Jeremiah Haak Good

Good, Jeremiah Haak, D.D., b. 1822, at Rehrersburg, Berks Co., Pa.; educated at Marshall College, Mercersburg, Pa.; became professor of mathematics in Heidelberg College, Tiffin, O., an institution which he had been largely instrumental in founding, in 1850, and was transferred to the chair of dogmatic theology in its theological department in 1869.

  1. The Reformed Church Hymnal: with Tunes, Cleveland, 1878.
  2. The Heidelberg Catechism newly arranged, Tiffin, O., 1879.
  3. Prayer-Book, and Aids to Private Devotion, 1881. 4. The Church-Member's Hand-Book, 1882.

Source: John Foster Kirk. A Supplement to Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors Containing Over Thirty-Seven Thousand Articles (Authors), and Enumerating Over Ninety-Three Thousand Titles, vol. 1. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1892, pp. 683-684.

Contributed by: Nancy.

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