Muhlenberg, Henry Augustus. A son of Henry A. Muhlenberg, before mentioned, was born at Reading, Pennsylvania, in July 1823. He received an excellent education, availing himself to the fullest extent of every advantage offered to him. Graduated at Dickinson College; studied law for four years, and was admitted to the bar in July, 1844. He was elected to the State Senate in 1848, of which body he at once became a leading member; he served his term of three years. He wrote a Life of General Muhlenberg. Was elected a member of the Thirty-third Congress, in which body he appeared but for one day; sickening with typhoid fever, he was never able to resume his seat, and died at Washington, January 9, 1854, to the great regret of a constituency which anticipated for him a long and distinguished career in the public service.
Lanman, Charles. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States During Its First Century: From Original and Official Sources. Washington: James Anglim, Publisher, 1876, p. 305.
Contributed by: Nancy.
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