Samuel R. Rittenhouse, M.D., of Reading, Pa., was born near the Trappe, Montgomery county, Pa., January 16th, 1832. His father, Jacob D. Rittenhouse, was a farmer in Montgomery county, Pa. He was a man of full, robust habits, and died of apoplexy, April 17th, 1843, in his sixty-first year. His paternal ancestors emigrated from Holland in 1690, and established the first paper mill in America, at Germantown, Pa.
On the completion of his preparatory education, Dr. Rittenhouse entered the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1853. On leaving the university, he commenced practice as an allopathic physician, near the Trappe, Pa. In the autumn of the same year he returned to Philadelphia, where he attended another course of lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, and had the advantage of the Clinics at the Pennsylvania Hospital. In the spring of 1854, he entered into partnership with Dr. Lesher Trevler, at Long Swamp, Berks county, Pa., with whom he had a large and remunerative business. At this time he had no confidence in the homeopathic system. He had been taught to believe it a wretched delusion. During the year 1855, however, he was witness to such marvellous results from the treatment under that system, in several cases of disease, that in spite of all his prejudices against it, he was induced to give it a patient and careful investigation. After thoughtfully reading the "Organon," and studying the homeopathic Materia Medica, he tested the medicines in practice, and became thoroughly satisfied of the truth of the foundation principle of Hahnemann--similia similibus curantur. From that time his faith in allopathy died away, and he devoted himself with earnest zeal to the new system which he had cordially and fully embraced. In 1857, he removed to Millerstown, Lehigh county, Pa., where for twelve years he was engaged in a large and laborious practice. During his residence there he was married to Miss Anna Maria Shaffer. His practice became so large and onerous that his health was very much impaired, causing a fear that he would be obliged to surrender the duties of his profession. He left Millerstown for Reading, Pa., in October 1868, where he has since resided.
He is a member of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Berks and Schuylkill Counties, the Homeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania, and the Reading Society of Natural Sciences. He has contributed some papers to the medical journals of both schools. During the late war he was an enthusiastic advocate of the cause of the Union, and contributed numerous articles to the local papers, designed to keep up the spirit of patriotism among the people. In the year 1863, he was the candidate of the Republican party in Lehigh county for the Legislature, but was defeated. Since the close of the war he has given no attention to politics, but has concentrated all his energies upon the duties incident to his profession.
Source: Cleave's Biographical Cyclopaedia of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Philadelphia: Galaxy Publishing Company, 1873, pp. 110-111.
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