County Historical News Abstracts -
Friends Fete
Cowansville Area Couple
A Cowansville RD 1
couple-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. HEPLER-were joined by family members,
friends and neighbors as they recently celebrated their 50th wedding
The HEPLER home was the scene for the
initial phase of the celebration. Relatives gathered there on Oct. 9
to mark the occasion. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. HEPLER
were presented with many gifts from friends, neighbors and relatives
as an "open house" was held in the Sugar Creek Twp. fire
hall. The goldenweds are the parents of one daughter and five
sons. The immediate family circle also includes 14 grandchildren.
*From the
Leader-Times of Kittanning, 1955.
Transcribed & Submitted by
Shirley McMunn 01 Apr 2003
Back at old Farm
W.A. Cox of Rayburn township piloted a
jolly party back to scenes of his boyhood days.
Near Shelocta on the fourth Mr. Cox visited the old farm called on
old neighbors and escorted the crown to a familiar spot under the
shade of a old tree on the premises where a bounteous dinner was
July 5, 1929 from Simpson's
Leader-Times (Kittanning, Pennsylvania)
Contributed by
Bonnie Schultz
Woman to Celebrate
Birthday Thursday
Mrs. D. S. HEPLER, of R. D. 1, East Brady, will celebrate her
86th birthday on Thursday, May 23. She and Mr. HEPLER celebrated
their 64th wedding anniversary on May 3, and Mr. HEPLER's 86th
birthday on April 30. They have six children, all living, 18
grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.
Transcribed & Submitted by
Shirley McMunn 28 Mar 2003
Pastor 50 years
(with Photo)
Rev. C. F. W. BRECHT.
Chicora, Pa., June 23.-Services in honor of the Reverend C. F. W.
BRECHT will mark 50 years of service by him as pastor of St. Paul's
Church of Chicora and the Zion Church of Brady's Bend. Two
special services have been set for Sunday, June 26. Visiting pastors
will officiate at both services and two choirs will furnish special
music. Mr. BRECHT was born in Evans City. When he was a year
old the family moved to Wildwood, where his sisters still live.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
28 Mar 2003
Mr. and Mrs. George GROVES and son Robert visited at the home of
C. A. GROVES for a couple days.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer
MITCHELL visited the W. T. CARROLL family Sunday afternoon.
Miss Stella KING returned home from W. C. BURELL's where she was
keeping house while Mr. and Mrs. BURELL made a trip to St. Paul,
was a Clarion visitor last week.
returned to her work in Canton, Ohio.
The room of 7th and 8th
grades did not have school Friday. Their teacher, Miss JARDINE,
attended the Clarion County Teachers Institute in Clarion.
The teachers and pupils
of the Kaylor school are holding their sauerkraut supper Thursday
evening, November 22 in the basement of the Baptist church. Supper
at 5 o'clock. The proceeds go towards paying for their Ditto
machine. Come out and help them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee KELTZ,
Lillian and Elsie Mae GROVES were Butler shoppers Saturday.
Mrs. E. R. GROVES who
had been seriously ill has not improved at this writing.
A very interesting
prayer meeting was held in the Baptist church on Sunday morning. The
young folks have charge of the prayer meeting for next Sunday
morning and every body is welcome to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
BURELL returned home Thursday after spending several days in St.
Paul, Minn.
Miss Dela BOLTZ of near
Kaylor is confined to her bed and is seriously ill at this writing.
Miss Rachel BURELL who is attending College at Pittsburgh spent the
week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. BURELL.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet
GRIFFITHS celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Those
present were: Mrs. Margaret GRIFFITHS, Milford GRIFFITHS, Edna Mae
GRIFFITHS, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron KING and Misses Stella and Winifred
The Golden Link class of
the Baptist Sunday school held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Aaron
KING. The main business of the meeting was to open the money apron
which the girls had been working on for some weeks. The apron
contained $5.25 the class decided to turn the money into the Orphans
Home at Pittsburgh, as the Orphans Home is in great need of help.
The Class wishes to thank all persons who contributed in the apron.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd WILES
and children Grace and Hubert, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie WILES and
children Chester, Anna and Almeda, attended the wedding supper at
the home of the former's sister, Miss Nettie WILES who became the
bride of Arthur HILES. The ceremony was performed in the St. Paul's
Reformed church, by Rev. Althouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
HILLWIG and son Clyde visited with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. GRAY and
children of Isle on Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret GRIFFITHS,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert GRIFFITHS, and children Edna Mae, Charles and
Kenneth GRIFFITHS visited the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Woods
The young people of
District No. 11 held a Young People's rally on Friday evening in the
Berean Baptist church. The theme of the meeting was Alcohol, and the
New Person. The discussion was led by Rev. PAPAJIAN of
Kittanning. The address of the evening was given by Rev. REGESTER of
Rural Valley. The meeting was very interesting and enjoyed by all
who attended.
Article date 11-22-34
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
27 Mar 2003
Real Estate - Farms
for Sale 51
SALE-Farm in Sugarcreek Twp., Armstrong Co., 12 miles west of
Kittanning on route 268 the late Ross King Est. 22 acres of
good farming land with good 6 room house, with basement, new brick
effect siding, water well on porch, good spring, 20 ft. from house,
good bank barn 38 x 40, garage, chicken house, out building 14 x 28,
free gas, gas well belongs to the owner of the farm, the house will
be open for you to go through it April 5 from 10:00 am until 7:30
pm., possession May 1. H. A. Thompson, Rimersburg, executor for the
*Clipping came from the Leader-Times, no year.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
27 Mar 2003
Pilot Home from Italy
Lt. Charles E. STANLEY, pilot of a Liberator bomber assigned to
the Fifteenth Army Air Force, Italy, who on two different occasions
had his plane shot down over enemy territory, is spending a 21-day
leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. STANLEY in East
Brady RD 1. On February 4, 1945, Lt. STANLEY received a
promotion from second to first lieutenant. At the conclusion
of his leave, Lt. STANLEY will report to Miami Beach, Fla., for
further assignments.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
26 Mar 2003
East Brady Bomber
Pilot Discharged
Turner Field, Albany, Ga., Oct. 20. - First Lieutenant Charles
E. STANLEY, combat returnee pilot from the European Theater, has
been honorably seperated from the AAF under the critical score point
system. Son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. STANLEY, Route 1, East
Brady, Pennsylvania, Lt. STANLEY flew combat missions in a B-24
Liberator bomber for several months, completing eleven missions in
all before he returned to the states. A veteran pilot, he wears the
Air Medal and the ETO Ribbon. Lt. STANLEY attended East Brady
High School and was employed at the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot
prior to his entry into the armed forces in January 1943.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
26 Mar 2003
Soldier Released from
Base Hospital
Merle SMITH, Jr., who is in the Army Air Corps, was hospitalized
for two weeks after his arrival at the air base at San Antonio, Tex.
He is now released from the hospital and is completing basic
training, after which he will be assigned to another field for a
course in a communications school.
He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle SMITH of Youngsville, formerly of
Cowansville. He attended Kittanning high school.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
26 Mar 2003
East Brady Man Has
Third Wound
Pfc. La Verne L. BUZZARD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac BUZZARD of
East Brady RD 1, was for the third time wounded in action in France
on March 14, according to word received by his parents from the War
Department. A letter received from Pfc. BUZZARD on the same
day stated that he was wounded in his left leg. No word concerning
the nature of his injury was mentioned. Pfc. BUZZARD has
served in the European theater of war for more than 12 months.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
26 Mar 2003
Man Who Made Fine
Biers For Family Rests on One
Walnut From Own Trees Fashioned By Freeport Farmer for Self and
Freeport, PA., Dec.
8.-The solid walnut casket which Angus GALBRAITH, Armstrong county
farmer, kept in his house for 15 years against the day he should
die, was underground today. GALBRAITH, 88, buried in Freeport
cemetery, in a grave he had dug and caulked with pitch at the same
time he obtained his funeral bier. Fifteen years ago, he
selected trees from his own farm, and had three caskets made at a
Freeport planing mill-one for his wife, one for a sister and one for
himself. Friends said he kept the caskets in his home.
Then he had excavated two graves in Freeport cemetery, lines the
sides with tar, and filled them in. His wife died eight years
ago. The second grave was opened again and GALBRAITH went to join
her. One walnut casket still awaits the passing of the sister.
Transcribed & Submitted by
Shirley McMunn 24 Mar
East Brady Man Fell
Asleep While Driving
DuBois, June 3.-With one arm broken, his jaw, thigh and other arm
possibly fractured and numerous other lacerations and contusions,
William MORGAN, aged 24, of East Brady, is in the Maple Avenue
hospital in serious condition. He was injured in an auto accident
near Hazen Thursday morning. MORGAN had been visiting in
Brockway, according to the meagre details that could be learned from
the injured young man, and started for his home about 12:30 am.
He drove to within a short distance of Hazen where he apparently
fell asleep and the next thing he knew was when he recovered
consciousness some hours later, with his arms and legs and body
broken and bruised by the accident. His car, a new Ford eight, was
almost a total loss.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
17 Mar 2003
Karns City Woman Hurt
in Cowansville Road Mishap
Car Ditched, Four Injured
Four persons were injured, two
of them seriously, Sunday evening at 9 o'clock, when the automobile
in which they were riding was ditched in order to avoid a collision
with another car at the intersection of the Cadogan and
Kittanning-Freeport roads, it was reported here today.
Patients in Allegheny Valley Hospital, at Tarentum, as the result of
severe laceration and possible concussions are George PENN, 67, and
his wife, Mary PENN, 62, of Natrona Heights.
Two Others Discharged
Treated at the Tarentum hospital for lacerations and later sent
home were two brothers, Harry and George MANGOL, both of Natrona.
The driver of the car, whose came was not learned, reportedly
swerved into a ditch along the road to avoid crashing into a machine
which had pulled out of the Cadogan road into the
Kittanning-Freeport highway.
Treated at Butler Hospital for Possible Skull Fracture Suffered
Miss Anna HARMON, 60, of Karns City, remained in a serious condition
in Butler County Memorial Hospital today as the result of a possible
fracture of the skull received in a collision involving two
automobiles and a truck Sunday afternoon in the Cowansville road
near Frogtown. The Karns City woman was injured,
according to reports, when a truck operated by Paul HORNBERGER, of
Cowansville RD 1, crashed into the rear of a car driven by Cloyd
HARMON, 1207 Grandview avenue, Pittsburgh.
Stopped In Highway
The force of the impact is said to have driven the HARMON car
into a machine driven by Charles R. CRAWFORD, of East Brady RD 1.
Investigation by Pennsylvania Motor Police of Kittanning substation
revealed that HARMON, traveling east in the Cowansville road, had
apparently stopped in the highway to make a left turn into the
Frogtown road, when the truck struck the rear of the machine, and
drove it against CRAWFORD's car approaching from the opposite
One Car Demolished
HARMON's machine was practically demolished, while damage on
CRAWFORD's car and the truck was estimated at $100 each. The
Karns City woman, suffering from a severe head wound, was rushed to
Butler hospital for treatment. Her condition today was described as
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
17 Mar 2003
School Bus, Car
Damage estimated at $40 was done to an automobile and a school bus
when they collided on Route 268 at the intersection of the Furnace
Run and Cowansville road, on Friday morning. No person was injured
in the accident.
State Police, who investigated the accident learned that a school
bus owned and operated by E. G. CLEPPER was transporting school
children from the Cowansville section to Kittanning. George W.
BROWN, Kittanning RD 3, is alleged to have driven out on Route 268
without stopping and crashed into the bus. A charge of failure
to yield the right of way will be lodged against Brown by the
Pennsylvania State Police in the office of Justice of the Peace W.G.
MCCLAY of East Franklin township.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
17 Mar 2003
Young Man Drowned
While Aged Woman Dies of Fright
Kenneth HARMON Was Drowned
and Mrs. Hannah GREENAWALT Overcome by Excitement - Victims Were
Well Know In Vicinity
A double tragedy occurred at Brady's
Bend yesterday evening in the drowning of a 17 year-old youth and
the death from shock several minutes later of a 61 year-old woman.
The boy, Kenneth HARMON, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard HARMON,
proprietors of St. Stephen's Inn at Brady's Bend, met death in the
Allegheny river about 7:30 PM when he and two other 17 year-old
youths, Dave MADDEN and Ralph ZIMMEL, on their way to a baseball
game at East Brady, waded into the river. All three were in
wading depth when the HARMON youth suddenly pitched forward and
sank. His companions called for aid and fifteen minutes later the
body was brought to the surface by Merle ADAMS of East Brady.
Dr. Wilson HOFFMAN, East Brady physician, was called and efforts to
resuscitate the lad were started at once. For three hours futile
attempts were made at the garage of Mrs. J. H. WISEMAN where the boy
was taken after rescue workers worked over him on the river shore
for some time. The boy is said to have been epileptic and
several times this summer had called for help after he had gone in
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Woman Dies of Shock
Mrs. Hannah GREENAWALT, 61, of Brady's Bend, residing about a
mile from St. Stephen's Inn, heard of the drowning and hurried to
the river bank, thinking the victim may have been one of her five
sons. Upon learning that it was not, she returned to her home
and several minutes later fell over, dead from a heart attack.
The HARMON youth is
survived by his parents. Funeral arrangements have not been
completed as yet.
Surviving Mrs. GREENAWALT are her husband, Harry GREENAWALT, five
sons, George, Emery, Arthur, Elman and Jesse, all at home; and two
daughters, Mrs. Edward ADAMS, of East Brady, and Mary GREENAWALT,
whose whereabouts is not known.
Mrs. GREENAWALT will be buried Thursday afternoon in Brady's Bend
cemetery. Funeral services will be conducted at one o'clock at the
residence, with Rev. H. H. Wilson, of the East Brady Baptist church,
officiating. The woman was a member of the Union Gospel
Mission and was well known in the vicinity at Brady's Bend and East
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
13 Mar 2003
Anniversary Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. HEPLER of East Brady, Pa., will celebrate their
sixtieth wedding anniversary with a family dinner tonight in their
home. Sunday is the anniversary.
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
12 Mar 2003
Army Private Home on
Surprise Visit
Pvt. George HEPLER surprised his
parents-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer HEPLER, Worthington RD 1-when he walked
in on them Monday afternoon. Pvt. HEPLER was stationed at New
Orleans, La., with the Transportation Corps. and is on ten-day delay
enroute. He will leave on Tuesday for Camp Gordon, Johnston,
Grandmother has handwritten Dec 25, 1945, on this clipping from the
Leader-Times, Kittanning
Transcribed &
Submitted by Shirley McMunn
01 Apr 2003
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Compilation Copyright 2009 to Present
By Linda Blum-Barton
