Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Bureau of Museums
William Penn Memorial Museum and Archives Building
Box 232
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108
March 22, 1968
Mrs. Phyllis Schappell
263 State Street
Hamburg, Pennsylvania 19526
Dear Mrs. Schappell:
In reply to your inquiry of March 10 regarding military service records, we are sending marked copies of our Information Leaflets Numbers 1 & 4, which describe the records available and explain the type of service that we are able to provide.
On the terms stated in sections 6 and 7 of Leaflet No. 4, we can provide you with a certificate under seal, based on an original document in our custody, indicating that one Everhart Shabell was enrolled sometime during the period 1777-1778 as a Private Fifth Class, Captain Jacob Shable's Sixth Company, Third Battalion, Berks County Militia. Residence is ascribed to South Windsor Township.
Although the record of a John Chapple is cited in the published Archives, Fifth Series, Volume III, pages 408 and 521 as having enrolled in Captain Jacob Stake's Company, Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment, we do not hold in our custody the original document on which this record is based with the result we are unable to issue a certificate.
Photocopy service is available depending on the condition of the document and whether the information obtained has been filed on abstract cards. Because of the condition of the document concerning the record of Everhart, we cannot offer this service.
The Search Room of the Archives is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. Someone will always be in attendance to assist persons using the facilities of the Search Room.
Barbara Philpott
Assistant Archivist
Division of Archives and Manuscripts
Tel. 787-3023
Submitted by Russ.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST