President, Rev. W. A. DRIES
Secretary, C. C. CLEMENS
Treasurer, Oscar F. HOLZMAN
President, Rev. W. A. DRIES
Vice president, Monroe STRAUSS
Secretary, Edgar J. BRIGHT
Treasurer, Charles UNGER
Elders, Monroe STRAUSS, Lloyd HENNE
Trustee[s], Charles. RENTSCHLER, E. J. BRIGHT, Charles UNGER
President, James EMERICK
Secretary, Charles M. SCHEIDY
Treasurer, O. P. HAAG
Deacons, James EMERICK, Raymond HAAG
Elders, Herbert DEGLER, Harry WAGNER
Trustees, H. D. MARBERGER, Elias R. SCHEIDY
President, Rev. W, A, DRIES
Secretary, Alpheus WAGNER
Treasurer, H. D. MARBURGER
Deacons, John GASSERT, Silas P. KANTNER, Leroy GASSERT, Morris KEENEY
Elders, Cress VALENTINE, Harvey SCHUBART,
Trustees, John W. FEICK, Charles M. STRAUSS
President - Treasurer, C.C. CLEMENS
Secretary, Wayne H. GIBBEL
Elders, Philip S. STEINBACH, C.C. CLEMENS, Harry M. KOHR, Nathan P. GIBBEL
President, M.J. POTTEIGER
Secretary, Harvey J. STALEY
Treasurer, F. E. DEGLER
Deacons, Oscar F. HOLZMAN, Wmilliam KLINE
Elders, F.E. DEGLER, Harvey J. STALEY
Trustees, Adam WOLF, M.J. POTTEIGER
President, George P. SCHELL
Secretary and Treasurer, Thomas J. ZERBY
Elders, Ray C. SCHAEFFER, John H. RUPP
Trustees, George P. SCHELL, Morgan G. SCHAEFFER, Benjamin Z. ANDERSON, Nathan L. ZERBE,
Lorene Esther, daughter of Curtis Michael SCHAEFFER and wife Mabel Esther (nee KLAPP), was born December 13, 1928, Bernville, Pa., and baptized February 21, 1929, Bernville. Sponsors, the parents.
Fay Pauline, daughter of Herbert D. MARBURGER and wife Annie B. (WOLF), born October 26, 1928, Rehrersburg, Pa., was baptized, April 7, 1929 in Trinity Church, Rehrersburg. Sponsors, the parents.
Myrle Mary, daughter of Herbert P. BOND and wife Mary J. (nee SCHUKER) born March 15,k 1929, U. Tulpehocken township, Berks County, was baptized April 13, 1929, in Lutheran parsonage, Strausstown, Sponsors, the parents.
Charles Bervin, son of Jacob EBLING and wife Alberta May (WEBBER), born September 27, 1928, U. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, was baptized April 10, 1929, U. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County. Sponsor, the mother.
Clarence Calvin, son of Levi Daniel FISHBURN and wife Verna May (OXENREIDER), born January 30, 1929, N. Heidelberg Twonship, Berks County, was baptized April 21, 1929, in Christ L. Tulpehocken Church. Sponsors, the parents.
George HOLZMAN, Jr., son of George Calvin OXENREIDER and wife Katie Mabel (HOLZMAN), born February 1, 1929., N. Heidelberg Township, Berks County, was baptized April 21, 1929 in Christ, L. Tulpehocken Church. Sponsors, the parents.
Corine Del Rose, daughter of Ralph Wayne BERGER and wife Beulah Anna (STRAUSS), BORN February 22, 1929, Strausstown, Pa., was baptized May 5, 1929 in parsonage at Strausstown. Sponsors, the parents.
Donald James, son of Ralph James NOECKER and wife Mary Matilda (FEEG), born March 8, 1929, N. Heidelberg Township, Berks County, was baptized May 12, 1929 in Christ, Little Tulpehocken Chuch. Sponsors, the parents.
Eleanor Lizsie, daughter of LeRoy Cyrus GASSERT and wife Katie May (REBER), born December 1, 1928, Bethel Township, Berks County, was baptized June 7, 1929 in parsonage at Strausstown. Sponsors, the parents.
May Elizabeth, daughter of Edward H. GASSERT and wife Lillie J. (NEISWENDER), born September 6, 1923, Bethel Township, Berks County, was baptized June 15, 1929 in Bethel Township. Sponsors, the parents.
Audrey Freda, daughter of Oscar L. WISWESSER and wife Edna May (WAYNE), born March 15, `1929, Tulpehocken Township, Berks Co., was baptized June 16, 1929 in Strausstown. Sponsors, the parents.
Lee Cyrus, son of David J. DAUB and wife Grace Agnes (MOYER), born May 25, 1929, Bethel Township, Berks County, was baptized June 20, 1929, in Bethel Township, Berks County. Sponsors, the parents.
Harold Ray, son of Allen James BATZ and wife Mary Amelia (GIBBLE), born May 25, 1929, Bethel Twonship, Berks County and was baptized June 30, 1929, Bethel Township. Sponsors, the parents.
John Jacob, son of John Edgar SEITZINGER and wife Florence Esther (HAAG), born May 14, 1929, Shartlesville, Pa., was baptized July 7, 1929 in Shartlesville. Sponsors, the parents.
John Oscar, son of Oscar Elias STRAUSS and wife Mary Jane (NAPP), born May 26, 1929, Bethel, Pa., was baptized July 28, 1929 in Salem Church, Bethel, Pa. Sponsors, the parents.
Helen Lucille, daughter of Isaac S. KLINE and wife Agnes (BERTRAM), born March 28, 1929, Jefferson Township, Berks County, was baptized August 11, 1929 at their home. Sponsors, the parents.
Viola Louise, daughter of Samuel Lewis MILLER and wife Cora Lizzie (LESHER), born June 10, 1929, Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, was baptized August 21, 1929, in Wintersville, above Township. Sponsors, the parents.
Ruth Mary, daughter of Miles C. ZERBE and his wife Minnie M. (REESER), born July 20, 1929, Jefferson Township, Berks County, was baptized September 8, 1929 in Christ, Little Tulpehocken Church. Sponsors, the parents.
Harold Allen, son of Franklin RUPP and wife Effie May (nee ALEXANDER), was born July 2, 1929, Bernville, Pa., was baptized October 6, 1929, Bernville. Sponsor, Charles William RUPP.
Gerald Burton, son of Herbert Calvin BORDNER and wife Florence (nee KLOPP), born May 27, 1929, Bethel township, Berks County, was baptized October 20, 1929, in Bethel, Berks County. Sponsors, the parents.
Leory Henry, son of Leroy DavidMUTH and wife Emma Jane (SNYDER), born February 7, 1924, Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, was baptized in Strausstown, Pa., 1929 [no mo. & day]. Sponsors, the parents.
Betty Jane, daughter of Leroy David MUTH and wife Emma Jane (nee SNYDER), born May 23, 1926, Jefferson Township, Berks County, was baptized in Strausstown, Pa., 1929 [no mo. & day]. Sponsors, the parents.
Richard Stanley, son of Ray S. OXENREIDER and wife Agnes V. (nee YODER), born September 24, 1929, L. Heidelberg Township, Berks County, was baptized November 3, 1929, in Christ, Little Tulpehocken Church. Sponsors, the parents.
Dorothy May, daughter of Vernon Thomas BRIGHT and wife Helen Irene (DAVIS), born September 20, 1929, Bern Township, Berks County, was baptized November 15, 1929, in Strausstown, Pa. Sponsors, the parents.
Ruth Marie, daughter of Ernest Charles KETNER and wife Carrie May (nee HENNE), born October 26, 1929, Strausstown, Pa., was baptized November 23, 1929, in their home in Strausstown. Sponsors, the parents.
Carlen Robert, son of Adam C. BORDNER and wife Esther C. (nee POTTEIGER), born December 19, 1929, Strausstown, Pa., was baptized January 1, 1920 in Strausstown. Sponsors, the parents.
Zion Church, Strausstown - October 12, 1929
Lydia Gertrude BORRELL
Pauline MOYER
Elsie Pauline POTTEIGER
Edna Rebecca REBER
Lillian Carrie REBER
Mary Malinda REBER
Catherine Anne STRAUSS
Katie Matilda TROUTMAN
Charles HENNE
Christ, Little Tulpehocken Church - [no date]
Jesse B. FABER
Salem Church, Bethel - September 21, 1929
Irene Elnora NEUIN
Sterling BASHORE
Benjamin NOLT
Richard Stanley SNYDER
Trinity Church, Mercersburg - [no dates]
Willis H. NOLT
Silas W. HENNE and Esther C. SCHEIDY, both of Shartlesville, Pa., were united in holy wedlock on June 15, 1929, in Frieden’s Chruch, Shartlesville.
Elmer H. NOLD and mary K. SPITLER, both of Bethel Township, Berks Co., Pa., were united in holy matrimony on September 7, 1929.
John SEAMAN, of Rehrersburt, and Mamie M. MENGEL of Shartlesville, were united in holy marriage on December 25, 1929, in the parsonage in Strausstown.
Harvey S. BALTHASER of U. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pa., and Mary I. BERGER of U. Tulpehocken township, Berks County, Pa., were joined in holy wedlock on December 25, 1929 in the parsonage Strausstown, Pa.
John W. SHEIDY and Lillian R. HENNE, both of Shartlesville, Pa., were joined in the holy bond of marriage on January 28, 1920 in Strausstown, Pa., in the parsonage.
Willis H. NOLT and Violi I. WEIDMAN both of Rehrersburg, Pa., were united in holy wedlock on February 3, 1920, at 3 P. M. in Trinity Union Church, Rehrersburg, using the double ring ceremony.
Hiram HETTINGER, born October 8, 1860, in Mt. Aetna, Berks County, and was baptized by Rev. Wolf. He was confirmed in Salem Church, Bethel, Pa.[no dates]. He departed this life on Thursday, March 14, 1929 in Lebanon at an age of 68 years, 5 monts, and 9 days. He is survived by his wife and two children, namely, William HETTINGER and Mrs. Katie WISE, also 5 grandchildren. He was buried March 17, 1929 with a short special service at the grave. Interment being made in Salem Church Cemetery, Bethel, Pa.[no text given]
Jefferson MILLER, son of the late philip MILLER and wife [name not given], was born April 4, 1852, Jefferson Township, Berks Couty, and baptized in infancy. He was aconfirmed in Zion Church, Strausstown [no date]. He was married about 50 years [wife’s name not given]. On Saturday, March 16, 1929, he died in the home of his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George GAUSS, Cressona, Pa., at the age of 76 years, 11 months and 12 days. His wife and three children survived him. The children are: Mrs. Robert [or George?] GAUSS, Cressona, Elmer MILLER, Womelsdorf, and Clarence MILLER, Hatfield. The funeral took place on March 21, with services in the home and Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville, where burial took place. Text: Rev. 2:10b.
Adam L. FEICK, son of the late John FEICK and wife Lea LONG, was born February 22, 1854, in U. Bern Township, Berks, County, and was baptized by Rev. Zebring, April 16, 1854. He was confirmed in Zion Church, Strausstown, by Rev. Finfrock, on March 11, 1877. He was united in marriage to Emma Elizabeth NAFTZINGER by Rev. D.D. Trexler [no dates].This union was blessed with three children. He died Monday, April 29, 1929 in the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. SEYFERT, at the age of 75 years, 2 months, and 7 days. His survivors are two sons and one daughter, viz: Samuel Jerome FEICK, Mrs. Rosie Alice SEYFERT, and Norton Ambrose FEICK, also two sisters and 5 grandchildren, and one great grandchild. The funeral took place May 4, with services in the home and Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville, and burial in the adjoining cemetery. Text: Job 5:26.
Harry Albert PLEIS, son of the late Emanjuel PLEIS and wife, Sara, ne LEININGER, was born October 16, 1863, in Berks County, Pa., and was baptized in infancy by Rev. Egers [typo & no confirmation info]. He was united in marriage to Katie GASSERT [no dates]. On May 3, 1929, he passed away in a hospital in Philadelphia at an age of 65 years, 6 months, and 17 days. There survive a daughter, Mabel, wife of Frank JONES, also two sisters and two brothers. The brothers are Al. PLEIS, Bernville Number 2 and Ambrose PLEIS, Reading. He was buried May 9, 1929, with services in Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville, and ingterment in the adjoining cemetery. Text: II Kgs. 20:1.
Mrs. Amy EGOLF, daughter of Henry and the late Sophia, (WAGNER) EMERICH was born in U. Bern Township, Berks County, on April 22, 1883 and was baptized in infancy. She was confirmed in Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville by the Rev. D.D. Trexler [no dates]. On June 1, 1929, she died in her home at Philadelphia being 46 years, 1 month, and 10 days old. She is survived by her father, Henry EMERICH, two sons, Harvey and Warren of Philadelphia, also two sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held June 4, 1929, with short service in the funeral parlor of Mr. Naftzinger in Centerport, and further services in Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville, where burial was made. Text: Ps. 39:4.
Lovina S. WENRICH, wife of the late Adam S. KNOLL, was born December 26, 1841 in Jefferson Township, Berks So., and baptized January 16, 1842, by Rev. Maurice Harpel. She was confirmed on April 13, 1859, by Rev. Charles Reese. On September 28, 1867 she was married to Adam S. KNOLL by Rev. Thomas Steck. This union was blessed with two sons. She died on Thursday, August 22, 1929 in her late home attaining the age of 87 years, 7 months, 26 days. She is survived by one son, Howard, and one Grandchild, Mrs. Mollie L. GREIM, and one great grandchild. The funeral was held on August 27, 1929, services in the home and St. Paul’s Church, Tulpehocken, Pa., and burial in the adjoining graveyard. [no text given]
Mary HOLLENBACH, wife of the late Moses DEGLER, was born July 3, 1849, near Centerport, Pa., and was baptized in infancy. She was confirmed in Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville, and later married to Moses DEGLER [no dates given]. Mrs. DEGLER passed away October 1, 1929 in Auburn, Pa., at the age of 87 years, 2 months, and 28 days. Those survived to mourn her death were Mrs. Clara AUMAN, Mrs. Annie McCARTY, Mrs. Mary CHRIST: also sons Calvin and Henry William [may be two sons, Henry and William]; also Mrs. Kate SCHWEMMER, and Mrs. Sallie HUMMEL: also 28 grandchildren, 14 great grand children and 6 great great granc children. Her funeral was held on October 5 with services at the home and Frieden’s Church, Shartlesville. Text: Luke 7:13.
George E. REBER, son of the late Samuel and Lovina (nee LONG) REBER was born December 24, 1864, near Shartlesville, Pa., and baptized in infancy. He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith and later united in marriage with Amanda GABEL [no dates]. He died October 25, 1929, near Rehrersburg, Pa., at the age of 64 years, 10 months and 1 day. There survive to mourn his loss his wife, 3 sisters and 2 brothers. He was buried on October 30, with services in Shucker’s Funeral Home, at Rehrersburg, Pa., and burial in Cjharles Evans cemetery, Reading, Pa. Text: Ps. 111:4.
Agnes Meglada ZELLAR, wife of the late Samuel BERTOLET, was born September 22, 1868, in Bethel Township, Berks county and baptized February 7, 1869 by Rev. D.D. Trexler. She was confirmed in Salem Church, Bethel, by Rev. H. J. Welker and later married Samuel BERTOLET [no dates given]. Mrs. bERTOLET passed away November 8, 1929, at an age of 61 years, 1 month and 12 days. The survivors are: Her father, Jacob ZELLAR, four brothers, and one sister. She was buried November, with services in her home and Salem Church, Bethel and laid to rest in the adjoining burying ground. Text: Psw. 46:1.
Francis S. HOLZMAN, son of the late John and Mary HOLZMAN [no maiden given], was born October 7, 1871, in Jefferson township, Berks County, and was baptized December 10, 1871, by Rev. Finfrock. He was confirmed in St. Paul’s church, Tulpehocken, Pa. [no date] On January 23, 1892, he was united in marriage to Katie STAHLEY by Rev. A.J. Long. He died Wednesday, November 6,1929, at the age of 58 years, 1 month, and 1 day, and is survived by his wife and one sister, Mrs. Lovina KNOLL. Mr. HOLZMAN was buried on November 9, with services at their home in Lebanon, and in St. Paul’s church, Tulpehocken, Pa. where interment took place. Text: Ps. 46.1.
Jane Catherine HAAG, wife of the late B.F. STEINBACH was born April 10, 1856, Bethel Township, Berks Co., and baptized in infancy by Rev. William Groh. She was confirmed on March 28, 1872, by Rev. D.D. Trexler, in Salem Church, Bethel, Pa., On December 14, 1872 she was married to B. F. STEINBACH, by Rev. F.H Schwartz. This union was blessed with 11 children. She died November 18, 1829, in Richland at the home of a daughter, Tamah ANSPACH, at the age of 73 years, 7 months and 8 days, being survived by 6 daughters and 4 sons, 31 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren. Her funeral took place November 21, with services in the house and Salem Church, Bethel, Pa., and was buried in the adjoining graveyard. Text: I Cor. 13:12b.
Franklin HOLLENBACH, son of the late Henry HOLLENBACH and wife Rebecca, (nee BECKER), was born January 18, 1870, U. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, and baptized April 24, 1870 by Rev. Zweizig [no confirmation info]. He was united in marriage to Annie MACHEMER, February 22, 1884, this union was blessed with 5 children. On Monday, December 2, 1929, he passed away, attaining the age of 59 years, 10 months, and 14 days, being survived by his widow, 1 son, and 1 daughter, 2 brothers and 3 sisters. He was buried on December 7, with services in the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Walter HENNE, and Zion Church, Strausstown, where interment was made in the adjoining cemetery. Text: Mat. 24:42.
Alma B. HESS, wife of Phares H. NOLT, was born on February 25, 1884, at Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pa. She passed away on January 1, 1930, at their home in Bethel Township, Berks County, at the age of 45 years, 10 months and 6 days. Mrs. NOLT is survived by her husband, 6 sons and 4 daughters. She was buried January 4, with services in their home and in the Mennonite Church, at Clay, Lancaster County, Pa….here she was laid to rest. [no text given]
Mrs. Rebecca (nee HAAG), widow of the late William OXENREIDER, was born November 13, 1848, N. Heidelberg Township, Berks County, and baptized December 26, 1848. She was confirmed October 17, 1869, in Christ, Little Tulpehocken Church by Rev. A.J. Long; and on November 27, 1869 she was married to William OXENREIDER. She died Monday, January 6, 1930 at the home of a son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles RUPP, Bernville, at the age of 81 years, 1 month, and 23 days, being survived by 2 sons and 2 daughters, 35 grandchildren and 44 great grandchildren, also 1 brother and 2 sisters. She was buried January 11, with services at the house and Christ, Little Tulpehocken Church were interment was made in the new cemetery. Text: Jno. 14:27-29.
Mrs. Elizabeth Susanna, daughter of the late Solomon W. LESHER and wife Ellen MOLL, and widow of Reiley R. KLINE, was born in U. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, July 15, 1866, and baptized October 21, 1866 by Rev. A. Finfrock. She was nonfirmed april 11, 1884 in Trinity Union Church, Rehrersburg, by Rev. D.D. Trexler. She married Reiley R. KLINE, October 9, 1886 by Rev. L. D. Stambaugh, this union was blessed with 6 children. On Thursday January 23, 1930, she passed away at the home of a daughter Mrs. Marcella B. FOLK, Reading at the age of 63 years, 6 months and 8 days, being survived by 1 daughter, 3 sons, 6 grandchildren, 1 sister and 2 brothers. She was buried on January 27, with services in Reading and Trinity Union Church, Rehrersburg. Interment was made in the Union Church cemetery. Text: II Timothy 4:7.
Mary Elizabeth HOLTZMAN, daughter of Daniel and Damina LEITNER HOLTZMAN,wife of Serenus YENSEL, born July 10, 1864, Bethel Township, Berks Co., was baptized September 11, 1864 by Rev. Thomas H. Leinbach. She was confirmed March 26, 1880 by Rev. D.D. Trexler in Salem Church, Bethel, and united in marriage to Serenus S. YENSEL, of Miamisburg, Ohio, on November 16, 1905 by Rev. F.J.F. Schantz. Mrs. YENSEL died Sunday, February 16, 1930 in the home of Jacob LIVINGOOD, Bethel, Pa., at an age of 65 years, 7 months and 6 days. She is survived by 3 sisters and 2 brothers. The funeral took place February 20, all services in the home and burial in Salem Church cemetery, Bethel. Text: Heb. 13:14.
Submitted by: Anita
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:44 PST