Miss Elizabeth REIST, who has been spending several days in Frederick
with friends, has returned to her home in York, Pa,
Mrs. W. N. JOLLIFFE, West Third street, is spending some time in
Atlantic City.
Mr. FIROR, editor of the Catoctin Clarion, Thurmont, was a
visitor to the office of The Evening Post today.
Mrs. Charles CONLEY has issued cards for Thursday afternoon, May
eighteenth, from four to six o'clock at her home, Guilford, near town.
Mr. Robert SHIPLEY is spending a couple of days in Baltimore on
Mr. John DRONENBERG, with J. M. DRONENBERK [sic] & Co., is in
Brunswick this week on business.
Mr. Frank HERWIG, East Church street, is on the sick list.
Mrs. E. S. HOUCK and daughter, Eva [HOUCK], are spending a few days
at their summer home, Braddock Heights.
Dr. Harvey GETZENDANNER and Mrs. J. F. R. HEAGEY, both of this city,
spent yesterday with friends at Bartholows.
Mr. Lewis MOTTER, of the firm of MOTTER Bros. & Co., who has been
out of town for several days on business, has returned.
Mr. Roger MOTTER, of Washington [D.C.??], is spending several days at
his home near this city.