Ninety-One Years Old - Birthday of Hannah Guildin, the Oldest Lady Residing in Pottstown
Mrs. Hanna Guldin, who lives with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Franklin G. Fegely and wife, No. 111 King Street, Pottstown, is 91 years old today. She is in good health considering advanced age, but her mind is not so clear as formerly, though in some respects it is still strong and apparently unimpaired. Her memory of past events is still remarkable, and she frequently talks of events occurring 70 to 80 years ago. Mrs. Guildin’s maiden name was Hanna Busch, her parents were John and Salome Busch and she was born in Rockland Township, Berks County, December 23, 1798. She was united in marriage to George Moser in May of 1817. They were the parents of 9 children, 2 sons and 7 daughters. George Moser died at Forgedale, September 15th, 1841. Hannah Moser was married November 8th, 1852, to Jacob Guldin, who died May 8, 1866. The children of George and Hannah Moser, (the latter the subject of this sketch) were Daniel Moser, Charles Moser and Sallie, wife of Jonas Null – all deceased; Judith, Mrs. Elijah Heydt, living in Washington township, Berks County; Rebecca, Mrs. John M. Smith, of Springfield Township, Berks County; Lydia deceased, who married Jonas Welker and died at Germantown; Elizabeth, who married Nathan Kehl, and died at Pottstown; Ellen wife of Franklin G. Fegely, of Pottstown, and Caroline, wife of Frank H. Auchy, who died at Pottstown. Mrs. Guildin has been a member of the Reformed Church since her youth, over 70 years. She is the oldest woman in Pottstown, but there are two men who are her seniors in age, Peter Egolf, aged 92 and David Wesner, aged nearly 92 years.Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Monday, 08-Feb-2021 20:30:42 PST