of the




Zion, Strausstown - Union, Rehrersburg - Christ, Little Tulpehocken

Friedens, Sharlesville - Salem, Bethel - St. Paul’s, Tulpehocken


March 1915


[1]Published semi-annually by

REV. IRA W. KLICK, A.M., Pastor

Strausstown, PA.


The PARISH RECORD makes its initial bow to the members of the Strausstown Lutheran Parish.  It is intended that this little paper shall appear every spring and fall.  It contains the shcedule of services, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, and such other news and comment as ma be interesting to the members of the parish.  Envelopes will be enclosed in each copy to give each member an opportunity to contribute to the expense of issuing it.  Ten cents a year is all that is asked.  Drop the envelope at any regular service.

When communions are held only twice a year, every member ought to put forth an effort to be present.  In the schedule of services printed elsewhere, you will find the time of your communion.

Two classes were under instruction in the catechism last summer.  the names of those confirmed appear at another place.  The class at Friedens, Shartlesville, was confirmed on Oct. 10, 1914, and the one at Christ, Little Tulpehocken, on October 24.

This coming May classes will be organized at Zion, Strausstown, Union, Rehrersburg, and at Salem, Bethel.  Due announcement will be made of the first meeting.

On Oct. 25, the 175th anniversary of Zion Church, Strausstown, was celebrated.  In the morning the Rev. Dr. Fisher, of Lebanon, preached in German;  in the afternoon Rev. Druckenmiller, of Hamburg, preached in English.  In the evening the Lutheran and Reformed pastors made addresses.  The mortgage was burned at the close of the service.  The church which cost over $18,000 is now free of debt after ten years of effort.  This is a very good showing, and every body who contributed to the result deserves credit.

Friedens, Shartlesville, gave their basement a new coat of paint, which makes the Sunday school’s meeting place more inviting and agreeable.

The Ladies’ Aid Society of Salem Church, Millersburg, intend to install the electric lights in the church this spring.  The good women of the different congregations are always doing good.

The Union Church, Rehrersburg, is making an earnest effort to wipe out the remaining debt on their church property, incurred through the rebuilding of the church.  These earnest, active people deserve success.

The Willing Workers of Zion church, Strausstown, recently organized to work for the benefit of the Parsonage, are busy at work.  They deserve all the support the members can give them.

English Church Books have been placed in the following congregations:  Salem, Bethel, 60; Zion, Strausstown, 24; about 15 in Friedens, Shartlesville; and about 4 in St. Paul’s, Schafferstown.  Union, Rehrersburg, also intend soon to introduce the English book.  Three of the congregations have also introduced the liturgical service.  There are no city and town congregations any more that do not have this service, and the majority of the country congregations have followed the custom.

On May 9, the District Sunday School Convention will hold its semi-annual meeting in Salem Church, Bethel, Pa.  The program has not yet been arranged, but Sunday School workers may be assured that an interesting and profitable one will be formed.  There will be sessions in the afternoon and evening.  C.A. Unger, of Strausstown, is the President, and Ellsworth Moyer, of Rehrersbrug[sp] , Secretary.

Teacher Training Classes have been organized, or are about to be organized, at Strausstown, Shartlesville and Rehrersburg.

Of the many baptisms during the year only three have taken place in church.  The rule ought to be to have children brought to church for baptism, except when the child or mother is sick.  No one would think of having confirmation performed at home, and yet baptism is a holier and more solemn act than confirmation.  We hope that hereafter children will be presented at the baptismal fount, during the church service, for baptism.

There is only one Church, Christ, Little Tulpehocken, that has adequate shedding for teams.  This is an improvement that ought to be found at every country church.  We hope the day may not be far distant when all the churches will make provision for shielding the dumb animals from snow, rain, cold and heat.

The Adult English Bible Class, of Strausstown, taught by C.A. Unger, tendered a birthday surprise to the pastor on his birthday last December.  As a token of esteem they left a Royal Leather-upholstered Morris Chair at the parsonage.  Music was rendered, and refreshments served.

The new Parsonage will probably be so far advanced in construction by the first of April, that the pastor will be able to move in.  It is, however, certain that it will not be completed until some time later.  The house will be a commodious house, modest in construction, but substantial in every way; something of which the congregations who have participated in its erection can be proud of.

The meeting of the Synod will take place on May 27 - June 2, in St. John’s Church, Philadelphia.  Every parish has the right to be represented by its pastor and lay delegate.  The Reading Conference will meet some time in April, but will continue only for two days.  To this meeting also a delegate should be sent.

There has been a ready response to the request for advertisements.  The readers of this little magazine should patronize the advertisers, as it is by their help that this little paper has been made possible.



Elsie Pauline, daughter of Milton S. POTTEIGER and his wife Mary R. nee RENTSCHLER, was born Jan. 26, 1914, at Strausstown, Pa., and was baptized March 8, 1914.

Esther Mary, daughter of Charles H. KEENER and his wife Hettie M. nee MILLER, was born at Strausstown, Pa., April 21, 1914, and was baptized May 10, 1914.

Verna May, daughter of J. Herbert HOLLENBACH and his wife Ellen nee EMERICH, was born in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., on May 6, 1914, and was baptized June 13, 1914.

Miles Daniel, a son of Milton D. HOLLENBACH, and his wife Lizzie, nee STUMP, was born in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., May 6, 1914, and was baptized June 14, 1914.

John Earl, a son of Herbert PEIFFER and Lizzie DEGLER, was born June 3, 1914 at Strausstown Pa.,  and was baptized July 18, 1914.

Herbert Calvin, a son of Harry BORDNER and Jane WEISNER was born February 15, 1914, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp. and was baptized July 29, 1914.

John Irvin, a son of William H. HOLLENBACH and his wife Elsie nee KANTZ, was born Aug. 30, 1914, at Strausstown Pa., and was baptized Nov. 7, 1914.

Wayne Calvin, a son of Walter S. HENNE and his wife Minerva, nee HOLLENBACH, was born in Jefferson Twp., Sept. 24, 1914, and was baptized Nov. 29, 1914.

Ella Alice, a daughter of Curtis HIMMELBERGER and his wife Stella, nee HENNE was born in  Jefferson Twp. Sept. 2, 1914, and was baptized Nov. 29, 1914.

Charles Jacob, a son of William J. HENNE, and his wife Lillie M., nee EBLING, was born at Strausstown, Pa., Nov. 18, 1914, and was baptized Dec. 20, 1914.

Laura Katharyn, a daughter of Charles D. NEUIN and his wife Miriam, nee BATTEIGER, was born at Strausstown, Pa., Nov. 6, 1914, and was baptized Dec. 20, 1914.


Arline Matilda, a daughter of Herbert STOUDT, and his wife Amy, nee LONG, was born in Tulpehocken Twp., Dec. 9, 1913, and was baptized Feb. 8, 1914.

Willis Raymond, a son of Charles HENNE, and his wife Ida, nee RENTSCHLER, was born near Shartlesville, Feb. 6, 1914, and was baptized April 5, 1914.

Charles Benjamin, a son of Joseph WAGNER and his wife, Mary, nee BERGER, was born in Upper Tulpehocken Twp. March 5, 1914, and was baptized April 5, 1914.

Lovie May, a daughter of Daniel A. HENNE, and his wife clara, nee BOND, was born Dec. 6, 1914, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized Jan. 11, 1915.


Lester Norman, a son of Herbert S. BERGER, and his wife Emma, nee KRAMER, was born in Upper Tulpehocken Twp. April 30, 1914, and was baptized June 28, 1914.

(Baptisms cont’d-Rehrersburg)

Raymond Schaeffer, a son of Clayton HEBERLING and his wife Stella, nee SCHAEFFER, was born in Tulpehocken Twp. July 24, 1914, and was baptized July 30, 1914.


Harold Wilson, a son of Adam E. BANK and his wife Minnie, nee NOECKER was born in Bethel Twp. Oct. 27, 1913, and was baptized in Salem Church April 12, 1914.

Mary Amillia, a daughter of Nathan H. GIBBEL and his wife, Sarah, nee BROSSMAN, was born in Bethel Twp. May 4, 1914, and was baptized July 5, 1914.

Helen Catharine, a daughter of Aaron D. PEIFFER and his wife Carrie, nee NAPP, was born at Frystown, Pa., Aug. 1, 1914, and was baptized in Salem Church, Nov. 22, 1914.

Amos Jacob, a son of Henry A. WIANT, and his wife Sallie, nee SCHIMMEL, was born at Millersburg, Pa., Dec. 9, 1914, and was baptized Jan. 3, 1915.

Little Tulpehocken:

Mary Rebecca, a daughter of Harry H. SHEETZ and his wife Laura, nee POTTEIGER, was born at Bernville, Pa., Feb. 1, 1914, and was baptized March 22, 1914.

John W., a son of Raymond C. SCHAEFFER and his wife Jennie, nee SCHNOCK, was born in Jefferson Twp. Dec. 4, 1913, and was baptized March 22, 1914.

Stanley Ray, a son of Paul A. OXENREIDER and his wife Bertha, nee SALEM, was born in Jefferson Twp. Feb. 2, 1914 and was baptized in Christ Church, May 24, 1914.

Donald Samuel, a son of Earl W. MAKEPEACE and his wife Lizzie, nee RUPP, was born at Bernville, Pa., Nov. 14, 1914 and was baptized Dec. 6, 1914.


Paul Leroy, a son of Frank W. BENSHOFF and Laura S. KLINE, was born Jan. 27, 1914, and was baptized May 17, 1914.

Earl Thomas, a son of George W. YEAKLEY, and his wife Edna, nee TROUTMAN, was born Dec. 4, 1914 and was baptized May 17, 1914 [dates]

Paul James, a son of James MOYER and his wife Annie, nee WERTMAN, was born in Jefferson Twp., March 27, 1914 and was baptized June 14, 1914.

Leroy Andrew, son of William SCHOENER and his wife sallie, nee KEAGLEY, was born June 6, 1914 in Jefferson Twp. and was baptized Sept. 6, 1914.


The Ministerium of Pennsylvania, the oldest Synod in the United States, to which we hold allegiance, has made the following apportionments for Synodical Purposes, Muhlenberg College, Theological Seminary, Home Missions, Foreign Missions, Porto[sp] Rico Missions, Slave Missions, and University Student Work.  The amount paid on these apportionments is also indicated.  We sincerely wish that [in] another year we may have the proud record of having paid the whole amount.  Compare the following:
























It will be noticed that the apportionment is at a rate less than .50 cents a member.  also that less than half the amount has been raised.  We are interested to know which of the congregations will be the first to make up its entire amount.  We hope all of them will do it next year, so that none of them will be last, and all of them will be first to meet this requirement.  We hope the day may not be far distant when all the congregations will look upon this amount apportioned as a debt which they are in duty bound to make up.


On April 14, 1914, at the home of the groom, William J. HENNE and Lillie M. EBLING, both of Strausstown, were united in marriage.

Warren F. LONG, or Rehrersburg, and Beulah V. HARTMAN, of Frystown, were united in marriage on the first of August [1914] at the parsonage.

At the parsonage, on the 24th of October [1914], there were united in marriage, Northan A. FEICK of Bernville, and Miss Bertha B. ACHENBACH, of Mohrsville.



Mrs. Maria CHRIST, nee ZECHMAN, was born July 13, 1833.  She was baptized in infancy, and later confirmed as a member of the Lutheran Church.  On the 9th day of March, 1864, she was married to John CHRIST, by Rev. Dietzler.  She died April 15, 1914.  The funeral was held in Zion Church, Strausstown, April 20.  Age 80 years, 9 months, 2 days.  Text, Gen. 25:8.

Mrs. Kate DEGLER, nee BAUCHER, was born April 5, 1859.  She was baptized April 28, 1860, by Pastor Grimm.  In her youth she was confirmed as a member of the Lutheran Church by Pastor Finfrock.  She was married to J.F. DEGLER.  She was literally burned to death, and died April 24, 1914.  The funeral was held on April 28.  Age, 55 years, 19 days.  Text: Ecclesiastes 9:12.

Mrs. Sarah LENGLE was born Aug. 23, 1843, and was baptized Jan. 7, 1844, by Rev. Jaeger.  She was confirmed in the Lutheran faith April 10, 1858, by Rev. Dietzler.  She was married to John W. LENGEL June 3, 1865, by Rev. Grimm.  She died May 24, 1914, at the home of William Shade.  She was buried the 29th of May.  Age, 70 years, 9 months, 1 day.  Text: Jn. 16:16

Mrs. Maria WEIBLE, nee HIESTER, was born Sept. 9, 1848.  She was baptized Nov. 19, of the same year.  She was confirmed in the Lutheran faith in June, 1867.  Later she was married to Lewis H. WEIBLE, who alone survives, a son having preceded her in death.  She died Aug. 27, 1914, at Schuylkill Haven.  The funeral took place on the 31st of August.  Age, 65 years,  11 months, 18 days.  Text: Phil. 1:21.

Louis EMERICH, a son of John and Ellenora EMERICH, was born Jan. 20, 1846; was baptized Feb. 15 following.  He was confirmed by Rev. Grimm in Zion church.  On the 25th of March, 1871, he married Kate WIRT.  Four of the 11 children are still living, and his widow.  He died Sept. 20, 1914, at the Reading Hospital.  Burial Sept. 24.  Age 68 years, 8 months.  Text: Job 16:22 - 17:1.

William SCHADE, a son of John and Elizabeth SCHADE, was born Nov. 18, 1835; was baptized the following Feb. 14, by Rev. Minnich.  He was confirmed May 14, 1853, by Pastor Eggers.  In 1857 he married Rebecca MILLER, who preceded him in death.  There were four children, two of whom survive.  He died Oct. 1, 1914.  The funeral took place on Oct. 6.  Age, 78 years, 10 months, 13 days.  Text:  Gen. 25:8.

Amelia UNGER was born Oct. 30, 1844.  She was baptized by Pastor Jaeger and confirmed by Pastor Grimm.  She died Oct. 11, 1914, of apoplexy, at the home of her brother, Alfred UNGER.  Two brothers survive.  The funeral took place Oct. 15.  Age 69 years, 11 months, 19 days.  Text: Ps. 25: 17-18.

Robert EBLING, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses EBLING, was born Jan. 29, 1895, and was baptized June 13 by Rev. Eli Hiester.  He was confirmed in the Reformed faith Sept. 29, 1912, by Rev. A. Leiby.  He died June 13, 1915.  Age, 19 years, 11 months, 14 days.  Funeral Jan. 19.  Text: 1 Sam. 20:3.

Soloman HOLLENBACH, son of Soloman and Catherine (STRAUSS), was born Sept. 12, 1833, and was baptized the following 27th of Oct.  He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith at Zion church.  He was first married to a Miss DE LONG.  On Sept. 28, 1861, he was married to Rebecca LONG with whom he had nine children, of whom five are still living.  He died Jan. 16, 1915.  The funeral was held on the 21st of Jan.  Age, 81 years, 4 months, 2 days.  Text:  Heb.13:14.


Moses DEGLER was born Dec. 17, 1837.  He was baptized in infancy, and confirmed in his youth.  He married Mary HOLLENBACH, with whom he had 14 children, 8 of whom are still living.  As undertaker he buried thousands in his time.  He died July 2, 1914, at Reading.  The funeral took place July 6.  Age, 76 years, 6 months, 15 days.  Text:  2 Pet. 1:11.

Leon FOSTER, a son of William H. SCHOLLENBERGER, and his wife Lizzie (WAGNER), was born Feb. 4, 1913,.  He was baptized June 7, and died Oct. 19, 1914.  Age, 1 year, 8 months, 15 days.  Burial took place on Oct. 23.  The parents and seven brothers and sisters survive.  Text: Jer. 31:3.

Moses EPTING, a son of Henry and Maria (KLINE), was born May 27, 1834.  He was baptized on the 22nd of June of the same year, by Pastor Knosky.  He was confirmed in youth and later was united in matrimony with Lydia HOLLENBACH.  They had five children of whom four are still living.  He died Feb. 7, 1915.  Age 81 years, 8 months, 10 days.  The funeral services were held on Feb. 15.  Text: Job. 7:7


Bessie ZELLER, a daughter of B. Frank ZELLER and his wife, Ellen (NAPP), was born Feb. 23, 1897.  She was baptized by Pastor Trexler Feb. 17, 1898, and confirmed by Pastor C.D. Trexler, Nov. 1, 1913.  She died May 15, 1914.  Age, 17 years, 2 months, 3 days.  The burial service was held on May 18.  Texts: Ps. 55:23; Mt. 18:7.

Mrs. Sarah SCHLAPPIG, nee BATZ, was born Dec. 12, 1862, and was baptized Dec. 20, 1863, by Rev. Grimm.  She was confirmed by Pastor Trexler April 13, 1878.  She was married Sept. 17, 1887, to Harrison H. SCHLAPPIG, by Rev. Welker.  She died June 23, 1914.  There survive the husband and a son.  Age, 51 years, 6 months, 11 days.  The funeral was held on June 28.  Text:  1 Cor. 13:8.

Mrs. Caroline HOFFMAN, nee WAGNER was born Feb. 21, 1841, and was baptized by Rev. Thomas Leinbach, who also confirmed her to the Reformed faith.  She was married to Samuel HOFFMAN by Rev. R. Wolf.  The husband and two of the children preceded her in death.  Two sons are still living.  She died Nov. 17, 1914, and brought her age to 73 years, 8 months, 26 days.  The funeral took place on the 22nd of November.  Text:  Phil. 1:21.

Fianna BATZ, a daughter of George BATZ, and his wife, Sarah, nee REBBERT, was born Nov. 30, 1837, and was baptized by Rev. Hermann, April 15, 1938.  Dr. Grahn confirmed her in the Lutheran faith in Salem Church, April 14, 1860.  She died Jan. 20, 1915, aged 77 years, 1 month, 20 days.  The funeral took place Jan. 26 from the home of Michael LONG.  Text:  Jn. 19:30.

Mary Bessie STRAUSS, infant daughter of Daniel and Bessie STRAUSS, was born Dec. 10, 1914, and died Jan. 24, 1915, at Myerstown.  Age, 1 month, 14 days.  Funeral Jan. 28.  Text: Mt. 18:14.

Mrs. Mary Matilda FOLTZ, nee BREHM, widow of Frederick FOLTZ, was born Dec. 12, 1834, was baptized May 10, 1835, by Rev. Ernst.  She was confirmed at Bernville, April 18, 1863, by Dr. Grahn.  She was married Nov. 10, 1853, by Pastor Eggers.  There were eight children, of whom two sons and one daughter are still living.  She died Jan 31, 1915, aged 80 years, 1 month, 9 days.  The funeral was held on Feb. 6.  Text: 1 Cor. 15:19.

Minnie A. STEINBACH, daughter of the late B. Franklin STEINBACH, and his wife, Catharine, was born Jan. 11, 1896, at Millersburg.  She was baptized the following March 14th by Pastor Trexler.  On Oct. 26th, 1907, Rev. D.G. Gerberich confirmed her at Bernville.  She died at Reading Feb. 6, 1915, aged 19 years, 26 days.  The funeral was held on Feb. 10.  Text:  Jer. 15:9.  The mother and ten brothers and sisters survive.

Mrs. Isabella FIDDLER, nee ROSE, was born Feb. 25, 1858.  She was baptized and confirmed by Rev. Glesz at Hamlin, Pa.  She was married to William H. FIDDLER March 17, 1883, by Rev. Trexler.  There survive the husband and three children.  She died Feb. 7, 1915, aged 56 years, 11 months, 12 days.  The funeral took place on Feb. 13th.  Text: Mk. 14:38.

Little Tulpehocken:

Mrs. Melinda FIDDLER, nee LENGEL, widow of Jacob FIDDLER, was born Jan. 25, 1844, and was baptized on June 9th of the same year by Rev. Minnich.  She was confirmed by Dr. Grahn at Christ Church, April 6, 1861.  She was married March 4, 1865.  She died Sept. 14, 1914.  There survive seven children and 17 grandchildren.  Her age was 70 years, 7 months, 19 days.  The funeral took place Sept. 18.  Text: 1 Chron.29:15.`

Mrs. Melinda SNYDER, nee SCHMIDT, wife of John M. SNYDER, was born Jan. 4, 1840, and was baptized by Rev. Eggers.  She was confirmed by the same pastor on May 26, 1855, at Rehrersburg.  She was married March 13, 1858, which union was blessed with six children, five of whom are surviving, three sons and two daughters; 14 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.  She died Nov. 17, 1914, aged 70 years, 10 months, 13 days.  The funeral took place Nov. 23.  Text. Phil. 1:21.

Moses SCHAEFFER, a son of Michael and Sarah SCHAEFFER, was born April 1, 1825, in Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and was baptized in the same year by Rev. Daniel Ulrich, and confirmed by him in 1839.  He married Elizabeth GROFF Oct. 21, 1848, and lived 66 years in wedlock.  Of the seven children four are still living, three daughters and one son.  There are 15 grandchildren, and 33 great-grandchildren.  He died Jan. 12, 1915, aged 89 years, 9 months, 11 days.  The funeral took place Jan. 16, and the text of the serman was Gen. 25:8.


Mrs. Selicia HETTINGER, nee HAAG, widow of James HETTINGER, was born March 21, 1852, and was baptized by Rev. Finfrock.  He confirmed her in Corner Church as a member of the Lutheran Church.  She was married June 19, 1869, by Rev. Paulus.  There were five children, four of whom are still living.  She died Nov. 30, 1914, aged 62 years, 8 months, 9 days.  The funeral took place Dec. 3.  Text:  Ps. 60:15.




Little Tulpehocken

Katie BOND



Florence ZERBE

Florence EPTING

Annie RUPP

Alberta HENNE

Herbert SCHELL

Raymond HAAG


Samuel NYE


Lester ROOTH

George HENNE





Some sicknesses are contagious, some are infectious, some are both.  This seems to be the nature of Sunday sickness.  Whole families retire late Saturday evening without the slightest symptom of any disease; but the next morning a queer, strange and terribly contagious disease breaks out in that family.  It affects every member.  The rheumatism of the father suddenly becomes very painful, the headache of the mother is distressing, the children, too, become affected, and even the little babe, which in all ordinary diseases requires only one nurse, now must have the attention of both father and mother, with the aid of the grandparents and several aunts and uncles.  A dreadful calamity has struck the family for the brief period of one short day.  None can venture to the house of God that Sunday.  But, strange to say, Sunday sickness disappears as quickly as it comes.  By Monday morning not a vestige of it remains.  The father is off to work, the mother is at the wash-tub, the children are in school, and even the little babe seems to require no special attention from anyone.  Wonderful disease!  Its approach and contagious character are wonderful.  Its sudden disappearance is wonderful.  And the families in whose spiritual life3 it makes such a sad havoc are wonderful in the devotions pretended and those actually rendered.

[1]Enterprise Print, Myerstown, PA

Submitted by: Anita

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST

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