Letter from Edna Cessna Doty, April 1904

Below is the transcript of a letter written 101 years ago in which the Shaffer/Schafer family of Berks county is mentioned.

The original letter is on file in the "Eichelberger Family File" at the York County (PA) Historical and Genealogical Society.

Bedford, Pa.
April 19, 1904

My Dear Flora,

Found your letter awaiting me here when I got home. We had such a very pleasant trip - but so many things to do in a short time. Had a lovely time at the DAR meeting in Lancaster - attended a tea and reception and a very elaborate luncheon in Lancaster in honor of the state Regent [sic] and the Yorktown Chapter. I belong to Donegal Chapter on Father's record. Have made several ineffective attempts to hunt up Mother's records - but am so far away from everything here - it is hard to search. The proper way is to go to the Register and they have it hunted up in each county. Will send you the letter data I have received. The trouble is that mother's memory is so uncertain and her date [illegible word] vague. I wrote to Murphys to Aunt Eliza years ago - cannot find what aunt Rebecca told me - it was with regard to an ancestor who was one of Washington's pall bearers -- Marsell was the name I think. Grandmother Shaffer's maiden name was Eichelberger -- of Franklin county. Her father was Godfrey Eichelberger (think they spelled it). Grandfather Shaffer (they spelled it Schaffer I think): Daniel Shaffer son of Jacob Shaffer -- probably from Berks County who married Mary Elizabeth Rice daughter of John Michael Christian Rice of Dauphin County who was a Col. in Revolution army. On July 15, '94 I got the following - Mrs Michael Leibert - Wharton, Potter County, Pa. Michael Rice, father of John Rice built house in 1762 that John Rice occupied when he died 62 years ago last Feb. My grandmother was a daughter of John Rice born in the same house and my father John Leibert was born there & I also. House still standing and in good condition. Michael Rice struck by lightening [sic] and killed just after house was built about 120 years ago...mark of [illegible word] to be seen in stone wall. John Rice was in the Rev. War and I saw his knap-sack made of linen and painted red - and he used same to go to Phila. in effort to attend Legislature of which he was a member. John Rice had several daughters - one Mrs. Leibert, one Julia - Mrs. Becker, one Mrs. Shaffer & one Mrs. Knoll (Michael S. Leibert) 1894.)

This is the best I can do at present - hope it will help. Will you kindly tell me the requirements to join the Colonial Dames? What is the expense and what is required historically. Think I can get in on father's record. His ancestor was one fot he signers of the constitution & was a major in the Rev., one also was a Col. - Am so hurried I cannot write hope you can decipher this. Mother sends love. We are getting along about as usual.

Had such a pleasant call at Charles Spanglers - Went to Media on Sunday to see Ella.

With love to you all and hoping to hear soon again.


Etta Cessna Doty

Submitted by: Joann Eichelberger Bauer.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST

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