History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
1874 Flood at Pittsburgh Allegheny Co PA
Source: The Scotsman newspaper Mon_Aug_10_1874_p5
Cork, Sunday evening.-- New York papers of 28th July, received here
to-day, give details of the great floods at Pittsburg[sic], reported by
cable. At about half-past six o'clock on Sunday evening, July 26, two
great clouds met over the city, and coming into collision, seemed to rock the
town to its foundations. Immediately the water commenced to fall--it was
the descent of a torrent, like a river leaping over a precipice, and in three
minutes after the waterspout had burst, more than one hundred human beings
were swept away, and the total loss is set down at over 200. In
Alleghany city [sic] the flood was terrible. Many houses were swept into
the middle of the street, and others carried off hundreds of feet and
shattered to pieces. The fierce torrent of rain swelled every little
tributary into a boiling stream, and the accumulating waters rushed with
irresistible force down the valley, sweeping everything in the course.
The track of the devastation is marked by the wrecks..... [Sorry, the copy was cut off and I didn't see that I didn't
have it all until it was too late.]