Berks County and Surroundings
Vol. II - No. 9, Whole No. 21
Amityville, Berks County, PA
September 1889
BurialsSallie Ann Bertolet, of Oley was the daughter of David and Margaretha Frederick. She was born in Rockland, May 26th, 1824; baptized by Rev. Knosky, July 16th, 1824; sponsors Abraham and Lydia Frey. She was confirmed in her youth a member of the New Jerusalem Lutheran congregation, by Rev. Knosky. March 4, 1847, she entered into the holy state of matrimony with Daniel F. Bertolet, in which state she lived 33 years, --till Aug. 4th, 1880, when her husband died. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J. C. Bucher. They were blessed with five sons and one daughter,--one of the sons dies. She has also five grand children. She suffered more or less since 1883 of bronchitis, but her sickness became more serious since last November. She died on Friday morning, 9 o'clock, Aug. 9th, aged 65 years 2 months 13 days. She was buried in the family burial ground, Aug. 14th, in the forenoon. Services were conducted at the house. Text, Phil 3:20, 21.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:51:42 PST