List of Subscribers to Raise Money to Defray the Expense of Dividing Berks Deputy Prothonotary Eldridge Zimmerman, of Topton, is looking over old papers belonging to his father, discovered a document showing some of the collections made when the people of Kutztown wanted to form a new county and make that borough the county seat. The new county was to be known as Penn. The first effort was made in 1824, and was followed by other attempts in 1838, 1841 and 1849-50. From nine to thirteen townships were embraced in the proposed county, but they all failed. In 1829 the vote in the legislature was a tie - 39 to 39. The document found among Mr. Zimmerman's papers is yellow with age, and some of the edges have been torn off. It contains no date and it is therefore not known for which effort the money was collected. The names are those of former well known residents of Kutztown and the surrounding townships, all of whom have now passed away. The paper says: "The subscribers agree to pay the sums set opposite our respective names to defray the expenses for obtaining a division of the county of Berks"
The follow the following signatures and the amount of money they paid:
The paper represents a total of $80.69 [sic actual total $81.19].
This relic of local history is a reminder of the time when cutting up the county was an important issue from time to time. It probably contains the largest collection of autographs now in existence of the people of that period who resided in that section.
[Source: Reading Eagle, Reading, PA, March 19, 1905. Submitted by Betty.]
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:44 PST