Letter from Samuel Bechtold to his brother John

Reading PA Jan. 26, 1890

Dear Brother John:

We received a letter from Amos last week and he said that he received a letter from Ada, stating that you were failing in health. We are all well and hearty and hope you are all improved to the same state. We are living in Reading now and I am working as night watchman, at the rope walk. I have worked continually every night for nearly four years, and as I have to sleep in day time, you can see that I haven't got much time to write. So you will excuse me for not writing so long. I suppose you have heard that Charley and Sue, Dave's children have both died in about one year, and Ellie is right poorly with consumption. But Will and Grant are about as usual. But Grant had the grip very bad, and he is not over it yet. He is married and has one daughter and he lives with us. The grip has been very bad here, lots of people died with it. Mat. had it. But Dan & I have escaped so far. Mat. is still working at the rope walk, and is about the same as he always was only a little older. And Dan. is failing in health since Kit died. But he is still keeping house. His wife's sister Mrs. Reiff is keeping house for him. And Amos is living with him. I suppose you know that Amos's wife and children have all died. And he is all alone now. Albert is married too now and has one child, but he don't live with his wife. Things have changed very much since you have been here last. I think you might take a trip and come to see us once, it would do you good to let your work lay for awhile, and take a short vacation. You could enjoy yourself and take it easy for awhile, while you would be here. Now I would like to here from you very much, as we are anxious to know how you all are getting along. don't forget to answer soon, and let us know all the news and we will be more prompt in answering your letter next time. I will close for this tie hoping to hear from you very soon. No more at present but remain, your Brother

Samuel Bechtold
#639 Moss St.
Reading, Berks Co. Pa.

P.S. Our love and regards and best respects to the children and to all inquiring friends.


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Submitted by: Joann.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST

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