Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Steel Mills and Plants
Jan 1957 Layoffs at US American Steel Wire Plant in Donora
to Be Laid Off
In Donora This Week
Although the three-week railroad strike ended in Donora on Dec. 1 [1956], it
is still having its effects on operations at U.S. Steel's American Steel &
Wire Division plant.
A spokesman for the company said today that approximately 800 workers in
eight separate departments will be laid off this week as a result of a
temporary shutdown due to lack of orders.
The spokesman reported that the Donora Southern Railroad strike of the last
month was the initial factor in the loss of orders. He said some of the
orders booked for the Donora plant last month had been given to other plants
of U.S. Steel.
"We have to get more orders before we can operate on a normal
schedule," he said.
The departments affected include the cleaning house, wire mill straight and
cut, galvanizing, bundling room, nail mill and electric weld and shipping.
the rewinding section of the bundling room will be in operation during the
shutdown. The nail mill, galvanizing and electric weld departments will
be shutdown completely, but a token force will operate in the shipping
The spokesman said all of the men affected who wish and are eligible for
1957 vacations, may take part of the vacation next week or during the
shutdown. This will prevent a loss of wages in January, he stated.
Donora Local 1758, United Steel Workers of America, said employment
compensation claims---for
[See DONORA--Page 2]
[Donora - From Page One\
those 800 laid off next week--will be taken from 1 to 5 p.m. at the
Steelworkers Hall, Fourth and Thompson as follows: Jan. 9 -- workers with social security numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4;
Jan. 10 -- workers with social security numbers ending in 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.