History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Your Ancestor's Family Stories
Short biographical information about various families.
Charles Augusta & Johanna
Eric Leindecker wrote: I saw your website and found
it very interesting. My grandparents, Charles Augusta & Johanna
Elizabeth (ANSBERRY) GAGEN, moved from Defiance, OH and lived in Little
Washington from early 1903 until sometime round 1920. My grandfather was
a railroad worker (Foreman). My mother, Lillian Olgamae GAGEN, was born
in Little Washington 1 Nov 1908. Their first address (1903-07) was 1108
Summerlea Ave which I assume they rented. They later (1908-1?)
bought property at 9 Washington Ave. Charles Augusta GAGEN moved
to Pittsburgh and helped build the Tubes.
Another family name in Little Washington was Joseph & Catherine
(HOOVER) McSEVENEY. They lived at 1087 Summerlea Ave in 1910. He was a
laborer in a Tube Mill. Joseph's parents Isaiah & Margaret (RUSSELL)
McSEVENEY lived at 841 Jefferson Ave in 1910. He was a janitor at
Ward School.
* All these persons are deceased.