Source: Henry W. Ruoff, ed., Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County. Philadelphia: Rush, West and Co., Publishers, 1893, p. 694.
Thomas Geier is a son of Henry and Catharine (Moyer) Geier. He was born in Orwigsburg, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1837.
Grandfather Henry Geier was of German descent, a farmer by occupation, and a native of Berks county, Pennsylvania, in which county he passed his life and is now buried. Henry, Jr., his son, was also born in Berks county upon his father's farm, spent the days of his childhood, youth and early manhoood there, and at the age of twenty-two removed to Orwigsburg, Schuylkill county, where he lived until his death, in 1871, at the age of seventy-eight years, nine months and eleven days. He was a blacksmith by trade, and plied his trade successfully until 1850, when he changed to the lumber business. For ten years he was superintendent of the lumber industry of David D. Lewis at Schuylkill Haven. This business he closed out in 1858, and then entered the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, where he continued until his retirment from active life. He was a democrat until the organization of the Know Nothing party, and subsequently became a supporter of the Republican party, voting for Lincoln during his first candidacy. In religion he was first a member of the German Reformed church, and latterly became a member of the Methodist church. His family embraced three sons and nine daughters.
Our subject, Thomas Geier, was educated in the schools of Schuylkill Haven, and after leaving school learned the carpenter's trade. This he followed as a journeyman for a period of eight years, when he became a contractor and builder. He removed to Pottsvile in 1882, and engaged in the management of a wholesale lumber business, which he still continues. Prior to his entering upon contracting and building he was a wholesale grain dealer for about two years at Schuylkill Haven. Politically Mr. Geier is a republican, and as such was elected a member of the council of Schuylkill Haven for nine years, chief burgess six years and school director two years. He is a member of the English Lutheran church in which he has held the office of both deacon and elder. He is also a member of Carroll Lodge, No. 120, I.O.O.F., of Schuylkill Haven, in which he was Past Grand, and to Mt. Nebo Encampment, of which he was P.C.P.
Mr. Geier married Lavina L. Eckert, a daughter of Benneville Eckert, of Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1860. They have two children: Catharine R. (now deceased), married to Byron Kriner, of Pottsville, in the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company; Clara E., at home.
Contributed by: Nancy.
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