William Addams

Addams, William. He was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; and was a Representative in Congress from Pennsylvania, from 1825 to 1829, and served on a Committee for the Deaf and Dumb Institutions of New York and Ohio. He was also Auditor of Berks County, Pennsylvania, in 1813 and 1814; Commissioner of the County from 1814 to 1817; member of the State Legislature from 1822 to 1824; and Associate Judge of Berks County from 1839 to 1842. Died in the spring of 1858, aged eighty-two years.

Lanman, Charles. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States During Its First Century: From Original and Official Sources. Washington: James Anglim, Publisher, 1876, p. 3.

Contributed by: Nancy.

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