Harry O'Neal Adopted by Harts

This morning Officer Hart humanely became the guardian of a little six-day-old baby boy at the Station House. The father of the young child is Lewis O'Neil, who has been recently employed on the Straustown branch of the South Mountain Railroad Company, at Pleasant Valley, about five miles from this city. The wife of Mr. O'Neal died with the birth of the little one, and was buried. Mr. O'Neal accompanied by a nineteen year-old daughter, came to the Station House last evening, bringing with them the little motherless baby. Several women were called upon by the officers, who administered to the wants of the little child. This morning Officer Hart signified his willingness to adopt the child, and the parent consented. So the Mayor drew up an agreement by which O'Neal transferred his child, Harry O'Neal to Mr. Hart until 21 years of age, with full power to change its name to Hart. And the officer wrapped up the little infant warmly and had it carried home to his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hart are without children, and now little Harry O'Neal or Harry Hart, will fill a place at their fireside. The daughter of Mr. O'Neal will for the present be taken to the Alms House.

[Source: Reading Eagle, Reading PA, October 6, 1874. Submitted by Betty.]

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