Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Steel Mills and Plants
United Steel Workers Regional Meetings and Upcoming Elections
Opens Regional Meetings in New York.
Pittsburgh (UP) -- United Steelworkers President David J. McDONALD journeys
to New York City today to prepare for the opening session of a union experiment
in regional top-to-bottom conferences.
McDONALD and other top leaders of the USW will meet with representatives of
the union's New York state and New England districts Thursday and Friday at the
Roosevelt Hotel. The talks will mark the first formal conference between
international leaders and district officials on a regional level in the 20 year
history of the 1,200,000-member union.
Five similar regional meetings are planned to permit top leaders from
Pittsburgh international headquarters to discuss with workers in the field the
USW's three-year contract negotiated last summer. The conferences will
also map the union's future action.
McDONALD, who is being challenged for the $50,000-a-year presidency in the
union's February elections, may also use the sessions to organize the
"regulars" against a rebel faction headed by McKeesport, Pa.,
millhand Don C. RARICK.
The regional conferences were scheduled shortly after a rank-and-file group
protesting an increase in dues from $3 to $5 a month announced it would run
candidates against McDONALD and other international officers.