The Oldest Church Record of the Amityville Congregations

The first Church Book used by the Amity congregations was made by one Samuel Sands. He bound the book April 18th, 1754. A specimen of the handwriting of James Sands is also pasted in the cover inside. This specimen was written in January, 1754. This old Record is a union Record and contains records of Baptisms from 1759 to 1800. These records are by no means complete. No entries are made at all for the years 1769, 1770, 1771, 1774 and for some other years only one or two. The book contains also burial records from 1778-1796; marriages from 1790-1796 and lists of catechumens and communicants from 1783-1800. The entries are mostly all in German, and some of them are poorly written. The following are the first Baptismal Records in this old Church book. We translate them into English:

"On the 27th of October, 1759 (on the 20th Sunday after Trinity), Margareth Schoener, a daughter of Peter Schoener and Apolonia his wife, was baptized here in the Amity Church. The sponsors were George Michael Raub and Margareth Herlig. The child was born Oct. 8th, 1759."

"On the 5th of April, 1759, in the morning at 10 o'clock, a little daughter was born unto John Boyer and his wife Elizabeth, and was baptized on the 1st Sunday in Advent. The name of Susanna Elizabeth was given to the child."

"On the 1st day of January, 1760, the little son of John Fritz was baptized. The child was born Dec. 11th, 1759, in the evening at 11 o'clock, and was called John George. The sponsors were Geo. Butz and his wife."

"On the 24th of December, 1759, John Bawskirk, the son of William and Mary Bawskirk was born. He was baptized Jan. 27th, 1760. The sponsors were John Caifer and his wife Regina."

"On the 19th of January, 1760, Anna Eva, a daughter of John and Anna Maria Geiger, was born. She was baptized Jan. 27th, 1760. The sponsors were Leonhard and Eva Geiger."

Some Marriages from the Same Old Record.

July 29, 1790, John Trout to Maria Fischer.
Feb. 1, 1791, Thomas James to Maria Cath. Pott.
Jan. 31, 1792, Henry Wittier to Hannah Swavely.
June 5, 1792, John Iaeger to Catharine Knauer.
Mar. 17, 1793, Samuel Yocum to Barbara Lamp.
Mar. 30, 1794, John Wm. Gross to Sophia Beck.
July 1, 1794, Gottfried Ludwig to Elizabeth Smith.
Oct. 27, 1794, Daniel Pyle to Catharine Moser.
Sept. 23, 1795, John DeHart to Maria Herner.

Also Some Burials.

1791, Jan. 6th, Jacob DeHart, aged 35 yrs.
1791, Mar. 4th Emanuel Ludwig, aged 34 yrs., 8 mos.
1791, Aug. 4th, Anna Maria Rotharmel, aged 57 yrs.
1792, Jan. 12th, Christian Mowday's daughter Catherine, aged 1 ¼ yrs.
1795, Dec. 26th, Michael Schoedler, aged 33 yrs.
1794, Nov. 17th, Eva Rosina Ludwig, aged 70 yrs.

No records are here of any kind before 1759. They are to be looked for at the Swamp.

Berks Co., with a present population of about 125,000 has, during the last 25 years, furnished about 90 young men for the ministry. Lehigh Co., with a present population of about 68,000 has, during the last 25 years, furnished about 85 young men for the ministry. Of these 41 of Berks entered the Lutheran ministry, and 42 of Lehigh entered the Lutheran ministry. Lehigh has Muhlenberg College in its midst. That accounts for that small county being ahead of our large county.

Source: Our Church Paper (in Book Form) Devoted in Particular to the Interests of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in Amityville, Friedensburg and Pricetown, and in General to the Interests of Religion and Education in Berks County. Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 1890), Amityville, PA, p. 15.

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST

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