William High Keim

Keim, William High. He was born near Reading, Pennsylvania, June 13, 1813; educated at the Mount Airy Military School; rose by regular degrees to the rank of Major-General of Militia; in 1848 he was elected Mayor of Reading; in 1859 he was elected a Representative in Congress; was also Surveyor-General of the State; was placed in command of a Division of the Volunteer Army in 1801; after a campaign on the Upper Potomac he was appointed a Brigadier-General in the National Army; served with honor in the Army of the Potomac; and he died at Harrisburg, May 18, 1862, of typhoid fever contracted while in command of his brigade on the Peninsula, and was mentioned with honor by the War Department.

Lanman, Charles. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States During Its First Century: From Original and Official Sources. Washington: James Anglim, Publisher, 1876, p. 235.

Contributed by: Nancy.

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