Ringgold, Mr. William Ringgold to Miss Rebecca Ringgold, Mr. William Ringgold, of Easton to Miss Mary R. Ringgold.
In Harrisburg, on Wednesday last, Samuel J. Packer, Esq., to Miss Rachel Black, all of Sunbury.
On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. John Goodhard to Miss Catharine Shearer, all of this borough.
At Lebanon, on Monday morning, the 3d inst., by Rev. Ernst, George ? Kline, esq., attorney at law, to Miss Catharine, daughter of Peter Leinaweaver, all of Lebanon.
On the 20th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Miller, Mr. John Armpriester, of York, PA to Miss Margaret Dearoulf of Earl township, Berks County.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. Philip Zieber to Miss Catharine Bruckman, both of this borough.
On Sunday evening by the same, Mr. John Bussert to Miss Rebecca Kepple, both of this borough.
On Monday the 31st ult., by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Daniel Feger, of Alsace, to Miss Mary Hauson? Of Exeter.
On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Miller, Mr. Jacob Spang to Miss Deborah Kline of Amity.
On the 22d February last, by the same, Gen. William High of Alsace to Mrs. Catharine Griesemer, of Oley.
On Sunday last by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Peter Stichter to Miss Justine Rhoads, both of this borough.
On the same day, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. John Lewis to Miss Hannah Umstead of Robeson.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. Isaac Hoyer to Miss Elizabeth Robeson, of Robeson.
On Thursday last, by the same, Mr. John Goodman to Miss Catharine Arnell of this borough.
On Wednesday, by the same, Mr. William Madara to Miss Elizabeth Briner of this borough.
On the 6th inst., by the same, Mr. Samuel Brindell to Miss Elizabeth Hornberger, of Lancaster county.
On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr. Samuel Bear to Miss Eleanor Hoffman of Robeson.
On the 9th ult., by the same, Mr. Henry Luckey to Miss Margaret Conner of this borough.
In Lancaster, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Holland, Mr. George Algeier, of this borough, to Miss Lydia Gift, of Maidencreek, Berks County.
On the 13th inst., by Mordecai Lewis, Esq., Mr. Thomas Sull to Miss Eliza Tetz, all of Robeson township.
On Tuesday evening the 10th inst., of New Castle, Del., by the Rev. B. Clay, Mr. Thomas Challenger to Miss Sarah Price, all of that place.
At Petersburg, VA, on Monday evening, the 9th ult., by Rev. Mr. Cannon, Mr. William Gustavus ??? to Miss Emily Maria Pistol of Petersburg.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Peter Stumpf to Miss Susanna Young, both of this borough.
At the house of Dr. E.B. Patterson, Long Hollow, by the Rev. Mr. Woods, Mr. Alexander L. Hayes, Esq., Attorney at Law of Reading to Mrs. Isabella Maclay of Lewistown.
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pauli, Mr. William Fix to Miss Catharine Miller, both of this borough.
Last Modified Sunday, 31-Jan-2021 08:01:44 PST