Note made by the pastor regarding this period: "During the past fall and winter months the dread influenza epidemic raged in all its fury among our people. And yet with the great number of fatalities in other communities, we feel grateful that not more of our members succumbed to this fearful disease. Our local physician reports that he attended almost 1,000 patients, and of these only seven died. All of the churches were closed for a longer or shorter period, except Friedens, Shartlesville. Fourteen of the 44 that the pastor buried this year died of this disease but two of these were brought here from a distance to be buried. It was one of the worst empidemics this country has ever experienced...."
Adam Gabriel OXENREIDER, a son of Irvin P. and his wife, Virdie M., nee MOYER, was born Jan 24, 1918, in N. Heidelberg Twp., and was baptized May 5, 1918.
Pauline Elizabeth ROTHERMEL, a daughter of Charles J., and his wife, Elizabeth, nee GRETH, was born Feb. 9, 1918, in S. Heidelberg Twp., and was baptized May 5, 1918.
Violet Elizabeth FEENEY, a daughter of James and his wife Ella, nee HICKS, was born at Reading, Oct. 24, 1917, and was baptized May 5, 1918.
Lizzie May EMERICH, a daughter of Wallace, and his wife Malinda L., nee HENNINGER, was born in Bethel Twp., Feb. 14, 1918, and was baptized May 11, 1918.
Edna May REBER, a daughter of Elias and his wife Katie N., nee ROTH, was born Oct. 2, 1917, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized May 11, 1918.
Earl Calvin HIESTER, a son of Earl HIESTER and Beulah HOLLENBACH, was born March 10, 1918, in Penn Twp., and was baptized May 12, 1918.
Lillian W. NAFTZINGER, a daughter of William NAFTZINGER and Stella M. WAGNER, was born in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., April 6, 1918, and was baptized May 18, 1918.
Earl Oscar GRAEFF, a son of Allison and his wife Sallie R., nee HOLLENBACH, was born April 9, 1918, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized May 18, 1819.
Pearl Annie MARBURGER, a daughter of Herbert D., and his wife Annie B., nee WOLF, was born Nov. 24, 1917, at Rehrersburg, and was baptized May 19, 1918.
Charles William CLAUSER, a son of Joel C., and his wife Minnie D., nee STERZEL, was born August 21, 1917, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized June 2, 1918.
Carl Henry BROWN, a son of Henry G., and hi[s] wife Mollie, nee WAGNER, was born Jan 12, 1918, in Bethel, Twp., and was baptized June 7, 1918.
Woodrow Wilson BROWN, a son of Harvey J., and his wife Emma, nee FIDLER, was born Dec. 23, 1917, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized June 16, 1918.
Paul David EPTING, a son of Thomas, and his wife Laura, nee McALLISTER, was born Oct. 27, 1917, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized July 13, 1918.
Helen Maggie EBLING, a daughter of Joseph E., and his wife Mary A., nee MENGEL, was born June 18, 1918, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized July 14, 1918.
Edna Agnes YEAKLEY, a daughter of Herbert L., and his wife Sallie A., nee BOLTZ, was born Feb.19, 1916[date ok see next entry], in Bethel Twp., and was baptized July 16, 1918.
David Calvin YEAKLEY, a son of Herbert L., and his wife, Sallie A., nee BOLTZ, was born June 2, 1918, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized July 6[typo ?], 1918.
Milan William BALTHASER, a son of William F., and his wife Hattie, nee BERGER, was born May 28, 1918, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized July 20, 1918.
Grace Myrtle BUSSINGER, a daughter of John D., and his wife Maggie M., nee NUNEMACHER, was born April 7, 1918, at Reading, and was baptized July 22, 1918.
Ray Phares STRAUSS, a son of Daniel W., and his wife Kate, nee DEGLER, was born May 16, 1918, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized Aug. 1, 1918.
Sula Rebecca GASSERT, a daughter of Edward H., and his wife Lillie, nee NEISCHWENDER, was born Feb. 6, 1918in Bethel Twp., and was bapitzed Aug. 4, 1918.
George Isaac GERHARD, a son of Harvey D., and his wife Amy, nee KRAMER, was born July 20, 1917, in Penn Twp., and was baptized August 17, 1918.
Cyrus Wilson SPEICHER, a son of Charles S., and his wife Eva, nee DRUPP, was born Aug. 4, 1918, in Jefferson Twp., and was baptized Aug. 25, 1918.
Leroy BERTRAM, a son of James E., and his wife, Sadie M., nee HOWER, was born May 9, 1918, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Aug. 25, 1918.
Lester Renninger HEPNER, a son of Samuel B., and his wife Rosie M., nee RENNINGER, was born May 2, 1918, at Strausstown, and was baptized Aug. 25, 1918.
Harold James WILHELM, a son of Lee M., and his wife Lizzie, nee MILLER, was born Aug. 4, 1918, at Strausstown, and was baptized Sept. 8, 1918.
Helen Priscilla RENTSCHLER, a daughter of Edgar T., and his wife Meda M., nee HERBST, was born August 9, 1918, in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Sept. 15, 1918.
Herbert Adam SPAYD, a son of Adam R., and his wife Amy M., nee REBER, was born Aug. 6, 1918, at Womelsdorf, and was baptized Sept. 29, 1918.
Ralph Richard SPOTTS, a son of Charles F., and his wife Katie, nee EPTING, was born March 7, 1918, in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Nov. 10, 1918.
Clarence Calvin REBER, a son of Charles C., and hIs wife Mabel S., nee WAGNER, was born Sept. 26, 1918, in Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Nov. 17, 1918.
Ernestine Regina EDRIS, a daughter of Harvey EDRIS and Anna H. MENGEL, was born July 31, 1918, at Rehrersburg, and was baptized Dec. 1, 1918.
Ray Jacob FRANTZ, a son of J. Homer and his wife Laura J., nee SWOPE, was born Jan 11, 1918, in Bethel Twp., Lebanon Co., and was baptized Dec. 3, 1918.
Ralph Harold HAAG and Charles Emmet HAAG, twin sons of Oliver P., and his wife Catharine R., nee NAGLE, were born Oct. 23, 1918, at Shartlesville, and were baptized Dec. 8, 1918.
Alice Maria FIDLER, daughter of Harrison, and his wife Maggie, nee ZERBE, was born Dec. 13, 1917, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized Dec. 14, 1918.
Catharine Elizabeth SCHAEFFER, daughter of Ray C., and his wife Jennie, nee BLATT, was born Sept. 24, 1918, in N. Heidleberg Twp., and was baptized Dec. 15, 1918.
Anna Fietta SCHAEFFER, daughter of Charles, and his wife Sallie Ann, nee DEGLER, was born Aug. 28, 1918, in Jefferson Twp., and was baptized Jan. 12, 1919.
Jane Rebecca WAGNER, daughter of Joseph F., and his wife Mary E., nee BERGER, was born Dec. 29, 1918, in U. Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Mar. 2, 1918[dates].
Helen Catharine EPTING, daughter of Wallace M., and his wife Sallie M., nee MOYER, das[typo] born Feb. 17, 1919, in U. Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Mar. 8, 1919.
Martha Elizabeth BERGER, daughter of John S., and his wife Mamie, nee STAHL was born Jan. 24, 1919, in U. Bern Twp., and was baptized Mar. 8, 1919.
Ethel Irene WAGNER, daughter of Charles WAGNER and Mary PEARSON, was born Nov. 8, 1918, at Shartlesville, and was baptized Mar. 8, 1919.
Friedens Church, Oct. 12:
Margaret W. HENNE
Bertha M. WAGNER
William E. KEENER
James A. PLEIS
Charles W. EPTING
Christ Church, Oct. 19:
Sarah E. ZERBE]
Albert H. RUPP
Frank RUPP
Mr. Ralph C. RICHARD, of Shillington, and Miss Sadie M. SCHUCKER, of Bernville, were married at the parsonage, May 18, 1918.
Mr. George D. BATDROFF[should be BATDORFF] and Miss Cora R. SCHNEIDER, both of Bethel, were married at the parsonage, June 15, 1918.
Mr. Dewey M. REIFSNYDER and Miss Amelia RENTSCHLER, both of Reading, were married at the parsonage, June 16, 1918.
Mr. Vincent HIMMELBERGER and Miss Mabel M. DERR, both of Tulpehocken, were married at the parsonage, Sept.28, 1918.
Mr. Edgar W. FEICK and Miss Florence KANTNER, both of Shartlesville, were married at the parsonage, Oct. 12, 1918.
Mr. Wallas M. EPTING, of Bernville and Miss Sallie M. MOYER, of Strausstown, were married at the parsonage, Nov. 2, 1918.
Mr. William A. SCHARFF and Miss Stella E. EMERICH, both of R.F.D., Bernville, were married at the parsonage Nov. 30, 1918.
Mr. Mahlon S. EPLER and Miss Dorothy M. KEIM, both of Strausstown, were married at the home of the bride, Jan. 25, 1919.
Mr. George F. HUMMEL, of Auburn, Pa., and Miss Sallie H. LONG, of Shartlesville, were married at the home of the bride, Feb. 8, 1919.
Mr. Henry Y. GERHART, or[typo] Orwigsburg, Pa., and Clara L. BATTEIGER, of Strausstown, were married at the parsonage, Feb. 15, 1919.
Mr. Ralph K. MARKS and Miss Emma R. WAGNER, both of strausstown, were married at the parsonage, march 22, 1919.
Rebecca DIERWECHTER, nee ZERBE, a daughter of William ZERBE and his wife Elisa, nee LEHR, was born Aug. 2, 1856, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Sept. 14, 1856, by Rev. Zehring. She was confirmed in Zion Church by Rev. Finfrock, April 26, 1873. She was married Aug. 11, 1883, to Davilla GRUMBINE, by Rev. H. Gless. After the death of her husband she was married the second time to J.P. DIERWECHTER, March 22, 1902. She died April 13, 1918, of apoplexy, and brought her age to 61 yrs., 9 mos., 11 days. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, two brothers and three sisters. The funeral was held in Zion Church, April 18. Text, Matt. 11:28.
Susanna Rebecca WILHELM, nee WAGNER, a daughter of Isaac WAGNER and his wife Susanna, nee SCHMIDT, was born Jan. 9, 1859, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized May 7, 1859, by Pastor Dietzler. She was confirmed in Zion Church, April 14, 1875 by Pastor Finfrock. On Dec. 23, 1882, she was married to Cyrus S. WILHELF[typo], by Pastor T.C. Leinbach. She died May 1, 1918, aged 59 years, 3 months, 22 days. The survivors are her husband, one son, three grandchildren, on brother and three sisters. The funeral took place at Host Church, May 6. Text, Rev. 2:10.
Maria GREIM, nee DeTURK, a daughter of Abraham DeTURK and his wife Esther, nee UNGER, was born October 20, 1837, in Windsor Twp., and was baptized March 11, 1838, by paster jaeger. She was confirmed in Zion Church, March 15, 1852, by Pastor Dietzler. On October 15, 1859, she was married to John G. GREIM by Pastor Thomas Jaeger. She died May 23, 1918, aged 80 years, 7 months, 3 days. The survivors are three children, 14 grandchildren and two sisters. The funeral was held in Zion Church, May 27. Text, Ps. 99:10-12.
Verna May KISSLING, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. GERHART, was born March 21, 1911, at Bernville, and was baptized July 16, 1911, by Pastor Leiby. She died May 18, 1918, aged 7 years, 1 month, 27 days. She is survived by her foster parents, two sisters and one brother. The funeral was held from her home at Rehrersburg, May 21. Text, Gen. 37: 34-36.
Caroline HART, nee HIMMELBERGER, was born April 27, 1845, and was baptized by Rev. Hassinger, sponsors William SHARTEL and wife. She was confirmed at St. Michael's by Pastor Zweizig. She was married to Daniel D. HART, Nov. 30, 1867, by Rev. Appel. She died May 27, 1918, aged 73 years, 1 month. She is survived by her husband and three sisters. The funeral was held May 30, in Friedens church. Text, Isa. 38:1.
Harry POTTS, a son of Harry POTTS and Sallie C. ZERBE, was born July 6, 1891, in Bethel Twp., Lebanon Ca.[typo], and was baptized Jan. 17, 1892, by Pastor Geiss. He was confirmed Oct. 6, 1906, by Pastor A.J. Long in Christ Church. He died May 7, 1918, in the Reading Hospital. Age, 26 years, 10 months, 1 day. He is survived by his mother, step-father and one brother. The funeral took place from his parents' home in Frystown, interment and services at Christ Church. [no text reference given]
Lydia HOLLENBACH, nee BELLEMAN, a daughter of Jacob BELLEMAN and his wife Anna Maria, nee FARNEY, was born Feb. 26, 1828, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized June 22, 1828, by Pastor Bayer. She was confirmed in Zion Church, Strausstown. She was married twice. The first time to Adam BERNS, and teh second time to David HOLLENBACH. She died March 30, 1918, aged 90 years, 1 month, 4 days.. Sheis survived by her daughter, Mrs. SNYDER. The funeral was held from her daughter's home at Bernville. Interment and services at Zion Church, Strausstown. Text, Ps. 90:10-12.
Milton I. BARE, a son of John G. BARE and his wife Harriet, nee RUTH, was born april 30, 1872, and was baptized in his infancy. He was confirmed in 1887 at Zion Church by Pastor Finfrock. He was married March 18, 1893, to Sallie M. FINK, by Pastor Kramlich. He died June 13, 1918, aged 46 yars[typo]., 2 months. He is survived by his widow, three children, his father, four brothers and one sister. The funeral was held at Zion Church, June 18. Text, Rom. 14:7-8.
Wallace LONG, a son of Joel and his wife Sarah Ann, nee ZETELMOYER, was born July 21, 1877, in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Aug. 26, 1877, by Pastor Trexler. He was confirmed March 26, 1891, in Friedens Church by Pastor Trexler. He was married October 27, 1900, to Maria STOUDT by Pastor Trexler. He died June 22, 1918, aged 40 years, 11 months, 1 day. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, two brothers, four sisters. The funeral took place June 27, in Friedens Church. Text, Job 16:22.
Sallie DIETRICH, nee POTTEIGER, a daughter of William POTTEIGER, and his wife[not named], was born Feb. 8, 1869, and was baptized in infancy. She was confirmed as a member of the Lutheran Church. She was married to William DIETRICH, who preceded her in death. She died July 3, 1918, aged 49 years, 4 months, 23 days. She was buried from her home in Reading, July 7, interment and services at Zion Church, Strausstown. Text, Job 16:22.
Rebecca GERHARD, a daughter of John, and his wife Rebecca, nee SCHMID, was born Feb. 21, 1843, in Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized May 1, 1845, by Pastor Ulrich. She was confirmed by Rev. Schwarz in 1859. She died July 7, 1918, aged 73 years, 4 months, 16 days. She is survived by one brother and 16 nephews and nieces. The funeral was held July 11, at Trinity Church, Rehrersburg. Text, John 14: 1-6.
Helen Maggie EBLING, a daughter of Joseph E., and his wife Mary A., nee MENGEL, was born June 18, 1918, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized July 14. She died July 25, 1918, aged 1 month, 7 days. The funeral was held July 27 at Zion Church, a brief service being held at the grave. Text, Jer. 31:3.
Jacob W. RIEHL, a son of August and his wife Esther, nee WAGNER, was born July 6, 1854, in U. Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Nov. 4, 1854, by Thos. Jaeger. He was confirmed April 29, 1871, in Zion Church by Rev. Finfrock. On Nov. 13, 1875, he was married to aatharine[typo] A. MILLER by Rev. Finfrock. He died July 29, 1918, aged 64 years, 23 days. He is survived by his widow, two children, one sister. The funeral was held from his rome[typo] Aug. 2, 1918, interment nd[typo] services being held t[typo] Zion Church. Text, Rom. 8:18.
Charles Milton LENGEL, son of John M., and his wife Sarah, nee UNGER, was born Dec. 25, 1877, in Jefferson Twp., and was baptized April 21, 1878, by Pastor Finfrock. He was confirmed in Zion Church Oct. 13, 1894, by Pastor Kramlich. He died July 19, 1918, aged 40 years., 6 months, 24 days. He is survived by one brother and three sisters. The funeral was held in Zion Church, July 25. Text, Rom. 7:24-25.
Ellie S. BALTHASER, daughter of Thomas D., and his wife Cora, nee SEITZINGER, was born Sept. 13, 1903, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Feb. 21, 1904, by Pastor Hiester. She was confirmed Sept. 29, 1917, in Zion Church, by Pastor Klick. She died Aug. 3, 1918, aged 14 years, 10 months, 10 days. She is survived by her parents, four sisters, one brother. The funeral took place Aug. 8, in Zion Church. Text, Jer. 29:11.
Emmanuel LONG, a son of Joseph and his wife Hanna, nee STRAUSS, was born Oct. 14, 1847, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Jan. 30, 1848 by Pastor Mennig. He was confirmed in Zion Church in 1862 by Rev. Grimm. He was married Oct. 16, 1869, to Matilda K. HAAG, by Pastor Zweizig. He died Aug. 5, 1918, aged 70 years, 9 months, 29 days. He is survived by his widow, six children, one brother and three sisters. The funeral took place from his residence Aug. 10. Interment and services in Friedens Chruch. Text, Rev. 21:4.
Leah HAAG, nee MILLER, a daughter of Henry, and his wife Mina, nee WEBER, was born June 23, 1832, in Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized July 8, 1832, by Pastor Hermann. She was confirmed in 1848 as a member of the first class at Trinity Church, Rehrersburg, by Passtor Jaeger. She was married Jan. 23, 1853, to Jonathan HAAG by Pastor Schmidt. She died Aug. 22, 1918, aged 86 years, 1 month, 29 days. she is survived by seven children, 25 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and two sisters. The funeral took place Aug. 26, at Zion Church. Text, John 14:19.
Stella Lovina REBER, daughter of William f., and his wife Hannah[no maiden name], was born May 27, 1904, at Cressona, and was baptized Jan. 23, 1916, by Rev. Kamner. She died Oct. 2, 1918, aged 14 years, 4 months, 5 days. She is survived by her parents, two brothers and three sisters. The funeral took place October 5, from Cressona. Brief services and interment at Zion Church. [no text given]
Catharine EMERICH, nee WEBBER, daughter of Samuel WEBBER, and his wife Mary, nee MILLER, was born Nov. 16, 1835, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized in 1836 by Pastor Minnich. She was confirmed by Pastor Dietzler in Zion Church, Strausstown. On Jan. 1, 1857, she was married to Daniel EMERICH by Pastor Thos. Jaeger. She died Oct. 7, 1918, aged 82 years, 10 months, 21 days. She is survived by nine children, 14 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and four brothers. The funeral took place Oct. 10 at Tulpehocken Reformed Church. Text, Rev. 2:10.
Mabel S. SEYFERT, nee ASCHENBACH, was born Jan 17, 1893, and was baptized in infancy by Pastor Appel. She was confirmed in St. John's Reformed Church, Reading, by Rev. Thos. Leinbach. She was married June 8, 1915, to Dr. Howard B. SEYFERT. She died at her home at Clifton Heights, Oct. 18, 1918, aged 25 years, 9 months, 1 day. She is survived by her husband, one child, her mother a sister and a brother. The funeral was held at Friedens Church Oct. 21. Text, Rom. 8:28.
Joel S. STRAUSS, son of Solomon, and his wife Mary, nee SHELLHAMMER, was born July 30, 1849[date], in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Oct. 4, 1840, by Rev. Harpel. He was confirmed in St. Michael's Church in 1855 by Rev. Thos. Jaeger. He was married twice. The first time to Amelia R. MILLER on July 27, 1861, by Pastor Jaeger. This union was blessed with six children. The second time he was married to Sarah E. SAVAGE on Aug. 17, 1878, by Rev. C.S. Haman. He as[typo] a sholdier in the late Civil War, a member of Co. H. 151st Reg., and took part in the firs day's battle of Gettysburg. He died Oct. 23, 1918, aged 78 years, 2 months, 23 days. He is survived by his widow, four children, three brothers, two sisters. The funeral took place Oct 26. The services were held at the house, and interment took place at Strausstown. Text, 2 Tim. 4:7-8.
Jacob Staley KLINE, son of Daniel S. KLINE and his wife Laura A., nee STALEY, was born in Jefferson Twp., July 31, 1886, and was baptized by Rev. Long, April 24, 1889. He was confirmed in St. Paul's Church, April 12, 1902, by pastor Long. He was married the first time to Sarah XYE [typo - s/b NYE], by Rev. H. L. Straub; and the second time to Lillie BINNER, June 11, 1918. He died Oct. 21, 1918, aged 32 years, 2 months, 20 days. He is survived by his widow, five children, ten brothers and sisters, and by his mother. His funeral was held from his home in Womelsdorf, Oct. 28. Service and interment at St. Paul's Church. Text, Isa. 55:8,9.
Charles Staley KLINE, a son of Daniel S., and his wife Laura A., nee STALEY, was born May 29, 1902. He was instructed and received as a member of St. Paul's Church by adult baptism Oct 21, 1917, by Pastor Klick. He died Oct 23, 1918, aged 16 years, 4 months, 24 days. He is survived by his mother, four brothers, six sisters. Having died two days after his brother, Jacob, he was buried on the same day, Oct. 28. Text, Isa. 55:8,9.
Ellie HOLLENBACH, nee EMERICH, daughter of John M., and his wife Liaaie A., nee SPENGLER, was born March 21, 1897, and was baptized June 6, 1897. She was confirmed at Zion Church by Rev. Pflueger in 1911. She was married to Herbert J. HOLLENBACH, Oct. 25, 1913, by Rev. C.E. Kistler. She died Nov. 6, 1918, aged 21 years, 7 months, 15 days. She is survived by her husband, three children, a sister and a brother and by her parents. The funeral was held Nov. 9 from the house. Interment at Zion Church. Text, ps. 130:6.
Joel L. DIETRICH, a son of Daniel and his wife Catherine, nee LESCHER, was born June 15, 1838, in Greenwich Twp., and was baptized Sept. 30, 1838, by Pastor Herman. He was confirmed in his youth, and married Catharine UNGER, Dec. 3, 1859. He died Nov. 24, 1918, aged 80 years, 5 months, 9 days. He is survived by 10 children. The funeral was held at Zion Church, Nov. 28. Text, John 16:16.
Cora Alice OXENREIDER, nee MENGEL, a daughter of George Mengel and his wife Fietta, nee MOYER, was born Sept. 13, 1879, in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Oct. 12, 1879, by Pastor Trexler. She was confirmed at Friedens church by Rev. Trexler. She was married to John E. OXENREIDER, Sept. 9, 1899, by Pastor Long. she died Nov. 28, 1918, aged 39 years, 2 months, 15 days. She is survived by her husband, four children, her parents, seven sisters, one brother. The funeral was held at her home Dec.2. Interment at Christ Church. Text, Isa.55:8-9.
Walter Warren HUMMEL, son of Franklin and his wife Nora C., nee OXENREIDER, was born Jan. 24, 1880, in Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Feb. 21, 1880, by Pastor Trexler. He was confirmed March 21, 1894, in Trinity Church by Pastor Trexler. On Nov. 10, 1906, he was married to Kate LONG by Pastor Trexler. He died Dec. 1, 1918, aged 38 years, 10 months, 7 days. He is survived by his widow, a child, his mother and two brothers. The funeral was held Dec. 5 at the house. Interment in Trinity cemetery. Text, 1A[?] Sam. 20:3.
Thomas Jefferson FEICK, son of Daniel and his wife Rebecca, nee BERGER, was born Aug. 2, 1850, in Upper Bern Twp., and was baptized Nov. 3, 1850, by Pastor Dietzler. He was confirmed in Zion Church by Pastor Finfrock. He was married to Mary Ann FEICK[?], March 20, 1869. He died Nov. 27, 1918, aged 68 years, 3 months, 25 days. He is survived by his widow, three children, two sisters, one brother and 16 grandchildren. The funeral was held in Zion Church Dec. 3. Text, John 14:1-6.
Jonathan GOODMAN, son of Jonathan and his wife Eleisa, nee REBER, was born March 22, 1843, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized April 28, 1843. He was married twice. He died Dec. 7, 1918, aged 75 years, 8 months, 15 days. He is survived by a daughter, two sisters, one brother.[no info on either wife] The funeral was held from his niece's residence, Mrs. G.W. FILBERT, Dec. 11. Interment in Zion cemetery. He selected for his text John 16:16.
Harvey Daniel GERHART, son of George M., and his wife Kate, nee DEGLER, was born may 16, 1896, at Strausstown, and was baptized June 11, 1896, by Rev. Eli Hiester. He was confirmed Oct. 21, 1911, by Rev. Pflueger in Zion Church. He was married to Amy KRAMER, Oct. 3, 1915, by Pastor Klick. He died Dec. 10, 1918, aged 22 years, 6 months and 24 days. He is survived by his widow, two children, mother and sister. The funeral took place Dec. 14, at Zion Church. Text, Mtt. 24:44.
Maggie M. FIDLER, nee ZERBIE, a daughter of George and his wife Eliza, nee EISENHAUER, was born Nov. 12, 1897, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized as an adult by Rev. d.D. Trexler in Salem Church, Bethel. She was married to Harrison FIDLER, July 31, 1915, by Pastor Klick. She died Dec. 11, 1918, aged 21 years and 29 days. She is survived by her husband, three children, mother and sister. The funeral took place Dec. 14, at Salem Church. Text, Isa. 38"1.
Lilly Victoria MUTH, nee SATHLEY, wife of John R. MUTH, was born Oct. 3, 1882, and was baptized Nov. 17, 1882, by astor Trexler. She was confirmed April 16, 1897, in St. Paul's Church, by Rev. A.J. Long. She was married Oct. 20, 1900, to John R. MUTH. She died Dec. 12, 1918, aged 36 years, 2 months, 9 days. There survive her husband, three children, one brother and three sisters. The funeral took place Dec. 16 at the house. Interment in the Rehrersburg Union Cemetery. Text, Rom. 8:28.
Leo S. WELDMAN, son of Monroe, and his wife Deborah, nee SEITZINGER, was born Oct. 4, 1917, at Rehrersburg, and died Dec. 14, 1918, aged 1 year, 2 months, 10 days. He is survived by his parents, a brother and a sister. The funeral was held at the house. Interment at the Union Church. Text, Isa. 40:11.
Cora BALTHASER, nee SEITZINGER, daughter of William P., and his wife Emmaline, nee NEY, was born Sept. 30, 1882, in U. Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Nov. 5, 1882, by Rev. Trexler. She was confirmed in Zion Church. She was married to Thomas D. BALTHASER, April 21, 1900, by Pastor Kramlich. She died Dec. 13, 1918, aged 36 years, 2 months, 13 days. She is survived by her husband, five children, mother and one sister. The funeral was held December 17, in Zion Church. Text, Isa. 38:1.
Henry WOLF was born Aug. 19, 1850, in Bethel Twp., Lebanon Co., and was admitted to Salem Church as a member by adult baptism April 3, 1874, by Pastor Trexler. He was married to Catharine SCHLAPPIG, Oct. 25, 1873, by Rev. Trexler. He died Dec. 12, 1918, aged 68 years, 3 months, 23 days. He is survived by his widow, son, and one grandchild. The funeral was held Dec. 19, at St. Paul's Church. Text, Gen. 49:18.
Thomas Calvin SCHELL, son of Samuel and his wife Celisa [no maiden name], was born Feb. 28, 1885, by Pastor A.J. Long [author omitted dob which, according to age at death, Thomas was born Feb. 16, 1885. Date given is baptism date.]. He was confirmed Oct. 13, 1900, in Christ Church by Pastor Long. He was married Nov, 12, 1904, to Alice BRIGHT by Pastor A.J. Long. He died Dec. 22, 1918, aged 33 years, 9 months, 24 days. He ic[typo] survived by two children, his parents, one brother and one sister. His wife preceded him in death [by] one day. They were buried on Dec. 27. The funeral was held at the house. Interment at Christ Church. Text, Isa. 38:1.
Alice Andora SCHELL, nee BRIGHT, daughter of James M. BRIGHT, and his wife Sarah, nee KEENER, was born May 27, 1884, in Jefferson Twp., and was baptized by Pastor T.C. Leinbach. She was confirmed Oct. 19, 1901, in St. Thomas' Church by Rev. Leinbach. She was married Nov. 12, 1904, to Thomas C. SHELL[typo] , by Rev. Long. She died Dec. 21, 1918, aged 34 years, 6 months, 24 days. Her husband followed her in death the following day. The funeral was held at the house Dec. 27. Interment at Christ Church. Text, Isa. 38:1.
Susanna SHUBART, nee CHRIST, daughter of Jacob and his wife Catharine, nee DRAXEL, was born March 18, 1854, in Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized by Pastor T.H. Leinbach. She was confirmed May 20, 1868, in St. John's Mt. Aetna, by Rev. F.J.F. Schantz. She was married Feb. 1, 1873, to Albert W. SHUBART, by Rev. Trexler. She died on Christmas Day, 1918, aged 64 years, 9 months, 7 days. She is survived by her husband, son and one sister. the funeral was held at the house, Dec. 31, 1918. Interment at Trinity church. Text, Matt. 20:8.
Katy Ann KRICK, nee MARBURGER, daughter of Daniel and his wife Elizabeth, nee POTTEIGER, was born Nov. 6, 1855, in U. Bern Twp., and was baptized Dec. 25, 1855, by Pastor Eggers. She was confirmed April 3, 1869, in Zion Church, by Pastor A. Finfrock. She was married to William R. KRICK, Dec. 16, 1882, by Pastor C. H. Leinbach. She died Jan. 4, 1919, aged 63 years, 1 month, 28 days. She is survived by her husband, son, brother and sister. The funeral was held Jan. 9, in Trinity Church. Text, Isa. 66:13.
Daniel T. RESCH, son of Daniel and his wife Mary, nee TOBIAS, was born Feb. 12, 1861, in U. Bern Twp., and was baptized June 25, 1861, by Rev. Miesse. He was confirmed in Friedens church by Pastor Trexler. He was married in March, 1884 to Mary YEAKLEY. He died March 17, 1919, at his home in Reading, aged 58 years, 1 month, 5 days. He is survived by his widow, son, three grandchildren, one brother and one sister. The funeral was held March 22, in Trinity Church. Text, Rom. 8:28.
Rebecca STRAUSS, daughter of Elias and his wife Sibilla, nee KRIEGBAUM, was born Feb. 6, 1855, in Bethel Twp., and was baptized June 10, 1855, by Rev. Ditzler. She was confirmed April 26, 1873, in Zion Church, by Pastor Finfrock. She died March 25, 1919, aged 64 years, 1 month, 9 days. She is survived by a number of brothers and sisters. The funeral was held March 29 in Zion Church. Interment in the new Lutheran cemetery. Text, Col. 3:2.
Lovina DERR, nee KURR, daughter of Jonathan and his wife Elizabeth, nee TRAUTMAN, was born April 7, 1840, in Tulpehocken Twp., [no baptismal info] and was confirmed in Altalaha Lutheran Church by Pastor Eggers. She was married to Daniel K. DERR on the 15th of July, 1860, by Pastor Eggers. She died on the 27th day of January, 1919, aged 78 years, 9 months, 20 days. She is survived by her three children, one sister and four brothers. The funeral was held in Altalaha Lutheran Church on the 1st of February. Text, I Cor. 13:8.
Selisa B. GOODMAN, nee BOLTZ, daughter of John BOLTZ and his wife Elizabeth, nee BATTEIGER, was born Feb. 17, 1837, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized by Rev. Hassinger. She was confirmed in Zion Church. She was married first time to Jacob SEYFERT, and the second time to Pedcival[typo] R. GOODMAN. She is survived by a grandson, a daughter-in-law, and a stepson. The funeral tok[typo] place March 27, in Zion Church. Text, Ps. 23:4.[no d.o.d. given].
Submitted by: Anita
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:44 PST