History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
Site Search or Page Search (Ctl Key+F) easily finds items of interest.
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Sources for Genealogy 101:
Brackets ! Square Brackets or Box Brackets! Braces !
Brackets ! Angle Brackets ! Chevrons !
Round Brackets ! Parentheses !
Curly Brackets ! Squiggly Brackets ! Flower Brackets ! Braces !
"Direct Quotations. How to Use Quotation Marks."
The OWL at Purdue (Online Writing Lab). Sean M. Conrey & Mark Pepper. Ed. Allen
Brizee, October 14th 2009.
Quoted section: When quoting text with a spelling or grammar error, you should transcribe the error exactly in your own text. However, also insert the term sic in italics directly after the mistake, and enclose it in brackets. Sic is from the Latin, and translates to "thus," "so," or "just as that." The word tells the reader that your quote is an exact reproduction of what you found, and the error is not your own.
Mr. Johnson says of the experience, "it's made me reconsider the existence of extraterestials [sic]."
"Grammar and Usage Guidelines." GNOME Documentation
Library, no date.
"What Are the Fourteen Punctuation Marks in English Grammar?"
Brackets, Braces, and Parentheses.
"The Bracket" 2009. The Capital Community College Foundation. Hartford, CT
Writer's Complex: Parentheses. Empire State College State University of
New York, Saratoga Springs, NY. 2009
Grammar &
Composition: Brackets. Richard Nordquist, 2009. Filed
in In:Grammar & Rhetoric Glossary > Abbreviation - Buzzword
Writer's Complex:
Brackets. Empire State College State University of
New York, Saratoga Springs, NY. 2009
Math Uses Wolfram
MathWorld The Web's Most Comprehensive Math Resource
Comic Books "Bracket."
wikipedia. Nov. 6, 2009.
Particular Style Demands
APS House Style :: Parentheses, Brackets, and Braces. Grammar Usage of
Parentheses, Brackets, and Braces. APS Online Style Manual.
(For APS Copy Editors and Journal Supervisors) "When writing braces in text,
use the «lbrace» and «rbrace» codes. The brace symbols themselves are
reserved for complex coding."