Compiled from the original source materials
with annotation and additional research
by David Wayne Bailey
March 2006

Part One
You can find Part Two here.

Editor's Note: You can find more information on one branch of McCarty descendants at

Settlers LVII: Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel and Cora Smith McCarty
and another at Ancestors of Clive Drennen McCarty by Larry Pardoe.

Editor's Note: A truncated version of this history provided by Gerald McCarty can be found at Ancestors of Gerald McCarty. This shorter version of the history focuses on just one particular lineage.


The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.

Pursuing it with weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say

-----------J. R. R. Tolkien


At the heart of this genealogy is the hard work of many, many others. Numerous secondary sources have been used as a framework without which new research on the McCarty Family would have been impossible. To those persons, some living, many long since passed on, I am truly grateful. Their work is acknowledged at the conclusion of each entry.

Those rare genealogies, long out of print, have been used as a basis to keep alive a love of family. May those who follow this work, credit me as honestly as I have endeavored to acknowledge them.

I am deeply indebted to those persons and groups of persons who helped me acquire prime source materials: Evelyn Bryan, Evelyn and Laurence Higley, Donovan Champ McCarty, Rev. D. Gene Patterson, Carol Bird, Kermit Bird, Nedra Snyder at the Sullivan County Historical Society, Mr. Rupert at the Muncy Cemetery, the folks at the Library of Congress, Spruance Library, National Archives, Boston Public Library, Haverford College Library and the others, too numerous to mention, with whom I have spoken and corresponded over the years.

I am especially grateful to Louise Molyneux Woodhead who has contributed greatly to the success of this book. Her own writings and updates have been of invaluable help.

And, finally, I wish to thank my son, Charles David Bailey for his tireless efforts. In addition to many other things, he has copied every extant McCarty family gravestone in Quakertown, Muncy Bradford and Sullivan Counties.


The Descendants of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell is divided into the ten generations which follow the line. In addition to the standard genealogical data, a number of historical sketches and essays have been added, allowing the reader to better understand the context of the world in which our ancestors have lived; to set the stage, so to speak. To that end, also, a number of appendices are to be found at the end of the book. They are in the chronological order of the text and the reader is referred to each at its appropriate time.

Once the reader has traced his or her own line, it is hoped that they will begin at the beginning and read through the fascinating history of the McCarty family, a chance to journey with explorers, missionaries and travelers in their own words.


The numbering system in this book has been chosen:

1. to establish a manner by which any individual may immediately and accurately be identified;

2. to clearly establish family lines and;

3. to facilitate the inclusion of additional family members or persons for whatever reason previously omitted. ���������� ����������������������� ����������������������� �����������������������

Each generation (or chapter) is comprised of a set of family groups, parents and their children. Then, in each subsequent generation (or chapter), each of those children has his or her own individual listing with their own family group. In addition to giving each person an individual identity, the book is thereby set up for further expansion without disrupting its momentum.

The numbering system is quite simple. Each number represents a child in his or her birth order. This book begins with Silas and Sarah. Their children were: 1. Carrell; 2. James; 3. Silas; 4. Benjamin; 5. Lydia; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Hannah; 8. William; 9. Thomas; 10. Peter; and 11. Paul. Each of those numbers represents a first number of

all of the names in this genealogy. Most readers will be of either the 4 or 9 lineage, as those are the lines of which we have the most information to date. The 4 means you are descended through Benjamin, the 9 through Thomas. Here, then, is the way the rest of it works:

My number is 967(10)321

I am the first child of 967(10)32 Kenneth Lee Bailey, Jr.

He is the second child of 967(10)3 Gladys Maude McCarty

She was the third child of 967(10) Doctor Fremont McCarty

He was the tenth child of 967 Joel McCarty

He was the seventh child of 96 Joel McCarty

He was the sixth child of 9 Thomas McCarty

He was the ninth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell

In other words: find your number, remove the last digit, back up a chapter, and you'll find your parents; remove the next digit and back up a chapter, your grandparents, and so on...

Your own children will be your number plus their birth order.

So my children are 967(10)3211 and 967(10)3212.

Each listing begins with the bloodline name, regardless of gender, and carries through into the following generation. In the case of multiple marriages, the numbering of children does not re-begin, but continues according to bloodline.

In the case of family lines inter-marrying, each partner has an individual listing with his or her complete family grouping. In the next generation, however, those children are listed only under the number which falls the earliest in the lineage.

For instance: If #765 married #87, their children would be found under 871, 872, 873, etc. because that line is the closest to Silas and Sarah.

For the reader's convenience there is a one-time reference to the other number:

7651 SEE #871�������

����������� 7652 SEE #872

����������� 7653 SEE #873

��������� �����...and so on

While this might seem a bit troublesome, it was necessary, for the sakes of both brevity and indexing purposes. To help some, the Spouse Index at the end of the book cross-references intermarriage of lines where it occurs.

Within entries, every effort has been made to give information in the following order:

# Name; parents; place born; date born; place died; date died; burial; married to (name); parents; place born; date born; place died; date died; burial; other pertinent biographical information; sources; children in order of birth.


The pieces added at the beginnings of sections of the book were placed there for no other reason than this author likes them and believes them appropriate transitional material.

Before the Foreword and the Appendices are two versions of a poem by J.R.R. Tolkien, one near the beginning and one near the end of his Lord of the Rings. They fall at the beginning and end of a very long journey.

At the beginning of the genealogy proper and each generation are found sections of Charles Dickens' A Child's Story, which describes a different sort of journey.

Before the Introduction and Background is an anonymous poem from old Irish describing the members of Clan MacCaura or Carty.

You can access a comprehensive list of bibliographical sources by clicking on the following links:

McCarty Bibliography, Page One
McCarty Bibliography, Page Two
McCarty Bibliography, Page Three


This genealogy has been several years (to say nothing of ten generations) in the making. It is, to be sure, an unfinished history. We are busy researching Silas and Sarah's other children and the unfinished sections of Thomas and Elizabeth's family. There is a nearly definite relationship between this family and the branches in the Southeast. There is also a possible connection between us and a McCarty family in southern Canada. Also looming is the question of whether Billy the Kid (his mother was a McCarty!) is of our lines.

This is meant to be a living history and has been set up to readily accept both new and heretofore hidden persons and their stories. All contributions, corrections and comments are gratefully accepted and encouraged.

����� ...The Road goes ever on...




In chasing the red deer what step was the fleetest
In singing the love-song what voice was the sweetest
What breast was the foremost in courting the danger
What door was the widest to welcome a stranger
In friendship the truest, in battle the bravest
In revel the gayest, in council the gravest
A hunter today, and a victor tomorrow?
Oh! Who but a chief of the princely MacCaura!



�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The McCarty family is probably descended from the ancient family of MacCarthy, which was the dominant family in Desmond, or South Munster, Ireland. The MacCarthy (or McCarthy) family is said to descend from Milesius, King of Spain, through the line of his son, Heber. The founder of the family was Cormac, King of Munster, A.D.483. The ancient name was Carthann, which means "kindness." The chief of the sept was McCarthy More, Prince of Muskerry, King and Prince of Desmond, King of Cashel and Munster. The possessions of the McCarthys were located in the present counties of Cork, Limerick and Clare. The sept comprised the families of McCarthy More, McCarthy Riagh, O'Donovan, O'Keefe, O'Mahoney, McAuliffe, O'Cowley, O'Curry, O'Collins, O'Dunnady, McCartney, McCurten, McCutcheon, McHugh and O'Scanlon. The McCarthys took their name from Cartagh (Cartay), King of Desmond, A.D. 1100. Under the Irish Kings, and long after the advent of the Anglo-Norman invader, the McCarthy family maintained their princely prominence.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� They endured long contests for their independence against the Fitzgeralds, Earls of Desmond; the Butlers, Earls of Ormond, as well as other Anglo-Norman and English settlers, and held their title as Princes of Desmond, with considerable possessions down to the reign of Elizabeth I. They were divided into two great branches, the first being the McCarthy More, of whom Donal McCarthy was created Earl of Glenclare, or Clanclare, A.D. 1565, by Queen Elizabeth; the other branch, called the McCarthy Riagh, were princes of Carbery. Besides the Earls of Clanclare, the McCarthys were also created at various periods Barons of Valentia, Earls of Clancarthy, Earls of Muskerry and Earls of Montcashel, and had several strong castles in various parts of Cork and Kerry. It is told that the McCarthy More was inaugurated at Lisbon-nacuhir, in Kerry, at which ceremony presided O'Sullivan More and O'Donoghue More; his captains of war were the O'Rourkes, probably a branch of the O'Rourkes, Princes of Brefney; the MacEgans were his hereditary Brehons, and the O'Dalys and O'Duinins were his hereditary poets and antiquarians. In the twelfth century we find Cashel, fortified by Brian Boru two centuries before, in the possession of Cormac McCartyh, King of Munster and Archbishop of Cashel.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� This famous building, at once both a fortress and a church, was considered to be of the finest type of medieval architecture, the equal of any in England or Normandy of the same date.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The celebrated Blarney Castle was built in 1449 by Cormac McCarthy Laidir (the Strong), Lord of Muskerry. During the later wars between the Irish and the English this castle was the scene of many battles. Its walls were eighteen feet thick, and resisted many an attack and seige under the name McCarthy. The fortification covered a space of eight acres; but with the fall of King James the Second, Earl Clancarty, who had espoused his cause, lost his estates, and Blarney Castle passed into the hands of an English commercial company. The castle stands to this day, and houses the famous "Blarney Stone," which the visitor may kiss while hanging by his heels, to insure good luck.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The Abbey of Mucross, a splendid medieval ruin, of which N.P. Willis writes: "It is more beautiful in its loneliness and decay than it could have been in its pristine state of neatness and perfection," was also erected by the McCarthys, Princes of Desmond.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Ross Castle, Killarney, is another memorial of the power and prowess of the McCarthys of Desmond. It was taken from them in 1588 by Sir Valentine Browne, founder of the house of Kenmare, but recaptured in 1651 by Donagh McCarthy, Viscount Muskerry, Earl of Clancarty. He had been the leader of the Catholic forces of Munster against the Cromwellians. With 1,500 poorly equipped men, he successfully resisted the English general, Ludlow, commanding 4,000 foot and 2,000 horse soldiers, at the seige of Ross Castle. He retired to Spain, and afterward was created Earl of Clancarty by Charles the Second. His estates were restored to him by act of Parliment. His son, Charles, entered the military service of France, and served with distinction in the Low Countries. He afterward entered the English service, and was killed in a naval engagement against the Dutch, June 3, 1665.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Charles' younger brother, Justin McCarthy, Viscount Montcashel, entered the English army, where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant-General. After the outbreak of the Revolution against James II in 1688 [James was trying, with great resistance, to restore the power of the papacy in all of Great Britain.], Justin was appointed Munster Master-General and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cork by Tyr-Connell, and upon the landing of James the Second received command to raise seven foot-regiments. In 1689 he was created Viscount Montcashel and Baron of Castleinchy. Also in that year, Justin passed over to France, probably in the company of James himself, who had been allowed to "escape" from the Tower of London and flee the country. Justin received the rank of Lieutenant-General and received command of the 6,000 Irish troops that had now entered the service of King Louis the Fourteenth. His command gained great distinction in Savoy, and afterward served under him in Catalonia and on the Rhein.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� In September of 1688, the heads of the Church party in England invited William of Orange to be their champion in the cause of religious and civil liberty against James. With the landing of William on English soil, James' army literally melted away. Scotland, engulfed in the Reformation, posed no resistance at all. Ireland was quite a different matter, with much of their population having remained loyal to the Pope all along, the Earls of Clancarty among them. James took advantage of their feeling and returned to Ireland complete with French troops. William decided to take to the battlefield himself, and, he too, traveled to Ireland where he landed at Carrickfergus. On July 12, 1690 was fought the infamous and bloody Battle of the Boyne, which decided the fate of James and his followers, the "Jacobites." This time James was not "allowed to escape," he had to flee to France. William of Orange wasted no time in punishing James' followers. Lands and property were seized. The Jacobites were forced to either conform to the state church or exile themselves. Many did leave. It is very possible that the family of Silas McCarty fled to Scotland or secreted themselves in Ulster and, out of self-preservation and because of the times, were swept into the growing wave of Presbyterianism espoused by John Calvin. Best evidence tells us that the McCarty family is descended from the Earls of Clancarty, family McCarthy, lords of Blarney Castle.�������������

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The author has created a genealogical trace that leads back at least to Charlemagne and, in a more fanciful version, back to Adam and Eve. You can look over this "ancestral tree" at The Royal Ancestry of the Descendants of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell.


�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Early history of the McCarty family in America is very hazy and only begins factually on the 11th of March, 1724 with the appearance of the name of Silas McCarty on a map of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The second solid piece of evidence is the conveyance of land to Silas by John Thomas and Richard Penn on the 3rd of March 1738. The final contributing fact establishing their residence was the uniting of Silas' wife, Sarah (Carrell) with the New Britain Baptist Church on the 16th of July 1755. From that point on, fairly accurate family records have been passed along, with many corroborating materials.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Earlier information, or rather, speculation, is, quite frankly, a muddle, and has been open to much conflicting speculation. The two main sources have been the Harry Fred Lancaster Genealogy of the Lancaster and McCarty Families and Clarence Vernon Roberts' book, Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks.Also, Ezra Patterson Carrell's Genealogy of the Carrell and Dungan Families, long considered the primary source on the McCarty family, copies the Roberts text on early family history verbatim. The words "doubtless," "certainly" and probably" are used all too often and tend to further tangle things. The confusion concerns Silas's immediate family background and from where and whence he came.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The first theory, espoused by Roberts, says that the family was established in Bucks County by Cornelius McCarty of Middletown (New Jersey) and Silas and Edward McCarty of Haycock, all born near the year 1700. He goes on to say that an effort had been made (but not by whom) to make these three brothers, together with Dennis McCarty of Middletown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, "and one or two others of record at the time," all sons of John McCarty of Piscataway, New Jersey and Ann Harmon of Woodbridge, New Jersey who were married the seventh of September, 1684. Roberts continues by saying that the McCartys of New Jersey and Pennsylvania were "doubtless" descendants of the Earls of Clan Carty who were driven out of Ireland and disposessed of their large estates under William of Orange in 1690. The latter is the article's most cogent point.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The first difficulty with the Roberts version is, if John McCarty and Ann Harmon were married in 1684, they could hardly be "descendants" of those driven from Ireland by William of Orange in 1690! The second difficulty is with Roberts' alleged researcher and his attempt to group all those with the surname of McCarty into a single family.��

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The second theory, put forth in the Lancaster book, states simply that family tradition has it that Silas McCarty left Scotland at about age fourteen with his brother, Roland. They lived together in Ireland for a few years, then emigrated to America. Roland settled in New Jersey, Silas in Pennsylvania. This is certainly a less confusing explanation, but it is not clear how the brothers came to be born in Scotland, and then emigrate to Ireland. It would seem more likely to been the other way around.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Both theories are inconclusive and problematic. The fact is: We don't know! So, let us play with each of the above scenarios by filling in some missing data, albeit hypothetical. This author will then offer yet another possible solution to the mystery.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Regarding the Roberts theory, it is conceivable that the McCartys did end up in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey. At least one other famous Sullivan County, Pennsylvania family, that of Theophilus Little, had its American origins in that place. One Lewis Morris wrote to the Bishop of London in 1700, concerning the state of religion in the Jerseys. In that letter he states that "Freehold was settled from Scotland...About one-half of the Inhabitants there are Scotch Presbyterians and a sober people." Silas would have been at the right place at the right time. The attempt at establishing the relationship between all the McCarty boys of northern New Jersey, as well as the parenthood of John McCarty and Ann Harmon, is purely conjectural, and should be dismissed until further facts make their appearance.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� A brief digression: For the purposes of this essay we will assume that Silas McCarty was born into a Presbyterian family, perhaps even a recently-Presbyterian family. What we do know is that Silas married into a very prominent Baptist family; his wife Sarah's grandfather was the founder of the first Baptist Church in Bucks County. In his will, Silas even deeded land to the congregation of the New Britain Baptist Church for a meeting house and graveyard. Silas and Sarah's son, Thomas, however, was identified in early life with the Tinicum Presbyterian Church. He later married into the Lancaster family, well-known Friends. You can see the Ancestry of Sarah (Dungan) McCarty and other Dungan relatives at many locations on the Internet.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� That having been said, another possibility is that Silas McCarty (assuming for a moment that he was born in America, to John and Ann) came early under the influence of the Quakers while in Freehold. One of the founders of that town was George Keith, an important, albeit controversial, voice in the Quaker movement in America. Keith was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland and raised a Scotch Presbyterian. He became a Quaker to secure patronage by Robert Barclay, a follower of George Fox. Following persecution in his native country, Keith emigrated to Freehold where he was engaged as a surveyor to mark out the lines between East and West Jersey. In 1689, Keith was called upon by William Penn to participate in his "Holy Experiment" by opening a school in Philadelphia. This school later became the William Penn Charter School and the Friends Select School. His followers were known as Keithian Quakers or Quaker Baptists, and, though he later became the subject of much criticism, his influence is clear in the early Quaker movement in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. And, several years later, when the Quakers from New Jersey began to gravitate toward that area in Bucks County, known as "The Great Swamp," young Silas McCarty may have been with them.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� It is also possible, however, that quite a different picture can be formed, somewhat agreeing with the Lancaster theory:

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� In 1720 there were more than a million Presbyterians in Ulster being persecuted by the much larger Catholic population. By mid-century more than half of that population had migrated to America. John Fiske, in The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, tells us that "the great majority (of Presbyterians) came to Pennsylvania and occupied the mountain country west of the Susquehanna." In Wayland F. Dunaway's The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania, we are told that "A characteristic Scotch-Irish settlement was effected in present Bucks County, beginning about 1720 and still receiving additions in 1740. Scotch-Irish settlements were made in Tinicum and Bedminster Townships and in Deep Run, Plumstead, and New Britain Townships..." These are all very familiar names in early McCarty family history. It is possible that Silas, and perhaps a brother, arrived directly in Pennsylvania on this wave of migration.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Accept the following only as a possibility:

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� The members of Clancarty were papists (Catholics). Given that the McCarty family is descended from that clan, there can be no doubt about that fact. Clancarty fought long and hard in defense of James the Second. With the coming of William of Orange, all of their land and monies were seized.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Members of the clan were then faced with a choice: remain papists no matter what, convert to Protestantism, or flee the country. Many did remain papists; many chose to run to France with King James; still others decided to convert and begrudgingly follow the Church of England. Conversion, however, presented a new problem: the scorn of the remaining papists. The McCartys (Clancarty no longer existed, thanks to William of Orange) would have had to leave their traditional home country and escape to Ulster where a large "Williamite" settlement was in existence. Interestingly enough, Ulster held a huge Scottish population (over 50,000) at the time. The family would there have come under the influence of Presbyterianism. Silas McCarty was possibly born there in Ulster about 1700 to, by then, Presbyterian parents. By 1720 things were sufficiently unpleasant for the Protestants that Silas left the country, possibly with his brother, Roland. They went first to Scotland, where Presbyterians were most welcome. A couple of years later, when emigrations from Scotland were in full swing, they sailed to America. They probably landed first in Boston, then traveled down the coast and up the Delaware River to Philadelphia. Silas and Roland went their separate ways, Roland to New Jersey, Silas directly to Bucks County. And there we find 1724 and our first solid piece of evidence.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� It is interesting to note that, a few years later a very famous ardent Presbyterian and scientist, the discoverer of oxygen, Joseph Priestly, would come to live in Northumberland County. His son, also Joseph, who preceded him to America, would become the first large landowner and developer in what would become Sullivan County.

�� ��������������� ��������� ��������� Hopefully, more facts will come into our hands to enable a solution to this riddle. Neither published theory is sufficient to make a case, and this author's theory is only a possible scenario. A fascinating puzzle!

Sources for McCarty History:

        Genealogy of the Lancaster and McCarty Families, by Harry Fred Lancaster.
Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks, [EFFUB]by Clarence Vernon Roberts.
Genealogical History of Irish Families, With Their Crests and Armorial Bearings, by John Rooney, Washington, 1895.
The Story of the Irish Race, by Seumas MacManus, New York, 1921; revised 1944.
The Romance of Irish History, by John G. Rowe, New York, 1913.
Inventory of Church Archives of the Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1941.
The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, by John Fisk, , Boston, 1899.
Old Times in Old Monmouth by Edwin Salter and George C. Beekman, Baltimore, 1980.
The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania, by Wayland F. Dunaway, Chapel Hill, 1944.
Emigrants to Pennsylvania, 1641-1819, edited by Michael Tepper, Baltimore, 1975.




Once upon a time, a good many years ago
There was a traveler, and he set out upon
A journey, and it was to seem very long when
He began it, and very short when he got
Half way through.




���� ������ Silas McCarty, born c.1700, died 1750; married c.1722, Sarah Carrell, daughter of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan of Warminster, and grand-daughter of Rev. Thomas Dungan, founder and pastor of the first Baptist Church in Bucks County (1684), born c.1700 in Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

On a map of Bucks County, dated 11 Mar 1724, Silas is represented as the owner of a plot of land in the southwestern part of Plumstead Township, near the Buckingham line.��������������

���� ������ Silas later took up a tract of 350 acres in what would became Haycock Township, just over the line of the present Richland Township, adjoining the Logan tract on the west, the Bryan tract on the south, and the Jacob Strawn tract on the east. The patent for this tract of land from John, Thomas and Richard Penn to Silas McCarty is dated 1 mo.3, 1737/8, but he was probably located there under a proprietary warrant of survey for some years prior to that date.

���� ������ He died seized of this land in the year 1750, leaving a will dated January 3, 1749/50, probated on May 1, 1750, which devised to his wife Sarah his plantation for life, then to all his children, his son Carrell excepted. To Carrell he gave 100 acres off the end of his plantation.

Silas also gave 1 acre of land to William Bryan, Isaac Evans, and others, in trust, for the use of the Baptist congregation at New Britain, in an area known of as Strawnstown, upon which they would erect a church and locate a burial ground. A small log church was built and has long since disappeared. Sarah (Carrell) McCarty united with the congregation "July ye 16th, 1755." Silas and Sarah are probably buried in the graveyard, though the stones are broken and illegible.
[Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




To all Christian people whom this may concern be it known that I Silas McCarty of ye Adjacent of Springfield in the County of Bucks & province of Pennsylvania being weak & Indisposed in Body but of a perfect disposing mind & memory and calling to mind the Uncernty (sic) of Life and yer certainty of Death, do make & put in writing this my last Will & Testament in this manner & form following -


Imprimus [first and foremost] it is my Will of mind that all my Debts & Funeral Expenses be first paid & discharged -


Item�� I give & Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Sarah McCarty all my goods & Personal Estate & the use of my Plantation that I now live on during her Life, or while she lives my Widow


ItemIt is my Will that in case my Wife shall Marry again that my Sd plantation be sold by my Executors herein after named and the value thereof together with my Sd Personal Estate to be divided as followed (viz) one third part thereof to be given to my Sd wife and ye remainder to be Equally divided among my children, my son Carell only excepted he being provided for already, but if my wife does not marry again ye whole to be equally divided among them after her Decease share & share alike ye above Exception of my Son Carell only observed.


Item I give & bequeath unto the Congregation of Baptists one acre of land lying on ye East Side of my Tract, whereon meeting House now stands for which my Executors shall make a firm deed & title when required by ye Sd Congregation.


Item I do Nominate Constitute & appoint my Said wife, my son Carell & my trusty & well beloved Brother-in-law Robert Thomkins to be my Executors of this my last will & Testament Utterly revoking & disannulling all other will or Wills Testament or Testament & Executors by me before this time made or named Ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have here put my Hand and Seal this thirteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred & Forty nine Fifty.




��������� 1. Carrell McCarty������ ������������������������� b. 15 Sep 1723

��������� 2. James McCarty�������� ������������������������ b.1 Jan�� 1725/6

��������� 3. Silas McCarty ���� ������������������ b. 16 Jun1727

��������� 4. Benjamin McCarty����� ���������������������� b.5 Oct�� 1731

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������ d. 27 Oct 1794���������

��������� 5. Lydia McCarty�������� ������������������������� b. 11 Oct 1733

��������� 6. Elizabeth McCarty��������� ������������������� b. 30 Oct 1735���������

������ ���7. Hannah McCarty������������ ������������������ b.6 Dec 1737

��������� 8. William McCarty����������� ������������������� b. 29 Feb 1739/40

��������� 9. Thomas McCarty������������ ����������������� b. 12 Apr 1741

����������������������� ��������� ������������������������������������d.9 Oct 1804

�������� 10. Peter McCarty������ �������������������������� b. 13 Nov 1742

�������� 11. Paul McCarty�������������� �������������������� b. 29 Apr 1744





He traveled along a rather dark path for some little time without meeting anything, until at last he came to a beautiful child. So he said to the child, �What do you do here?� And the child said, �I am always at play. Come and play with me.� So, he played with that child, the whole day long, and they were very merry.


The first generation of McCarty�s in America were born and lived their early lives in Upper Bucks County, Pennsylvania in the area now known as Quakertown, specifically Richland and adjoining Haycock and Springfield Townships. The following slightly-paraphrased excerpt from Old Richland Families, by Ellwood Roberts, will serve as a backdrop for this first generation:


Located less than forty miles from Philadelphia, the vicinity known successively as Great Swamp, Richland and Quakertown, is one of the most interesting in Eastern Pennsylvania. It was settled over two centuries ago by English and Welsh Friends or Quakers, and by Germans who, like them, sought a refuge from the assaults of religious intolerance at home.

Among the first settlers were Edward Roberts (his great-grandson, Hugh Foulke, married into the McCarty line), Peter Lester (his great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Roberts [#911] married Hugh Foulke), and Thomas Lancaster (whose daughter, Elizabeth, married Thomas McCarty [#9]).

The settlement included a large tract of country, embracing several townships adjoining Richland, as it was termed when organized and laid out in 1734, extending even into the adjoining counties of Lehigh and Montgomery. While the settlement now (known as) Quakertown was the central point, members of the meeting were located in Springfield, Rockhill, Milford, Saucon and elsewhere.

The settlement was peopled by those who left home on account of their religious convictions, and there�� was thus a common bond of sympathy. It was William Penn's foresight in providing a place of refuge for his people, and his liberality in throwing it open to all comers, regardless of creed or nationality, that gave to the population of the state he founded its cosmopolitan character and brought together such apparently incongruous and discordant elements to form a community which has retained its peculiarities for over two centuries. From the date of location of some of the original surveys, much of what is now comprised within the limits of Milford and Springfield must have originally been called Richland. This view is borne out by the fact that much of the land surveyed as part of Richland Manor was located in adjacent townships. Tradition tells us of the early settlers finding the place covered with a luxurious growth of grass. It was mostly heavily timbered but the forest was interspersed with small prairies, with a rich soil, hence the place was called Richland.


���������������������� ...the proportion of prairie was, however, small. Nearly all was wet and swampy, and in the spring of the year covered with water, until cultivation had effected

a change.

����������������������� ...the circumstances which gave rise to the name "Swamp," though, were rapidly modified under the benign ministry of the axe and the plow.


����������������������� Wolves, bears, deer and panthers were abundant and continued so for years. Rattlesnakes were very troublesome to the early settlers for many years. Mowers were compelled to wrap their legs with hay or other protective substances to ward off their bites. At Great Swamp was organized a branch of the first Society for maintaining friendly relations with the aboriginal inhabitants. It was called "Ye Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with ye Indians." All through the bloody and devastating wars with the infuriated red men, lasting for years, there was no clash between them and the followers of Penn at Richland. Samuel Foulke (father of Judah

Foulke, who married [#94] Sarah McCarty and grandfather of Hugh Foulke, who married [#911] Elizabeth Roberts) was Treasurer and guiding spirit of this organization. The Association continued until the Peace of 1759.

����������������������� The first settlers had no facilities for building houses. They came in detached parties and probably at first depended almost entirely upon the Indians of the

vicinity, who, fortunately, were kindly disposed toward these peaceful followers of Penn. The first dwellings were of bark and were erected beside great rocks or under the shadow of trees.


It should here be noted that the Silas McCarty family was not the only McCarty family in the environs of Haycock Township at this time, There was at least one other, the family of Nicholas and Unity McCarty. Research has yielded no definite connection between the families. This has caused confusion over the years because then, just as today, some names were more popular than others. The causing the most problems for us has been the name �Thomas.� Some have attempted to identify our Thomas, ninth child of Silas and Sarah (1741-1804) as another Thomas, who was born in 1759 and died after 1833 having fought in the American Revolution.That hardly would have pleased our Thomas� in-laws, the Lancaster�s, devout members of the Society of Friends.




(7)������� Peter Ashton came from Ireland in 1732, and settled in Springfield just beyond the

Richland line, adjoining John Adamson. Robert Ashton succeeded his father on this place. Robert's son, Peter, married [#46] MARY McCARTY.


(9, 10 & 11) Properties owned by William, John and Thomas Thomas, sons of Samuel Thomas. Their brother, Edward, married [#9(10)] ELIZABETH McCARTY.


(15)����� SILAS McCARTY came to the "Great Swamp" district in 1735, and settled in Haycock Township, along the eastern line of Richland.


(16)����� The Baptist Burying Ground mentioned in the will of SILAS McCARTY: "To �� William Bryan and others one acre of land on east side of my plantation where a church now stands." The church is long gone and the graveyards overgrown and ����� overrun by farm animals. Silas and Sarah are probably buried here.


(20)����� Hugh Foulke settled in Upper Richland prior to 1730 on a tract of 313 acres which ����� included 40 acres on the east side of the "Road to Durham." His grandson, Judah ���������� Foulke, married [#94] SARAH McCARTY.


(27)����� Isaac Walton was a tenant for a number of years on the western side of the Logan ������� tract. His daughter, Margaret, married [#4] BENJAMIN McCARTY.


(28)����� [#4] BENJAMIN McCARTY, son of Silas, moved to this location in 1765, which ������ was a portion of the Logan tract.


(30)����� Thomas Lancaster came to Richland in 1740 from Wrightstown, and purchased ����������� 400 acres of land now comprising the eastern end of Quakertown, and extending ������� beyond the borough limits. His daughter, Elizabeth, married [#9] THOMAS McCARTY.


(39)����� Edward Roberts purchased 250 acres of land in 1715. His great-grandson, Hugh Foulke, married [#911] ELIZABETH ROBERTS.


(53)����� Peter Lester purchased in 1712, 600 acres of land divided by the "Road to ������ Philadelphia" north of the southern line of Richland Township about two thirds of �� it laid east of this road. His grandson, Levi Roberts, married [#91] PHEBE ����������� McCARTY.




1������� CARRELL McCARTY, first child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born �������� in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 15 Sep 1723; married Tamar_________ of"Adjacents of Springfield Township," by which name Haycock Township was known prior to 1763. He inherited 100 acres of his father's Haycock plantation and are known to have made a conveyance of part of that land 20 August 1759. [Carrell/Dungan]


2������� JAMES McCARTY, second child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born �������� in Bucks County, Pennsylvania 1 Jan 1725/6; married Sarah__________. With his wife, he joined with the heirs of deed in 1760. [Carrell/Dungan]


3������� SILAS McCARTY, third child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania 16 June 1727. He appears on the tax list of Richland Township as a single man in 1783 (so probably never married) and evidently moved to Northampton County, Pennsylvania prior to 4 Jun 1785 when he conveyed land in that county. [Carrell/Dungan]


4�������� BENJAMIN McCARTY, fourth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania 5 Oct 1731, raised on his father's farm in Haycock Township, then known as "adjacent of Springfield," died in Richland Township, Bucks County 27 Oct 1794; married, about 1757, Margaret Walton, daughter of Isaac Walton, Sr. and Alice Davis of Richland Township, born 1736.

���� The Waltons were members of the Richland Monthly Meeting of Friends. Benjamin McCarty not being a member, Margaret was disowned by the Society for marriage "out of unity."

���� Isaac Walton was a descendant of one of the first pioneer Walton brothers who settled in Byberry Township, Philadelphia County, on the upper boarder of Bucks County, about 1683. [EFFUB pp.373-375] He was at the time of his daughter's marriage to Benjamin McCarty, and for many years thereafter, a tenant on one of the plantations of the Logan tract in Richland, his son Isaac Walton, Jr. being a tenant on another division of the same tract.

���� It is possible that upon his marriage to Margaret Walton, Benjamin McCarty took charge of her father's farm. The two tracts "in the tenure of Isaac Walton,Sr., and Isaac Walton,Jr.," were devised by the will of William Logan to his daughter Sarah, wife of Thomas Fisher. On 13 Feb 1787 Thomas and Sarah Fisher conveyed 195 acres, part of both tracts, to Benjamin McCarty. Benjamin and his family lived there until his death in 1794. His will (see below), executed on his deathbed, left his entire estate to his wife for life or widowhood, and then to his children. His executors, his wife and his brother-in-law Daniel Walton, were directed to hold the share of his daughter Mary, wife of Peter Ashton, paying her the interest and paying the principal to her children at her death. The share of another daughter, Sarah Mitchell, a widow, was divided between her and her daughter Mira. Most of the children of Benjamin and Margaret (Walton) McCarty moved to Muncy, Northampton (now Lycoming) County, Pennsylvania. [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB, Will



���������������� ������(Original in Spruance Library, Doylestown, Pennsylvania)


I Benjamin McCarty of Richland in the County of BucksYeoman being of sound mind & memory do make & put in writing this my last will & testament as follows- first I will that all my just Debts & funeral Expenses be Duly paid & Discharged. Item (:)I will that all my land & plantation Whereon I live Shall be sold for the best price that may be got for it, and that a due appraisement & sale be also made of all my goods & Chattels. Item(:)I give unto my beloved wife Margaret the use of all the Money arying from the sale of my Estate as aforesaid that shall remain after my debts Shall be paid During her natural Life or so long as she ��������� Remains my Widow. Item I will that all the Money which Shall remain after my Wifes Deceas or Marridge be disposed of as follows viz in case my wife should marry then one third of my Estate Shall be hers to dispose of as she may think fit and the Remainder to be divided among my Children as follows (:) My Sons to have two shares each and my Daughters to have one share each & if my wife Shall live her time out unmarried then the Whole Remainder of my Estate Shall be divided among My Children in the proportion aforesaid. Item (:) I will that my Executors have in after named do hold in their hands the Share that will be Comming to my Daughter Mary Ashton Wife of Peter Ashton the interest of which they are to pay her During her Life & at her decease the principle to be Divided equally among her Children also I will that the Share that shall be coming to my Daughter Sary Mitchel be equally Divided between her and her daughter Mira. Lastly I do hereby ordain & appoint my beloved wife above Named with my brother in Law Daniel Walton & my son Benjamin McCarty to be my Executors of this my last will and Testament in witness Where of I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the 25th day of September Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred �� and ninety fore.


Sealed and Declared by the said testator to be his Last Will and Testament in the presents of us


���� Samuel Foulk������ Tho������������ Benjamin McCarty

���� Raldal Iden

���� Casper Johnsone




�������� �� 41. Silas McCarty�������� ���������������������������������� b.��������� c.1758

�������� �� 42. Benjamin McCarty����� ������������������������������ b.2 May 1763

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. ��� 1828

�������� �� 43. William McCarty������ �������������������������������� b. 11 Mar 1766

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ d. 21 Jan�� 1813


�������� �� 44. Isaac McCarty�������� ��������������������������������� d.��� Jun 1847

�������� �� 45. Sarah McCarty��������

����� ����� 46. Mary McCarty

�������� �� 47. Alice McCarty

�������� �� 48. Margaret McCarty

�������� �� 49. Elizabeth McCarty

������� 4(10). Rachel McCarty

������� 4(11). Jane McCarty


5�������� LYDIA McCARTY, fifth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born in Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 11 Oct 1733; married Daniel Pursell, died 1804. They lived for a time in Bucks County, but later moved to Kingswood Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where Daniel Pursell died.

���� Little is known about this family except what is given in Daniel Pursell's will. It is dated 2 May 1803, and was probated 7 Jan 1804. It provides a home for his widow Lydia on his plantation in Kingwood during life or widowhood. To a son Peter is given the plantation of 110 acres in Sussex County, New Jersey where he then lived. To the son Benjamin is given the plantation whereon the testator lived in Kingwood, "said to contain 230 acres more or less." To his son Thomas Pursell and daughters Ruth Middleworth, Sarah Tinsman and Hannah Jones, is bequeathed 150 pounds each, to be paid successively one, two, three and four years after the death of their mother. To sons Peter and Benjamin, residue of personal estate; and they are named as executors. Attached to the will is the following endorsement, signed by the widow:


���� "Probate-Kingwood Township, Hunterdon Co. The

���� subscriber Lyddy Pusley due agree and am fully

���� satisfied and it is my choice and desiar that this

���� will should be proved according to law.

���� Witness my hand and seal this seventh day of������

���� January one thousand eight hundred and four.

���������������������������������������� her

����������������������������������� Lyddy X Pusley (Seal)

���������������������������������������� seal



�������������������������������� (in order of will, NOT necessarily in order of birth):


�������� �� 51. Benjamin Pursell

�������� �� 52. Thomas Pursell

�������� �� 53. Ruth Pursell

�������� �� 54. Sarah Pursell

�������� �� 55. Hannah Pursell

�������� �� 56. Peter Pursell


[Carrell/Dungan, will]


6������� ELIZABETH McCARTY, sixth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born 30 Oct 1735; married John Melvin of Springfield. [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


7������� HANNAH McCARTY, seventh child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born 6 Dec 1737.[Carrell/Dungan]


8������� WILLIAM McCARTY, eighth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born ����� 29 Feb 1739/40. [Carrell/Dungan]


9������� THOMAS McCARTY, ninth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, was born ������� 12 Apr 1741, died in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 9 Oct 1804, Lucetta McCarty Wilson records indicate that he was buried in the graveyard at Pennsdale Monthly Meeting; married 1765 Elizabeth Lancaster, twelfth child of Thomas Lancaster and Phebe Wardell, born, probably in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 26 Aug 1749, died in Quakertown, Bucks County, 26 July 1806, having returned there after Thomas's death.��

���� Thomas McCarty was raised on his father's plantation in Haycock Township. He was probably reared and educated in the tenets and faith of the Presbyterian Church, and identified with the old Tinicum congregation established among the rugged hills of Tinucum Township prior to 1740.

���� [The following is a somewhat paraphrased version of Ezra Patterson Carrell's descriptive material found in the Carrell/Dungan genealogy, pps.73-74]:


���� A few miles north of Ottsville, Pennsylvania, is an old burial-ground on what is known as Clay Ridge. That those connected with this burial-ground held it in veneration is shown by the order in which it was maintained. It is surrounded by a well-built wall,������ with beautiful iron gates, and gives every indication of being the burial-ground of people well able to care for it. When Carrell visited it in the 1920s, it was ��������� still in fairly good repair as to the wall and entrance, but the forest was reclaiming its own, and �������� forest trees were growing un-forbidden over the graves of those reposing beneath. There were, at that time, several gravestones showing the name Lancaster. [When this author visited the graveyard in 1991, although the wall was still fairly in tact, there was little left within except fragments of gravestones.]

���� The story is, that here was originally located the old Ottsville Presbyterian Church, and the foundation outlines of its location were clearly marked; but as the community developed, and the Durham Road became principal highway for communication with Philadelphia, which was the main market for the produce of the farms - the only source of livelihood to those settlers - development became more general along this main road, and the old meeting-house bid fair to be isolated from the life of the community; there arose a division in the church, and finally it was moved to Ottsville, Pennsylvania, along the Durham Road, where it stands today.




��� Even after the removal of the church itself, it was unable to stop the trend of changing conditions, and gradually the Irish gave place to the German element until the Presbyterians were unable to support a pastor, and services were held alternately in German, for the German settlers one Sunday, and in English, for the Presbyterians, the next, but even this failed to stem the tide of change, until at last services of all kinds have been abandoned, and this old church, standing in good repair, the graveyard surrounding it fairly well-kept and enclosed by an excellent wall, is yet an empty testimonial to the fact that churches, like those who people them, have their day.


���� Carrell was able to secure the old session and trustee-books of the church, and deposited them at the Presbyterian Historical Society in the Witherspoon �� Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

���� Despite his Presbyterian roots, Thomas McCarty, a mason by trade, was associated with the building of the Friends' Meeting House at Quakertown in 1762.

���� Elizabeth Lancaster had been strictly reared in the faith of the Society of Friends. Both of her parents were accepted ministers and traveled extensively in "the service of truth." (see note below on Lancaster family) Thomas McCarty applied for membership in the Society prior to his marriage to Elizabeth but, though the committee appointed to investigate his character reported favorably, his admission was opposed by some members of the meeting and he was denied membership. The marriage took place though Elizabeth was disowned for marrying outside her faith. They continued to attend the meeting however and, after nineteen years, were both admitted to membership in the Richland Meeting.

���� Thomas and Elizabeth McCarty settled on a 40-acre farm in Richland inherited by Elizabeth from her father. They lived there until 1775, then sold the farm to William Foulke, together with fifteen acres of land bought from Moses Lancaster, 5 Dec 1767, and moved to Northampton County, residing there until 1794 when the whole family moved to Muncy, Northumberland (soon to be Lycoming) County, Pennsylvania. They took certificates from Richland Monthly Meeting of Friends to the Monthly Meeting at Exeter, Berks County, then the Monthly Meeting nearest to their destination. They were soon followed by several of the children of Thomas's brother, Benjamin.

���� Thomas is said to have owned the first gristmill in Lycoming County. Their farm was located between Muncy and Clarkstown on land, which was owned by the Shipman family in 1902. In the following item, taken from the Lycoming Gazette dated 3/33(?)/1809-2 we find what appears to be the sale of the property:



���� A Grist-mill, Sawmill and thirty-nine acres of excellent land with a two-story frame dwelling house, three rooms on a floor, a log kitchen with a well of ��������� good water before the door; the mills are on an excellent stream of water [Glade Run], two pairs of stones, one pair of burrs, three bolting cloaths, suitable for either merchant or country business. The Grist-mill is stone, forty ft. by thirty, situated in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, well known by the name of McCarty Mill.

���� The land is about 2/3 cleared. About 5 acres of excellent meadow and much more may be made, a young orchard of about 100 trees; the mills and lot in good repair, any person inclining to purchase said mills, will apply to the subscriber - conditions will be made known by


����������������������������������������������������������������������� AMOS CHILCOTT


���� Following the death of Thomas McCarty in 1804, some of the youngest children returned to Richland with their mother where she died in 1806.




In the name of God, Amen.


I, Thomas McCarty, of Muncey Creek Township in the County of Lycoming, and state of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, considering the uncertainty of the moral life, and being of sound memory and perfect mind: blessed be Almighty God for the same. Do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say:



First I direct that all my funeral expenses and all my just and honest debts be paid by my executors.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth McCarty, one room down-���� stairs and two up, with their usual furniture and bedding, and such privileges of ���� the use of the house and cellar as may be necessary, with six cows well kept, one horse fit for my said wife to ride, with sufficient of bread and meat of the best ����������� kind, she to have the rooms in the house where I now live and creatures kept on �� the same premises, on that part which I shall bequeath to my son Job and he is to pay her six pounds per year as long as she may live.All these emoluments and ����������� privileges to be for the use of my said wife and such of my daughters as may continue unmarried and continue to live with their mother.But if my said wife ���� should marry, then my will is, that she shall quit the premises, taking with her the furniture of one room, one cow, and one riding beast, and to have six pounds per year paid her by Job. All the above to be taken and considered in lieu of dower.

Thirdly I give in bequeath to my daughters Phebe and Mary each of them a good eight ���� day clock with a neatcase.

Fourthly I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah, twenty dollars, and to my grand-son Samuel Foulke, twenty dollars, and to my grand-son Thomas Foulke, twenty ��������� dollars, to be paid by my executors within ten years after my decease.

Fifthly I give and bequeath to my son Samuel McCarty fifty acres of land be the same ����� more or less, it being the same on which his black-smith shop now stands, to him ����� and his heirs in fee.

Sixthly I give and bequeath to my son Silas two hundred and fifty pounds, to be paid to him by my executors within three years after my decease; what moneys I am in �� due my son Silas to be included in the above mentioned sum.

Seventhly I give and bequeath to my two sons John and Thomas, forty acres of land to ���� them and their legal issue as tenants in common, but for want of legal issue, or if ������� one of them should die without issue, then and in that case they are to be ���� considered as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, to include the mills with ����������� their appurtenances, to join an improvement made by my son Joel, and the widow Robb's lands, each long line to join the creek for which they shall pay my executors seven hundred pound in manner following, to-wit: One hundred per year for each five years next after my decease, then the remaining two hundred ��� pounds to be divided into five yearly annual payments, the last payment to be made ten years after my decease.

Eighthly I give and bequeath to my son Joel one hundred pounds to be paid to him by my executors in manner following to-wit, twenty-five pounds one year after my ������� decease, and the remainder in three equal annual payments and the last payment to ���� be paid four years after my decease.

Ninthly I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin twenty-five acres of land to include the improvements made by Joel; the lines to remain as they are now run, to him and ���� his heirs in fee for which he must pay my executors forty pounds five years after ��������� my decease and have possession of the house and one-half of the land ����������� immediately after my decease, and of the other half two years after-wards.


Tenthly I give and bequeath to my son James two hundred pounds to be paid to him by my executors in manner following to-wit, fifty pounds two years after my decease, �� and the remainder at twenty-five pounds per year until paid, the last payment to be �� made eight years after my decease.

Eleventhly I give and bequeath unto my sons David and Jesse fifty acres of land in the ���� forks of the creek to be held by them in the same manner I have directed John and Thomas to hold theirs and David and Jesse to pay nothing, and Job to give them two good cows and a horse between them when they may stand in need of them.

Twelfthly I give and bequeath to my five daughters that now live with me to-wit, Jane, ���� Elizabeth, Hannah, Martha, and Lydia; sixty pounds apiece to be paid to them within ten years after my decease, and my daughter Jane ten years after my ��������� decease to have the clock now in my house.


������� ��� And it is further my will and I direct that my son Job shall give each of his sisters last named, immediately after the death of their mother, one cow, two sheep, a good bed and bedding, a low priced pair or case of drawers, three chairs, and one breakfast table each, and if my daughters remain single and unmarried, Job is to find seed and sow them one acre of flax every year, and if some of them marry, the rest to have in proportion, and find them house-room and fire-wood, and if it should nor suit Job to have them in the house with him he shall build them a good convenient house, between the mills and barn, plant them an orchard of one hundred apple trees, opposite the east end of the barn, the house to be on the same side of the road, and find them sufficient of good fire-wood ready prepared for the fire and laid at the door; and give them the wool of two sheep yearly each

of them and prepare them a garden well manured and keep it so and keep each of them a cow as he kept his own both winter and summer as long as they remain single and unmarried.

������� ��� And lastly I give and bequeath to my son Job all the residue of my estate, both real and personal, of whatsoever sort or kind it may be, or wheresoever it may be, he complying with the above and before mentioned terms of this my last will and testament; ---- and paying to my executors the sum of six hundred and fifty pounds in manner following, the said sum to be divided in ten yearly payments or parts, the first part or payment to be paid one year after my decease, and the last, ten years from the time of my decease.

������� ��� And further it is my will and I hereby direct that Job shall have his grain ground at the mill left to John and Thomas toll free during the life of his mother, and after that, only what he may want ground for the use of his family.

������� ��� And further it is my will and I direct that if my children or any of them shall make any charge or demand for any time they have lived with me after they were of age, that the same shall be deducted out ofwhat I have given them by this my will. And if there

should remain any money in the hands of my executors after paying my debts and legacies as before directed they shall pay the same to Job.



������� ��� And I hereby appoint my son John McCarty and William McCarty jointly my sole executors of this my last will and testament.

������� In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifth day of the seventh month 1803.

��������������������������������������������� Thomas McCarty��

������������������������������������������� [Seal]


Signed, sealed and to be published, for the purpose

above mentioned in the presence of


������������������������������������������� Ellis Walton.

������������������������������������������� Aaron Patterson.


���� In 1902 this document was in the possession of Wilson Spencer of Galva, Illinois. It was reprinted in the Lancaster genealogy.





Thomas Lancaster, father of Elizabeth and ancestor of the family in Pennsylvania of that name, was born in Warwickshire, England in 1702.

Thomas and his sister Mary, who was probably a few years his senior, were brought to Pennsylvania by Ann (Chapman) Parson, an eminent traveling Friend and a daughter of John Chapman of Wrightstown, on her return from a religious visit to England in 1711. They were reared to maturity in Wrightstown. Mary Lancaster, Thomas� sister, married in 1723, Jeffrey Burgess of Wrightstown. They settled on a farm in Lower Solebury. Jeffrey died there in 1755, leaving four sons and four daughters. Mary survived him.

Thomas Lancaster married at Wrightstown Meeting, 8 mo. 19, 1725, Phebe Wardell. She is said to have been the daughter of John Wardell, a native of Wales, who first came to Boston and later to Wrightstown. The name of Wardell, does not appear on the marriage certificate. Phebe is said to have been a beautiful woman, bright and intelligent.

In 1729, Thomas Lancaster purchased a farm of 108 acres on the eastern line of Wrightstown Township in what later became Upper Makefield Township. In 1736 he purchased 100 acres adjoining this tract. He lived on a farm of 208 acres until 1741 when he removed with his family to Richland.

Thomas and Phebe were earnest and active members of the Society of Friends, and both entered the ministry at an early age. They took their certificate from Wrightstown to Gwynedd Monthly Meeting on their removal to Richland, and became members of the Richland Monthly Meeting on its organization in 1742.

Thomas Lancaster purchased of Jonas Preston by deed dated 6 March 1741, 450 acres of land in Richland. It included the eastern portion of the present borough of Quakertown, and the house in which he resided was located on the eastern side of the Doylestown Road where it approaches Licking Run and bends to the southward. He resided on this plantation until his death in 1750, the land later being partitioned into eleven different tracts by the Orphan�s Court, and adjudged �������� to his children.

Thomas Lancaster entered the ministry about the time of his removal to Richland, and on 2 mo. 19, 1750, he acquainted the Meeting with his �concern to visit Friends in ye West Indies, particularly those of the Islands of Barbados and Tortola,� and requesting a few lines by way of a certificate from the Meeting, proceeded on his journey. Subsequent certificates returned by his widow to the Meeting from the Meeting at Barbados and Tortola show that he was accompanied on the journey to Barbados by John Bringhurst, a traveling Friend from Philadelphia, and Peter Fearon of Burlington, New Jersey. John Bringhurst died 7 mo. 30, 1750, on Barbados Island and Peter Fearon and Thomas Lancaster took passage to Tortola Island and after a short visit there took passage homeward. Thomas Lancaster�s health had become impaired by the climate of the islands and died during the voyage home. He was buried at sea. The certificate granted them by the Meeting on Tortola Island for their return is dated 8 mo. 19, 1750.

A COLLECTION OF MEMORIALS OF DECEASED MINISTERS AND OTHERS, printed by Joseph Cruikshank, Philadelphia, 1787, contains the following testimony from the Richland Monthly Meeting:

About ten years of the latter part of his time, (Thomas) was a member of this meeting; he was sound in the ministry, and exercised his gift therein with great fervency and zeal, his life and conversation corresponding therewith. In the second month, 1750, he laid before our meeting his concern to visit Friends on the islands of Barbadoes and Tortola, which the meeting approved of, and gave him the certificate in order thereto: Toards (sic) the latter end of the same year he performed said visit, and had good service there, as appeared by certificates from Friends on each side of the said Islands. On his return homewards, it pleased Divine Providence to visit him with sickness, of which he died at sea; his removal being deeply felt and lamented by his family and friends at home.


[SOURCES: The Lancaster Family, by Harry Fred Lancaster, Early Frinds Families of Upper Bucks, by Clarence Vernon Roberts, Old Richland Families, by Elwood Roberts, the Minutes of the Wrightstown, Gwynedd and Richland Monthly Meetings which may be examined at the libraries of Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges, and the Cruikshank book (above), a copy of which may be found at the Boston Public Library.]




��������� 91. Phebe McCarty����������� ������������������������������� b.2 Aug 1766

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 30 Mar 1850

��������� 92. Samuel McCarty���������� ������������������������������ b.8 Nov 1767

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 15 Oct 1846

��������� 93. Silas McCarty����������� ��������������������������������� b. 30 Nov 1768 (3?)

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 15 Oct 1838

��������� 94. Sarah McCarty����������� �������������������������������� b. 19 Dec 1769

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 31 Oct 1844

��������� 95. Mary McCarty������������ ������������������������������� b. 19 Dec 1769

��������� 96. Joel McCarty������������ ��������������������������������� b. 16 Mar 1771

��������� 97. John McCarty������������ �������������������������������� b.6 May 1773

��������� 98. James McCarty����������� ������������������������������� b. 11 Jun 1774

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d.����� c.1842

��������� 99. Jane McCarty������������ ��������������������������������� b. 18 Sep 1775

������ 9(10). Elizabeth McCarty������� ����������������������������� b. 17 Sep 1776 (7?)

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jan 1861

������ 9(11). Thomas McCarty���������� ���������������������������� b.8 Mar 1778

������ 9(12). Job McCarty������������� ������������������������������� b. 10 Aug 1779

�������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Apr 1845

������ 9(13). Hannah McCarty���������� ���������������������������� b. 19 Feb 1781

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� d. 22 Feb 1782

������ 9(14). Benjamin McCarty�������� ���������������������������� b. 20 Jul 1783

������ 9(15). Martha McCarty����� ���������������������������������� b. 24 Apr 1785

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 12 Nov 1856


������ 9(16). David Lancaster McCarty������������ b. 13 Dec 1787

������ 9(17). Jesse McCarty����������� ������������������������������� b. 10 Apr 1789

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 26 May 1857

�� ����9(18). Lydia McCarty����������� ������������������������������ b. 16 Aug 1790 (6?)

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� d. 14 Aug 1861


(10)����� PETER McCARTY, tenth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, born ������������������������������� 13 Nov 1742. [Lancaster]


(11)����� PAUL McCARTY, eleventh child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell, born 29 Apr 1744; married, before 1780, Cassandra William, daughter of John and Margaret William of New Britain, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Paul was taxed in Bethlehem Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania in 1781, for 100 acres of land and live stock. Their daughter, Margaret, is mentioned in the will of John William, dated 2 Aug 1780. Cassandra was then deceased.


[Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




����� (11)1. Margaret McCarty�������������������������������������� b. before 1780




��������������� One day the traveler lost the child.

��������������� So he went upon his road, and went on for

��������������� a little while without meeting anything,

��������������� until at last he came to a handsome boy.

��������������� So he said to the boy, �What do you do

��������������� here?� An the boy said �I am always

��������������� learning. Come and learn with me.�


��������������� But they were not always learning;

��������������� they also had the merriest games ever played.


��������������� As to friends, he had such dear friends�

��������������� And they were all young, like the handsome

��������������� boy, and were never to be strange to one

��������������� another all their lives through.



An Introduction


���� ������ The second and third generations of the McCarty family in Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania, have been well documented through property records, diaries and journals, and the records kept by the various Meetings of the Society of Friends.

We have little information at this time about most of the children of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell. Of the eleven, this document will concern itself chiefly with descendants of (#4) Benjamin and (#9) Thomas. Best evidence suggests that Thomas was the only member of that first generation to leave Bucks County and settle in the Muncy, Lycoming County area. Though his wife and some of the children returned to Quakertown following his death, he is recorded as being buried in the graveyard of the Pennsdale Meeting House. Very soon thereafter, however, many members of these two branches had settled in the Muncy area.

Travel from Bucks County to Muncy was no easy matter. The reader is directed to the article on (#91) Phebe McCarty Roberts (below), and her letter describing the journey to Muncy over the "blue mountain" (which now, of course, is tunneled through by the Pennsylvania Turnpike). This mountain separates the rolling county-side of southeastern Pennsylvania with the rugged mountainous region to the north. Also noteworthy is the diary of the trip to Upper Canada by Phebe in the winter of 1820/21 in her pursuits as a Quaker missionary. That diary will be found below.

The following selections from Now and Then will serve to illustrate the difficulties and miracles of life in those early days. Now and Then was a periodical "Devoted to Local History, Amusement, Instruction and Advancement of the Borough and the Valley of Muncy, Pennsylvania."It was published "now and then" from 1868-1878 by J.M.M.Gernard, then revived in 1929 by Dr.T.Kenneth Wood, and has been published under the auspices of the Muncy Historical and Museum of History to this day.


From Volume I., No.8, September 1872:


��������������������� JOHN HENRY PEPPER

��������������� ������� by the editor (G.M.M.Gernard)

����������������������� (excerpt:)


������ p1. The town of Muncy was commenced in 1797, when(#42) Benjamin McCarty...bought a considerable portion of its present site and laid out its lots and streets, though there had already been a settlement where it stands for upwards of twenty years. "Muncy Manor" - comprising about 1615 acres, and first surveyed in 1768 - was in 1776 divided into five farms, and in a few years after was sub-divided into a number of smaller lots.


From Volume I., No.17, September 1877:


����������������������� OUR PIONEERS FROM BUCKS COUNTY


������ About the year 1787 a small party of young men came westward from Bucks County, this state, to settle in the Muncy Manor. James, Ezekiel and Isaac Walton, (#41) Silas, (#42) Benjamin, (#43) William and (#44) Isaac McCarty. All strong, healthy young men, determined to hew out for themselves and families a home in the then vast wilderness of middle Pennsylvania.

������ A few years previous to their coming, the Muncy Manor had been surveyed and divided into farms, and had been sold to actual settlers. Among the settlers were

Capt. John Brady, John Scudder, Mordecai McKinney and others. These settlers had been compelled to abandon their improvements on account of Indian depredations and to flee for their lives. There was one exception to this general abandonment of the manor by the settlers. Mrs. John Brady left her husband behind, in his grave so hastily made, a sacrifice to his generosity and noble deeds.

������ Some of the original settlers returned, others did not. Many titles lapsed and were resold by the Penns. It was under such auspices that the father of the McCarty brothers made up his mind to accompany his sons to the Muncy valley, and as he was the oldest

member of the party claimed the first choice ofproperty for sale there. The Scudder farm on account of its situation on the bank of the river was considered the most desirable. That naturally proved his choice, but before starting the old gentleman changed his mind about emigrating and concluded to remain in Bucks County. The young men came on without him. On arriving James Walton being the oldest member of the party claimed the Scudder farm as his. This the McCarty brothers had to accede to as the precedent had been established by their father before their coming, and the Walton brothers had reluctantly agreed that such should be the rule. James Walton located on the Scudder farm, William and Benjamin McCarty settled on the John Brady farm, which adjoined it on the east, Isaac Walton located on the McKinney farm adjoining the Brady farm on the east. These three farms lay side by side and comprised all the best bottomland in the manor. They each contained about 300 acres. The other members of our pioneer party went outside the manor and settled in different localities. William McCarty married Miss Mary Lloyd of Bucks County before coming to the Muncy Valley; they had fourteen children, eight boys and six girls. Thirteen lived to grow up. Uncle John McCarty was the third son, and Lloyd McCarty the youngest child. Both yet live in Muncy (September 1877), hale and hearty old gentlemen, one of the few links that yet bind our thoughts to ye olden time.



Benjamin McCarty, the brother of William and the founder of Pennsborough (afterwards changed to Muncy) married Miss Mary Smallwood of Harrisburg and had ten children, six boys and four girls. William and Benjamin McCarty divided the Brady farm between them. William took that portion between what is now West Water Street and Muncy Creek, Benjamin that portion between West Water Street and the southern boundary. Main Street now represents what was then the boundary between the Brady farm and Isaac Walton's. William built a temporary home on his tract between the site of Fort Brady and the banks of Muncy Creek, where he lived until he built a house where Uncle John McCarty now resides. At the latter place he passes the remainder of his days in domestic quietness. His remains lay in Walton's graveyard, marked by a marble slab.

������ Benjamin built a public house on his tract, on what is now known as the "burnt district" in Muncy, where he kept tavern until the year 1810 when he moved up to Glade run and settled on what is now the Isaac Turner farm, where he died. He was buried in Walton's graveyard, but his grave was not marked permanently, hence its identity is lost. In the year 1797, ten years after coming to the Muncy valley, Benjamin McCarty conceived the idea of starting a town. He accordingly commenced laying out lots on his portion of the Brady farm fronting on what is now Main Street, and sold them out to different parties. His example was by his brother William north of Water Street, and by

Isaac Walton who owned the land on the opposite side of Main Street. The town was called Pennsborough in honor of the Penns, but for many years it bore the name Hardscrabble," we have no doubt to the sorrow of its founders. The street of Hardscrabble we fancy where now the youth and beauty love to promenade then were given up by the few inhabitants to the jamboree of wolves and panthers, bears and wildcats, and the boys and girls of that time did not importune their parents to be out after dark as they do now.

������ Such was the commencement of the town of Muncy, and such the part played in its founding by the Bucks county pioneers. Their descendants yet live in and around Muncy, enjoying many of the fruits brought by civilization and our old settlements, but alas! The

pioneers themselves sleep beneath the clods of the valley."Geo.G.Wood


From Volume I., No.14, September 1876:


��������������������������������������������������� LITERARY AND HISTORIC

������������������������ ���������������������������������� �����(Excerpt)


������ p.3When (#435) "Uncle John" McCarty was a boy- seventy years ago- wild animals in this region were still wondrously numerous. Game often approached the cabin doors. Uncle John one recent afternoon, at the spot where he was born, and where he has lived now for eighty-two years, related to us many of his boy-day recollections. Pointing to a spot a few feet from where we sat, he remarked, "I remember seeing my father stand there and shoot a deer that stood out there in the road. The deer ran up to where Dan.Clapp now lives and there fell dead." The wolves were almost nightly serenaders. "It beat all," said Uncle John, "what a noise an old she wolf with a parcel of cubs could make." Sometimes a bear would venture to crawl into a sty and kill a hog. But such visitors seldom got away from the little embryo village. The Waltons' and McCartys'- of whom there were then five

or six families - "had dogs enough," said Uncle John, "to eat a bear right up." Jacob Hill... was a great admirer of these hounds and mastiffs. "I believe," he said on one occasion, "if der Defil was to kum down there among der Waltons unt McCartys als he nefer gits




���������������������������������������� (Muncy Historical Society)


From Volume XX, July & October 1982, no.8 & 9, pps.186-199:


��������������������������� THE FRIENDS'SETTLEMENT IN MUNCY VALLEY

��������������������������������������������������� by M. Elizabeth Whitacre

��������������������������������������������������������������� (Excerpts)


������ p.188: " was not until 1799 that a Building Committee, consisting of Joseph Carpenter, BenjaminWarner, John Carpenter, and William Ellis, was appointed to build a substantial stone house for the meeting (at Pennsdale). Benjamin McCarty, a Friend who was a mason, was designated to construct it out of locally quarried Oriskany sandstone, full of interesting fossils. Work began March 4, 1799. The interior was divided into two sections by wooden shutters, and when the monthly business meeting was held, men and women met separately. On benches which faced the meeting and were elevated a step or two sat ministers and elders.


������ p.191: The first (Quaker) school in Muncy Borough, according to (#435) "Uncle" John McCarty, was of unhewed logs, on Isaac Walton's land (see Isaac Walton above)."





If the early settlers found the migration to the Muncy area difficult, the trip just a little further north to what would later become Sullivan County must have seemed nearly impossible to all but the heartiest souls.

Sullivan County is situated on the high ground and extensive ridges between the North and West branches of the Susquehanna River and remained a wilderness long after small communities had dotted the river valleys. The first "road," called then a packhorse road, was cut across the mountain from Muncy to Hillsgrove, probably by surveyors and pioneers for the purpose of bringing in provisions. It was called the "Wallis Road," after Samuel Wallis. By 1793 another path had been cut through, leaving the Wallis Road at the foot of the Allegheny, north to the left of Hunter's Run, and on through to the forks of the Loyalsock where Forksville is now located. This was the "Courson Road."

Finally, at the beginning of the nineteenth century the "Genesee Road" was opened. This was the first road allowing emigrants passage from southern Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia to the rich valley of the Genesee River. It ran from Muncy, climbed the Allegheny by Highland Lake, skirted the mountain's summit for a time, descended to the valley of Ogdonia Creek, and down to the Loyalsock. The road then followed the Loyalsock to the mouth of Elk Creek, crossing and re-crossing until Lincoln Falls, on to the valley of King's Creek, which it followed for some time. A steep ascend followed to the summit of Burnett's Ridge, then descended by heavy grades to the Valley of Millstone Run, down to the Schrader branch, connected with another road running along Towanda Creek to a point known at the time as Dougherty's tavern near Greenwood (now Powell, in Bradford County).

With the Genesee Road came the speculators, Joseph Priestly, John Vaughan, and others, buying their land chiefly from Samuel Wallis. Priestly (whose father was the noted discoverer of oxygen and by then retired in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania) sent three English families from Northumberland to improve the conditions of the existing settlement at Millview along the Little Loyalsock, known then as Strong's Branch. Mr. Strong had been earlier sent by Priestly for the same task and succeeded only in the construction of his own cabin. Strong built no new paths and traveled only by water. The three families of English settlers were given fifty acres of land each in exchange for improvements to be made on Priestly's property. The three families were those of Powell Bird, John Warren, and William Molyneux. Two of those three families, Bird and Molyneux, are deeply intertwined with the McCarty family.

Other early settlers whose names would be ever connected with the McCarty family are: Theophilus Little, who came with his family from Monmouth County, New Jersey and is credited with naming Shrewsbury Township, the oldest in Sullivan County; Samuel Rogers, whose purchase from Priestly became the present site of Forksville; and Joseph Pardoe who came to Elkland Township in 1813.

It was to Elkland Township that (#96) Joel McCarty and his wife Ellen Roberts came in 1803, thus founding that branch of the McCarty family in Sullivan County. What they found is well described by George Molyneux Pardoe in his often re-printed, William Molyneux and his Descendants of 1894.


I understand that in coming here these settlers came over the mountain from Muncy, past Abraham Webster's, and struck the Loyalsock at or below Hillsgrove. It is told that they forded the Loyalsock thirteen times from Hillsgrove up. That everything had to be packed on horseback or on their own backs, and as horses were scarce they frequently had to go on foot to Muncy, their nearest trading place (only thirty miles) and bring back what few stores they were compelled to use. The mortar and pestle was the only mill they had for years.

Game was plenty. Trout, deer, wild turkeys and bear meat could almost be had for the asking. I have heard my grandmother Molyneux, formerly Rebecca Bird[believed to be the first white child born in Sullivan County], say that they could go out before breakfast and catch all the trout they could eat, and that some of them were eighteen inches in length.

There were dangerous wild beasts then, but I believe that there was but one casualty on their account, and that fortunately did not result in loss of life, except to the beast. In the year 1811 Job Summers, a lad about eleven years of age, living with Powell Bird, his grandfather, was sent across the creek and up on the side of the hill to bring the cows. When coming back with the cows he heard the cry of a panther, but as the sound was much like a human voice he concluded that it was his uncle George Bird, who was ������ then a young man of twenty one, and called back, "O, you can't scare me, uncle George," and went on with the cows. When they came to the creek, just opposite the Bird residence, the cows started to ford the creek, and little Job walked on down to where the canoe or dug out was tied in which he had "poled" himself over. As soon as he had left the cows the panther sprang upon him. Job called murder as loud as he could and fell on his face. The panther turned him over with his paw and endeavored to get at his throat, but he had on a hand made tow-shirt, with buttons sewed on with linen thread, which would not give way. The cry of murder was �� heard at the house, and this same uncle George and the hounds hastened to the rescue. The hounds drove off the panther and treed him. By this time it was getting dark, and straw was brought and lighted so the panther could be seen, when a shot from Uncle George's rifle put an end to him. Job's wounds consisted of the loss ���� of one of his small fingers, and a terribly lacerated face, the scars from which were plainly discernable to the day of his death, which occurred March 1, 1887. The panther was opened, and it was found that he was starving, as his entrails contained nothing but the boy's finger and some of his blood.

One Abraham Webster was held by Indians while a boy and claims to have killed thirty bear in one season and that his son, Joseph once killed sixty deer in one season.

(#96) Joel McCarty himself was know to have remarked that he once counted thirty elk that came to drink at the same time from Thomas' Lake. The story is also told of Joel finding a wolf in one of his traps and, thinking it to be a dog, released it, gave it a good kick and bade it be-gone home.


[Editor�s Note: See Joseph Reeves and the Trails to Sullivan County for additional information.]



41������� SILAS McCARTY, first child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, was born in Richland Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, about 1758. When about thirty years of age he migrated with his brothers Benjamin, William and Isaac, and his cousins, James, Ezekiel and Isaac Walton, his sister and her husband David Lloyd to Muncy, Northumberland (soon to be Lycoming) County, Pennsylvania. The migration could have been as early as 1787 as set by some descendants but was probably two to four years later.���������������

���� The Waltons took a certificate from Richland Monthly Meeting to Exeter Monthly Meeting, Berks County (probably the nearest Friends' Meeting to Muncy at that date), in 1791, and settled with the McCartys at Muncy.

���� There is no record that Silas McCarty ever married or had a family. [Carrell/Dungan]


42������� BENJAMIN McCARTY, JR., second child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, was born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 2 May 1763; he married Mary Smallwood of Harrisburg, either just prior to, or soon after his migration to Muncy. Mary was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 10 May 1766, died in LaPorte County, Indiana, 1865.

Benjamin and his brother William purchased 300 acres of land in the "Manor of Muncy'" known as the John Brady tract, and divided it between them. Benjamin took the portion between West Water Street and the southern boundary of the tract. He built a public house on his tract where he maintained a public hostelry until 1810 when he moved to Glade Run, where he died. In 1797 he began laying out lots on his tract fronting what is now Main Street, and his town came to be known as Pennsborough, bore the local name of Hardscrabble and was the beginning of what is now known as Muncy. [Carrell/Dungan, Now and Then, RM]




������� 421. William McCarty

������� 422. Isaac McCarty���������� ��������������������������������� b. 13 Nov 1796

�������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� d. 30 Jun1866

������� 423. Charles McCarty

������� 424. Arthur McCarty

������� 425. Andrew McCarty

������� 426. James McCarty

������� 427. Maria McCarty

������� 428. Hannah McCarty������������������


43������� WILLIAM McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, ��������� born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 11 Mar 1766, died in Muncy,

Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 21 Jan 1813, and is buried in the Walton Cemetery in Muncy; he married, 1787, Mary Lloyd, daughter of David Lloyd of Springfield Township, Bucks County, born 26 Sep 1764, died in Muncy 12 Aug 1838 and is buried with her husband in the Walton Cemetery in Muncy.

Though the Walton Cemetery was in extreme disrepair in the fall of 1990 when visited by this author, the stones of William and his wife Mary were found laying flat underneath a large tree.

William moved to the Muncy area in 1789 or 90, together with brothers, Silas, Benjamin and Isaac, and his cousins James, Ezekiel and Isaac Walton. It is known that they moved to Muncy after the birth of eldest son, Benjamin in 1788. Immediately upon their arrival, William built a temporary log between Muncy Creek and Glade Run, a house which was torn down in 1804. Margaret was born in that temporary structure in 1790.

In the division of the tract purchased with his brother, Benjamin, William acquired 150 acres lying between what is now West Water Street and Muncy Creek. There he built his home between, one of the first true residences in Muncy. There he lived until his death in 1813. He and his family were faithful members of the Society of Friends and were active worshippers at the Pennsdale Meeting, three miles away.

William's generosity was, ironically, the cause of his demise. Chiefly through his efforts, the Soldiers of the War of 1813 were allowed to encamp on his land along the Muncy Creek. Through contact with those soldiers, he contracted the "black fever," and died.

The McCarty homestead stands today on Main Street in Muncy, a block from the business section. Although its outward appearance has been "Tudorized," the simple colonial lines remain. Upon his mother's death, the house was inherited by "Uncle John" McCarty, who lived there for the rest of his life. Under his care, the house was probably a "stop" when John was a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad.

In 1884, William James [#43(14)1] and Mary Putnam McCarty moved into the house, it having been willed to him by Uncle John. The house then passed to their children Cornelia, Lydia, and William James, who lived there with his wife Myrtle and daughter, Wilina. The house was later purchased from the family by Thomas and Gloria Clegg who opened its doors as the McCarty House Inn, a fine restaurant, in late 1989.

For a lovely narrative on the history of the McCarty house, written from the viewpoint of the house itself, itself, the reader is directed to The Autobiography of An Old House, by Mrs. Emilie McCarty Sanders [#43(14)11] reprinted in Now and Then, April 1990, Vol.XXIII, Number 1.

[Carrell/Dungan, Now and Then]





������� 431. Benjamin McCarty���� ��������������������������������������������� b. 12 Dec 1788

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.6 May 1836

������� 432. Margaret McCarty���� ��������������������������������������������� b. 12 Mar 1790

������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Aug 1830

������� 433. Silas McCarty������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 19 Mar 1791

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Aug 1830

������� 434. Ann McCarty��������� ������������������������������������ b. 28 Mar 1793

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1836

�� �����435. John McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������������ b.4 Nov 1794

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Jan 1884

������� 436. William McCarty����� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Oct 1796

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1855

������� 437. Mary McCarty�������� ����������������������� ����������������������� b. 19 Sep 1798

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1877

������� 438. Jane McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������������� b.6 Apr 1800

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.9 Apr 1878


������� 439. Lavina McCarty������ ����������������������������������������������� b.4 Feb 1802

d.      1 Mar 1834


��� 43(10). David McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.1 Jul�� 1804

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.����������� 1889

���� 43(11). Sarah McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.7 Feb 1806

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.8 Mar 1887

���� 43(12). Seth L. McCarty����� ���������������������������������������������� b.9 Jun�� 1808

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 May 1892

���� 43(13). Joseph McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 Aug 1810

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Oct 1810

���� 43(14). Lloyd McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.8 Nov 1811

���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ d.7 Dec 1899


44������� ISAAC McCARTY, fourth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, was ����� born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, died in June 1847; he married but that person's name is unknown.

���� ������ Isaac McCarty moved with his brothers Silas, Benjamin and William to Muncy, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, about 1790. He later settled in Penn Township, Northumberland County, now in Lycoming County, organized 13 Apr 1795 where he lived until his death. [Carrell/Dungan]




������� 441. Benjamin McCarty,died 17 Nov 1863

������� 442. Lewis McCarty

������� 443. Charles McCarty

������� 444. George McCarty

������� 445. Margaret McCarty

������� 446. Hannah McCarty

������� 447. Sarah McCarty

������� 448. Lavinia McCarty


45������� SARAH McCARTY, fifth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton; �� married, ______Mitchell.

We know from the will of Sarah's father, Benjamin that she was already widowed by 25 Sep 1794 and that a portion of his estate was to be divided between her and her daughter, Mira. The assertion in Carrell/Dungan that Sarah was married to Mr. Mitchell in 1806 is not possible. [Carrell/Dungan, Will of Benjamin McCarty]




������� 451. Mira Mitchell


46������� MARY McCARTY, sixth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, born ������ in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, married 1787, Peter Ashton, son of Robert Ashton and Sarah Thomas, born in Springfield Township, Bucks County, 16 Aug 1760, died there 30 Dec 1821.

���� Peter Ashton was a farmer and in 1812 acquired from his father a farm of 220 acres in Springfield on which he had been living since his marriage in 1787. In 1813 and 1819 he conveyed parts of his tract to sons Benjamin and Samuel and daughter Sarah, respectively, and died seized of 102 acres. His wife, Mary, died some years before Peter. [Carrell/Dungan]




������ 461. Robert Ashton�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 31 Dec 1787

������ 462. Benjamin Ashton������ ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Feb 1789

������ 463. Sarah Ashton��������� �������������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Jul�� 1791

������ 464. Samuel Ashton��������� ���������������������������������� ������������� b.�� 25 Oct�� 1795

������ 465. John Ashton���������� ������������������������������������ �������������� b. 20 Jul�� 1798


47������ ALICE McCARTY, seventh child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton; married Thomas Parker. [Carrell/Dungan]


48������� MARGARET McCARTY, eighth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; married David Lloyd of Springfield Township. Margaret and her husband accompanied her brothers in their move to Muncy in 1790. David Lloyd's sister Mary married Margaret's brother William. [Carrell/Dungan]



������� ��(Editor�s Note: This is not a conclusive list.)


������� 481. Thomas Lloyd


49������� ELIZABETH McCARTY, ninth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton. She was unmarried in 1795. [Carrell/Dungan]


4(10)��� RACHEL McCARTY, tenth child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton. She was unmarried in 1795. [Carrell/Dungan]


4(11)JANE McCARTY, eleventh child of Benjamin McCarty and Margaret Walton. She was unmarried in 1795. [Carrell/Dungan]


51������� PETER PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. Peter is provided for in his father's will (see #5, Lydia McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]


52������� BENJAMIN PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. Benjamin is provided for in his father's will (see #5, Lydia McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]


53������� THOMAS PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. Thomas is �� provided for in his father's will (see #5, Lydia McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]


54������� RUTH PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. She married ����� ________Middleworth. Ruth is provided for in her father's will (see #5, Lydia

���������� McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]


55������� SARAH PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. She married �� ________Tinsman. Sarah is provided for in her father's will (see #5, Lydia

��������� McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]


56������� HANNAH PURSELL, child of Lydia McCarty and Daniel Pursell. She married ________Jones. Hannah is provided for in her father's will (see #5, Lydia McCarty). [Carrell/Dungan]






91������� PHEBE McCARTY, first child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 2 Aug 1766, died 30 Mar 1850; married, 4 Jun 1795, Levi Roberts of Milford Township, child of Abraham Roberts and Catharine Lester, born in Milford, 21 Oct 1759, died Milford, 4 Jan 1846.

���� Levi Roberts was a grandchild of Thomas and Alice Roberts, early Welsh settlers in "The Great Swamp," which included Richland and most of Milford Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was a great-grandchild of Peter Lester, another pioneer of the Quaker settlement in the "Great Swamp," who came from Leistershire, England about 1682.

���� Levi Roberts inherited his father's homestead of about 100 acres, upon which he lived and died. He and his wife were members of the Richland Monthly Meeting of Friends.


A Note on this Roberts Family:


There were two families of Roberts in those early days in Richland. To distinguish the descendants of Thomas Roberts from those of Edward Roberts, so far as known not related, one family was known as the �Pot Robertses� and the other as the �Kettle Robertses,� but which was �Pot� and which was �Kettle� cannot now be determined.


Thomas and Alice Roberts, the founders of this Roberts family of Milford Township in the Manor of Richland, are supposed to have come from Wales. All we know in reference to their arrival in this country is a well-founded account given by Letitia and Ann Foulke, granddaughters of Thomas and Alice Roberts, to Joshua Foulke, who repeated it to Clarence Vernon Roberts for his book (see Sources below):


����������� Thomas Roberts and Alice his wife arrived in Philadelphia about the year 1715-20. They purchased a horse and cart and a few of the absolute necessities of life and proceeded to their new home beyond the lines of lands then taken up by other settlers. They traveled about thirty-five miles north of Philadelphia into what is now Milford Township, Bucks County, locating in a beautiful valley covered with luxuriant grass, which they thought particularly adapted for grazing. This little valley was watered by a small stream, which they named Butler Creek. Here they camped for a time beside a large rock, and proceeded to build themselves a log house, in which they resided until about 1740 or 1742. About the latter date they erected a stone house, which was still standing in 1882 but has since disappeared entirely.


����������� Thomas Roberts died in Milford Township 6 mo.5, 1767, at a very advanced age. His wife, Alice, died prior to April 5, 1750. It is possible that their nine children were born in Wales.

����������� Abraham Roberts, eighth child of Thomas and Alice was born 1 mo. 14, 1730. He was raised in Milford and spent his entire life there. He died 2 mo., 1815. He was a farmer and owned considerable land. He married, first 4 mo., 1757, Catharine Lester, born 9 mo. 23, 1733, died 1778, daughter of John and Dorothy (Greasley) Lester.

����������� Their son was Levi (above) who married Phebe McCarty

Sources: EFFUB and Old Richland Families, by Elwood Roberts.


The Manor of Richland
About 1754

Shows the location of the property belonging to the various Roberts families
that fit into the McCarty lines: Roberts, Ashton, and Foulke.
Source: Old Richland Families, by Clarence Vernon Roberts


����������� As were her parents, Phebe McCarty Roberts was a devout Quaker and a missionary. The following brief account written by her, describes a journey from Quakertown to Muncy, Pennsylvania, and serves to illustrate the difficulties of travel in those days as well as the receipt of the news of the death of Phebe's father, Thomas McCarty. It should be noted that the trip from Quakertown to Muncy is now an easy morning's drive.


on the 2 day of the 11 month 1804 my husband and my self and our little daughter

Elizabeth about a year and nine months old accompanied by my sister Elizabeth McCarty we set out from home on our journey to see our parents and brothers an Sisters living at Muncy this day 6 of the week we traveled as far as Cross tavern next day 9 of the month we persued our journey took brecfast at Cartys town then crosed over the blue mountainwe met a man at the foot of the mountain who apprised us of the death of our father which was heavy and mallanedy(sic) news indeed but thought best to go forward and see how those fared that survivedgot as far as Clingermans that night next day 4 of the month and 1 of the week we reached the foot of mahonoy mountains6 of the month got to Catawisa next 6 crosed the river and got to fishing Crek 7 of the month and 4 of the week ���


����������� In the fall and winter of 1821/2, Phebe accompanied Jemima Burson, a minister in the Society of Friends, and others, on an extensive trip to northern New York State and Upper Canada (Ontario), a journey lasting five months, during which they traveled by carriage 2200 miles and held numerous meetings of worship both public and private. The following diary is not only a testament of faith, but a tribute to the bravery and dedication to their cause Phebe and Jemima and the courageousness and stoicism of the many pioneer families which they visited. The hardship experienced by these missionaries during those long, cold months seems almost fictional, and far removed from what we consider to be troubles in our daily lives. Please note, however, the way in which Phebe accepts their trials in the same, simple, matter-of-fact way that she accepts the good things that occur. Very fascinating also, are her descriptions of natural surroundings, particularly their stop at Niagara Falls, then in a wilderness. One wonders if Phebe would recognize the spot now. Permeating all, however, is an intense love of God and a singleness of purpose, which was, and is, inspiring.

����������� This edition of the diary is not the first. Clarence Vernon Roberts, author of Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks [EFFUB], was the first to tackle the task, presumably in the 1920�s. When Mr. Roberts copied the diary, he saw fit to correct all of Phebe�s spelling and grammatical errors as well as facts he deemed incorrect. There are also instances where entire sentences and phrases have been removed altogether. Several years later, Leslie R. Gray did an annotated version of Clarence Roberts� work for the Journal of the Ontario Historical Society. Gray�s work is excellent, and very valuable for Canadian historians, having limited most of his annotation to north of the border.

����������� This edition is taken directly from the original manuscript, now in the possession of the Spruance Library, Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pennsylvania; they were kind enough to provide a copy from which to work. All of Phebe�s words are here as she spelled them. The pagination she used is noted. Any editing that has taken place is in parenthesis "( )", including punctuation - Phebe used none, except one exclamation point. Place names are usually only corrected once. Family and historical notes are in brackets [ ]. Without doing what Mr. Roberts did, much of the prose is tortuous but remains uncorrected. But�if one reads, and listens closely, Phebe�s voice may be heard loud and clear.


The Diary of Phebe McCarty Roberts: Original First Page


����������� Editor's Note: A transcription of the Diary of Phebe McCarty Roberts is reproduced here. You will note that Phebe just did not use punctuation; also, she has a number of colloquial ways of spelling places, names and other words. Bear with her. This transcription also indicates the actual sequential page number from the Diary on the line above that page. Click here to Begin Reading the Diary.




������� 911. Elizabeth Roberts��� ������������������������������������� b. 11 Feb 1803

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 May 1858

������� 912. Abigail Roberts����� �������������������������������������������������� b. 16 Apr 1808

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Mar 1882


92����� SAMUEL McCARTY, second child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born in Richland Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 8 Nov 1767, died, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 15 Oct 1816 (C/D says 30 Mar 1850, less likely); married 20 Aug 1793, Margaret Green, daughter of Samuel and Rachel Green, born in Richland Township, Bucks County 17 Aug 1774, died, Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, 30 Mar 1850 (Lancaster says 27 Jan 1848).

���� ������ Samuel moved with his parents from Richland to Muncy.He was a surveyor.

���� ������ Margaret was the granddaughter of Joseph and Catharine Green of Springfield Township, Bucks County, who were prominently identified with the history of Richland Manor and the Welsh Quaker settlement in the Great Swamp. (See EFFUB, pps.192-5) [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




������� 921. Penimah McCarty����� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Dec 1794

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Dec 1797

������� 922. Katharine McCarty��� ���������������������������������������������� b. 16 Jul�� 1795

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Oct1871

������� 923. Samuel McCarty������ ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 May 1797

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Oct1858

������� 924. Charles McCarty����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 17 Apr1798

������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 May 1798

������� 925. Ellis W. McCarty���� ������������������������������������ b. 26 Jan�� 1801

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 May 1876

������� 926. Thomas McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 10 Nov 1802

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Jul�� 1803

������� 927. Jesse McCarty������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 18 Mar 1804

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Jul�� 1839

������� 928. James McCarty������� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Dec 1805

������� 929. Lewis Walton McCarty ������������������������������������������ b. 10 Oct 1807

������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Apr 1876

���� 92(10). Phebe McCarty������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 20 Sep 1809

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Jan1894


���� 92(11). Henry Wilson McCarty ����������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Oct 1811

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1854

���92(12). Evan G. McCarty����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 21 Nov 1814


93������� SILAS McCARTY, third child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born in Richland Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, near Quakertown, 30 November 1768, died, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 15 Oct 1838, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Pennsdale Meeting, Pennsdale, Lycoming County ("S+ McCarty dide 1838/ Adge 70 ys"); married, 1811 (1810?), Laura Lyman, daughter of Major-General Isaac Lyman, of Revolutionary fame, born Kingsburg, Washington County, New York, 20 Feb 1794, died 20 Nov 1864, probably buried in Pennsdale (stone marked "L McC").

���� ������ Silas moved with his parents from Richland to Muncy.�� He was a civil engineer and met his wife, Laura, while surveying in Potter County, Pennsylvania. In an 1810 entry, The History of Potter County tells us that theirs was the first marriage in that county. In an entry for April 1810, we read:

����������� Silas McCarty surveyed 8 lots - the mill lot, T.Lyman's & Daniel Browns being among (them). [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Lancaster, EFFUB, gravestones, LMW papers, History of Potter County]




������� 931. Charlotte McCarty����� �������������������������������������������� b. 27 Apr 1812

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. fall������ 1844

������� 932. Eloisa McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 21 Jul1816

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.8 Jun1854

������� 933. Lyman Kennedy McCarty������������������������������������� b. 30 Sep 1822

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Jan1872

������� 934. Hiram T. McCarty������ �������������������������������������������� b. 19 Dec 1825

������� 935. Otis L. McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 15 Mar 1828

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 May 1899

������� 936. Lucetta McCarty������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1830

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Jun1894






94������� SARAH McCARTY, fourth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born at Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 19 Dec 1769, died at Richland, Belmont County, Ohio, 31 Oct 1844; married, at Richland Monthly Meeting, Quakertown, Pennsylvania, 29 Nov 1786 (20 Oct?), Judah Foulke, son of Samuel Foulke and Ann Greasley of Richland, Bucks County, born 18 Jan 1763, died at Richland, Belmont County, Ohio, 30 Nov 1847.

���� ������ Judah Foulke moved with his wife and her family to Muncy, Lycoming County, taking a certificate from the Friends' Meeting dated 21 Apr 1791. In 1803 they returned with this family to Bucks County, and in 1818, with most of their family, moved to Miami, Ohio. [See below for a sketch of the Foulke family]

��������� The following is a letter written from Judah Foulke to his brother-in-law, Samuel McCarty, giving us a picture of pioneer life in Ohio:


"Millwood, 3rd month 5th 1845


Dear Brotherinlaw


����������� having lately received a letter from my daughter Eleanor who lives in philadelphia which informed me, that thee lives at Mochchunk, I am willing to write a few lines to let thee know that I am still living, but much afflicted with the infirmities of old age; in addition to the rumatic pains which I have had for many years, in my arms, and other joints, the dropsy has now made its appearance, in my feet and legs;they are swelled much and feel disagreeable; but I may not murmur, as health and strength has been so long bestowed upon me, being now in my 83rd year. but Ihave cut all my stove wood this faul and winter and worked a little in the shop, I made three buckets last week, but shall be forced to quit having so many ailments about me. thy sister sarah is deceased, she died the thirty first of the tenth month last, with a cancer in her head, she said she was willing to die, and so passed away without sigh groan or struggle, and I hope is at rest where troubles are no more. Phebe Roberts is so reduced in her faculties that she knows nobody, nor anything, but talks continually, this Eleanor wrote in her letter to me, I have not heard from betsy Thomas lately. I suppose thee would like to know some things

about my famaly, as thee has not seen any of them lately; they are all married and have all families except Eleanor, she has none living. for of my children are deceased that is, samiel Elizabeth jane and Silas. it may be thee would like to know how their famalies run, as to numbers; I will set down the number of each one that are living; Samuel has

six, Mary seven, Ann six, Thomas six, Elizabeth six, Jane four, Amelia eleven, Cadwalader four, Jesse one, Mercy eleven, Grace eight, Silas one, John three, add

to these eight great grand Children, add again to these, twenty eight grand Children buryed, and then then thee has the whole number. two of my daughters mooved to Illinoise state with their families, one son and one daughter to Indiana, one to morgan County Ohio one to athens County, one to Jefferson County, and one to Harrison County, the others are here by me;John lives with me, Or I with him, rather. John has agreed to furnish me with the necessaries of life as long as I live, and then he is to have the place and movable property, which will amount to about five hundred dollars. I want thee to write, and let me know how it fares with thee, and also to let me know how many of

thy brothers and sisters are living and where they are; please give my respects to Martha, and let me know what her second and third husbands names are; some of my children married pretty rich, Ann and her husband are worth about ten thousand Dollars Amelia

and her husband in Indiana have about five hundred acres of excellent land, Cadwallader & Jesse have good plantations of their own, and are clear of debt Janes husband told me last faul that his corn turnd out about seventy bushels to the acre, the land is very rich here, I have seen one hundred bushels growing on an acre at one time. when thee writes let me know a little about the coale business, a long letter cost no more postage than a short one. Direct thy letter to leatherwood post office guernst County Ohio. I now conclude with good will to you all and subscribe thy affectionate brother in law

������ Judah Foulke"


������ The above was addressed:

������ "Latherwood,O.

�������� March 11th 1834

�������� Samuel McCarty at

�������� Mochchunk coal works

�������� on lehigh Pennsylvania"


[Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Lancaster, EFFUB, ORF]





Unless otherwise noted, the principal source for the following is: The Ancestry of Clarence V. Roberts and Frances (Walton) Roberts, comprising a chart and sketches of some fifty-six ancestral families who settled mostly in or near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Clarence Vernon Roberts, 1940.


EDWARD FOULKE, ancestor of the Foulke families of Gwynedd Township and later Bucks County, Pennsylvania, was born in Wales, 13 May 1651, died in Gwynedd Township, Philadelphia (now Montgomery) County, Pennsylvania. He married, in Wales, Eleanor Hugh, child of Hugh, grandchild of Cadwallader. She died in Jan 1733.




����������� Four years after the arrival of the settlers, Edward Foulke wrote, in Welsh, an account of his removal. This is a unique document, translated into English many years later by his grandson, Samuel Foulke of Richland. Written by a member of his company, it is the only account of the Gwynedd immigration known to exist and is more circumstantial and precise than almost any which refers to the Welsh settlers of Pennsylvania. Many copies of the translated document are in existence, it having been printed several times. No version of the document differs substantially from the others except in some of the genealogical details. The version used here was that preserved by the late William Parker Foulke of Philadelphia, and now found in Historical Collections Relating to Gwynedd, by Howard M. Jenkins (Spruance collection)


����������������������� A brief Genealogy of Edward Foulke, with an account

����������������������� of his family and their removal from Great Britain to

����������������������� Pennsylvania, written by himself, originally in British


����������� I, Edward Foulke, was the son of Foulke, ap Thomas, ap Evan, ap Thomas Robert, ap David Lloyd, ap David, ap David, ap Evan Vaughan (ap Evan), ap Griffith, ap Madoc, ap Jewert, ap Madoc, ap Ririd Flaidd, Lord of Penllyn, who dwelt at Rhiwaedog. My mother�s name was Lowry, the daughter of Edward, ap David, ap Ellis, ap Robert, of the parish of Llanvor in Merionethshire.

����������� I was born on the 13th of the 5th month, 1651, and when arrived in mature age, I married the daughter of Hugh, ap Cadwallader, ap Rhys, of the parish of Spytu in Denbighshire; her mother�s name was Gwen, the daughter of Ellis, ap William, ap Hugh, ap Thomas, ap David, ap Madoc, ap Evan, ap Evan, ap Cott, ap Evan, ap Griffith, ap Madoc, ap Einion, ap Meredith of Cai-Faidog; and (she) was born in the same parish and shire with her husband. I had, by my said wife, nine children, whose names are as follows: Thomas, Hugh, Cadwallader and Evan; Grace, Gwen, Jane, Catherine and Margaret. We lived at a place called Coed-y-foel, a beautiful farm, belonging to Robert Price, Esq., of Rhiwlas, Merionethshire, aforesaid.. But in process of time, I had an inclination to remove with my family to the province of Pennsylvania; and in order thereto, we set out on the 3rd day of the 2nd month, A.D., 1698, and came in two days to Liverpool, where, with divers others who intended to go to the voyage, we took shipping, the 17th of the same month, on board the �Robert and Elizabeth,� and the next day set sail for Ireland, where we arrived and staid until the first of the month, May, and then sailed again for Pennsylvania, and were about eleven weeks at sea. And the sore distemper of the bloody flux broke out in the vessel, of which died five and forty persons in our passage; the distemper was so mortal that two or three corpses were cast overboard every day while it lasted. But through the favor and mercy of Divine Providence, I, with my wife and nine children, escaped that sore mortality, and arrived safely at Philadelphia, the 17th of the 5th month, July, where we were kindly received and hospitably entertained by our friends and old acquaintances.

����������� I soon purchased a fine tract of land of about seven hundred acres, sixteen miles from Philadelphia, on a part of which I settled, and divers others of our company who came over sea with us, settled near me at the same time. This was the beginning of November 1698, aforesaid, and the township was called Gwynedd, or North Wales. This account was written the 14th of the 11-month (January OS) A.D., 1702, by Edward Foulke


Translated from the British into English by Samuel Foulke


����������� The Foulke ancestry, like that of the McCarty family, has been traced to the European nobility. Edward Fouke�s �tree� has been extended to include Charlemagne, King John of England and the Earls of Winchester, Norfolk and Surrey, to name a few

The above named Roberts book contains and extensive number of charts and other genealogical data.


HUGH FOULKE, second son of Edward and Eleanor, was born at Coed-e-foel, Merionethshire, Wales, 7 mo. 6, 1685, and came to Pennsylvania with his parents in 1698, as described in the above narrative of his father. The family settled at the site of Penllyn, Montgomery County, where Hugh resided until after his marriage in 1713. The date of his removal to the Great Swamp (Quakertown) is not definitely known. He probably located immediately on his arrival on the tract of 313 acres on the west side of the �Road to Durham,� now know locally as the �California Road,� marked with his name on the 1735 map of the Manor of Richland as well as that of 1754 (see above maps). It is known that he was located in the Swamp by 1730, as on the 8th month of the 27th of that year he was named as an overseer of Richland Preparative Meeting, and it is quite possible that he was a resident there at the time of the organization of the Preparative Meeting in 1725, and possibly ever 10 years earlier.

����������� Hugh Foulke married Ann Williams, child of John and Ann Williams, who was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, eleventh month 6th, 1693 and died on the tenth day of the ninth month, 1773.

����������� Hugh was an accepted minister of the Society of Friends and served Richland Meeting in that capacity for nearly thirty years. Hugh Foulk, considered to be one of the pioneers of the Great Swamp, died in Richland, 5 mo 21, 1760.

����������� [For much more information on Hugh Foulke, see The Friend, vol.XXXIII, page 12, and vol.XXXV, page 276.]


SAMUEL FOULKE was the third son of Hugh and Ann (above), and was born 12 mo 4, 1718. He was named clerk of the Richland Monthly Meeting when it was established in 1742, and continued in that office for thirty-seven years. He was one of the most prominent men of Upper Bucks County during his active life. He represented the county in the Provisional Assembly from 1761 to 1768. He was also for many years a Justice of the Peace and did a vast amount of public business, writing practically all the wills and

deeds for English-speaking people of his section.

����������� At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he and his brothers, John, Thomas and Theophilus, signed the Oath of Allegiance to the Colonies as requested by the Pennsylvania Assembly. This was considered an offence against the principles of Friends by the members of the Richland Meeting,and the four brothers were removed from membership. [Note: That seems to be family tradition. Roberts points out that no existing Meeting minutes support this.]However, it later appears that Samuel has returned to sit at the head of the Meeting and acted as clerk throughout the period and did much to hold the patriotic cause in accordance with what he believed to be in keeping with laws of the State. He died in Richland, 1 mo 21, 1797.

����������� Samuel married 8 mo 21, 1743, Ann Greasley, daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Greasley, who had emigrated from England to Haddonfield, New Jersey in 1723, and to Richland in 1724. She was born in Richland in 1724, and died there 5 mo 12, 1797, their marriage being the first solemnized at Richland Monthly Meeting after its establishment as such. She was made an elder in 1762.


Two children of Samuel and Ann come into the McCarty family:


ISRAEL FOULKE, seventh child of Samuel and Ann, was born 2nd month 4th, 1760, died 9th month 27th, 1824. He married Elizabeth Roberts, child of David Roberts and Phebe Lancaster, born 7th month 4th, 1760, died in 1831. Their sixth child, Hugh Foulke, married ELIZABETH ROBERTS [#911], child of Levi Roberts and PHEBE McCARTY [#91 above] See next generation for this family.




JUDAH FOULKE, eighth child of Samuel and Ann, was born 1st month 18th, 1763, died 1847, married SARAH McCARTY [#94 this article]


Note: There is a wealth of material related to the Foulke family. In addition to the above mentioned, please see: Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks, also by Clarence Vernon Roberts, Old Richland Families, by Elwood Roberts, and the records of the Gwynedd and Richland Monthly Meetings and Matlack papers which may be examined in the Friends� collections at both Haverford and Swarthmore colleges.




������� 941. Samuel M. Foulke���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 Aug 1787

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Aug 1844

������� 942. Eleanor Foulke������ ������������������������������������������������� b. 25 Feb 1789

������� 943. Mary Foulke��������� ������������������������������������������������� b.8 Mar 1791���������������������������������

������� 944. Ann Foulke���������� �������������������������������������������������� b.9 Dec 1792

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Jun 1857

������� 945. Thomas Foulke������� ������������������������������������ b.7 May 1795

������� 946. Elizabeth Foulke���� ������������������������������������� b. 19 May 1797

���� ���947. Jane Foulke��������� ��������������������������������������������������� b. 19 Jun1799

������� 948. Amelia Foulke������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jun1801

������� 949. Cadwallader Foulke�� ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 May 1803

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 5 Nov 1879

���� 94(10). Jesse Foulke�������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 18 Sep 1805

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Feb 1875

���� 94(11). Mercy Foulke�������� ����������������������������������������������� b.6 May 1808

���� 94(12). Grace Foulke�������� ������������������������������������ b. 29 Jan1810

���� 94(13). Silas Foulke�������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 18 Mar 1812

��������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Nov 1845

���� 94(14). John Foulke��������� ������������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1817

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1878



95�� ���� MARY McCARTY, fifth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born ������ in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 19 Dec 1769, died 1826; ���������������������� married Christian Savitz.

���� ������ They immigrated to Upper Canada (Ontario) where Christian Savitz owned and operated a sawmill. They were living there in 1820, when Elizabeth's sister, Phebe, visited on her mission to Upper Canada. Leslie R. Gray, in his annotated version of Phebe's diary, tells us that they lived on con. 4, Yarmouth Township, midway between Sparta and Union, two miles from the meetinghouse.See Phebe's diary entry of 26th of the month, 4th of the week, 1820. There is no record of descendants. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Phebe, Gray]


96������� JOEL McCARTY, sixth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 16 Mar 1771, died, Elkland, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, buried Friends burying ground, Shunk, Sullivan County; married, 27 Nov 1797, Ellen Roberts, daughter of Moses and Jane Roberts, early settlers of Catawissa, Pennsylvania, born 1781, died, Elkland, 30 Apr 1844, buried Friends burying ground, Shunk.

���� ������ Joel moved with his parents to Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania in 1794. He soon met Ellen Roberts and they were married in 1797. Their marriage certificate [Haverford College collection] reads:


����������� Joel McCarty, son of Thomas McCarty of Muncy, Lycoming County, Pa.

����������� And

����������� Ellen Roberts, daughter of Moses Roberts, deceased

����������� Married under the care of Catawissa Monthly Meeting

����������� at

����������� Catawissa Friends Meeting November 27, 1797


����������� SignedJoel McCarty, Ellen Roberts [and thirty witnessess]



����������� In 1800, Joel, with his wife Ellen and eldest child, Aaron, moved to Elkland, Sullivan County, on one of the ridges of the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains. Along the crest of the ridge he purchased a tract of land for a hundred pounds, presumably from either James Ecroyd or Joseph Reeves, and erected a log home, some outbuildings and a barn. At that time their grain had to be carried forty miles on horseback to be ground until a gristmill was built by Ecroyd some years later. A large frame house was later built, but the cabin stands to this day, remaining in the family through the Pardoe branch. [Hampton Pardoe acquired the property about 1900. He married #96142 Catherine McCarty]





����������� At an early time, the oft-related story runs, Joel made a profitable business in hunting panthers and wolves. There was a bounty of eight dollars on each wolf killed. That bounty was later raised to twelve dollars.

����������� Not unlike her sister-in-law, (#91) Phebe McCarty Roberts, Ellen Roberts McCarty (two different Roberts families, see above) was an incredible person by any standards. Not only was she one of the pioneers of Sullivan County, raising a family of eleven in the wilderness, but she was one of the regions most formidable religious leaders of the time, ministering to the local Society of Friends as well as journeying to northern New York State and Upper Canada.

����������� Ellen was raised in a strict family of Friends, which was clearly not allied with the teachings of the liberal Elias Hicks. Her father, Moses Roberts, must have been somewhat outspoken, for an entry in the minutes of the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting dated 25 Oct 1780 records him, together with one Job Hughes, as being "unjustly" confined in the Lancaster gaol. [See below for more on Moses Roberts]

����������� When Joel and Ellen first emigrated to the Elklands it was known as the Beechwoods. Some sources say that Joel coined the name Elklands, due to the large number of Elk in those parts.

����������� At first, the nearest Meeting for the small settlement of Friends in the Elklands was at Muncy, some twenty hard miles away. Then we find in May 1804 the following minute in the records of Muncy Monthly Meeting:


����������� A request from the Friends of the new settlement in the Beechwoods, called "The Elklands", was produced expressive of their desire of being privileged to hold a Meeting of divine worship on the First-day of each week at the home of Jesse Haines until a house is provided for that purpose...

����������� The first Meeting House in the area was built in 1805 through the efforts of Daniel Thomas, James Ecroyd, Jesse Haines, Ezra Haynes and Joel McCarty, on land donated by Ecroid, northwest of Eldredsville, just east Eldred's Tavery (later Mahlon Mercur's farm), and close by the land settled by Joseph Reeves as early as 1800 which reached down to Lincoln Falls. [SEE:An Early History of the Elkland Meeting of Friends elsewhere on this site, by this author and Joseph Reeves, Pioneer of Sullivan County]

����������� This earliest church has been described as a one-story building with two windows, one door and a clumsy fireplace and chimney. It was afterwards used as a Sunday School building. It is now completely overgrown and is represented only by the remains of its foundation. Any evidence of a graveyard, if one existed, has long since disappeared.

����������� The Meeting continued until early in 1809, when the following minute is recorded in the records of the Muncy Monthly Meeting:

����������� First-month 1809 Friends appointed to the care of the Meeting at Elkland, report that part of their number have lately visited that meeting and Friends there appear easy to have a discontinuance; with which this meeting unites, and discontinues it accordingly.

����������� In 1816, the Meeting was revived chiefly through the efforts of Joel and Ellen. At that time, a second Meeting House was built at Shunk, Fox Township, aptly named for the great Quaker leader, George Fox. That Meeting House, which was probably built with the assistance of Joel McCarty, has also disappeared. Its burial ground remains, however, and there we find the stones marking the graves of Joel and Ellen. In 1819, Ellen was anointed a minister by the Quarterly Meeting of ministers and elders.


����������� The Meeting was changed from that of an Indulged Meeting to a Preparative Meeting in 1833.

����������� A third Meeting House, still in use, is in Piatt, Elkland Township, on the road between Lincoln Falls and Shunk.





����������� In 1830 Ellen traveled to New York State to visit the Quarterly Meetings in Scipio and Farmington and then on to Upper Canada (Ontario). And though no formal record of her journey exists, the appreciation for Ellen's ministry is clear in the following extract from the minutes of the Society of Friends of Upper Canada, Yonge Street Monthly Meeting, held 13th of the 5th month, 1830:


����������� ...Also our beloved friend Ellen McCarty, companion to our friend Mercy Ellis, attended this meeting (having previously visited all the branches thereof) and produced a Certificate of concurrence from Muncy Monthly Meeting[though they had long lived in Elkland, that Meeting was under the care of the Muncy Monthly Meeting], Pennsylvania, dated the 12th mo. 23rd, 1829, endorsed by Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting - her company and Gospel Labours of Love amongst us were truly acceptable.


����������� An un-named diarist, quoted by Kenneth W. Wright in his Quakers of the Shunk Friends Meeting described Ellen's appearance at the wedding 11 Jul 1814 of Rebecca Bird and Edward Molyneux in Loyalsock (Forksville, Sullivan County):


����������� [she had] raven hair capped with the small Quaker bonnet, sculptured features and clear skin...of all the women present, she was the most beautiful save for the bride herself. She had ridden since before dawn to get to the wedding in company of her fifteen-year-old son, Aaron, traversing what was little more than a wilderness trail past Eldred's place.

The same diarist also states:


����������� I have come to know many women over the years, but never one so passionate and at the same time so oddly innocent as Ellen McCarty; strong, impetuous, generous, startling frank. She seemed like a woman of noble origin. Her exuberance of expression, couched in Quaker Thees and Thous, had something almost imperious about it.


����������� The following articles from The Friend, printed here in full, will serve to illustrate the incredible strength and depth of character of Ellen McCarty. It is interesting to note that the two articles were published exactly fifty years apart:


From The Friend, Vol. 24: 91, 7 Dec 1850:


����������������������� ����� TESTIMONY OF MUNCY MONTHLY MEETING,



����������� She was the daughter of Moses and Jane Roberts, who were among the early settlers in the neighborhood of Catawissa, [in Pennsylvania,] and at that time members

of Exeter Monthly Meeting. Her father dying when she was quite young, she was left under the care of her widowed mother and other branches of the family, in a situation not very favorable for literary or religious instruction; yet during this period she appeared to be preserved in a state of innocence and tenderness of spirit.

����������� �� In the year 1798 she was united in marriage with Joel McCarty, a member of Muncy Monthly Meeting, and soon after removed with her husband to Elklands, [in Pennsylvania,] where a small settlement of Friends was then forming within the limits of this meeting. In this retired situation, very much secluded from the busy scenes of life, and subjected to many of the privations attendant on the settlement of new countries, her mind became more deeply impressed with the importance of seeking those treasures which neither moth nor rust can corrupt.

����������� �� Under these renewed exercises she often expressed the concern she felt on account of their not having a meeting for worship, and encouraged her Friends to unite in making application for an indulged meeting, which was granted in 1816.

����������� �� She was very diligent in the attendance of our religious meetings, though frequently having to press through many difficulties and hardships in the performance of this important duty; often speaking of the sweet peace she was at times permitted to

experience, when sitting in their little silent meetings; and encouraged her own family and friends not to suffer any worldly business so to engross their attention as to prevent them from a regular attendance.

����������� �� Having thus learned in the school of Christ, the excellency of his government, and by yielding to the manifestations of grace in her own heart, she became qualified to invite others to come, taste and see, that the Lord is good.

����������� �� Though her literary accomplishments were very limited, she was enabled in her public ministry to express herself in clear and impressive language.

����������� �� Her early communications carried with them evidence that they were from that Anointing which alone can qualify for true Gospel ministry; and in the year 1819 were approved by the Quarterly Meeting of Ministers and Elders. By closely following the leadings of the true Shepherd, she became a lively and acceptable minister; was a firm believer in the doctrines and principals of our religious Society, as set forth in the approved writings of our early Friends; and opposed to all speculative views and unprofitable theories. She bore a faithful testimony against the unsound views of Elias

Hicks and his followers, being frequently led in her communications to express her full belief in the authenticity and Divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, and in the divinity and offices of our blessed Savior as therein set forth.

����������� �� She several times visited the families of this Monthly Meeting, a service for which she was well qualified; frequently administering counsel and encouragement suited to the condition of those present.

����������� �� With the approbation of her Friends, in 1830, she performed a visit in Gospel love to the meetings composing Farmington and Scipio Quarterly Meetings, [in the State of New York,] and to those of Friends in Upper Canada.

����������� �� Although domestic duties necessarily claimed much of her time, having a large family of children, yet these seldom prevented her from attending to the calls of duty.

����������� �� Christian love so warmed her heart towards the whole human family, that she was a truly sympathizing friend to the afflicted in body or mind. The last few years of her life were spent in nursing the sick; frequently having to endure many hardships and privations when attending on the poor and remotely situated families of her neighborhood. And while administering to the wants of the body, she was ever mindful of that more precious part, the immortal soul; endeavoring to turn their minds unto Christ Jesus, as the only hope and means of salvation.

����������� �� In the last meeting she attended, the day before she was taken ill, she spoke of the shortness of time to some present, and encouraged those who might remain a little longer, to greater diligence in the attendance of their religious meetings.

����������� �� From the first of her sickness, she was impressed with a belief that she should not recover, and was much engaged in fervent supplication to the Father of mercies, that he would be pleased to preserve her in patient resignation to his blessed and holy will.

����������� �� The evening before her close, being asked if she would like to see her physician, she calmly replied, "No, there will be a change before morning;" and soon after requested he children might be sent for; some of whom resided a few miles distant.

����������� �� On their arrival, her powers of speech had so failed that she could say little more than "I have told you the truth before;" and in a few minutes quietly passed away on the 20th day of the Fourth month, 1844, in the sixty-third year of her age.


From The Friend, Vol.74: 189, 7 Dec 1900:


������������������������ ���������� ��������������������ELLEN McCARTY


����������� �� The following was obtained by Jane Pierce from Ellen McCarty, during one of her visits at Ellen's home:


����������� �� Ellen McCarty was a baptized and much esteemed minister in the Society of Friends, living at Elklands, Pennsylvania, a remote and rather isolated district, even now, and sixty or seventy years ago abundantly so.

����������� �� In the early periods of her religious life she underwent great hardships and sacrifices. Living six miles from the meeting she attended, generally going thither on foot, often leading a little child, and carrying another in her arms. On one of these occasions, a heavy snowstorm overtook her on her return. Her discouragements were so great from the difficulties she met with, that she thought it could be required of her to undertake the same again; but when the next meeting-day came she persevered, and in that meeting was her first appearance in the ministry.

����������� Continuing faithful to her Divine Leader, she became a clear and convincing minister, evidencing the true anointing. Hearing that a company of militia had beenassembled by their captain to exercise on a ground some miles from her house, and feeling her mind drawn to visit the muster-ground, and seek a religious opportunity with the captain; she believed if she would be faithful, a Friend and neighbor, named Hoagland, would be willing to accompany her. So she dressed and walked toward the neighbor's house, when to her astonishment, she found the Friend standing in her door with cloak and bonnet on waiting Ellen's arrival, though entirely ignorant of her concern by any outward channel. This great confirmation increased her faith.

����������� When they reached the muster-ground Ellen had a powerful interview with the captain, who laid down his arms, never again to resume them. [1870 P.H.]


����������� Kenneth W. Wright tells us that Ellen's funeral was well attended:


����������� Folks from every part of the Elklands, Forks, Fox Townships, and from over the mountain in Bradford ����������� County arrived in buggies and on horseback. Jonathan Rogers made a coffin from the finest Birdseye maple. Her children carried her remains in silent procession to the burying ground in Shunk. My great-grandfather, Charles B. Wright, a Methodist preacher from over at East Canton, and Ann Rogers Wright, his wife, came over the mountain and met with people of every suasion; old William Molyneux leaning bent and gnarled on his cane was there; and there were Quakers from Muncy and places even more distant; and as the coffin moved along the rutted road, shadows of people to whom she had ministered for forty years obscured the procession from the sun.


He goes on to say:


����������� Ellen was to be spared in her lifetime the great contention, which engulfed the nation, and so many of her descendants, over the question of human slavery. She would be spared the schism amongst those Elkland Friends who, while pacifists, none-the-less sent some of their sons off to war.


[Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Heess, The Friend, KWW, Inventory of Church Archives, Streby, Now & Then]




����������� Editor's Note: The attached notes were provided by Kenneth L. Cook from the records of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Sopciety of Friends and Native Americans. Click here to Begin Reading the Notes on Moses Roberts.




������� 961. Aaron McCarty������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 16 Nov 1799

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Mar 1874

������� 962. Jesse McCarty������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 17 Feb 1802

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Dec 1880

������� 963. John McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 15 Sep 1804

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Feb 1885

������� 964. Elizabeth McCarty��� ����������������������������������������������� b. 12 May 1806

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Feb 1881

������� 965. Jane McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 16 Feb 1809

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Apr 1868

������� 966. Silas McCarty������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Dec 1811

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Jan1888

������� 967. Joel McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Oct1814

���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 17 May 1867

������� 968. Joseph McCarty������ ����������������������������������������������� b. 14 Aug 1816

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Jan1896

������� 969. Mary McCarty�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 22 Dec 1818

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.9 Jun 1898

���� 96(10). Sarah McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Jan 1822

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Jan 1892

���� 96(11). Thomas McCarty������ �������������������������������������������� b. 27 Jun 1827

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.��� 3 Jul 1857


[Editor�s Note: Carrell/Dungan omits John, Joseph and Mary]


97������� JOHN McCARTY, seventh child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 6 May 1773, died unmarried. [Carrell/Dungan]


98������� JAMES McCARTY, eighth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 11 Jun 1774, died c.1842. [Carrell/Dungan]


99������� JANE McCARTY, ninth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 18 Sep 1775; married, 27 Nov 1810, ����� Isaac Ogden, died 1835.

����������� Jane moved with her parents from Richland to Muncy, Pennsylvania, about 1791. She was Isaac Ogden's second wife. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������� 991. Abigail Ogden������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 11 Sep 1815

��������������������������������� ������������� ����������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Jan1872

������� 992. Thomas Ogden�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 17 Mar 1816

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Jul�� 1892

������� 993. Jane Ogden���������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 21 Oct 1817

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Oct 1888


9(10)��� ELIZABETH McCARTY, tenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 17 Sep 1776, died, Buckingham, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 11 Jan 1861; married, 24 Sep 1806, Samuel Thomas of Richland, Bucks County, child of Edward Thomas and Alice Roberts, born in Richland, 15 Jul 1760, died in Quakertown, 17 May 1847.

���� ������ Elizabeth moved with her family to Muncy, but returned to Quakertown with her mother following the death of her father, about 1804.

���� ������ Samuel inherited his father's lands in Richland, but later moved to Broad Street in Quakertown. For more information on the Thomas family, see the appendices. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




���� 9(10)1. Amanda Thomas������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jul1807

�� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Apr 1884

���� 9(10)2. Jervis Thomas������� ������������������������ ����������� ������������b.�� 9 Sep 1808

���� 9(10)3. Louisa Thomas������� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jun 1810

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Feb 1872

���� 9(10)4. Thomas Thomas������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 29 Oct 1811

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. Civil War

���� 9(10)5. Edward Thomas������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 27 Mar 1813

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Aug 1883

���� 9(10)6. Hannah Thomas������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Jan1815

���� 9(10)7. Benjamin Thomas����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 27 Mar 1817�������


9(11)��� THOMAS McCARTY, eleventh child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born near Hummelstown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 8 Mar ����������� 1778; married Margaret White.

���� ������ Thomas and Margaret moved to Dresden, on Seneca Lake, in New York. They were living there in 1821, when Thomas's sister, Phebe, visited them on her return from her mission to Upper Canada. Phebe's journal entry suggests that they had a family, though no names were mentioned. See Phebe's journal entry for 19th of the month, 7th of the week, 1821. [Carrell/Dungan, Phebe]


9(12)��� JOB McCARTY, twelfth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born at Hummeltown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 10 Aug 1779, died 19 Apr 1845; married, 26 Oct 1808, Jane Paxton, born 19 Nov 1781, died 19 Apr 1846. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 9(12)1. Rachel McCarty�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 15 Aug 1809

���� 9(12)2. Thomas Weston McCarty������������������������ b. 11 Aug 1810

���� 9(12)3. Oliver C. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������� b. 29 Dec 1811

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Sep 1896

���� 9(12)4. James W. McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b. 29 Dec 1811��������������������������������

���� 9(12)5. Martha McCarty������

���� 9(12)6. Joseph Paxton McCarty��������������������������������������� b. 27 Jul1815

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Jul1870

���� 9(12)7. Mary Ann McCarty������

���� 9(12)8. Sarah E. McCarty������ ������������������������������������������� b.2 May 1818


9(13)��� HANNAH McCARTY, thirteenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 19 Feb 1781, died at Woodbury, New Jersey; married Joseph ����������� Ogden. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)��� BENJAMIN McCARTY, fourteenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born at Hummelstown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 20 Jul 1783; married, 15 Oct 1805, Elizabeth Lebs, born 31 Dec 1785.

���� ������ Benjamin moved to Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania with his parents and probably remained there when his mother, sister and brother returned to Bucks County after his father's death. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 9(14)1. Charles McCarty������� ������������������������������������������� b. 15 Aug 1806

���� 9(14)2. Sarah McCarty��������� �������������������������������������������� b. 31 Mar 1808

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1888

��� 9(14)3. Henry McCarty��������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Feb 1810

���� 9(14)4. Ann Catharine McCarty��������������������������������������� b. 15 Dec 1812

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1868

���� 9(14)5. John McCarty���������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 16 Apr 1814

���� 9(14)6. Alfred McCarty����� ����������������������������������������������� b.3 May 1816

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Mar 1897

���� 9(14)7. Mary McCarty���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 16 May 1818

���� 9(14)8. Thomas McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 7 Nov 1820


9(15)��� MARTHA McCARTY, fifteenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth ������� Lancaster, born in Hummelstown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 24 Apr ���� 1785, died 12 Nov 1856; married 1. David McMichael; married 2. Thomas Hasley.

���� ������ She emigrated with her family to Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania and probably returned to Richland, Bucks County with her mother after her father's death. She may later have lived in Philadelphia. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 9(15)1. Eliza McMichael������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 15 Mar 1809

������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Dec 1897

���� 9(15)2. Jane McMichael������� ��������������������������������������������� d. 13 Aug 1898

���� 9(15)3. Marmaduke McMichael�� �������������������������������������� d. young

���� 9(15)4. Alexander McMichael��

���� 9(15)5. Phebe Ann McMichael�� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Jun1816

������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Mar 1895

9(16)��� DAVID LANCASTER McCARTY, sixteenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born at Hummelstown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 13 Dec 1787; married 1. Margaret Goldy; married 2. Mary Campbell. David moved with his parents to Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania and returned to Richland, Bucks County with his mother after the death of his father. He learned the hatter's trade and followed that vocation for a number of years in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 9(16)1. Maria McCarty




���� 9(16)2. William C. McCarty�� �������������������������������������������� b. 29 Mar 1817

���� 9(16)3. George McCarty������

���� 9(16)4. Robert McCarty

���� 9(16)5. James L. McCarty���� �������������������������������������������� b.������ Apr 1818��


9(17)��� JESSE McCARTY, seventeenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 10 Apr 1789, died, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 26 May 1857; married

1. Margaret Gray; married 2. 1817, Mary Walker, died 13 Jun 1872, aged 74 years.

���� ������ Jesse was a tanner near Dauphin, Pennsylvania. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 9(17)1. Martin McCarty����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 10 Oct 1818

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Sep 1860

���� 9(17)2. William McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������� b.���� Aug 1821

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Jan 1832

���� 9(17)3. John McCarty����������� �������������������������������������������� b. 19 Oct 1824

���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 9 Mar 1847

���� 9(17)4. David Boon McCarty����� ��������������������������������������� b. 12 Aug 1826

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 May 1857

���� 9(17)5. Ann Isabel McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b. 17 Apr1828

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Jan�� 1865

���� 9(17)6. Jesse McCarty���������� �������������������������������������������� b.2 Aug 1830

���� 9(17)7. Mary Elizabeth McCarty�������������������������������������� b. 17 Sep 1832

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Aug 1863

���� 9(17)8. William McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������� b. 27 Feb 1835

������������������������������������ ���������������������� ����������������������������������� d.�� 1 Sep 1874

���� 9(17)9.Joseph Warren McCarty��� ������������������������������������� b. 26 Aug 1837


9(18)��� LYDIA McCARTY, eighteenth child of Thomas McCarty and Elizabeth Lancaster, born 16 Aug 1790, died, Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 14 Aug 1861; married in 1821, Charles Leedom, of Newtown, Bucks County, child of Jesse Leedom and Mary Twining, born 25 Jan 1793, died Newtown, 30 Jan 1869, in his seventy-seventh year.
Editor's Note: Per Larry Pardoe, "The Descendants of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan, His Wife" (1928), by Ezra Patterson Carrell, lists the nine children of Charles Leedom and Lydia McCarty Leedom. It apppears that they never came to Lycoming or Sullivan County. About 1928, when the book was published, it shows them living on a farm near Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

���� ������ They lived on a farm near Newtown. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




���� 9(18)1. Sarah Leedom������������ ������������������������������������������ b. 11 Nov 1821

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. an infant

���� 9(18)2. Jesse T. Leedom����������� ���������������������������������������� b. 10 Sep 1822

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Mar 1891

���� 9(18)3. David R. Leedom������� ������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1823

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Apr 1886

���� 9(18)4. Edward Leedom����������� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Feb 1826

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Oct 1892

���� 9(18)5. Beulah Leedom����������� ������������������������������������������ b. 30 Jan 1827

��� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Jun 1832

���� 9(18)6. Thomas Lancaster Leedom���������������������������������� b. 27 Mar 1828

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Jul�� 1901

���� 9(18)7. Elizabeth Leedom�������� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 2 Jun1829

�������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Feb 1891

���� 9(18)8. Mary L. Leedom���������� ����������������������������������������� b. 31 Oct 1830

���� 9(18)9. Hannah Leedom����������� ����������������������������������������� b. 19 Jan 1834

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Jul 1834


(11)1��� MARGARET McCARTY, child of Paul McCarty and Cassandra William, born before 1780.

����������� She is mentioned in the will of her grandfather, John William, dated 2 Aug 1780. [EFFUB]



��������������� THIRD GENERATION


������������������ Still, one day, in the midst of all these pleasures,

������������������ The traveler lost the boy as he had lost the child.

������������������ So he went on for a while without seeing anything,

������������������ Until at last he came to a young man. So he said to

������������������ The young man, �What are you doing here?� And

������������������ The young man said, �I am always in love. Come

������������������ And love with me.�


������������������ So the young man fell in love directly. Sometimes

������������������ They teased; sometimes they quarreled and made up.

������������������ But they were never happy asunder, and sat very

������������������ close to one another by the fire, and were going to be

������������������ married very soon.



421����� WILLIAM McCARTY,first child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood; married Nancy Blaker, child of William Blaker and Nancy Tule, born Aug 1797, died 22 Sep 1877, buried in the cemetery in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. [Carrell/Dungan, MCR, RM]



����������������������������������������������� ��� (order uncertain)


������ 4211. Albert McCarty

������ 4212. Robert Neal McCarty��������������������������������������������� b.�������� �� 1817

������ 4213. Elizabeth McCarty�������������������������������������������������� b.�������� �� 1819

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������� �� 1895

������ 4214. Charles McCarty���������������������������������������������������� b.�������� �� 1820

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.1 Feb 1879

������ 4215. Margaret Anna McCarty���������������� ��������� ������������� b. 15 Feb 1825

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Mar 1899

������ 4216. Mary McCarty�������

������ 4217. Martha McCarty

������ 4218. Rachel McCarty��

������ 4219. George McCarty���������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1879

�� 421(10). John McCarty


422����� ISAAC McCARTY, second child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood, born in Penn Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 13 Nov 1796, died 30 Jun 1866, buried in the Muncy Cemetery, Muncy, Lycoming County; married Sarah Dunkelberger, child of Peter Dunkelberger and Catherine Hill.

����������� They lived in Muncy Creek Township where Isaac was a laborer. [Carrell/Dungan, MCR, 1850 Census]




������ 4221. Peter McCarty

������ 4222. George McCarty

������ 4223. Agnes McCarty

������ 4224. Catharine McCarty

������ 4225. Isaac D. McCarty������� ������������������������������������������� b. 30 Jul�� 1830

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Dec 1902

������ 4226. James H. McCarty������������������������������������������������� d. 09 Mar 1859

������ 4227. William T. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b.���������� ��1835

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������� 1918�����������

������ 4228. Jesse McCarty���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 03 Jul�� 1838

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Jun1889

������ 4229. Mary McCarty


423����� CHARLES McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. �������� [Carrell/Dungan]


424��� ��ARTHUR McCARTY, fourth child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. �������� [Carrell/Dungan]


425����� ANDREW McCARTY, fifth child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. ���������� [Carrell/Dungan]


426����� JAMES McCARTY, sixth child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. ����������� [Carrell/Dungan]


427����� MARIA McCARTY, seventh child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. �������� [Carrell/Dungan]


428����� HANNAH McCARTY, eighth child of Benjamin McCarty and Mary Smallwood. ������� [Carrell/Dungan]


431����� BENJAMIN McCARTY, first child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born 12 Dec 1788, died 6 May 1836; married 1. Sarah Van Fleet, child of Cornelius Van Fleet and Sarah Shipman, born 19 Aug 1789, died 1826; married 2. Deborah Tallman, born 4 Apr 1800, died 14 Sep 1878.

���� Benjamin McCarty lived in Muncy, Pennsylvania where he followed the occupation of blacksmith and wagon builder. [Carrell/Dungan, Marston]




������ 4311. William McCarty����� ���������������������������������������������� b. 17 Feb 1815

���������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. young

������ 4312. Jared McCarty������� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Oct1817

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1876

������ 4313. Mary Ann McCarty���� ������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Nov 1819

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Feb1838

������ 4314. Harriet McCarty����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 23 May 1823

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Jan�� 1889

����������� ���(Marston says she died 13 Jan 1889)

������ 4315. Benjamin Franklin McCarty���������������������������������� b.1 Apr�� 1826

���������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 18 Dec1886

������������ ���(Marston says he died 11 Jun 1891)




������ 4316. Abraham Tallman McCarty����������������������������������� b. 18 Aug 1831

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Sep 1891

(Marston says he died 1 Sep 1891)

������ 4317. John McCarty������������ ������������������������������������������� b. 23 Sep 1833

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Mar 1834

������ 4318. Sarah Jane McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b. 15 Dec 1834

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Sep 1839

����������� ����(Marston says she died 10 Sep 1838)



432����� MARGARET McCARTY, second child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born 12 Mar 1790, died Aug 1830 married her cousin Ezekiel Walton. ������������������ [Carrell/Dungan]


433����� SILAS McCARTY, third child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 19 Mar 1791, died in Maumee Valley, Ohio, August 1832; married, 1817, Martha McAffee, daughter of Major James McAffee and Martha McMichael of Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania, born 14 Apr 1800, died 28 Aug 1865.

��������� Silas was a farmer in Muncy until May 1832 when he moved his family to Maumee Valley, Ohio. He died there three months later. Martha remarried and the family moved to Wysox, Ulster Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. [Carrell/Dungan, HBC]




������ 4331. Charlotte McCarty����� ������������������������������������������� b. 26 Sep 1818

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Sep 1830

������ 4332. William McCarty������� �������������������������������������������� b. 24 Feb 1819

������ 4333. James McAffee McCarty�������������������������������������� b. 23 Nov 1821

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Apr1897

������ 4334. Rachel McCarty�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 15 Feb1824

������ 4335. John McCarty���������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Apr1825

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� �����������1903

������ 4336. Frank McCarty��������� �������������������������������������������� b. 23 Apr 1827

������ 4337. Martha Jane McCarty��� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Sep 1828

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Mar 1911

������ 4338. May Margaret McCarty�� �������������������������������������� b. 25 Jan1831

���������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 18 Apr 1909


434����� ANN McCARTY, fourth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born 28 Mar 1793, died 1836, unmarried. [Carrell/Dungan]


435����� JOHN McCARTY, fifth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 4 Nov 1794, died in Muncy, 27 Jan 1884, buried in the������ Muncy Cemetery; he remained unmarried.


����������� "Uncle John" McCarty, as he was known by all, could well have been known as the 'grand old man' of Muncy. He was most certainly the most beloved and most often quoted man of his day. He was born, grew up, and lived out his days in the house on Main Street built by his father in 1789. Uncle John remained a bachelor throughout his life but was said to have given more dinner parties than the good housewives...and that his wine cellar was quite as famous as his roast geese. The contents of this cellar, however, were dispensed among the sick and infirm.





���� ������ An extended sketch of him, probably by J.M.M.Gernard, appears in Now and Then, Vol.II.,no.10,pp.146-150, from which are taken the following excerpts:


������ ���� Here he was taught, by example and by precept, the lessons of honesty, charity, chastity, frugality and sobriety, to which he so faithfully adhered throughout his long and tranquil life. Here he spentall his days, save the one year that he served as an apprentice at the blacksmith trade with his cousin, David Lloyd, then living at Jerseytown, and a month or two that he afterwards spent in visiting with some friends in the West. Here, also, on the 29th day of January, 1884, he closed his long life, a 'fell asleep.' He loved the old home. No sum of money, it has been said, would have induced him to part with it. The wide world had for him no attraction so great. How comparatively few of the many millions already born in America have reached the ripe age of ninety? And of these how relatively few have always lived, and breathed their last, in the same domicile where they received the 'breath of life!' This is a noble circumstance.


���� ��...Had his ambition been duly stimulated when young, and had his intellectual powers been properly trained, he would likely have been a far more useful and influential man. The beauty and value of many a gem is never known because never polished. Uncle John was fond of approbation, but he had not quite enough self-esteem to give him a right conception of his power and value. Decidedly benevolent in constitution, yet he lacked the proper ambition, and, like too many on earth, did not seem to realize how much the world had need of his service.

������ ...Remarkable was the serene, regular, quiet, kindly and irreproachable life of 'Uncle John.'There is so little of stirring incident in such a life, that it is difficult to gather material enough than for a meager biographical sketch. Few men have perhaps been contented with the world. Frugal and industrious, yet never in haste or ambitious to berich. A lover of children, and beloved by all the children of the neighborhood, yet he never married and never experienced the tender feelings of a parent. A near neighbor said to us that 'when Uncle John threshed his grain, his barn generally swarmed with boys.' No two figures on our streets were more dear, and none perhaps better known to them, than�� 'Uncle John' and his famous chestnut sorrel horse, 'Old Salem.' It was a blessed privilege for the small boy to sit behind Uncle John on Old Salem's back, and ride to the creek or elsewhere. Our esteemed contributor, Alfred Hawley, to this day recounts with boyish glee the happy moments he thus spent with Uncle John astride of Salem. Salem, like his good master, lived to a great age, and as the master was everybody's 'uncle,' so was Salem everybody's horse. But it could not be so always. One day, when he was already well advanced in his thirty-eighth year, several ladies borrowed him to take a load of baskets with refreshments to a Sunday school picnic, on Shoemaker's Island. He brought them home safe, but the instant they drove up to the stable door, the faithful old beast, without a warning symptom of illness, fell over and almost instantly gave up the ghost. Several friends came to assist at the burial. They were preparing to drag the body to the field, but Uncle John would not permit such seeming cruelty. Old Salem must be tenderly lifted on a wagon and hauled out. At the grave it was proposed to knock off his shoes. 'No,' interposed Uncle John, 'Salem must be buried with his shoes on.�

������ ...'How cling we to a thing our hearts have nursed.


������ ...A man of immense physical power, yet Uncle John avoided all broils in an era when strong men were often tempted by the bullies whose chief glory it was to be regarded 'the best man.' He never fought a battle. He was known as 'The Peacemaker,' for he loved best to still the tempests of angry passion. Blessed are the peacemakers. But he was just as fearless as he was strong, kind and gentle. When, in 1842, the old schoolhouse in the south end of Muncy was stoned, and an anti-slavery lecturer was threatened with violence by a mob of excited pro-slavery roughs, and his voice was so drowned by a horrible noise that he could not be heard, Uncle John fearlessly stepped out, and putting his foot on the horse-fiddle, said: 'Men, stand back; we have now had enough of this.' It was gratifying to all peace lovers to see how quickly the peacemaker's pronunciamento [sic] was respected. On another occasion, when there was a general street fight in progress, Uncle John boldly stepped in among the combatants, and, as we were told by an eye-witness, tossed them to the right and left and ended the battle. Two ofthe most noted of the bullies threatened to punish him for his interference. He deliberately walked upto them and taking one in each hand, bumped their heads together. They were soon glad to be let alone, and glad to let Uncle John alone.


������ ...He was always opposed to slavery as a terrible crime against humanity. It is known that he performed valuable services to the oppressed as a conductor on the Underground Railroad.


������ ...When the word, 'Uncle John McCarty is dead,' flew fast from lip to lip, the entire community realized that a noble old man had fallen, and all were sad. His lifeless body was followed to its resting place in the Muncy Cemetery by many sincere mourners. He will not be forgotten by this generation. The handsome memorial window, donated to the Lutheran Church, by his nephew, William J. McCarty, and placed near the pew in which he was so wont to sit, was not needed by those who knew him best to keep his memoryfresh and green, but it is a well deserved tribute to his character. He was not a great man in the usual worldly sense of the term great, but in the lovely traits of character for which he was noted he was a noble pattern for all men and boys, and we may therefore rightfully claim that he was great.


�������� "Fond man! though all the honors of your line

��������� Bedeck your halls, and round your galleries shine

��������� In proud display, yet take this truth from me -

��������� Virtue alone is true nobility."


[Carrell/Dungan, Now and Then, MCR]���������




436����� WILLIAM McCARTY, sixth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in �������� Muncy, Pennsylvania, 7 Oct 1796, died in Beloit, Wisconsin, 1855; married Rebecca Bennett, born 7 Oct 1805.

���� The family resided in Muncy until 1838 when they moved to Springfield, Illinois, and a few years later to Beloit, Wisconsin. [Carrell/Dungan]




������ 4361. Abraham Bennett McCarty ������������������������ ����������� b. 14 Nov 1828

����� 4362. Margaret Jane McCarty�� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 4 May 1830

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.����� Sep1909

������ 4363. Edmund Augustus McCarty���������������������������������� b. 12 Oct1839

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 27 May 1909

������ 4364. Charlotte Hannah McCarty����������������������������������� b.�� 9 Aug1843


437����� MARY McCARTY, seventh child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 19 Sep 1798, died, in Muncy 1877, buried in the Muncy ��������� Cemetery; she remained unmarried.[Carrell/Dungan, MCR]


438����� JANE McCARTY, eighth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, was born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 6 Apr 1800, died, probably in Roscoe, Illinois, 9 Apr 1878; married, in Muncy, 17 Nov 1825, Alexander McAffee, son of James McAffee and Martha McMichael, born, 2 Nov 1798. He was a brother of Martha, who married Jane's older brother, Silas.

���� ������ Alexander and Jane McAffee were among the early pioneers to the far West. In October, 1838, they with their family of five children, migrated to Roscoe, Illinois, by wagon and horseback, stopping for a time with friends in Michigan, with whom they left their women-folk, while they themselves pushed on, and finally located claims on the banks of Rock River, about one mile from the village of Roscoe, in northern Illinois. Mr.McAffee paid $400. For his claim of 400 acres. Here they erected a double log-house, and returned for the women and children.

���� ������ Chicago, ninety miles distant, was their only market. For many years their produce was hauled there by wagon where it was sold and goods for their own use carried back. Both Alexander McAffee and his brother John, who accompanied him, were prominent in the community and occupied positions of trust. [Carrell/Dungan]




�����4381. James McAffee�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 18 Aug 1827

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 30 Mar 1901

������ 4382. William McAffee������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jul�� 1829

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 7 Oct1862

������ 4383. Amanda McAffee������� ������������������������������������������� b. 28 Feb 1831

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 4 Jan1917

������ 4384. Benjamin Franklin McAffee ����������� ���������������������� b.�� 6 Dec 1832

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Nov 1834

������ 4385. Charlotte McAffee���� ��������������������������������������������� b. 29 Jan1836

�������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Feb 1839

������ 4386. Mary Ann McAffee����� ������������������������������������������ b. 16 Jan1838

������ 4387. Martha Jane McAffee�� ������������������������������������������ b.8 Jun1840

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.��� May1874

������ 4388. Harriet McAffee������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 16 June 1842

���������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 3 Sep1887

������ 4389. Edwin McAffee�������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Jun1845

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 5 Dec 1915


439����� LAVINA McCARTY, ninth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania 2 Feb 1802, died in Muncy, 1 Mar 1834; married, 1829, Abner Hildebrand Fahnestock, son of Henry Fahnestock and Elizabeth Bundue, born in Muncy, 13 Oct 1798, died in Wanda, Chouteau Township, Madison County, Illinois, 4 Mar 1866, buried there.

�� �������� Abner re-married after Lavina's death and, in 1851, the family moved to Illinois, first Alton and then Wanda where they remained. [Carrell/Dungan, Fahnestock]




������ 4391. William M. Fahnestock����� ������������������������� b.�� 8 Mar 1830

������ 4392. Charles W. Fahnestock����� ������������������������ b. 25 Jul�� 1831

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ����������� d. 26 Sep1831

������ 4393. Harry Augustus Fahnestock���������� ����������� b.�� 6 Nov 1833


43(10)��� DAVID McCARTY, tenth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born 1 July 1804, died in Muncy, 30 Aug 1889, buried in the Muncy Cemetery; he remained unmarried. Although David moved to Minnesota with his brother, Seth, he soon returned to Muncy, where he spent the rest of his life. [Carrell/Dungan, MCR]


43(11)��� SARAH McCARTY, eleventh child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 7 Feb 1806, died, Hixton, Michigan, 8 March 1887; married Peter Hoffman. They moved to Hixton, Michigan and had no children. [Carrell/Dungan]


43(12)��� SETH L. McCARTY, twelfth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 9 Jun 1808, died Plainview, Minnesota, 17 May 1892;married in Whitechurch, Michigan, Rebecca McCauseland, born 3 Sep 1815.

���� ������ Seth McCarty was a cabinetmaker. He left Muncy, migrating first to Canada, then to Michigan in 1833, in 1850 to Illinois, and finally, in 1855, to Plainview, Minnesota.He came to Minnesota with his family in a covered wagon, took a homestead in a place called Greenfield, afterwards called Plainview, in Washaba County. In 1855 he was the Port Warden of Greenfield and in 1858-1859 was commissioned as Brigade Engineer, with the title of Major, by Commander-in-Chief Henry H. Sibley, 24 Dec 1859. [Carrell/Dungan]




��� 43(12)1. John B. McCarty����� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Apr1834

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 May 1864

��� 43(12)2. David McCarty������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Apr1836

��������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Jun1919

��� 43(12)3. Mary Ann Villa McCarty������������������������� ����������� b. 22 Jun1838

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1887

��� 43(12)4. James W. McCarty���� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 9 Sep 1841

��� 43(12)5. Sarah Ann McCarty��� ������������������������������������������ b. 24 Nov 1845

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 May 1864


43(13)��� JOSEPH McCARTY, thirteenth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born 25 Aug 1810, died 23 Oct 1810. [Carrell/Dungan]


43(14)��� LLOYD McCARTY, fourteenth child of William McCarty and Mary Lloyd, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 8 Nov 1811, died in Muncy, 7 Dec 1899, buried in the Muncy Cemetery; married, Jul 1841, Jane McClintock, child of James McClintock and Elizabeth Bennett, born 12 Nov 1813, died Sep 1898, buried in the Muncy Cemetery.

���� ������ Lloyd was a cabinetmaker in Muncy, having been apprenticed to Benjamin Pott. In 1836 following his apprenticeship, he moved to Canada where he remained for two years before returning to Muncy. After their marriage, Lloyd and Jane lived in Newberry, Pennsylvania until 1848, when they returned to Muncy and lived for the rest of their lives in the old homestead. At the time of his death, Lloyd McCarty was the oldest male citizen of Muncy. He was, during his residence in Muncy, a regular attendant at the Presbyterian Church, but never fully gave up the faith of hi forebears in the Society of Friends. [Carrell/Dungan, MCR]




��� 43(14)1. William James McCarty�������������������������������������� b. 22 Apr 1842

���������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Sep 1906

��� 43(14)2. Samuel McCarty������ �������������������������������������������� b. 17 Oct1843

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 May 1864


441����� BENJAMIN McCARTY, first child of Isaac McCarty, born in Penn Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, died 17 Nov 1863; married Lavina Harding. [Carrell/Dungan]




������ 4411. Silas McCarty����������������

������ 4412. Josiah McCarty������ ����������������������������������������������� b.5 Feb 1847

��� ���4413. John McCarty�������

������ 4414. James McCarty

������ 4415. Ellis McCarty

������ 4416. Alwilda McCarty�����


442����� LEWIS McCARTY, second child of Isaac McCarty. [Carrell/Dungan]


443����� CHARLES McCARTY, third child of Isaac McCarty. [Carrell/Dungan]


444����� GEORGE McCARTY, fourth child of Isaac McCarty. [Carrell/Dungan]


445����� MARGARET McCARTY, fifth child of Isaac McCarty. [Carrell/Dungan]


446����� HANNAH McCARTY, sixth child of Isaac McCarty, born 1809, died 1890; married Daniel Smith, born 1802, died 1880. [Carrell/Dungan, DGP]




[Editor�s Note:There were probably others, too]


������ 4461. John Smith����������� �������������������������������������������������� b.������� 1837

��������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������� 1904


447����� SARAH McCARTY, seventh child of Isaac McCarty; married John Snyder. ��� [Carrell/Dungan, DGP]




������ 4471. Nelson Snyder

������ 4472. John Snyder

������ 4473. Joe Snyder

������ 4474. Priscilla Snyder

������ 4475. Jane Snyder

������ 4476. Hattie Snyder

������ 4477. Clara Snyder

������ 4478. Maria Snyder

������ 4479. Julia Snyder

�� 447(10). Effie Snyder�����������


448����� LAVINIA McCARTY, eighth child of Isaac McCarty. [Carrell/Dungan]���������


451����� MIRA MITCHELL, child of Sarah McCarty and Mr. Mitchell; married Andrew Heller. [Carrell/Dungan]


461����� ROBERT ASHTON, first child of Mary McCarty and

��������� Peter Ashton, born 31 Dec 1787. [Carrell/Dungan]


462����� BENJAMIN ASHTON, second child of Mary McCarty and Peter Ashton, born 1 Feb 1789. Benjamin moved from Bucks County prior to the death of his father in 1821, though receiving a tract of land from him in 1813. [Carrell/Dungan]


463����� SARAH ASHTON, third child of Mary McCarty andPeter Ashton, born 5 July 1791; married David Davis. Received a tract of land from her father in 1819. ���������� [Carrell/Dungan]


464����� SAMUEL ASHTON, fourth child of Mary McCarty and Peter Ashton, born 25 Oct 1795; married Matilda Bryan. Received a tract of land from his father in 1813. [Carrell/Dungan]


465����� JOHN ASHTON, fifth child of Mary McCarty and Peter Ashton, born 20 Jul 1798. John removed from Bucks County prior to his father's death in 1821.

����������� [Carrell/Dungan]


481����� THOMAS LLOYD, son of Margaret McCarty and David

��������� Lloyd.[Carrell/Dungan]




������ 4811. Clinton Lloyd


911����� ELIZABETH ROBERTS, first child of Phebe McCarty and Levi Roberts, born in ������� Milford Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 11 Feb 1803, died in Milford Township, 12 May 1858; married, 8 Mar 1821, Hugh Foulke, son of Israel Foulke and Elizabeth Roberts, born, Richland Township, Bucks County, 8 Sep 1793, died in Milford Township, 3 Apr 1853.

���� Hugh Foulke was the grandson of Hugh Foulke [see above], one of the early settlers of the Great Swamp, now Richland Township, Bucks County. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




EDWARD ROBERTS was a native of Merionethshire, Wales, where he was born Third-month (May), 1687. He came to America with �his cousin Thomas Lawrence� (according to family tradition). It has been supposed that he was left an orphan early in life. He settled at Byberry and early became a member of the Abington Monthly Meeting, the nearest at that date.

����������� At the monthly meeting held at Abington 10th month 27, 1714, the following minute was recorded:


����������� Wheras Edward Roberts and Mary Bolton having declared their intentions of marriage with each other before two monthly meetings, enquiry being made by persons appointed and found clear from all others on ye account of marriage did accomplish their marriage in ye unity of friends as is signified by their marriage certificate.


����������� At the monthly meeting held at Abington 11th month 28, 1716, the following entry was made in the minutes:


����������� A certificate was granted Edward Roberts and his wife in order for their removing hence to the Great Swamp.


����������� Thus they removed to the Great Swamp (later Quakertown) in the spring of 1716. Edward and Mary went on horseback and all of their belongings with them. They had one daughter at the time, Martha, who later married John Roberts, son of Thomas, another early settler. Soon after their arrival, Edward found that Mary had become infected with small-pox, probably from Indian neighbors. It became necessary to return along the Indian path to Gwynedd, the nearest settlement, where proper care could be taken of her. Here she was nursed back to health, and in five or six weeks returned with her husband and daughter back to the Swamp. She was the daughter of Everard and Elizabeth Bolton of Abington.

����������� Edward Roberts first erected a temporary shelter, composed mostly of bark, reared up against some of the large white oak trees that were so abundant in that vicinity. They lived there until 1728 when a more comfortable cabin was built, about a mile west of the meetinghouse in Quakertown. That cabin was built without lime, using clay for mortar and stood very firm for a century and a half.

����������� The Collection of Memorials of Deceased Minister and Others printed in 1787 by Joseph Cruikshank in Philadelphia, contains the following �testimony from Richland Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania concerning Edward Roberts� life and work in the ministry:�


����������� He was born in Merionethshire, in the principality of Wales, in the Third-month, 1687, and came into Pennsylvania about the twelfth year of his age; was early convinced of the principle of truth as held forth by Friends, with whom he joined in communion, and by his godly life and conversation through the course of time, was nearly united to them. His ministry was attended with great sweetness and energy, [he] laboring faithfully therein to the comfort and edification of the living whilst health and bodily ability continued; being a lively example of humility, plainness, temperance, meekness and charity, and of justice and uprightness in his dealings among men, which gained him the love and esteem of people of all denominations. He was a tender, affectionate husband and father, earnestly concerned to train up his children and family in the fear of God, and example and instruct them in the paths of virtue, and also manifested a true zeal for promoting and preserving peace and good order in Society, wherein he was often singularly serviceable. His bodily strength gradually diminishing, he was reduced even to a child�s state, in which he quietly departed this life without much sickness, on the 25th of the Eleventh-month, 1768, in the eighty-second year of his age; a minister above forty years.


����������� Edward�s wife, Mary, died Seventh-month 22, 1784, aged 96 years, 6 months, nine days.


DAVID ROBERTS, fourth child of Edward and Mary, born 1st-month 10, 1722, married 5th month 2, 1754, Phebe Lancaster, daughter of Thomas and Phebe (Wardell) Lancaster. Her sister Elizabeth married THOMAS McCARTY [#9 above]


ELIZABETH ROBERTS, third child of David and Phebe, was born 7th month 1, 1760, died 12th month 17, 1831. She married, 11th month 14, 1782, Israel Foulke, child of Samuel and Ann Foulke [see notes on the FOULKE FAMILY above], born 2nd month 4, 1760, died 9th month 27, 1824.


HUGH FOULKE, sixth child of Elizabeth and Israel, married ELIZABETH ROBERTS [#911, this article], child of Levi Roberts and PHEBE McCARTY [#91 above]


[Sources: Old Richland Families, by Elwood Roberts; the above-mentioned Cruikshank book, a copy of which may be found in the Boston Public Library]




������ 9111. Amos R. Foulke������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 26 May 1822

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Apr1853

������ 9112. Barton L. Foulke���� ����������������������������������������������� b. 18 Nov 1823

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������� d. 18 Aug 1856

������ 9113. Phebe R. Foulke����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 27 Jan�� 1825

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Dec1832

������ 9114. Jordan Foulke������� ������������������������������������������������ b.�� 9 Oct1826

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Jun1836

������ 9115. Elizabeth Foulke���� ������������������������������������ ������������b. 13 Mar 1829

������ 9116. Thomas M. Foulke���� �������������������������������������������� b. 13 Feb 1830

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Feb 1861

������ 9117. Sarah E. Foulke����� ������������������������������������ ������������b.�� 1 Jun 1831

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Apr 1844��� �����

������ 9118. Franklin Foulke����� ������������������������������������ ������������b.5 May 1833

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Jun1835

������ 9119. Abigail Jane Foulke���������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jul1835

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Mar 1845

��� 911(10). Franklin Foulke�� �������������������������������������������������� b. 24 Jul�� 1838

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Mar 1860

��� 911(11). Jane R. Foulke������ ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Jun1842

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Jan1860

��� 911(12). Susan J. Foulke����� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Jun 1844


912����� ABIGAIL ROBERTS, second child of Phebe McCarty and Levi Roberts, born near Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 16 April 1808, died in

Quakertown, 21 Mar 1882; married, at Richland Monthly Meeting, 16 Oct 1842, Joel Heacock, son of Jesse Heacock and Tacy Thompson of Rockhill Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, born 6 Mar 1794 (26 Mar?), died in Germantown, Pennsylvania,17 Mar 1853.

����������� Joel attended school in Milford Township, Trumbauersville, and afterward engaged in farming and the general milling a lumber business. After locating on the family homestead, he continued those pursuits. In political views he was a Whig, and his religious faith was indicated by his membership in the Society of Friends. Joel died in Germantown while there on business.

���� ������ Joel had inherited a portion of his family's homestead in West Rockhill where the family lived there until after his death. In 1858, Abigail rented the farm out in order to pay for her son's education. She later lived for many years with her son, Joel Levi, in Quakertown. The farm itself later passed to other members of the Heacock family. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB, Davis]




������ 9121. Joel Levi Heacock���� ��������������������������������������������� b.2 Oct 1843

����� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.4 Aug 1909���������

921����� PENIMAH (PENINAH,PERINNAH) McCARTY, first child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born 5 Dec 1794, died 18 Dec 1797. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


922����� KATHARINE McCARTY, second child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 17 (16?) Jul 1795, died 9 Oct 1871; married, 16 Nov 1826, Amos (Amasa) Dodson, born 3 Jan 1801, died in Weatherly, Pennsylvania, 2 Sep 1851 [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9221. Martha Ann Dodson��� ������������������������������������������� b. 30 Oct 1827

������ 9222. McCarty Dodson������ �������������������������������������������� b. 21 Apr 1831

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 Jul 1901

������ 9223. Susan C. Dodson����� ��������������������� ����������������������� b. 25 Sep 1835


923����� SAMUEL McCARTY, third child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 8 May 1797 (Lancaster says 3 May 1799), died, Milton, Pennsylvania, 9 Oct 1858; married 25 Mar 1824, Susan Hull (Hall?) of Milton, Pennsylvania, born 11 Feb 1799, died 2 Apr 1878. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9231. William Hull McCarty������ �������������������������� ������������b.�� 8 Jan1825

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Jun1843

������ 9232. Samuel Green McCarty������ ����������������������������������� b.�� 5 Mar 1826

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1893

������ 9233. Hannah Maria McCarty������ ����������������������������������� b. 17 Feb1828

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Jun�� 1869

������ 9234. David Wilson McCarty������ ������������������������ ������������b. 27 Nov1830

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jan�� 1885

������ 9235. Margaret Ann McCarty������ ����������������������������������� b. 20 Oct1833

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Jul�� 1900

����� 9236. Oliver Allen McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 25 Dec 1835

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Feb 1901

������ 9237. Charles Lloyd McCarty����� ������������������������ ������������b.�� 4 Sep 1841

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Sep 1843

������ 9238. Susan Jane McCarty�������� �������������������������������������� b. 14 Apr 1843


924����� CHARLES McCARTY, fourth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born 17 Apr 1798, died 19 May 1798. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


925����� ELLIS W. McCARTY, fifth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 26 Jan 1801, died in McEwensville, Pennsylvania, 21 May 1876; married, 18 Oct 1822, Leah Moore of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, child of James Moore II and Mary Ott Clark, born near Snydertown, Pennsylvania, 28 Nov 1804, died in Watsontown, Pennsylvania, 28 Sep 1883.

���� They lived in McEwensville, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9251. Mary McCarty�������������� ���������������������������������������� b. 11 Aug 1823

������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Aug 1826

������ 9252. Rebecca V. McCarty�������� ������������������������������������ b.�� 6 Dec 1825

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1902

������ 9253. James Moore McCarty������� ����������������������������������� b.4 Aug 1829

�������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Mar 1889

������ 9254. Eugenio K. McCarty�������� ������������������������������������� b.2 May 1832

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Feb 1833

������ 9255. Joseph O. McCarty��������� �������������������������������������� b. 27 Jan1834

������ 9256. Mary M. McCarty����������� �������������������������������������� b. 12 Nov 1836

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Sep 1857

������ 9257. George Ide McCarty�������� ������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Feb 1839

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jun1861

������ 9258. Elizabeth I. McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b. 22 Mar 1841

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Jan1892

������ 9259. Leah Moore McCarty�������� ����������������������������������� b. 17 Jun1844



926����� THOMAS McCARTY, sixth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born 10 Nov 1802, died 12 Jul 1803. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


927������ JESSE McCARTY, seventh child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 18 Mar 1804, died, Venice, New York, 21 Jul (2 Jul?) 1839; married 1. Anna Kemp, born in Scipio, New York, 12 Sep 1807, died 14 Sep 1832; married 2. 30 Mar 1833, Hannah Platte.

���� Jesse and his family lived in Venice, New York. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9271. Edwin Riley McCarty���� ���������������������������������������� b. 13 Oct 1830

������ 9272. Anna K. McCarty�������� ����������������������������������������� b. 17 Mar 1832




������ 9273. Angeline McCarty������� ������������������������������������������ b.4 Nov 1835

������ 9274. Margaret McCarty������� ����������������������������������������� b. 23 Sep 1838


928������ JAMES McCARTY, eighth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 5 Dec 1805; married 1. Matilda Green, born 30 Mar 1814, died 30 Jun 1840; married 2. Dec 1846, Susan Ulshaper, born 31 Aug 1824, died 6 Dec 1887. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9281. Thomas Wilson McCarty�� ������������������������� b.�� 1 Jun 1835

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Jan 1862

������ 9282. Alice Jane McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 7 Dec 1836

������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Mar 1855

������ 9283. Emily McCarty���������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Oct 1839

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Jan 1842




������ 9284. Margaret Matilda McCarty�� ���������������������������������� b. 18 Oct1847

��� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Mar 1870

������ 9285. Lucetta McCarty������������ ��������������������������������������� b. 29 Oct1849

������ 9286. Sarah Elizabeth McCarty��� ������������������������ ������������b.�� 9 Aug 1851

������ 9287. Leonard McCarty����������� ��������������������������������������� b. 21 Sep 1853

������ 9288. Brunson B. McCarty�������� ������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Jan1856

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Jan1856

������ 9289. Mary Ellen McCarty�������� �������������������������������������� b.�� 8 May 1862

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Apr 1864

��� 928(10). Samuel G. McCarty�� ������������������������������� ������������b.�� 6 Aug 1864

��� 928(11). James Lancaster McCarty������� ����������������������������� b.�� 5 Aug 1870


929����� LEWIS WALTON McCARTY, ninth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 10 Oct 1807, died in Paris, Illinois, 4 Apr 1876; married 24 Nov 1831, Abi O. Sheppard, born 27 May 1807, died 25 Nov 1868. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9291. Lafayette McCarty������ ������������������������������������������ b. 28 Aug 1832

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 23 Jun1870

������ 9292. George W. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1834

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Mar 1836

������ 9293. Louis Phillipe McCarty����������������������������������������� b. 22 Apr 1836

������ 9294. Mary Ann McCarty������� ���������������������������������������� b. 10 Sep 1838

������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Sep 1839

������ 9295. James Harvey McCarty��� �������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Mar 1840

������ 9296. Henry Wilson McCarty��� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 2 May 1842

������ 9297. John Walton McCarty���� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Jan�� 1844

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 May 1876

������ 9298. Elizabeth H. McCarty��� ����������������������������������������� b. 27 Dec 1845

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Apr 1874

������ 9299. Martha Jane McCarty���� ���������������������������������������� b. 29 Jan1848

������ 929(10). Twin son��������������� �������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jul 1849

�� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Jul 1849

������ 929(11). Twin son��������������� �������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jul 1849

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Jul 1849

������ 929(12). William McCarty�������� ��������������������������������������� b.���� Aug 1850

������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Oct 1856

������ 929(13). Green McCarty���������� ��������������������������������������� b.���� Aug 1850

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Oct 1872


92(10)�� PHEBE McCARTY, tenth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, 20 Sep 1809, died, West Pittston, Pennsylvania, 20 Jan 1894; married 22 Dec 1831, Miles Spencer, born 11 May 1803, died at Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 14 (15?) Dec 1851. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 92(10)1. Margaret Spencer���� �������������������������������������������� b. 25 Dec 1832

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1902

��� 92(10)2. Wilson H. Spencer��� �������������������������������������������� b. 21 Aug 1834

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1920

��� 92(10)3. Rhoda Ann Spencer��� ������������������������������������������ b. 17 Sep 1835

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1918

��� 92(10)4. Phebe E. Spencer���� �������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jun1842

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Jan1844

��� 92(10)5. Jeanette Spencer���� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Apr 1846

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1921

��� 92(10)6. Lewis James Spencer������������������������������������������ b.�� 5 Dec 1848

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1924


92(11)��� HENRY WILSON McCARTY, eleventh child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born 7 Oct 1811, died 1854; married Sarah Price. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


92(12)��� EVAN G. McCARTY, twelfth child of Samuel McCarty and Margaret Green, born 21 Nov 1814. Evan went West and was last heard of through a letter to his sister Phebe, about 1835, when he was somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


931������ CHARLOTTE McCARTY, first child of Silas McCarty and Laura Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 27 Apr 1812, died fall 1844.�� Lucetta (McCarty) Wilson family records indicate that she was buried at Pennsdale Monthly Meeting; married _______Hazley.

����������� Joel Levi Heacock's family record indicates a child. That record has been included here though the item is not found elsewhere. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, LMW, JLH]




������ 9311. Clarissa Hazley


932������ ELOISA McCARTY, second child of Silas McCarty and Laura Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania (C/D says Washington County), 21 Jul 1816, died 8 Jun 1854; married 1. Benjamin Johnson, of Muncy; married 2. Orlo J. Spofford of Condersport, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, LMW records]




������ 9321. Mary Johnson�������� ������������������������������������ d. 19 years

������ 9322. Harriet Johnson����� ������������������������������������ d. (int) 8 Feb 1891




������ 9323. Jay Spofford�������� �������������������������������������������������� d. 9 years

������ 9323. Lewis Spofford


933������ LYMAN KENNEDY McCARTY, third child of Silas McCarty and Laura ���� ��Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 30 Sep 1822, died at Weatherly, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, 18 Jan 1872, buried in the Muncy cemetery; married, 28 Feb 1850, Mary A. Ulshafer, born 27 Sep 1826. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, LMW records, MCR]




������ 9331. Clarissa McCarty���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 28 Feb 1854


934��� ���HIRAM T. McCARTY, fourth child of Silas McCarty and Laura Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 19 Dec 1825; married Rebecca Michael. They lived in Muncy where Hiram was a farmer. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, LMW records, MCR, 1880 Census]




������ 9341. Emma T. McCarty

������ 9342. Mary Matilda McCarty������ ������������������������ �����������d. before 1902

������ 9343. Russell O. McCarty���

������ 9344. Cora A. McCarty��������������������������������������������������� b.�������� c. 1865

������ 9345. Edward S. McCarty����������������������������������������������� b.�������� c. 1866

������ 9346. Chester Warren McCarty��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Apr 1867

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Apr 1938�����������


935������ OTIS L. McCARTY, fifth child of Silas McCarty and Laura Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 15 Mar 1828, died 13 May 1899; married Mary Beeber, child of Col. Jacob Beeber and Elizabeth Dimm. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, LMW records, Beaver, MCR]




������ 9351. Robert Bruce McCarty������� ����������������������������������� b.�� 5 Aug 1860

���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ d. 14 Oct1913

������ 9352. Edwin Stanton McCarty������ ���������������������������������� b.�� 8 Jul�� 1863

������ 9353. Dimner Beeber McCarty������ ��������������������������������� b. 19 Aug 1865

������ 9354. Elizabeth Florence McCarty���������������������������������� b.�� 7 Nov 1867


936������ LUCETTA McCARTY, sixth child of Silas McCarty and Laura Lyman, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 18 Dec 1830, died at Muncy, 17 Jun 1894; married Augustus Wilson. Lucetta�s copious records have added a great deal to this part of the family. Below is an extract from her manuscript, later in the possession of Joel Levi Heacock of Quakertown, another family historian. It is now in the posession of the Spruance Library in Doylestown. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9361. Thomas Wilson���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 18 Sep 1852

������ 9362. Henry Lyman Wilson����� ���������������������������������������� b. 10 Sep 1854

������ 9363. Howard Forest Wilson��� ��������������������������������������� b. 27 Jan1857

������ 9364. Laura Viola Wilson�� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� about 1860

������ 9365. Oscar Boyd Wilson������ ����������������������������������������� b.�� about 1865

������ 9366. Frank DeLay Wilson����� ���������������������������������������� b.�� about 1868

������ 9367. Augustus Elwood Wilson�������������������������� ������������b.�� about 1870





941����� SAMUEL M. FOULKE, first child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 12 Aug 1787, died in Milford, Indiana, 18 Aug 1844; married 1. at Richland Monthly Meeting of Friends, 12 Oct 1815 (reported at Monthly Meeting 24 Nov 1815), Ann Edwards, child of William Edwards and Meribah Gaskill of Milford Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, born 11 Feb 1790, died 10 Dec (23 Nov?) 1816; married 2. 10 Dec 1818, Ann Heacock, daughter of Jesse Heacock and Tacy Thompson of Rockhill, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, born 27 Dec 1791.

���� ������ Samuel and his family lived in Richland until 1838 when they moved to Milford, Indiana. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9411. William E. Foulke��� ����������������������������������������������� b. 23 Dec 1816




������ 9412. Tacy H. Foulke������ ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Feb 1822

������ 9413. Margaret Foulke����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 22 Nov 1823

������ 9414. Jesse H. Foulke����� ������������������������������������ ������������b.�� 5 Apr 1826

������ 9415. Sarah H. Foulke����� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Nov 1827

������ 9416. Joseph Foulke������� ������������������������ ����������������������� b. 29 Jul�� 1829

������ 9417. Edith Foulke�������� �������������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jul�� 1831

������ 9418. Mary Ellen Foulke��� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Apr 1834

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 May 1836


942����� ELEANOR FOULKE, second child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born 25 Feb 1789; married John Black. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


943����� MARY FOULKE, third child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County Pennsylvania, 8 Mar 1791; married, 30 Nov 1809,

����������� Thomas Thorpe. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9431. Sarah Thorpe�������� ������������������������������������������������ b.�� 9 Oct 1810

������ 9432. Samuel Thorpe������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 25 Oct 1811

������ 9433. James Thorpe�������� ������������������������������������ b. 27 Oct 1813

������ 9434. Eleanor Thorpe������ ������������������������������������ b.�� 2 Sep 1815

������ 9435. Jabez Thorpe�������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 23 Mar 1817

������ 9436. Hannah Thorpe������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 18 Apr 1819

������ 9437. Elizabeth Thorpe���� ������������������������������������ b. 13 Apr 1822

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. young

������ 9438. Jesse Thorpe�������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 25 Jan1825

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. young

������ 9439. Mary W. Thorpe������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 5 May 1827

������ 943(10). Thomas Thorpe������� ������������������������������������������ b. 23 Feb 1829

������ 943(11). Ann F. Thorpe������� ������������������������������������������� b. 10 Sep 1831


944����� ANN FOULKE, fourth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania,9 Dec 1792, died 19 Jun 1857; married 1. 27 Apr 1820, James Crozier; married 2. 25 Feb 1825, Curtis Grubb, died 16 Nov 1853, aged 84 years. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9441. Hannah Grubb�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 21 Jan 1826

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Jun 1857

������ 9442. Mary Grubb���������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 27 Sep 1827

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Jan1853

������ 9443. Samuel M. Grubb����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 Apr 1829�����������������������������

������ 9444. Elizabeth Grubb����� ������������������������������������ b. 30 Nov 1831

���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 26 Feb 1851

������ 9445. Lydia H. Grubb����� ���������������������������������� b. 16 Jul�� 1834

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Nov 1855


945����� THOMAS FOULKE, fifth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 7 May 1795; married, 2 Dec 1819,

����������� Sarah Spencer. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9451. Samuel Foulke�������� ����������������������������������������������� d. an infant

������ 9452. Ann Foulke����������� ������������������������������������ d. an infant

������ 9453. Joshua Foulke�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 30 May 1823

������ 9454. Milton Foulke�������� ������������������������������������ b. 23 Jan�� 1826

������ 9455. Phebe Foulke��������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 21 Oct1826

������ 9456. Mary Foulke���������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 17 Jun1830

������ 9457. Nathan Foulke ������������������������������������������������������� b. 26 Feb 183_

������ 9458. Miles Foulke��������� ������������������������������������ d. an infant

������ 9459. Silas Foulke��������� �������������������������������������������������� b.1 Dec 1840

������ 945(10). Eliza J. Foulke������ ��������������������������������������������� d. an infant


����������� ���������

946����� ELIZABETH FOULKE, sixth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 19 May 1797; married, 26 Jun 1822,

Thomas Sidwell. They lived in Vermont, Illinois. No record of descendants. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


947����� JANE FOULKE, seventh child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 19 Jun 1799; married 2 Sep 1824,

Isaac Cowgill. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9471. Abram Cowgill


948����� AMELIA FOULKE, eighth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 20 Jun 1801; married, 31 Jan 1822, John Wilson. Amelia had moved to Ohio with her parents in 1818. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9481. William Wilson

������ 9482. Joseph Wilson

������ 9483. Martha Wilson

������ 9484. John Wilson

������ 9485. Isaac Wilson

������ 9486. Jesse Wilson

������ 9487. Edith Wilson

������ 9488. Sarah Wilson

������ 9489. Hannah Wilson

������ 948(10). Israel Wilson


949����� CADWALLADER FOULKE, ninth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 25 May 1803, died 5 Nov 1879; married 18 Mar 1827, Elizabeth Hoopes, born 17 Aug 1811, died 17 Jun 1893. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9491. Margaret Foulke������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 13 Dec 1829

������ 9492. Anne Foulke����������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 23 Nov 1831

������ 9493. Ellis Foulke���������� �������������������������������������� ����������� b.6 Jul 1834

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Jul 1834

������ 9494. John Foulke����������� ������������������������������������ b.6 Jul 1834

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Jan 1835

������ 9495. Oliver E. Foulke������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 19 Nov 1836

������ 9496. William Hoopes Foulke���������������������������������������� b. 26 Sep 1843

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.��� Feb 1865

������ 9497. Parker Foulke��������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 29 Aug 1846

������ 9498. John King Foulke������ �������������������������������������������� b.7 Mar 1850

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Jun 1894

������ 9499. Mary E. Foulke�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 Aug 1852


94(10)�� JESSE FOULKE, tenth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 18 Sep 1805, died 18 Feb 1875; married 1. 3 Mar 1831, Mary Yost; married 2. 26 Apr 1843, Mary Baker, died 6 Mar 1889.

���� ������ Jesse moved to Ohio with his parents in 1818. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 94(10)1. John B. Foulke������ ����������������������������������������������� b. 31 Mar 1844

��� 94(10)2. George Foulke������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Jun1845

��� 94(10)3. Sarah Ann Foulke���� �������������������������������������������� b. 20 Nov 1846

��� 94(10)4. William Foulke������ ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Dec 1847

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 May 1877

��� 94(10)5. Amasa J. Foulke����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1849


94(11)�� MERCY FOULKE, eleventh child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 6 May 1808; married, 6 Jan 1825, Eli Webster, son of John and Hannah Webster.

���� ������ Mercy moved with her parents to Miami, Ohio in 1818. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 94(11)1. son Webster��������������������� ��� ������������������������������� b.�� 4 Jul�� 1825

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Jul�� 1825�����������

��� 94(11)2. Ann Webster��������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 18 May 1826

��� 94(11)3. Phebe Webster�������

��� 94(11)4. Plummer Webster����� ������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 May 1829

��� 94(11)5. Sarah Webster������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Feb1831

��� 94(11)6. Nathan Webster������ ��������������������������������������������� b.����� Dec 1832

��� 94(11)7. Eli Webster��������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 16 Aug 1834

�������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Apr 1865

��� 94(11)8. Elias H. Webster���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 23 Mar 1836

��� 94(11)9. Silas F. Webster���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1839

��� 94(11)(10). John Simeon Webster������������������������� b. 12 Dec 1841

��� 94(11)(11). Hannah Webster������ ���������������������������������������� b. 10 Nov 1843

��� 94(11)(12). Mary Ellen Webster�� ��������������������������������������� b. 28 Feb 1846

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 4 years old


94(12)�� GRACE FOULKE, twelfth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks Count, Pennsylvania, 29 Jan 1810; married, 14 Sep 1826, Ellis Hoopes. They lived near Vermont, Illinois.

���� Grace moved to Ohio with her parents in 1818. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 94(12)1. Margaret Hoopes������ ������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

��� 94(12)2. Elizabeth Hoopes

��� 94(12)3. Sarah Hoopes

��� 94(12)4. Susan Hoopes��������� ��������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

��� 94(12)5. William Hoopes

��� 94(12)6. Ann Hoopes

��� 94(12)7. Silas Hoopes

��� 94(12)8. Ellis Hoopes��������� ������������������������������������ ������������d. before 1902

��� 94(12)9. Ruth Hoopes

��� 94(12)(10). Mary Hoopes

��� 94(12)(11). John Hoopes

��� 94(12)(12). Henry Hoopes


94(13)�� SILAS FOULKE, thirteenth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born 18 Mar 1812, died 6 Nov 1845; married, 19 Jul 1835, Hannah Webster. There were no children. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


94(14)�� JOHN FOULKE, fourteenth child of Sarah McCarty and Judah Foulke, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1817, died 1878; married, 29 Aug 1840, Sarah Hartley, born 13 Jun 1818, died 30 Jul 1901.

���� ������ John moved to Ohio with his parents in 1818 when he was one year old. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




��� 94(14)1. Silas Foulke�������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 30 May 1841

��� 94(14)2. David H. Foulke����� ��������������������� ����������������������� b. 23 Jun1842

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1878

��� 94(14)3. Edwin A. Foulke����� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Jun1844

��� 94(14)4. William P. Foulke��� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 Jun1845

��� 94(14)5. Phebe A. Foulke����� ��������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1847

��� 94(14)6. Mary Foulke��������� ����������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1861


961����� AARON McCARTY, first child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born probably in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 16 Nov 1799, died in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 23 Mar 1874, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox Township, Pennsylvania; married Elizabeth Pardoe, child of Joseph and Sarah Pardoe, born 1790, died 1871, buried in the Shunk Friends Burial Ground.

���� ������ Aaron was probably born in Muncy before his parents moved to Sullivan County.He purchased the property in Elkland Township, Sullivan County in 1820 together with his brother Jesse. After clearing to woods, they built two log houses. Later, dissolving partnership, they drew lots to see which farm each should get. Aaron drew the farm nearer the road and afterward bought 200 additional acres at 1.25 per acre. The two log houses were later used as schoolhouses. The Aaron McCarty farm passed to his son Job and then to Job's son Francis. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�������� (Source: Lancaster)




����� 9611. Sarah McCarty�������� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Dec 1828

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.����� May 1855

����� 9612. John Pardoe McCarty�� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 3 Jun�� 1831

���������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 12 Jun�� 1885

����� 9613. Jesse R. McCarty����� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Mar1833

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Feb1920

����� 9614. Abel C. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Aug1835

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Apr1921

��� ��9615. Joseph C. McCarty���� �������������������������������������������� b. 22 May1837

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Oct�� 1878

����� 9616. Job McCarty���������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 19 Dec1837

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������������� 1929

����� 9617. Ellen McCarty������ �������������������������������������� ����������� b. 14 Jan��� 1842

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������������� 1906

����� 9618. Elizabeth McCarty���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 16 Aug1844

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Mar1937

����� 9619. Thomas W. McCarty���� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 1 Aug1848

��� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Jun�� 1914


962����� JESSE McCARTY, second child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born 17 Feb 1802, died 11 Dec 1880; married Martha Hoagland. Both were probably buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox Township, Pennsylvania.

�� �������� They had no children of their own but made a home for William H. McCarty after his father, Joseph C. McCarty (#9615) died. They also made a home for Joseph and Jane Snell for a considerable period of time.

���� ������ Jesse and his brother Aaron owned a tract of land, which at the time was mostly wilderness. They divided the land between them in the manner described above. Jesse's home was down a lane a short distance from the road. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]


963��� JOHN McCARTY, third child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born 15 Sep 1804, died 19 Feb 1885, probably buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox Township, Pennsylvania. He, brother Joseph and sister Mary did not marry but

remained on the farm left them by their father. They made a home for Frederick and Martha McCarty, children of their brother, Thomas McCarty who died when the children were very young. [Sources:Lancaster, Heess]

964����� ELIZABETH McCARTY, fourth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 12 May 1806, died 12 Feb 1881; married, at Yonge Street Monthly Meeting, Ontario, Canada,26 Jul 1831, Joseph Kiteley, son of Isaac Kiteley and Mary Battin, born 18 Dec 1801, died 12 Feb 1881 in Dunkarron, Ontario, Canada. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan,Heess]




������ 9641. James Kiteley������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 20 Sep 1832

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Dec 1885

������ 9642. Ellen Kiteley������� ��������������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Oct1834

������ 9643. Mary Kiteley�������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Mar 1837

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Jul�� 1901

������ 9644. Isaac Kiteley������� �������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Apr1839

������ 9645. Joel Kiteley�������� ��������������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 May 1842

������ 9646. Martha J. Kiteley��� ������������������������������������ ����������� b.�� 2 Jun�� 1844

������ 9647. Elizabeth A. Kiteley ����������������������������������������������� b. 14 Oct1847

������ 9648. Joseph J. Kiteley��� ������������������������������������ ����������� b. 14 May 1849

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Jun1909����


965����� JANE McCARTY, fifth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born 16 Feb 1809, died 12 Apr 1868; married William Pardoe, child of Joseph and

Sarah Pardoe. They lived in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, and are probably buried in the Pardoe Cemetery at Eldredsville, Sullivan County. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




������ 9651. John Pardoe��������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Apr 1839

������ 9652. Albert Pardoe������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Sep 1841

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Mar 1884

������ 9653. Joseph Pardoe������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 30 Mar 1845

������ 9654. Joel Pardoe��������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 30 Sep 1847

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Sep 1870

������ 9655. Mary E. Pardoe������ ����������������������������������������������� b.8 May 1849


966����� SILAS McCARTY, sixth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 6 Dec 1811 (gs says 6 Jun), died 24 Jan 1888, buried in Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married, Sarah Annable.

�� �������� They lived on a farm adjoining that of his father's. Following is the deed to the land owned by Silas and Sarah, purchased of Thomas Snell, the original manuscript being in the collection of the Sullivan County Historical Society:


����������� This Indenture, made the twenty-ninth day of December AD One thousand eight hundred and fifty five between Silas McCarty of Elkland Township Sullivan County and State of Pennsylvania and Sarah his wife of the first part, and Thomas V. Snell of the Town County and State aforesaid. For seven hundred dollars. In the township of Elkland.�����

Beginning at a point in the Township road on a line of land of Richard Pardoe, thence north thirty degrees east. To hindred an nineteen perches to a hemlock by land of said Pardoe and Henry Eckroyd; Thence by land of Robert Comely. North sixty degrees west one hundred and twelve perches to a Beech; Thence by land of Thomas McCarty south sixty degrees east; Twenty-nine perches to post Thence South thirty degrees west thirteen perches to a point in the Township Road; thence along said Township Road South about sixty degrees east eighty-three perches to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and forty acres and allowance be the same more or less. And being part of a larger tract of land in the warrantee name of William Comely. Conveyed to the grantors by deed from J.R.Priestly trustee bearing date the twenty-seventh day of December AD 1847. Recorded at Laporte in and for the County of Sullivan in Deed Book A page 93, the ninth day of September AD 1848. Reference thereto will more fully appear.


Edw. A. Eldred����������������������� Silas McCarty

Joshua R. McCarty���������������� Sarah McCarty


���������� We also know of a family disaster from the Press and Standard, Saturday 22 June 1873, vol.1, no.32:


����������� At Saturday last at about eleven o�clock in the forenoon, the house of Silas McCarty in Elkland was discovered to be on fire. The fire, which was in the roof, spread with fearful rapidity, and in a few moments the whole building was engulfed in flames. All efforts to extinguish the fire were fruitless and there was no time to get the things out of the house; all the furniture and clothing of the family was destroyed. There was an insurance of about 1400. On the house which, we are informed, will not cover half the loss.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, deed, Press and Standard, Heess, gravestone]




������ 9661. Joshua R. McCarty��� ��������������������������������������������� b. 26 Nov 1838

�������������������������������� �� ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 May 1901

������ 9662. Lydia E. McCarty���� ���������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

������ 9663. James McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.������������� 1843

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1909


������ 9664. Elvira M. McCarty��� ��������������������������������������������� b. 19 Apr 1846

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Feb 1913

������ 9665. Lorenzo McCarty

������ 9666. Rachel McCarty������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 17 Apr 1849

����������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ d. 20 Sep 1912

������ 9667. Rosalinda McCarty��� ��������������������������������������������� b. 24 Sep 1852

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Feb 1896

������ 9668. Frances H. McCarty�� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Apr 1856

��������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 Aug 1919


967����� JOEL McCARTY, seventh child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 3 Oct 1814, died 17 May 1867; married, Ann Woodhead, child of Joseph Woodhead and Hannah Secker, born 8 Aug 1819, died 7 Jul 1881. They are probably buried in the cemetery at Eldredsville, Sullivan County.

���� ������ Tradition says that Joel McCartywas killed during a barn raising. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, D.C.McCarty, Heess, Woodhead]




������ 9671. Harriet McCarty�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 17 Jan 1841

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Jun 1922

������ 9672. David McCarty���������� ������������������������������������������� b. 24 Feb 1842

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.���� Nov 1900

������ 9673. Mary McCarty����������� ������������������������������������������� b. 24 Aug 1843

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Apr 1864

������ 9674. Vincent McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������� b.����� Feb 1845

������ 9675. Lewis McCarty���������� ������������������������������������������� b. 21 Sep 1846

������ 9676. Chester McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������� b.7 Nov 1848

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 Sep 1876

������ 9677. John Sylvester McCarty���������������������������������������� b. 16 Sep 1850

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Jun 1909

������ 9678. Septer McCarty��������� ������������������������������������������� b. 17 Apr 1853

������ 9679. Wells McCarty���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 15 Mar 1855

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Apr 1922

��� 967(10). Doctor Fremont McCarty����������������������������������� b. 20 Apr 1857

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.6 May 1921

��� 967(11). Rosalinda McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b. 28 Mar 1860

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Nov 1884��������������������������


968����� JOSEPH McCARTY, eighth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born 14 Aug 1816, died 20 Jan 1896, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland

Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

�� �������� He never married but remained on his father's farm until his death.

����������� In 1855, the first murder was committed in Sullivan County.�� John George Vietengruber was murdered by his wife, Anna and one John Michael Kamm.Joseph McCarty discovered the spot where Kamm had originally buried the body (Kamm had panicked, unearthed the body, and weighed it down with stones in a nearby lake, leaving a clear trail).�� See <a href=��>The Murder of John Vitengruber</a>. [Sources:Lancaster, Heess, Ingham]


969����� MARY McCARTY, ninth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born 22 Dec 1818, died 9 Jun 1898, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.��� �����

�� �������� She never married, but remained on the farm with her two brothers until her death. [Sources:Lancaster, Heess]


96(10)�� SARAH McCARTY, tenth child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 4 Jan 1822, died 14 Jan 1892; married, 29 Jan 1862, George Schill, born in Germany, 2 Jan 1830. They lived in Piatt, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, and are buried in the Friends Burying Ground in Elkland, Sullivan County.

���� ������ Sarah, following her mother, was the minister of the Society of Friends at the Meeting in Elkland, Sullivan County, and, also like her mother, travelled to New York and Canada. The Friends School at Elkland grew greatly in both population and quality under her administration. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, KWW]




��� 96(10)1. Christina Schill����� ������������������������������������ b.3 Jul 1867


96(11)�� THOMAS McCARTY, eleventh child of Joel McCarty and Ellen Roberts, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 27 Jun 1827, died 3 Jul 1857, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox Township, Pennsylvania with no marker; married 5 Jul 1851, Chloe Wilcox, child of John D. and Deborah Wilcox, died 1903, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, with her second husband, Henry Brackman.

�� �������� Thomas and his family lived in Piatt, Fox Township. The land now occupied by Friends Meeting and Burial Ground, and at one time the Friends School, was part of their farm and woodlands. This land was later occupied by Thomas's son, Fredrick. It was still later owned by Harry A. Heess and, in 1957, was owned by his son, Kermit Heess. At one time there was a log house in the field below the road in sight of the present buildings. This is where Thomas and Chloe lived while making their home in the wilderness. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




��� 96(11)1. Fredrick O. McCarty��� ���������������������������������������� b. 17 Sep 1852

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1927

��� 96(11)2. Lucetta J. McCarty���� ������������������������������������������ b. 20 Jun1854

��� 96(11)3. Martha E. McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jun1857

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1935


991����� ABIGAIL OGDEN, first child of Jane McCarty and Isaac Ogden, born at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 11 Sep 1815, died 1 Jan 1872; married, 1833, John B. Harris, born 22 Apr 1812, died 17 Apr 1857. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9911. Sarah J. Harris����� �������������������������������������������������� b. 23 Aug 1836

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Apr1855

������ 9912. Letitia Harris������ ���������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Aug 1838

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jul�� 1849

������ 9913. Thomas C. Harris���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 15 Oct1840

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Aug 1864

������ 9914. Hannah B. Harris���� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Nov 1842

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Dec 1847

������ 9915. John B. Harris������ ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Sep 1844

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Sep 1845

������ 9916. Lucy E. Harris������ ������������������������������������������������� b. 20 Aug 1846

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Aug 1897

������ 9917. Mary R. Harris������ ������������������������������������ ����������� b.�� 4 Feb 1849

���������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 25 Sep 1853

������ 9918. Charlotte A. Harris����������������������������������������������� b. 11 Jul1851

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Feb 1872

������ 9919. Sylvester Harris���� ������������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jan1855

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Jun1879

��� 991(10). Theodore R. Harris�� �������������������������������������������� b. 17 Mar 1857

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Jul�� 1892


992����� THOMAS OGDEN, second child of Jane McCarty and Isaac Ogden, born 17 Mar 1816, died 3 Jul 1892; married, Feb 1837, Letitia Marr, born 5 Aug 1816, died 11 May 1910. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


993����� JANE OGDEN, third child of Jane McCarty and Isaac Ogden, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 21 Oct 1817, died 3 Oct 1888; married John Bety. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 9931. Catharine Bety�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 25 Mar 1838

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Dec 1878

������ 9932. Mary Margaret Bety���� ������������������������������������������ b. 28 Jun1840

������ 9933. Elmira I. Bety�������� ������������������������ ����������� ����������� b. 18 Dec 1842

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Sep 1847

������ 9934. Lanah Jane Bety������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Aug 1845

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Aug 1848

������ 9935. Sarah M. Bety��������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 May 1848

������ 9936. Thomas Jefferson Bety������������������������������������������ b. 27 Oct 1850

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Dec 1852

������ 9937. Emma Lavina Bety������ ������������������������������������������� b. 15 May 1853

������ 9938. Alta Marie Bety������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1855

����������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Oct 1877

������ 9939. Augusta W. Bety������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Mar 1859

��� 993(10). John Willits Bety����� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Jun1861



9(10)1�� AMANDA THOMAS, first child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 3 Jul 1807, died 4 Apr 1884; married Caspar Hinkle of Hinkleton, Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)11. Samuel Hinkle

��� 9(10)12. Theodore Hinkle

��� 9(10)13. Henry Hinkle

��� 9(10)14. Caspar Hinkle, Jr.

��� 9(10)15. Amanda M. Hinkle

[Note: Carrell/Dungan and EFFUB reverse Samuel and Henry]


9(10)2��� JERVIS THOMAS, second child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 9 Sep 1808; married 20 May 1830, Jane R. Green, daughter of William Green and Mary Roberts of Quakertown, Bucks County, born in Quakertown, 23 Jul 1811, died 24 Mar 1859. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)21. Alice G. Thomas������ �������������������������������������������� b. 11 Feb 1831

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.��� 1 Jan 1875

��� 9(10)22. William G. Thomas���� ������������������������������������������� b. 15 Jul 1832

������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Jul 1864

��� 9(10)23. Samuel G. Thomas����� ������������������������������������������ b. 29 Jan 1834

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 23 Feb 1894

��� 9(10)24. Mary G. Thomas������� ������������������������������������������� b. 25 Nov 1838

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 28 Feb 1924


9(10)3�� LOUISA THOMAS, third child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born�� in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 2 Jun 1810, died 7 Feb 1872; married Morris Matthews of Buckingham, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, died in Buckingham, 27 Jan 1872. They lived in Buckingham. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)31. Elizabeth Matthews

��� 9(10)32. Franklin Matthews


9(10)4�� THOMAS THOMAS, fourth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born 29 Oct 1811, died in the Civil War; never married. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan,EFFUB]


9(10)5��� EDWARD THOMAS, fifth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 27 Mar 1813, died 2 Aug 1883; married, 17 Sep 1837, Anne M. Foulke, daughter of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Lancaster, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 27 Feb 1815, died in Quakertown, 11 Nov 1898.

���� ������ Edward was a tailor and merchant. In politics he was a Democrat. Known as the Hon. Edward Thomas, he took a lively interest in public affairs, serving as a member of the borough council and on the school board. He was elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1851 and re-elected in 1853 and 1855, serving three terms in all. He retired from active business in 1858 and lived retired on Main Street in Quakertown until his death. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)51. Lancaster Thomas���� �������������������������������������������� b. 27 Oct 1838

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Apr 1910

��� 9(10)52. Hannah Thomas������� �������������������������������������������� b. 16 Nov 1841

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Dec 1915

��� 9(10)53. Edwin Thomas�������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Apr 1843

������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Oct 1875

��� 9(10)54. Henry Thomas�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 27 Jun 1846

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Aug 1846

��� 9(10)55. Irvin Thomas�������� ������������������������ ����������� ����������� b. 22 Sep 1847

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Jul1911

��� 9(10)56. Elwood Thomas������� �������������������������������������������� b. 23 Jun 1850

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 Oct 1923

��� 9(10)57. Sarah L. Thomas����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 16 Aug 1852

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.after 1925


9(10)6�� HANNAH THOMAS, sixth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Samuel Thomas, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 6 Jan 1815; married Matthias Cope, of Solebury (or New Hope), Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

���� ������ Matthias was a limeburner at Limeport, Pennsylvania for many years. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)61. Thomas Jefferson Cope


9(10)7�� BENJAMIN THOMAS, seventh child of ElizabethMcCarty and Samuel Thomas, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 27 Mar 1817; married Kate Ganawere. They lived in Allentown, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




��� 9(10)71. Benjamin Thomas�������������������������������������� d. young

��� 9(10)72. Mary Thomas������������������������������������������� d. young


9(12)1�� RACHEL McCARTY, first child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born in Hummelstown, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 15 Aug 1809; married ______ Hull. They lived in Findlay, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(12)11. Walton Hull

��� 9(12)12. Edwin Hull

��� 9(12)13. Herbert Hurlburt Hull������������������������������������������ d. after 1925


9(12)2�� THOMAS WESTON McCARTY, second child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born 11 Aug 1810. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)3OLIVER C. McCARTY, third child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born 29 Dec 1811, died 14 Sep 1896; married Eleanor Pancoast. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(12)31. Joseph Paxton McCarty

��� 9(12)32. James Walton McCarty

��� 9(12)33. Martha Lewis McCarty

��� 9(12)34. Mary L. McCarty


9(12)4�� JAMES W. McCARTY, fourth child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born 29 Dec 1811. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)5�� MARTHA McCARTY, fifth child of Job McCarty andJane Paxton; married Hiram Wellman. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)6�� JOSEPH PAXTON McCARTY, sixth child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born 27 Jul 1815, died 31 Jul 1870; married, 14 Nov 1850, Mary Elizabeth Westlake. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(12)61. George Harsh McCarty�� �������������������������������������� b. 28 Feb 1852

��� 9(12)62. Jennie Watson McCarty�������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Dec 1856

������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 30 Jul1866

��� 9(12)63. Martha Louise McCarty�������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Sep 1858


9(12)7�� MARY ANN McCARTY, seventh child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton; married Dr. Joseph Watson. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(12)71. Jane Watson������������ �������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

��� 9(12)72. Mark Walton Watson


9(12)8�� SARAH E. McCARTY, eighth child of Job McCarty and Jane Paxton, born 2 May 1818; married George Mettarsh. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)1�� CHARLES McCARTY, first child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 15 Aug 1806, died in Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)2�� SARAH McCARTY, second child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 31 Mar 1808, died 1888; married ______ Harvey. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(14)21. Nathan Harvey

��� 9(14)22. Richard Harvey


9(14)3�� HENRY McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 4 Feb 1810, died at New Waterford, Ohio; married. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(14)31. Thomas J. McCarty

��� 9(14)32. Elizabeth McCarty

��� 9(14)33. Andrew J. McCarty

��� 9(14)34. Charles McCarty

��� 9(14)35. Henry L. McCarty

��� 9(14)36. Belle McCarty


9(14)4�� ANN CATHARINE McCARTY, fourth child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 15 Dec 1812, died 1888; married _______Harvey.

They had 3 sons and 1 daughter. One child was living near Weimar, Texas in 1902. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



9(14)5�� JOHN McCARTY, fifth child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 16Apr 1814. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)6�� ALFRED McCARTY, sixth child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 3 May 1816, died in Logansport, Indiana, 23 Mar 1897; married Agnes Mabon, child of George and Ann Mabon, born 6 Dec 1824, died in Logansport, Indiana,18 Mar 1896.Both of Ann's parents were natives of Scotland. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(14)61. George Mabon McCarty

��� 9(14)62. Katharine Margaret McCarty

��� 9(14)63. Orin Philip McCarty

��� 9(14)64. Charles Harris McCarty���� d. before 1902

��� 9(14)65. Jeanette McCarty


9(14)7�� MARY McCARTY, seventh child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 16 May 1818; married 1. J.M. Caller; married 2nd. S.P. Hargrove, died 1863. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(14)71. Harrison Caller

��� 9(14)72. daughter������������� �������������������������������������������������� d.������� 1872


9(14)8�� THOMAS McCARTY, eighth child of Benjamin McCarty and Elizabeth Lebs, born 7 Nov 1820.[Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)1�� ELIZA McMICHAEL, first child of Martha McCarty and David McMichael, born 15 Mar 1809, died in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 20 Dec 1897; married 1. 4 Mar 1830, Nathan Bewley; married2nd . 24 Jul 1848, Dr. Charles F. Lott, born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, died in Quakertown, 8 Jul 1866.

���� ������ Dr. Lott was educated at Princeton and was a graduate of the Philadelphia Medical College. He was Surgeon to a New Jersey Regiment during the War of 1812-14. He was made a charter member of St. John's Commandry No.4, Knights Templar, 10 Jun 1819. He lived and practiced medicine first in Pemberton, New Jersey. In 1835 he moved to Trenton, New Jersey. We are also told that Dr. Lott was a wholesale druggist in St.Louis, Missouri for several years, then moved to Philadelphia. In 1849 he moved to Quakertown where he remained for the rest of his life. Eliza was Dr. Lott's second wife; he was married first to Edith Newbold Lamb, of Burlington County, New Jersey. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(15)11. Angelina Bewley

��� 9(15)12. Phebe R. Bewley




��� 9(15)13. Annie Lott������������ ������������������������������������ b. 29 Mar 1852


9(15)2�� JANE McMICHAEL, second child of Martha McCarty and David McMichael, died 13 Aug 1898; married 1. James Thompson; married 2. Benjamin Vandegrift. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(15)21. Elizabeth Thompson

��� 9(15)22. John Thompson

��� 9(15)23. James A. Thompson

��� 9(15)24. Martha Thompson


9(15)3��� MARMADUKE McMICHAEL, third child of Martha McCarty and David McMichael, died young. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)4��� ALEXANDER McMICHAEL, fourth child of Martha McCarty and David McMichael. He married and moved to the West where he had seven sons.[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)5��� PHEBE ANN McMICHAEL, fifth child of Martha McCarty and David McMichael, born 4 Jun 1816, died 21 Mar 1895; married 15 Nov 1832, Reverend Thomas Dimm, a minister of the Free Will Baptist Church, born 2 Mar 1810, died 10 Jul 1886.Rev. Dimm received his license to preach in 1841. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(15)51. Martha Jane Dimm������ ����������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Oct 1833

��� 9(15)52. Mary Belle Dimm������� ������������������������������������������ b. 10 Mar 1836

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Dec 1872

��� 9(15)53. Philip Dimm����������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Jan1838

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Jan1838

��� 9(15)54. Ferdinand A. Dimm����� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Mar 1839

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Jun1864

��� 9(15)55. Lydia A. Dimm��������� ������������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1841

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Sep 1842

��� 9(15)56. Patterson Dimm�������� ������������������������������������������� b. 28 Jul�� 1844

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Aug 1845

��� 9(15)57. Rhodilla Minerva Dimm��������������������������� ����������� b. 25 Aug 1846

��� 9(15)58. Rosetta Dimm���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1848

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Mar 1901

��� 9(15)59. Benjamin F. Dimm ����� ����������������������������� ����������� b. 24 May 1851

9(15)5(10). Charles A. Dimm������� ����������������������������������������� b. 21 Jan�� 1853

9(15)5(11). George C. Dimm�������� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Feb1855

9(15)5(12). William W. Dimm������� ���������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul�� 1857


9(16)1��� MARIA McCARTY, child of David Lancaster McCarty and Margaret Goldy; married John Haney. They moved to New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. ���[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)2��� WILLIAM C. McCARTY, first child of David Lancaster McCarty and Mary Campbell, born in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, 29 Mar 1817; married 27 Nov 1862, Margaret James, daughter of Thomas James, born 5 Oct 1838.

���� ������ William became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1843. In 1902, they were living in Conotton, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(16)21. Eva May McCarty������� ���������������������������������������� b. 14 Sep 1864

��� 9(16)22. Batelle McCarty������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Apr 1867

��� 9(16)23. Wesley James McCarty�� ������������������������������������� b. 30 Nov 1869


9(16)3��� GEORGE McCARTY, second child of David Lancaster McCarty and Mary ���Campbell, died unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)4��� ROBERT McCARTY, third child of David Lancaster McCarty and Mary Campbell; married Elizabeth Teeter. They lived in Sheridansville, Pennsylvania. ���[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(16)41. Laura McCarty

��� 9(16)42. Robert McCarty

��� 9(16)43. Vincent McCarty

��� 9(16)44. George McCarty


9(16)5��� JAMES L. McCARTY, fourth child of David Lancaster McCarty and Mary Campbell, born Apr 1818; married Mary Barrick. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(16)51. David Lancaster McCarty����������������������������������� d. in the Army

��� 9(16)52. Thomas T. McCarty������� �������������������������������������� b. 12 Jan 1843

��� 9(16)53. Susan McCarty����������� ����������������������������������������� b.����������� 1844

��� 9(16)54. Martha McCarty���������� ���������������������������������������� b.����������� 1846

��� 9(16)55. John McCarty������������ ������������������������������������������ b.����������� 1853

��� 9(16)56. Andrew W. McCarty������� ������������������������ ����������� b.���� Oct 1855


9(17)1��� MARTIN McCARTY, first child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born 10 Oct 1818, died, Pittston, Pennsylvania, 25 Sep 1860; married Harriet Maury.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(17)11. John Jesse McCarty��� ������������������������������������������ d. before 1902

��� 9(17)12. Richard McCarty

��� 9(17)13. Martin R. McCarty

��� 9(17)14. William McCarty

��� 9(17)15. Fanny McCarty


9(17)2��� WILLIAM McCARTY, second child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born Aug 1821, died 9 Jan 1832. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)3��� JOHN McCARTY, third child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born 19 Oct 1824, died 9 Mar 1847. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)4��� DAVID BOON McCARTY, fourth child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born near Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 12 Aug 1826, died 10 May 1857; married Margaret Crouse. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]�������������������������




��� 9(17)41. A son����������������� �������������������������������������������������� d. young

��� 9(17)42. Harry C. McCarty


9(17)5��� ANN ISABEL McCARTY, fifth child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born near Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 17 Apr 1828, died 17 Jan 1865; married Isaac Milliken. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(17)51. Catharine Milliken

��� 9(17)52. Joan Milliken��������� ����������������������������������������������� d. before 1925

��� 9(17)53. Martha Milliken

��� 9(17)54. Lucy Milliken

��� 9(17)55. Sarah Milliken

��� 9(17)56. Iola Milliken

��� 9(17)57. Isaac Milliken


9(17)6 ���JESSE McCARTY, sixth child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born near Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 2 Aug 1830; married ______ Novinger.They lived in Dauphin, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(17)61. George McCarty


9(17)7��� MARY ELIZABETH McCARTY, seventh child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born 17 Sep 1832, died 23 Aug 1863; unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)8��� WILLIAM McCARTY, eighth child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born in Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 27 Feb 1835, died 1 Sep 1874; married Julia O. Bell. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(17)81. Walker McCarty

��� 9(17)82. Theodore McCarty


9(17)9��� JOSEPH WARREN McCARTY, ninth child of Jesse McCarty and Mary Walker, born in Dauphin, Pennsylvania, 26 Aug 1837; married, 14 Dec 1871, ���Mary Campbell, born 18 Aug 1847. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(17)91. Etta Meeker McCarty���� �������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Apr 1876

��� 9(17)92. Nancy Jane McCarty����� �������������������������������������� b. 22 Aug 1877


9(18)1��� SARAH LEEDOM, first child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born 11 Nov 1821, died an infant. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)2���� JESSE LEEDOM, second child of Lydia McCarty andCharles Leedom, born 0 Sep 1822, died 10 Mar 1891; married 1. 11 Feb 1847, Achash Stapler, child of Thomas and Sarah Staples, died 1848; married2. 20 May 1852, Elizabeth A. Mitchell, born 1815, died 1886. There were no children by either marriage. There was, however, one adopted child from the second marriage. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




��� 9(18)21. Josephine Leedom������������������������������������ b.�������� ����� 1854


9(18)3��� DAVID R. LEEDOM, third child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born near Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 18 Dec 1823, died in Philadelphia, 26 Apr 1886; married, 13 Sep 1860, Louisa Frederica Muller, born 1842, died 20 May 1924. Louisa was living in Philadelphia at the corner of Cherry and Twentieth Street in 1902. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




��� 9(18)31. Charles L. Leedom��������� ������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jan1862

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Aug 1925

��� 9(18)32. Sarah Ann Leedom������� ��������������������������������������� b. 19 Jun1863

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 Feb 1869

��� 9(18)33. Rosina Leedom���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 13 Feb 1892

��� 9(18)34. Elizabeth L. Leedom������� ������������������������� ����������� b. 14 Sep 1869

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Feb 1935

��� 9(18)35. Louisa Leedom���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 27 May 1872

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Feb 1883

��� 9(18)36. Morris Leedom���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 25 Aug 1874

��� 9(18)37. Jonathan Francis Leedom��� ���������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1881

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Apr 1948


9(18)4��� EDWARD LEEDOM, fourth child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born��� near Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 9 Feb 1826, died, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 18 Oct 1892; married, 24 Mar 1859, Sarah T. Knight, daughter of Nathan T. Knight and Elizabeth Thomas of Lower Dublin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, born 29 Apr 1832, died 22 Mar 1915.

���� ������ Edward was a farmer near Torresdale, Pennsylvania for several years, later moving to Bristol. Note: There is some confusion among the sources as to the number of children raised by Edward and Sarah. Clearly, the first two dates don't work. At this time, they are printed as found. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




��� 9(18)41. Jesse Leedom������������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Jul1860

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1891

��� 9(18)42. Ellen Knight Leedom��� ����������������������������������������� b. 15 Sep 1860

��� 9(18)43. Walter Francis Leedom��������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Mar 1862

��� 9(18)44. Alice Leedom���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 22 Feb 1868

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Oct 1899


9(18)5��� BEULAH LEEDOM, fifth child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born 30 Jan 1827, died 10 Jun 1832. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)6��� THOMAS LANCASTER LEEDOM, sixth child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born near Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 27 Mar 1828, died, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 19 Jul 1901; married 7 Jan 1858, Hannah A. Thomas, born 10 Mar 1834, died 3 Mar 1912.

���� ������ Thomas went to Cincinnati, Ohio when a young man and was a member of the firm of Shilito & Co. where he carried on a mercantile business until about the close of the Civil War. He then moved to Philadelphia and, in partnership with Aaron Shaw under the firm name of Leedom & Shaw, opened a retail carpet store at 910 Arch Street in Philadelphia, September, 1865. The following year they added a wholesale or jobbing department at 635 Market Street. Then, in 1869 Robert and Arthur Steward were added to the firm, and in 1870, the firm of Thomas L. Leedom & Co. began the manufacture of floor coverings. They established a large plant and manufactured carpets on a large scale in Philadelphia until 1885.


����������� The Leedom Family tells us:


����������� In those days carpets were woven on hand looms such as the weavers of rag carpets used. With the advent of what was known as the Gee loom(,) power was substituted for hand work, and from this was evolved the Murkland power loom, made by M.A. Forbush & Son. This loom was perfected by the necessary Jacquard attachment for producing designed fabrics, such as has been used in France and America for the production of curtains and dress goods. Later, the Crompton-Knowles Loom Works perfected the highspeed Knowles loom, and afterwards the Crompton looms, making ingrain fabrics from twenty-seven inches and thirty-six inches to twelve feet wide.������


����������� In 1885, severe labor problems with the ingrain weavers forced the plant to relocate in Bristol, Bucks County and there increased their business to include dyeing and yarn spinning. Just prior to Thomas' death, the business was turned over to the Bristol Improvement Company, his son, Charles becoming the head of the enterprise.


����������� The Leedom Family tells us, further:


����������� During the (First) World War the plant was turned over to the government, and nearly 400,000 yards of cotton duck for tents were woven and accepted for the United States Army. And about 1,000,000 yards of horse-blanket lining for the Government was also made. This company installed the first seamless Wilton loom in America, and was also the first to install the wide ingrain looms for the manufacture of art squares or druggets.


���� Thomas Leedom was a member of the Society of Friends. He was a member of the Union League Club and prominently identified with public affairs. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]

���� You can learn more about this family at Descendants of Thomas Lancaster Leedom.




��� 9(18)61. Charles Lancaster Leedom����� ������������������������������ b.1 Nov 1858

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Dec 1947

��� 9(18)62. Clara Leedom��������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Mar 1862

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Jul�� 1944





9(18)7���� ELIZABETH LEEDOM, seventh child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born 2 Jun 1829, died 26 Feb 1891; married 1880, Thomas G. Kelly. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)8��� MARY L. LEEDOM, eighth child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born near Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 31 Oct 1830, died in Newtown; married, 15 Oct 1857, Edward Taylor.

���� ������ Edward was a farmer near Newtown for some years and then lived in Newtown for a number of years before his death. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




��� 9(18)81. Lydia L. Taylor������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 20 Oct 1860

��� 9(18)82. Anna Taylor���������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 14 Apr 1865

��� 9(18)83. Rachel Taylor�������� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Oct 1869

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 8 Feb 1896

��� 9(18)84. Edward L. Taylor����� �������������������������������������������� b. 29 Nov 1871


9(18)9��� HANNAH LEEDOM, ninth child of Lydia McCarty and Charles Leedom, born 9 Jan 1834, died 8 Aug 1834. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



��������������� FOURTH GENERATION


������� But the traveler lost the young man one day,

������� As he had lost the rest of his friends, and,

������� After calling them to come back, which they

������� Never did, he went upon his journey. So he

������� Went on a while without seeing anything, until

������� He came to a middle-aged gentleman.So he

������� Said to the gentleman, �What are you doing

������� Here?� And his answer was, �I am always busy.

������� Come be busy with me.�So, he began to be

������� Very busy with that gentleman, and they

������� Went on through the wood together.



4211��� ALBERT McCARTY, first child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Albert served with Co.H., Pennsylvania Reserves during the Civil War. [Sources:MCR, RM]


4212��� ROBERT NEAL McCARTY, second child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, born 1817. [Source: RM]


4213��� ELIZABETH McCARTY, third child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, born 1819, died 1895. [Source: RM]


4214��� CHARLES McCARTY, fourth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, c.1820, died in Muncy, 1 Feb 1879; married, 7 Nov 1852, Charlotte L. Walton, child of James Walton, Jr. and Catherine Webster, born 30 Nov 1821, died in Muncy, 17 Dec 1868, buried in the Walton Cemetery, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Sources:[Sources:MCR, RLM]




����������� 42141. Ella McCarty��������������������������������������������������� b.�������� ���� 1856

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������� ���� 1892

����������� 42142. Sarah Jane McCarty���������������������������������������� d. 23 Aug 1855

����������� 42143. Frank H. McCarty������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Oct1856

����� ����� 42144. Fannie L. McCarty

����� ����� 42145. William Edmund McCarty���� ��������������������������� b. 12 Feb1865

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Sep1928


4215��� MARGARET ANNA McCARTY, fourth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 15 Feb 1825, died in Muncy, 12 Mar 1899; married at Muncy, 18 Jun 1845, Benjamin Smith Merrill, child of Nickalas Merrill and Eleanor Smith, born in Muncy, 6 Sep 1820, died in Muncy, 18 May 1902. [Source:TS]





����������� 42151. Julia Ann Merrill���������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1847

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Jan�� 1865

����������� 42152. Mary E. Merrill������������������������������������ ������������ b.c����� �� . 1849

����������� 42153. William Painter Merrill������������������������� ����������� b.�� 2 May 1852

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Sep1946

����������� 42154. Harriet Merrill�������������������������� ����������������������� b.c.���������� 1856


����������� 42155. Charlotte Merrill���������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jun1857

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Dec 1880

����������� 42156. Clara Merrill���������������������������������������������������� b.c.���������� 1861

����������� 42157. Howard Wallis Merrill������������������������� ����������� b. 31 May 1862

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 5 Apr1895

����� ����� 42158. Robert Merrill�������������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ���� 1865

����������� 42159. Gean R.B. Merrill�������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ���� 1866


4216��� MARY McCARTY, sixth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker. [Source: RM]


4217��� MARTHA McCARTY, seventh child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker. [Source: RM]


4218��� RACHEL McCARTY, eighth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker. [Source: RM]


4219��� GEORGE McCARTY, ninth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker, died 1879, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania; married Martha Artley, child of Jacob Artley and Susan Hall, died 1911, buried in the Muncy Cemetery. Sources:[Sources:MCR, RM]




����� 42191. Harry P. McCarty������������������������������������������������� b. 23 Nov 1872

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Mar 1858


421(10)�� JOHN McCARTY, tenth child of William McCarty and Nancy Blaker. [Source: RM]


4221��� PETER McCARTY, first child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4222��� GEORGE McCARTY, second child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4223��� AGNES McCARTY, third child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4224��� CATHARINE McCARTY, fourth child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah

����������� Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4225���� ISAAC D. MCcCARTY, fifth child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger, born 30 Jul 1830, died 31 Dec 1902, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania; married 1854, Martha Whitmoyer.��

���� ������ Isaac D. McCarty was a stonemason, and followed that trade for twenty-five years while farming. He also served as assessor and school director for Muncy Creek Township for several years. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, MCR, 1870/1880 Census]




����� ����� 42251. Daniel McCarty����������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ��� 1857

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.����������� 1912

����� ����� 42252. John McCarty������������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ��� 1859

����� ����� 42253. George W. McCarty��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Jan1861

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Nov 1937

����� ����� 42254. Mary Elizabeth McCarty���������������������������������� b.�� 5 Aug 1863

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jul�� 1865

����� ����� 42255. Mary Ida McCarty������������������������������������������ b.c.����� ���� 1865

����������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1913

����� ����� 42256. Edward McCarty�������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ���� 1869

����� ����� 42257. Anna McCarty������������������������������������������������ b.c.����� ���� 1871

����� ����� 42258. Benjamin D. McCarty�������������������������������������� b.c.����� ���� 1874

����� ����� 42259. J.Fannie McCarty�������������������������������������������� b.c.����� ���� 1876


4226��� JAMES W. McCARTY, sixth child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger, born 3 Oct 1832, died 9 Mar 1859, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. [Carrell/Dungan, MCR]


4227��� WILLIAM T. McCARTY, seventh child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger, born in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1935, died 1918, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County; married 1. Mary Jane Feigles, child of Charles Feigles and Mary Flick, child of Charles Feigles and Mary M. Flick, born 15 Oct 1836, died 5 Oct 1872, buried in the Muncy Cemetery; married 2. Isabella (Gray) Hill, child of John Gray and Abby Walize, born in Northumberland County, born 24 Feb 1872, died 24 Feb 1839, buried in the Muncy Cemetery.

����������� Isabella had been married previously to John Peal Hill, born 10 Oct 1874, died 8 Feb 1965. Their child, John P., born c.1872, became William's step-son and lived with them. John married Mary Ann ______; their daughter, Rodessa (13 Feb 1894-24 Aug 1965, married Theodore Anderson. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, MCR, EB, 1880 Census]




����������� 42271. Agnes McCarty���������������������������������������������� b. 20 Dec 1858

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Feb 1928 ����������

����� ����� 42272. David W. McCarty������������������������������������������ b.������������ 1861

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�������� ��� 1912

���� ������ 42273. Lloyd McCarty����������������������������������������������� b. 23 Jan1863

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Mar 1930

����������� 42274. Willetts K. McCarty��������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Aug 1865

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Dec 1940

����� ����� 42275. Jennie McCarty����������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1867

����� ����� 42276. Charles F. McCarty����������������������������������������� b.����������� 1869

����������� 42277. Jesse McCarty������������������������������������������������ b. 23 Oct 1871����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������� d. 17 Jul1955




����������� 42278. Martha McCarty��������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Sep1874

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 May 1946

����� ����� 42279. Mary Irene McCarty��������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Mar 1876

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Jun1959

������� 4227(10). Rosa M. McCarty������������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Mar 1876

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Jun1939

������� 4227(11). Margaret E. McCarty�������������������������������������� b. 10 Dec 1878

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Sep 1961

������� 4227(12). Laura Bell McCarty���������������������������������������� b. 16 Aug 1881

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Jul1937

������� 4227(13). Harvey E. McCarty����������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Apr 1884

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Oct 1960


4228��� JESSE McCARTY, eighth child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4229��� MARY McCARTY, ninth child of Isaac McCarty and Sarah Dunkleberger. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4311��� WILLIAM McCARTY, first child of Benjamin McCarty and Sarah Van Fleet, born 17 Feb 1815. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]


4312��� JARED McCARTY, second child of Benjamin McCarty and Sarah Van Fleet, born 6 Oct 1817, died in Napoleon, Ohio, 1876; married. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]




����� ����� 43121. Child��������������� ����������������������������������������������� d. unmarried


4313��� MARY ANN McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Sarah Van Fleet, born 2 Nov 1819, died in Ohio, 20 Feb 1838. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]


4314��� HARRIET McCARTY, fourth child of Benjamin McCarty and Sarah Van Fleet, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 23 May 1823, died in Seward, Illinois, 18 Jan 1889; married, 6 Jan 1842, Amos Scott, M.D., born Fairfield, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 5 Oct 1820, died, Seward, Illinois, 19 Sep 1901. The following is taken from Carrell/Dungan regarding Dr. Scott:


����������� The best record that can be given of the life of Dr. Scott is contained in the resolutions adopted at the time of his death by his Post, G.A.R., from which the following abstracts are taken, viz:


����������� �Resolutions of Respect to the memory of Dr. Amos Scott, late Assistant Surgeon, U.S.Vol.

����������� �Be it Resolved the following sketch of the life of Dr. Amos Scott be spread upon the records of Nevin Post, No.1, G.A.R., and a copy sent to his bereaved family:

����������� �Dr. Amos Scott was born October 5, 1820 in Fairfield, Lycoming County, Pa. He was educated in the public schools and upon reaching manhood, studied medicine in Philadelphia, and on receiving his degree, settled in his native state, where he resided until 1857, when he removed to Seward, Ill., where he engaged in farming. Our comrade was a successful farmer, and blessed with a large family, who have honored his name by their scholarly attainments and upright lives.

����������� �He enlisted as a private soldier, February 8, 1862, in Co.C, 154th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was commissioned Asst. Surgeon and was mustered out at the close of the War, September 21, 1865.

����������� �He returned to his home in Seward, Ill., where he established a large and successful practice.

����������� �Dr. Scott was one of Nature�s noblemen, endowed with a brilliant mind, and a generous heart, few men were duly honored by his friends and neighbors than was our comrade.�


����������� The following details of the life of Dr. Scott are supplied by his family:


����������� Dr. Scott and Harriet McCarty, his wife, and their six children, left Pennsylvania during the summer of 1857, and removed to northern Illinois. They traveled the first stage of that journey over the recently finished Northwestern Railroad to Pecatonica, Winnebago County, a small village on the Pecatonica River, something over 100 miles north-west of Chicago. Here they left the train and drove in lumber wagons about five miles southward into Seward Township in the same county, where they settled on virgin prairie land, and lived the life of the pioneers of the day, this point being five miles from a railroad and post office until 1889.

����������� They occupied different farms for a few years, but prior to 1861, purchased the 80-acre farm that was the family home until long after the death of Harriet (McCarty) Scott. Her youngest child was born there in 1861, and she has owned the farm ever since her father�s death, though she has not lived there for many years.

����������� Here Harriet (McCarty) Scott and her family endured the privations of the frontier, while her husband served in the Civil War.

����������� At the time Dr. Scott enlisted in the army, though he had attended lectures one winter in Philadelphia, he was not able to proceed further with his studies at that time. His family reports that he attended them, and practiced on his neighbors� horses and cattle, as the exigencies of the frontier demanded of him, but he did not regularly practice his profession.

����������� After serving some time as a private soldier, he was sent to the Field Hospital for some minor ailment, and soon was attending and caring for sick and wounded soldiers. The medical officers, noticing his skill and knowledge, insisted upon his transfer to the medical department, saying, �We need him here more than you do in the ranks.�

����������� After his discharge from the army, he renewed his study of medicine in Chicago, and obtaining his degree, practiced medicine the remainder of his life, continuing to reside on his farm, and became the beloved physician of his section, traveling miles from his home, and remained a student all his life. His only son and four of his grandsons followed him in the same profession.
Editor's Note: In September 2007, Laura S. Trettevik of Bellevue, WA, sent us the information that Amos and Harriett (McCarty) Scott had produced five generations of practicing physicians, along with their photographs. You can access this information at the Scott Physician Heritage.




����� 43141. Sarah Scott��������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Dec 1842

����� 43142. Rachel Scott�������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Dec 1844

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 May 1901

����� 43143. Mary Scott���������� ������������������������������������������������� b.8 May 1847

����� 43144. Charles Scott, M.D.�������������������������������������������� b. 26 May 1849

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Jun1890

����� 43145. Martha Scott�������� ������������������������������������������������ b. 23 Nov 1851

����� 43146. Julia Scott��������� ���������������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Mar 1854

����� 43147. Mercy Belle Scott��� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jun1856

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Feb 1857

����� 43148. Harriet Scott������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 22 Mar 1858

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Jan1889

����� 43149. Clara Parry Scott��� ����������������������������������������������� b. 19 Sep 1861


4315�� BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McCARTY, fifth child of Benjamin McCarty and Sarah Van Fleet, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1 Apr 1826, died, Probably in Chicago, Illinois, 18 Dec 1886 (or 11 Jun 1891, see above married 1. Katharine Woodbury; married 2nd. Abigail Pilsbury.

���� ������ Benjamin moved to Chicago, Illinois from Muncy in 1848, and was one of the original members of Taylor's Chicago Battery, with which he left in June 1861 for the Civil War. He was subsequently made Quartermaster Sergeant of the Battery, and retained that position during the period the Battery was in service. At the time of the great Chicago fire, he held the post of Fire Warden. In later years he filled several positions in the city government and for the last five years of his life in the Chicago Post Office. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]





����� 43151. Katharine McCarty��� �������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1853

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Feb 1927

��� ��43152. Helen McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b.������������ 1855



4316��� ABRAHAM TALLMAN McCARTY, first child of Benjamin McCarty and Deborah Tallman, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 18 Aug 1831, died in Muncy, 12 Sep 1891, buried in the Muncy Cemetery. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston, MCR]


4317��� JOHN McCARTY, second child of Benjamin McCarty and Deborah Tallman, born 23 Sep 1833, died 1 Mar 1834. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]


4318��� SARAH JANE McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Deborah Tallman, born 15 Dec 1834, died 10 Sep 1839 (or 1838, see above)

[Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Marston]


4331��� CHARLOTTE McCARTY, first child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 26 Sep 1818, died 3 Sep 1830, unmarried. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]


4332��� WILLIAM McCARTY, second child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 24 Feb 1819. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]


4333��� JAMES McAFFEE McCARTY, third child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 23 Nov 1821, died 27 Apr 1897; married 1. in New York State, 7 Oct 1863, Sarah Jane Baker, child of Daniel Baker, died Oct 1867; married 2.1871, Louisa Lyons, child of John Lyons of Bradford County.

�� �������� James attended school in Muncy until age twelve when the family moved to Maumee Valley, Ohio. Later that same year, his father died, and they returned to Muncy. The following spring they moved to Wysox, Ulster Township, Bradford County. His mother remarried.��

�� �������� His own family lived on the homestead in Wysox where he also cared for his mother and her husband in their declining years. The farm consisted of about 200 acres of fine river land, which was improved and fully cultivated. James assisted in clearing seventy acres of this land, sawing the logs into lumber and rafting them down the river.

�� �������� James was independent in his religious views though the families were members of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he was identified with the Democratic Party and held the office of Postmaster in Ulster for over thirty years. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]




����� 43331. Sarah Jane Baker McCarty�� ��������������������������������� b.��������� ���1863

����� 43332. Mary Frederica McCarty���� ���������������������������������� b. 26 Aug 1864

����� 43333. Daniel B. McCarty��������� �������������������������������������� b. 12 Aug 1866




����� 43334. Jennie McCarty������������ ���������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jul�� 1873

4334��� RACHEL McCARTY, fourth child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 15 Feb 1824. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]


4335��� JOHN McCARTY, fifth child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 3 Apr 1825, died, St.Cloud, Minnesota, 1903; married Rachel Young. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]




����� 43351. James McCarty

����� 43352. Lloyd McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� d. before 1928

����� 43353. Edward McCarty

����� 43354. Lena McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 25 Feb 1913


4336��� FRANK McCARTY, sixth child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 23 Apr 1827. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, HBC]


4337��� MARTHA JANE McCARTY, seventh child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 9 Sep 1828, died in Ulster, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 15 Mar 1911; married, 18 Feb 1850, Truman H. Holcomb, son of Jared Holcomb and Martha McCarty, born 30 Apr 1821, died on his farm in Ulster, 14 Aug 1900.��

���� ������ The marriage of Martha and Truman was performed by Rev. S.J. Gibson.[Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Bradford County Marriages, gravestones in Ulster]




����� 43371. Francis M. Holcomb���� ����������������������������������������� b. 24 Jan�� 1851

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 May 1896

����� 43372. Grey C. Holcomb, M.D.�������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Apr1865

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Apr1907

��� ��43373. Grant Holcomb��������� �������������������������������������������� b.����� Jun�� 1868


4338��� MAY MARGARET McCARTY, eighth child of Silas McCarty and Martha McAffee, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 25 Jan 1831,

died 18 Apr 1909, unmarried. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4361��� ABRAHAM BENNETT McCARTY, first child of William McCarty and Rebecca Bennett, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, died in Woodland, Wisconsin; married, 25 Dec 1879, Sarah Smith.

���� ������ Abraham moved West with his parents at the age of ten years. He remained with his parents on the farm at Beloit, Wisconsin until he was aged twenty-one. In the spring of 1850 he moved to Hudson, Wisconsin, driving the first team which crossed the prairie, arriving at Hudson 20 May 1850. On the Fourth of July, 1850, he erected the first flagstaff ever erected in that section...a great event. He was in Minneapolis when there was but a single log house on the site. St. Anthony at that time was a mere trading post, and St. Paul an Indian village. During his pioneer life he visited Winona, at which time there were but a half dozen buildings where now stands a beautiful city. He spent about five years near Stillwater, Wisconsin as a farmer, and took up a claim where now stands the city of Black River Falls. In the 1870s he moved to Woodland, Wisconsin, where he married Sarah Smith. He lived there until his death. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43611. Lottie May McCarty�� ������������������� b. 24 Oct 1880

����� 43612. Jessie Laura McCarty ������������������� b. 20 Oct 1884


4362��� MARGARET JANE McCARTY, second child of William McCarty and Rebecca Bennett, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 4 May 1830, died in Cloverdale, California, Sep 1909; married in Illinois, 1850, Murenos Vincent Stockwell, son of Isaac Stockwell and Christiana Tillipaugh, born Jan 1826, died Cloverdale, California, 1876.

���� ������ Margaret was a small child when she immigrated with her parents to the western frontier. After six month of marriage, she and her husband moved to California, traveling by way of the Isthmus of Panama. After spending about six months in San Francisco, they moved to Mendocino County, California, where they were pioneer settlers. In 1868 they moved to Cloverdale, Sonoma County, California, where they spent their remaining days. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]





����� 43621. Marietta Alceneth Stockwell�������������������������������� b. 15 Apr1852

����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� d.after 1928

����� 43622. Willard Murenos Stockwell��� �������������������������������� b. 13 Dec1853

����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� d.����� Nov 1883


4363��� EDMUND AUGUSTUS McCARTY, third child of William McCarty and Rebecca Bennett, born in Springfield, Illinois, 12 Oct 1839, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 27 May 1909; married, 30 Apr 1876, Louise Hamblin, daughter of Almery Hamblin and Betsy Butterfield.

���� ������ Edmund was a produce buyer in Minneapolis and also engaged in the real estate business. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43631. Grace McCarty������� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jul�� 1887

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Nov 1893


4364��� CHARLOTTE HANNA McCARTY, fourth child of William McCarty and Rebecca Bennett, born 9 Aug 1843; married I. Turner. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43641. Charlotte Turner


4381��� JAMES McAFFEE, first child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 18 Aug 1827, died in Roscoe, Illinois, 30 Mar 1901; married 1. at Ridott, Illinois, 28 April 1855, Almeda McCauseland, daughter of William McCauseland of Canada; married 2. 22 Mar 1866, Margaret L. Cross, daughter of Robert J. Cross and Hanna Benedict, of Roscoe, Illinois, born 21 Apr 1839, died 18 Oct 1918.

���� ������ James moved with his parents from Muncy to Roscoe and lived there throughout his life as a farmer. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having enlisted in Company E., 74th Illinois Infantry. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43811. Meda McAffee�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jul 1856

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.after 1928




����43812. Hannah Jane McAffee����������������������������������������� b. 10 Mar 1867

����� 43813. Julia E. McAffee���� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Jul�� 1868

����� 43814. James Caton McAffee����������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Mar 1872


4382��� WILLIAM McAFFEE, second child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born 10 Jul 1829, died 7 Oct 1862. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4383��� AMANDA McAFFEE, third child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born 28 Feb 1831, died 4 Jan 1917; married Harry Augustus Fahnestock, third son of Abner H.Fahnestock and Lavina McCarty (Amanda's first cousin, see 4393), born 6 Nov 1833. There were no children. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4384��� BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McAFFEE, fourth child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born 6 Dec 1832, died 27 Nov 1834. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4385��� CHARLOTTE McAFFEE, fifth child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born 29 Jan 1836, died 17 Feb 1839. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4386��� MARY ANN McAFFEE, sixth child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born in Roscoe, Illinois, 16 Jan 1838, living there in 1928; married, 1858, Melvin J. Wood, son of John Wood and Mary Patton, born 5 Sep 1837, died 28 Jan 1890. Melvin was a mason in Roscoe. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43861. Melvin Cloud Wood���� ����������������������������������������� b.������� 1878

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. an infant


4387��� MARTHA JANE McAFFEE, seventh child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born in Roscoe, Illinois, 8 Jun 1840, died in Roscoe, May 1874; married in Roscoe, 15 Sep 1869, Gustavus Howard Wood, son of John Wood and Mary Patton, born 7 Feb 1840, died in Roscoe, 15 Sep 1910. Martha's sister, Mary Ann, married Gustavus' brother, Melvin. Gustavus was a stonemason in Roscoe. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]





����� 43871. Mabel Wood���������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 30 Dec 1871

����� 43872. George Howard Wood�� ��������������������������������������� d. an infant


4388��� HARRIET McAFFEE, eighth child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born in Roscoe, Illinois, 16 Jun 1842, died 3 Sep 1887; married, Sep 1867, Frank B. Campbell. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43881. Fred Campbell������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 29 Jul 1868

����� 43882. Alta Campbell������� ����������������������������������������������� b.��� Sep 1867


4389��� EDWIN McAFFEE, ninth child of Jane McCarty and Alexander McAffee, born in Roscoe, Illinois, 8 Jun 1845, died, near Exira, Iowa, 5 Dec 1915; married, at Byron, Illinois, 20 Feb 1872, Helen York, daughter of Nelson York and Abigail Brewster, born 3 Jun 1849. Edwin was a farmer near Exira, Iowa. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




����� 43891. Willis Lewis McAffee����� �������������������������������������� b. 21 Nov 1872

����� 43892. Edna Jane McAffee�������� �� ���������������������������������� b. 16 Dec 1877

����� 43893. Herbert McAffee��������� ����������������������������������������� b. 29 Jul�� 1879

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Jul�� 1880

����� 43894. Leslie Alexander McAffee�� ���������������������������������� b. 14 Nov 1881

����� 43895. Elma Ruth McAffee��������� ������������������������� b. 27 Jun1886

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 Dec 1911


4391��� WILLIAM M. FAHNESTOCK, first child of Lavina McCarty and Abner H. Fahnestock, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 8 Mar 1830, died in Wanda, Chouteau Township, Illinois, 13 Jan 1911; married, 25 1858, Julia Buckley, child of Jeremiah Buckley and Malma Curry.

��� ������� William was a harness maker in Wanda. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Fahnestock]




����� 43911. Ida May Fahnestock��� ������������������������������������������ b.1 Jul 1859

����� 43912. Lela Ann Fahnestock������������������������������������������� b. 25 Jun 1862


4392��� CHARLES W. FAHNESTOCK, second child of Lavina McCarty and Abner H. Fahnestock, born 25 Jul 1831, died 26 Sep 1831. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Fahnestock]


4393��� HARRY AUGUSTUS FAHNESTOCK, third child of Lavina McCarty and Abner H. Fahnestock, born 6 Nov 1833; married Amanda McAffee [#4383], daughter of Alexander McAffee and Jane McCarty [#438], born 28 Feb 1831, died 4 Jan 1917.

�� �������� They lived in Roscoe, Illinois where Harry was a carpenter. There were no children. [Sources: Carrell/Dungan, Fahnestock]


43(12)1�� JOHN B. McCARTY, first child of Seth L. McCarty and Rebecca McCauseland, born in Michigan, 3 Apr 1834, died in Plainview, Minnesota, 19 May 1864; married Amelia Smith. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




�� 43(12)11. Charles McCarty����� ������������������������������������������� d.4 Jun 1919


43(12)2�� DAVID McCARTY, second child of Seth L. McCarty and Rebecca McCauseland, born in Michigan, 7 Apr 1836, died in St.Cloud, Minnesota, 19 Jun 1919; married 1. 1859, Cynthia C. Smith, died Feb 1887; married 2. 25 Feb 1893, Mabel B. Smith, child of George R. Smith and Elenora Whitaker.

���� ������ David went to Minnesota with his father in 1855 and purchased a farm at Whitwater, Winona County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1879. He moved to St.Cloud in 1894, where he was a member of the Town Council for six years, and its president during those years. He was a member of the Unitarian Church. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




�� 43(12)21. Cynthia Mabel McCarty �������������������������������������� b. 12 Feb 1894

�� 43(12)22. Stuart David McCarty���������������������������������������� b. 24 Sep 1896

�� 43(12)23. Leroy Boynton McCarty ������������������������������������� b. 12 Sep 1898


43(12)3�� MARY ANN VILLA McCARTY, third child of Seth L. McCarty and Rebecca McCauseland, born in Michigan, 22 Jun 1838, died in Minnesota, 1887; married, in Plainview, Minnesota, Samuel A. Loy, born in Pennsylvania, 1836. Mary Ann emigrated to Minnesota with her parents in 1855. Samuel emigrated from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1850, and in 1855 to Minnesota where he was a farmer. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




�� 43(12)31. Melissa Loy���������

�� 43(12)32. Charles Loy

�� 43(12)33. Dilla Loy


43(12)4�� JAMES W. McCARTY, fourth child of Seth L. McCarty and Rebecca McCauseland, born in Michigan, 9 Sep 1841; married, in Minnesota, Betsy Ann Smith, child of Sullivan Smith and Lucena Gale. James emigrated with his parents to Minnesota in 1855. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]




�� 43(12)41. Alleta M. McCarty��� ������������������������������������������� b. 19 Nov 1875

�� 43(12)42. Lloyd McCarty������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Oct1877


43(12)5�� SARAH ANN McCARTY, fifth child of Seth L. McCarty and Rebecca McCauseland, born 24 Nov 1845, died 16 May 1864, unmarried. ����������� ����[Source:Carrell/Dungan]


43(14)1�� WILLIAM JAMES McCARTY, first child of Lloyd McCarty and Jane McClintock, born in Newberry, Pennsylvania, 22 Apr 1842, died 10 Sep 1906; married, at Muncy, Pennsylvania, 12 Feb 1873, Mary Cornelia Putnam, daughter of Albert B. Putnam and Elizabeth McReynolds, of New England Colonial and Revolutionary stock.

���� ������ William was educated in the schools at Muncy, and Dickenson Seminary, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He became a civil engineer, but at an early age formed the mercantile partnership of Tallman & McCarty lasting until his death. He was involved in a number of business enterprises and was, at the time of his death, president of the Citizens National Bank. He owned and occupied the homestead built by his grandfather in 1789.

����������� They lived in the McCarty family homestead in Muncy, willed to him by his "Uncle John" McCarty. [Sources:Carrell/Dungan, Now and Then]





�� 43(14)11. Emilie Putnam McCarty�������������������������� b. 18 Sep 1876

�� 43(14)12. Samuel McCarty������ ������������������� ����������� b.������������ 1880

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������� d. an infant

�� 43(14)13. Cornelia Lloyd McCarty������������������������ b. 14 Jan1884

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Jul�� 1949

�� 43(14)14. Lydia Brooks McCarty ��������������������������� b.�� 6 May 1886

�� 43(14)15. Jane McCarty�������� ��������������������������������� b.�� 6 May 1886

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� d. an infant

�� 43(14)16. William James McCarty������������������������� b. 27 Nov 1889

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Oct1942


43(14)2�� SAMUEL McCARTY, second child of Lloyd McCarty and Jane McClintock, born 17 Oct 1843, died 27 May 1863, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Samuel enlisted in Co.F., Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, near the Rappahannock River in Virginia, and died from the effects of it several days later, having served about three years and six months. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4411��� SILAS McCARTY, first child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding. Silas enlisted at the first call for soldiers in the Civil War, and after serving six weeks with the State Militia, enlisted in Company F., 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry, where he served until the close of the war. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4412 ���JOSIAH McCARTY, second child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding, born 5 Feb 1847. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4413��� JOHN McCARTY, third child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4414��� JAMES McCARTY, fourth child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4415��� ELLIS McCARTY, fifth child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4416��� ALWILDA McCARTY, sixth child of Benjamin McCarty and Lavina Harding; married William R. Rogers of Penn Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]


4461��� JOHN SMITH, child of Hannah McCarty and Daniel Smith, born 1837, died 1904; married Lavina Berger, born 1846, died 1909 [Source:DGP]




������ 44611. Oliver B. Smith

������ 44612. Harry Smith

������ 44613. George T. Smith


4471��� NELSON SNYDER, first child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Sarah Doctor. [Source:DGP]


4472��� JOHN SNYDER, second child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Anna Smith. [Source:DGP]


4473��� JOE SNYDER, third child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Rebecca[Source:DGP]




����� 44731. Harris (Parris?) Snyder

����� 44732. Amanda Snyder

����� 44733. Jessie Snyder

����� 44734. Frank Snyder

����� 44735. Ed Snyder

����� 44736. John Snyder


4474��� PRISCILLA SNYDER, fourth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married William Fry. [Source:DGP]


4475��� JANE SNYDER, fifth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Levi Sherwood. [Source:DGP]


4476��� HATTIE SNYDER, sixth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Luther Van Buskirk. [Source:DGP]




����� 44761. Myrtle Van Buskirk

����� 44762. Ethel Van Buskirk

����� 44763. Clarence Van Buskirk


4477��� CLARA SNYDER, seventh child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Charles Barto. [Source:DGP]




����� 44771. Henry Barto

����� 44772. Mary Barto

����� 44773. Jessie Barto

����� 44774. Lulu Barto


4478��� MARIA SNYDER, eighth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Charles Hughes. [Source:DGP]




����� 44781. Marie Hughes

����� 44782. Grethel Fraley Hughes

����� 44783. Charles Hughes


4479��� JULIA SNYDER, ninth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Hugh Weik (Wyke?). [Source:DGP]


447(10)�� EFFIE SNYDER, tenth child of Sarah McCarty and John Snyder; married Jud Hall. [Source:DGP]




�� 447(10)1. Lulu Hall


4811��� CLINTON LLOYD, child of Thomas Lloyd. He was a lawyer in Muncy at the end of the Civil War. [Source:Carrell/Dungan]



9111��� AMOS R. FOULKE, first child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 26 May 1822, died 22 (21?) Apr 1853. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9112��� BARTON L. FOULKE, second child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 18 Nov 1823, died 18 Aug 1856. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9113��� PHEBE R. FOULKE, third child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 27 Jan 1825, died 22 Dec 1832. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9114��� JORDAN FOULKE, fourth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 9 Oct 1826, died 21 Jun 1836. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9115��� ELIZABETH FOULKE, fifth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 13 Mar 1829 (1828?); married 13 Nov 1863, Penrose Hicks, child of George Hicks and Ann Penrose, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 9 May 1802, died 14 Jul 1866. Elizabeth was Penrose's second wife. He was previously married to Mary (Ball) Edwards.������ �����������

����������� After her husband's death, Elizabeth lived in Quakertown. They had no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9116��� THOMAS M. FOULKE, sixth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 13 Feb 1830, died 11 Feb 1861 (91?). [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9117��� SARAH E. FOULKE, seventh child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 1 Jun 1831, died 19 Apr 1844. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9118��� FRANKLIN FOULKE, eighth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 5 May 1833, died 24 Jun 1835. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9119��� ABIGAIL JANE FOULKE, ninth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 1 Jul 1835, died 10 Mar 1845. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


911(10)�� FRANKLIN FOULKE, tenth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born��� 24 Jul 1838, died 18 Mar 1860. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


911(11)�� JANE R. FOULKE, eleventh child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 9 Jun 1842, died 24 Jan 1860. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


911(12)�� SUSAN J. FOULKE, twelfth child of Elizabeth Roberts and Hugh Foulke, born 7 Jun 1844; living, unmarried, in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, 1902.

[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9121��� JOEL LEVI HEACOCK, child of Abigail Roberts and Joel Heacock, born 2 Oct 1843, died Aug 1909; unmarried.





����������� A Genealogical and Personal History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, by William Watts Hart Davis offers the following remarks regarding Joel:


����������� Joel Levi Heacock attended the public schools in his home district through several winter seasons, and in the summer months worked of the farm assisting in the labors of the fields. His father died March 17, 1853, while on a business trip to Germantown, and the family continued on the home farm until 1858, when Mrs. Heacock rented the place, for she realized that her son required better educational advantages, and removed to Quakertown in order that he might enjoy educational opportunities that were in advance of those afforded by the community schools. There he continued his studies in the Friends' school, and later became a student at what was known as the Bucks County Normal Classical School, conducted by A.R. Horne, a native of Springfield Township, Bucks County, and a graduate of Pennsylvania College, located at Gettysburg, this state.

����������� Following the completion of his normal and classical course, Mr. Heacock assisted as a teacher for one year in that institution, after which he joined James Brunners in the conduct of a school for the training of teachers that they might be prepared for the work of the public schools in the townships. Later Mr. Heacock became the principal in the Friends' school, occupying that position for a year. He next entered into partnership with Rev. George M. Lazarus, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, and for a time conducted a school in the basement of that church. Many of the boys and young men who pursued their studies under his direction became active, prominent and influential in various departments of business life. Mr. Heacock has ever been deeply interested in the welfare and progress of his home locality, and has done everything in his power to promote its up building, but has never aspired to office outside of Quakertown. He served as chief burgess for six years, and as a member of the town council labored effectively and honorably for the improvement of the borough along substantial lines of progress. Interested in the advancements that would make Quakertown an attractive place of residence and also a good business center, he did everything possible to secure the lighting of the town by electricity. With this end in view he visited different places in New York, Ohio and Indiana, to investigate conditions and plans of lighting those towns. Few men have labored so untiringly and along such practical lines for the benefit of the borough as has Mr. Heacock. His efforts have ever been of the most practical character, and his fellow-townsmen recognizing the value of his services, in 1869 he was appointed notary public, and later became interested in the real estate business, which he conducted in connection with the performance of his duties as justice of the peace. In the last mentioned office he has ever been desirous of bringing to a friendly conclusion any matter of dispute or litigation between contestants who appeared before him.

����������� Mr. Heacock is now living a retired life [1905], and has gathered around him many friends who are deeply interested in the social, economic and municipal questions which elicit his earnest attention and cooperation. Everything that tends to benefit mankind is a matter of concern to him, and especially has he labored for the welfare of his home locality and native country.


����������� In addition, Joel is known to have made daily weather observations for the U.S. government.

���������� He was also deeply involved in family history. This compiler is in possession of copies of several pages of his family records, many regarding the Lancaster branches, as well as a correspondence between him and his cousin, Mary Lancaster Best. The original copies of these records are held by the Spruance Library, Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Davis]




(Source: EFFUB)

������ ����

9221��� MARTHA ANN DODSON, first child of Katharine McCarty and Amos Dodson, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 30 Oct 1827; married 1. 28 Aug 1848, James Cooper, died 18 Dec 1864; married 2. 17 Oct 1866, Lancing Trescott, died 26 Dec 1881. In 1902, Martha was living in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92211. Annie C. Cooper��������� ����������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul�� 1849

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Jul�� 1871

����� 92212. Mary F. Cooper���������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Nov 1850

����� 92213. Sarah McCarty Cooper���� ������������������������ b. 16 Jul�� 1852

����� 92214. William R. Cooper������� ����������������������������������������� b. 30 Jan 1854

������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Feb 1857

����� 92215. Araminta Cooper��������� ����������������������������������������� b. 26 Dec 1857

����� 92216. Elizabeth L. Cooper����� ����������������������������������������� b. 15 Mar 1860

����� 92217. Susan J. Cooper��������� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 2 Sept 1864




����� 92218. Cora Trescott����������� �������� b. 19 Apr 1867

������������������������������������� ��������������������� d. 12 May 1873

����� 92219. Harry D. Trescott������� ������ b.2 Oct 1872


9222��� McCARTY DODSON, second child of Katharine McCarty and Amos Dodson, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 21 Apr 1831, died 16 Aug 1901; married in Canton, Mississippi, c.1858, Jane Walne. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92221. Edwin Dodson ������������������������������������������������������ b. c.1859

����� 92222. George Dodson����������� ����������������������������������������� b. c.1861

����� 92223. Minnie Dodson����������� ������������������������������������������ b. c.1863


9223��� SUSAN C. DODSON, third child of Katharine McCarty and Amos Dodson, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 25 Sept 1835; married, 18 Mar 1854, Edwin (Erwin?) Harleman, born 2 Dec 1832. They lived in Weatherly, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




���� 92231. Emma Harleman������������� ��������������������������������������� b. 17 Jan 1855

���� 92232. Dodson Harleman����������� ��������������������������������������� b. 29 Aug 1856

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Jan1858

���� 92233. Maria S. Harleman��������� ��������������������������������������� b. 20 Aug 1858

���� 92234. James Lewis Harleman������ ������������������������ b. 27 Jun 1862

���� 92235. Richmond Walton Harleman�� �������������������������������� b.�� 2 Sept 1865

���� 92236. Jennie M. Harleman�������� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Mar 1875���


9231�� WILLIAM HULL McCARTY, first child of SamuelMcCarty and Susan Hull, born 8 Jan 1825, died 8 Jun 1843. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9232�� SAMUEL GREEN McCARTY, second child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, ������ born 5 Mar 1826, died 1893; married, 5 Feb 1852, Eleanor C. Bryson.

��������� [Lancaster/Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92321. Alice McCarty����������� ������������������������������������������� b. 27 Dec 1852

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Mar 1853

����� 92322. Hannah H. McCarty������� �������������������������������������� b. 11 May 1854

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Sept1857

����� 92323. William B. McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jan 1856

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Sept 1857

����� 92324. Susan H. McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Sept 1857

����� 92325. Rebecca C. McCarty������ ������������������������������������� b.�� 3 May 1861

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� after 1902


9233��� HANNAH MARIA McCARTY, third child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, born 17 Feb 1828, died 9 Jun 1869; married 13 Jun 1850, Dr. Andrew Ten Broeck, born 12 Dec 1817, died 16 Mar 1896. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92331. William Hull Ten Broeck��� ������������������������ b. 10 May 1851

����� 92332. Andrew Ten Broeck��������� ������������������������ b. 23 Sept 1853

����� 92333. Edwin Ten Broeck���������� �������������������������������������� b. 26 Oct1857

�������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� d. 12 Jun1862

����� 92334. Robert Slater Ten Broeck�� ����������������������������������� b. 30 Dec 1859

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Apr 1888

����� 92335. Adelaide Ten Broeck������� ������������������������� b. 21 Jun 1862


9234��� DAVID WILSON McCARTY, fourth child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, �������� born 27 Nov 1830, died 11 Jan 1885; married, 10 Jan 1860, Henrietta F. Allen. ���� [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92341. Horace G. McCarty��������� ������������������������������������ b. 4 Jan 1864

����� 92342. Harmon A. McCarty��������� ����������������������������������� b. 12 Oct 1862

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 31 Mar 1863

����� 92343. William H. McCarty�������� ������������������������� b. 14 Feb 1864

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Sept 1864

���� 92344. Jane P. McCarty����������� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Oct 1866

����� 92345. David W. McCarty���������� ������������������������������������� b. 26 Jul1869


9235��� MARGARET ANN McCARTY, fifth child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, born 20 Oct 1833, died 14 Jul 1900; married 30 Apr 1863, Vincent Warbasse. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92351. Jennie Warbasse������������ ��������������������������������������� b. 10 Dec 1866



9236��� OLIVER ALLEN McCARTY, sixth child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, born in Milton, Pennsylvania, 25 Dec 1835, died 14 Feb 1901, buried in the cemetery at Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania; married 20 Dec 1860, Susan D. Pott. They lived in Muncy, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, MCR, 1880 Census]




����� 92361. Sarah H. McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������� b. 20 May 1862

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Apr 1934

����� 92362. Benjamin P. McCarty����� �������������������������������������� b.�� 7 Sept 1864

����� 92363. Jennie W. McCarty��������� ������������������������������������� b. 22 Dec 1866

����� 92364. E. Lillian McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������� b. 16 Feb 1870

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Apr 1938

����� 92365. Lucy C. McCarty��������� ���������������������������������������� b. 29 Apr 1874


9237��� CHARLES LLOYD McCARTY, seventh child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, born 4 Sept 1841, died 28 Sept 1843. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9238��� SUSAN JANE McCARTY, eighth child of Samuel McCarty and Susan Hull, born 14 Apr 1843; married 14 Oct 1875, Charles C. Norris (Morris?). In 1902, their address was 4821 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92381. Lucy Norris����������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 21 Dec 1877

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jun1878

����� 92382. Charles C. Norris����� �������������������������������������������� b. 24 Oct 1879

����� 92383. Susan H. Norris������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 29 Aug 1881

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 Jun1892


9251��� MARY McCARTY, first child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 11 Aug 1823, died 20 Aug 1926. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9252��� REBECCA V. McCARTY, second child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 6 Dec 1825, died after 1902; never married. In 1902, Rebecca was

living in McEwensville, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9253��� JAMES MOORE McCARTY, third child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born in McEwensville, Pennsylvania, 4 Aug 1829, died in McEwensville, 14 Mar 1889; married 24 Jan 1867, Charlotte Daugherty Savidge, born in Montour County, Pennsylvania, 21 Aug 1836, died in Delaware Township, 22 Aug 1905. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, RBB]




����� 92531. Leah M. McCarty�������� ���������������������������������������� b. 11 Sept 1867

����� 92532. Esther H. McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b. 14 Jan�� 1869

����������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Feb 1893

����� 92533. Victoria McCarty������� ������������������������������������������ d. 16 Sept 1871

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 May 1928

����� 92534. Elizabeth McCarty������ ������������������������������������������ b. 16 Dec1873

����� 92535. Eunice H. McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b. 12 Sept 1875


9254��� EUGENIO (EUGENIE?) K. McCARTY, fourth child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 2 May 1832, died 21 Feb 1833. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9255��� JOSEPH O. McCARTY, fifth child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 27 Jan 1834, died after 1902; he never married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9256��� MARY M. McCARTY, sixth child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 12 Nov 1837, died 8 Sept 1857. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9257��� GEORGE IDE McCARTY, seventh child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 8 Feb 1839, died 11 Jun 1861. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9258��� ELIZABETH I. McCARTY, eighth child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 22 Mar 1841, died 8 Jan 1892; she never married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9259��� LEAH MOORE McCARTY, ninth child of Ellis W. McCarty and Leah Moore, born 17 Jun 1844; married 30 Apr 1866, James F. Rush. James was a Baptist minister. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92591. George Justin Rush������ ����������������������������������������� b. 17 Mar 1867

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 May 1867

����� 92592. Joseph Kennard Rush����� �������������������������������������� b. 11 Aug 1868

����� 92593. Ellis Freeman Rush������ ����������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Nov 1871

����� 92594. Leah May Rush����������� ����������������������������������������� b. 12 May 1873

����� 92595. Alexander Rush���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 17 Sept 1875

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Sept 1875

����� 92596. William Alexander Rush�� �������������������������� b.�� 7 Aug 1876

����� 92597. Levi Beck Rush���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 10 Apr 1879

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Apr 1880

����� 92598. James Baker Rush�������� ���������������������������������������� b. 31 Jul1882

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Aug 1882

����� 92599. Judson Holt Rush�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 12 Sept 1884

�� 9259(10). Sarah Jane Rush��������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Dec 1886


9271��� EDWIN RILEY McCARTY, first child of Jesse McCarty and Anna Kemp, born 13 Oct 1830; married 1. 26 Oct 1867, Sarah Amanda Smith, died 29 Nov 1887;

married 2. 30 Oct 1888, Margaret E. Cook. There were no children from either marriage.

�� �������� In 1902 Edwin, a successful businessman, was living at 242 West 58th Street, New York City, New York. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan].



(Source: Lancaster)


9272��� ANN K. McCARTY, second child of Jesse McCarty and Anna Kemp, born 17 Mar 1832; married 30 Jan 1856, Nelson Kemp, born 1 Jan 1835. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92721. Babe McCarty����������� ������������������������������������������ b. 8 Nov 1856

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 8 Nov 1856

����� 92722. Edwin R. McCarty������� ���������������������������������������� b. 31 Oct 1858

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Sept 1861

����� 92723. George G. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 20 Mar 1865

����� 92724. Franklin McCarty������� ������������������������������������������ b. 17 Jun 1871

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Aug 1872


9273��� ANGELINE McCARTY, first child of Jesse McCarty and Hannah Platte, born 4 Nov 1835; married 1. 20 Aug 1851, Ezra Parker, died Sept 1864; married 2. in

Howell, Michigan, Francis Hazard. There were no children from either marriage. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9274��� MARGARET McCARTY, second child of Jesse McCarty and Hannah Platte, born 23 Sept 1838; married 1. 18 Jan 1854, Thomas Dolton, died 8 Apr 1872;

married 2. 28 Mar 1888, Henry Wolfrom. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92741. William Dolton������ ������������������������������������������������ b. 25 Oct 1854

����� 92742. Edwin Dolton����������� �������������������������������������������� b. 21 Jan1856

����� 92743. Frank Dolton����������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 21 Sept 1859

����� 92744. Fredelia Dolton�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 13 Nov 1861

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. an infant

����� 92745. Thomas A. Dolton������� ����������������������������������������� b. 18 Nov 1864

����� 92746. Mary Elizabeth Dolton�� ���������������������������������������� b. 15 Oct1869


9281��� THOMAS WILSON McCARTY, first child of James McCarty and Matilda Green, born 1 Jun 1855, died 28 Jan 1862. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9282��� ALICE JANE McCARTY, second child of James McCarty and Matilda Green, born 7 Dec 1836, died 22 Mar1855. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9283��� EMILY McCARTY, third child of James McCarty and Matilda Green, born 6 Oct 1839, died 1 Jan 1842. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9284��� MARGARET MATILDA McCARTY, first child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 18 Oct 1847, died 1 Mar 1870. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9285��� LUCETTA McCARTY, second child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 29 Oct 1849; married 16 Mar 1876, David Swank.

In 1902, they were living in McKinley, Oklahoma. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92851. Richard Colburn Swank�� �������������������������������������� b. 11 Dec 1877

����� 92852. Levi M. Swank���������� ������������������������������������������� b. 14 Jun 1879

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Jul1880

����� 92853. Arthur Roberts Swank��� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Oct 1880

����� 92854. Annie Maud Swank������� ��������������������������������������� b. 22 Feb 1882

����� 92855. Edgar Philip Swank����� ����������������������������������������� b. 21 Jul1883

����� 92856. James Walter Swank����� ��������������������������������������� b. 26 Feb 1885

����� 92857. Amelia Ethel Swank����� ����������������������������������������� b. 22 Jan 1887

����� 92858. David W. Swank��������� ����������������������������������������� b. 30 Jan 1889

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Jul 1890����


9286��� SARAH ELIZABETH McCARTY, third child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 9 Aug 1851; married 18 Jun 1868, William Dunbar.

In 1902, they were living in Scranton, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92861. ______ Dunbar����������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Mar 1869

����� 92862. Harry Dunbar������������ ������������������������������������������� b. 19 Feb 1871

����� 92863. William H. Dunbar������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Aug 1874

����� 92864. ______ Dunbar���������� ����������������������������������������� b. 19 Aug 1877

����� 92865. Douglas B. Dunbar������� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jan1879

����� 92866. Arthur Dunbar����������� ������������������������������������������� b. 30 Jul1891


9287��� LEONARD McCARTY, fourth child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 21 Sept 1853; married 31 Jan 1874, Catherine Flickinger, born 3 Sep1850.

In 1902, they were living in West Pittston, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92871. Clara McCarty����������� ������������������������������������������ b. 1874

�������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. young

����� 92872. son��������������������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 24 Feb 1876

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Feb 1876

����� 92873. son��������������������� �������������������������������������������������� b. 24 Feb 1876

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 4 Mar 1876

����� 92874. Minnie Amelia McCarty��� ������������������������� b. 30 Mar 1878

����� 92875. William Lewis McCarty��� ���������������������������������������� b. 24 Nov 1880

����� 92876. Nellie May McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 27 Aug 1883


����� 92877. Gertrude Ellen McCarty�� �������������������������������������� b. 20 May 1887

����� 92878. Elsie Laura McCarty����� ���������������������������������������� b. 25 Oct1888


9288��� BRUNSON B. McCARTY, fifth child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 6 Jan 1856, died 31 Jan 1856. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9289��� MARY ELLEN McCARTY, sixth child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 8 May 1862, died 9 Apr1864. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


928(10)�� SAMUEL G. McCARTY, seventh child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 6 Aug 1864; married 16 May 1891, Jennie Morse, born 3 Aug 1863.

����������� ��� In 1902, they were living in Tri-states, New York. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 928(10)1. Clarence G. McCarty��� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Dec 1892

�� 928(10)2. Laura McCarty��������� ������������������������������������������ b. 12 Apr 1895


928(11)�� JAMES LANCASTER McCARTY, eighth child of James McCarty and Susan Ulshaper, born 5 Aug 1870. In 1902, he was unmarried, living in London, ����� ���������� ���England. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9291��� LAFAYETTE McCARTY, first child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 28 Aug 1832, died in Denver, Colorado, 23 Jun 1870; married, 25 Dec 1855, Elizabeth Shearer.

�� �������� They lived in Denver, Colorado. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92911. Kate J. McCarty������� ������������������������������������������� b. 17 Oct 1856

����� 92912. Charles L. McCarty���� ������������������������������������������ b. 29 May 1858

����� 92913. Edward S. McCarty����� ���������������������������������������� b. 20 May 1860

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.����������� ��1863

����� 92914. John L. McCarty������� ������������������������������������������� b. 17 Nov 1862

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. after 1902

����� 92915. Clarence C. McCarty��� ���������������������������������������� b. 16 Sept 1865

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. after 1902

����� 92916. Nellie M. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 28 Mar 1870

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. after 1902


9292��� GEORGE W. McCARTY, second child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 28 Aug 1832 (1834?), died 19 Mar 1836. [Lancaster,����������� Carrell/Dungan]



����������������������� LOUIS PHILIPPE McCARTY
(Source: Lancaster)


9293��� LOUIS PHILLIPE McCARTY, third child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born in Fairfield (Clearfield?), Ohio, 22 Apr 1836; married, 21 Jul 1878, Lilla D. Phelps, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 3 (2?) Jun 1855.

����������� Louis was an editor, author, inventor, merchant and publisher in San Francisco for many years. His monthly Statistician and biennial Statistician and Economist provided readers with a variety of information along the lines of a World Almanac. Others of his books included McCarty's Political Statistician and The Great Pyramid Jeezah.

����������� The following is a selection from his Health, Happiness, and Longevity (Health without Medicine, Happiness, without Money, The Result, Longevity):


������������������������������������������������������ SUPERSTITIONS


����������� Numerous are the dangerous superstitions about marriage. For instance, the bride must not try on her wedding gown, or ill-luck will follow. She must not look in the glass after she is fully dressed and ready for the ceremony. She must not enter her new home by stepping over the threshold, but must be carried over it by one of her relatives. A piece of the bride's cake must be broken over her head as soon as she is safely on the other side. It is very unlucky for her to be in a happy state on her wedding-day. She must be as dolorous as possible, violent fits of weeping being especially beneficial.

����������� It is a good idea for the brides-maids to throw away as many pins as possible on the wedding-day, as this will hasten marriage. The bride should throw away her slipper in leaving the wedding feast, and she who catches it will be the first married. The month of May is generally considered the most unfortunate for marriages. The lucky months are January, April, August, October, and November. January is especially lucky.

����������� Lovers should carefully avoid passing a sharp or pointed instrument from one to the other. Such things tend to cause quarrels. The wedding should be put off by all means if a cat sneezes on the eve of a wedding-day. It should never take place if the cat is black. To sweep dust over a girl's feet or legs will be certain to make an old maid of her.

����������� Should the younger sister of a family marry first, the older sister will be condemned to lasting celibacy unless they dance at the wedding in their stocking-feet.

The wedding ring of the mother is an infallible cure for eruptions on the skin of the child. The ring must be rubbed three times around each sore. Cure is certain.

����������� The virtue of the dew that glitters and sparkles in every leaf and flower of a May morning has been recognized from the earliest times. If a young girl wishes to obtain and preserve a glorious complexion she should venture out of a May morning and wash her face in the dew.

����������� To spit in the hand before undertaking anything, whether in love, war, or business, will not fail to bring luck.

����������� If you are out fishing, do not step over your rod, or you will catch no more fish than did Simple Simon in his mother's pail.

����������� To recall a person after they have left the house is bad luck. To go back for something forgotten is also bad luck, unless you sit down before going out again.

����������� If, when you sit before the fire, a live coal jumps out, it is a sign that you are to have good luck, especially in money matters. To wash in water another has washed in is not only bad sanitarily, but also superstitiously. He who makes many crumbs at the table will never have any money to spare. It is flying in the face of fortune to sweep dust out of the front door or allow it to be swept out. In so doing you are sweeping out your good luck. To count one's gains brings luck, but to find money is the worst possible luck.

����������� The 4-leaved clover once found, should be �� treasured, as every school child knows and believes. It brings luck of every description. Eve attempted to carry a 4-leaved shamrock of precious stone from Paradise with her, but it fell and shattered at her ���� feet. Think of the disaster thus entailed upon the human race!

����������� To see the moon over the left shoulder is as unlucky as to hold the four of clubs at cards. But the new moon seen over the right shoulder, or straight in front, portends fortune as smiling as her own bright rays.

����������� One should be careful in writing a letter not to cross out a word in it. To do so means that any request you may have made in the letter will not be granted. It is very unlucky to dry a letter before the fire, instead of allowing it to dry slowly and naturally. But unluckiest of all is to drop the letter on the floor after finishing it.

����������� Birth, marriage and death are the three most important things in every life. Death, being the most dreadful, comes in for the largest share. One of the ���� best ways given us of avoiding it when sickness is upon us is to allow the report to be circulated that you are already dead. The chances are strongly in favor of getting well. Especially is this so if friends begin to arrange for the funeral. A sure sign of early death is for a person to scatter the leaves of a red rose upon the ground. It is extremely hazardous to an infant's life to pare its nails before it is a year old. They should be bitten off.


����������� Some superstitions of my early life which I still remember are -


����������� 1. Turning a loaf of bread upside down creates family quarrels.

����������� 2. Allowing anyone to pass between you and your companion evil and death to ������������ ����follow.

����������� 3. Breaking a mirror, death in the family.

����������� 4. Having your hair cut on Sunday, forgetfulness.

����������� 5. Beginning an undertaking on Friday, ill luck.

����������� 6. Sitting at a table or in company when just 13 are present, a death of one of their >number before the year is done.

����������� 7. Presenting a sharp instrument or edge tool to anyone, ill luck to ensue.

����������� 8. Putting on any garment inside out, unless you retain it until the sun goes down, ���������������������� ����bad luck.

����������� 9. Spilling salt, unless some is thrown into the fire or over the left shoulder, ������������������� ����misfortune. �� During my life I have done everything in the above list that is ��������������������� ����claimed should not be done, that fell in my way to do, and still live and prosper, ��� ����although born on Friday and being one of a family of 13 children.


���������� In 1902, they were living at 2337 Pine Street, San Francisco, California. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



(Source: Boston Public Library)






�� ���92931. Amy May McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b. 5 May 1879



9294��� MARY ANN McCARTY, fourth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 10 Sept 1838, died 15 Sept 1839. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9295��� JAMES HARVEY McCARTY, fifth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 3 Mar 1840; married, 28 Aug 1862, Mary A. Tucker.

�� �������� In 1902, they were living in Paris, Illinois. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92951. Gertrude A. McCarty��� ���������������������������������������� b. 23 Jun 1864

����� 92952. Nettie Lu McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 15 Mar 1870

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

9296��� HENRY WILSON McCARTY, sixth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 2 May 1842; married, 31 Oct 1867, Rachel Tucker.He was a harness dealer in Paris, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92961. Edward Norman McCarty�� ���������������������������������� b. 16 Sept 1868

����� 92962. Elmer Osborn McCarty��� ������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Sept 1870

����� 92963. Ollie K. McCarty������� ������������������������������������������ b. 24 Sept 1873

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1873

����� 92964. Clayton Orlo McCarty��� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jul�� 1876

����������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 23 Nov 1880

����� 92965. Ross Irwin McCarty����� ���������������������������������������� b. 25 Oct1879

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Oct1883


9297��� JOHN WALTON McCARTY, seventh child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 9 Jan 1844, died in Paris, Illinois, 2 May 1876; married, 15 Oct 1874, Mary Walls. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92971. Clara Bell McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b.������������� 1875


9298��� ELIZABETH H. McCARTY, eighth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 27 Dec 1845, died 24 Apr 1874. She was unmarried. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9299��� MARTHA JANE McCARTY, ninth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 29 Jan 1848; married Levi A. Stark.

�� �������� They lived at 302 Green Street, Danville, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 92991. John E. Stark������� ������������� b. 15 Jul 1883


929(10)�� TWIN SON, tenth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born 20 Jul 1849, died 25 Jul 1849. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


929(11)�� TWIN SON, eleventh child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, ��������� ����born 20 Jul 1849, died 25 Jul1849. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


929(12)�� WILLIAM McCARTY, twelfth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born Aug 1850, died 17 Oct 1856. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


929(13)�� GREEN McCARTY, thirteenth child of Lewis Walton McCarty and Abi O. Sheppard, born Aug 1850, died 4 Oct 1872. He was unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster,



92(10)1�� MARGARET SPENCER, first child of Phebe McCarty and Miles Spencer, ����born 25 Dec 1832, died 1920; married John H. Brown. They lived in West Pittston, Pennsylvania and had no children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


92(10)2�� WILSON H. SPENCER, second child of Phebe McCarty and Miles Spencer, born 21 Aug 1834, died 1920; married 2 Apr 1862, Caroline Brace, born 7 Sept������������ �������������������1834. In 1902, they were living in Galva, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 92(10)21. Phebe Spencer��������� ������� b. 19 Sept 1863

�� 92(10)22. Dell Spencer���������� ��������� b. 25 Sept 1865

�� 92(10)23. May Spencer����������� ������� b. 18 Feb 1868

�� 92(10)24. Eva G. Spencer�������� ������� b. 27 Apr 1872



(Source: Lancaster)


92(10)3�� RHODA ANN SPENCER, third child of Phebe McCarty and Miles Spencer, ��������� ����born 17 Sept 1835, died 1918; married 30 Dec 1860, John S. Jenkins, born 21 ������������ ����Jan 1835.

�� �������� In 1902, they were living in Pittston, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 92(10)31. Thomas Wilson Jenkins��� ������������������������ b.�� 4 Aug 1862

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Sept 1863

�� 92(10)32. Elisha Coray Jenkins���� ��������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul�� 1864

�� 92(10)33. Maggie Jenkins���������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Feb 1867

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Mar 1869

�� 92(10)34. Charles Grant Jenkins��� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Mar 1869



92(10)4�� PHEBE E. SPENCER, fourth child of Phebe McCarty and Miles Spencer, born 10 Jun 1842, died 26 Jan 1844. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


92(10)5�� JEANETTE SPENCER, fifth child of Phebe McCarty and Miles Spencer, born 2 Apr 1846, died 1921. She was unmarried. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


92(10)6�� LEWIS JAMES (JAMES LEWIS?) SPENCER, sixth child of Phebe McCarty ������ ���and Miles Spencer, born 5 Dec 1848, died 1924; married 9 Dec 1874, Margaret ���������������������� ���E. Ripley. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 92(10)61. Leon A. Spencer��������� ���������������������������������������� b. 11 Dec 1876

�� 92(10)62. Roy Leander Spencer����� ������������������������ b. 15 Jul�� 1878

�� 92(10)63. Norris Brighton Spencer������������������������� b. 15 Jun 1881


9311��� CLARISSA HAZLEY, child of Charlotte McCarty and ______ Hazley. [JLH]


9321��� MARY JOHNSON, first child of Eloisa McCarty and Benjamin Johnson, died at 19 years. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9322��� HARRIET JOHNSON, second child of Eloisa McCarty and Benjamin Johnson, died 2 May 1891, buried in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania; married

Orlo J. Spafford of Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Orlo was the child of Lorenzo D. Spafford and Almira Taggart. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, History of Potter County]




����� 93221. Jay Spafford��������� ������������������������������������ d. 9 years old

����93222. Lewis Spafford������


9331��� CLARISSA McCARTY, child of Lyman Kennedy McCarty and Mary A. Ulshafer, born 28 Feb 1854; married, 21 May 1874, Edwin G. Rouse.

�� �������� Edwin Rouse was superintendent of the car-shops at Packerton, Pennsylvania. They lived at Lehighton, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������ 93311. Horace Lyman Rouse����������������������������������������� b. 17 Dec 1875

������ 93312. Louella Mae Rouse�� �������������������������������������������� b. 5 May 1878


9341��� EMMA T. McCARTY, first child of Hiram T. McCarty and Rebecca Michael; married Philip K. Fisher of Clarkstown, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 93411. Olive Fisher

����� 93412. Kellar Fisher

����� 93413. Carmel Fisher��������


9342��� MARY MATILDA McCARTY, second child of Hiram T. McCarty and Rebecca Michael, died before 1902. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9343��� RUSSELL O. McCARTY, third child of Hiram T. McCarty and Rebecca Michael; married Elizabeth Poust. Lived near Muncy, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, MCR]




����� 93431. Howard E. McCarty���������������������������������������������� b. 7 Dec 1882

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 30 Jan 1944

����� 93432. (Daughter) McCarty


9344��� CORA A. McCARTY, fourth child of Hiram T. McCarty and Rebecca Michael, born c.1865; married Wesley Fague of Hughesville, Pennsylvania. They had no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, 1880 Census]


9345��� EDWARD S. McCARTY, fifth child of Hiram T. McCarty and Rebecca Michael, born c.1866; married Ethel Hunter of Weatherly, Pennsylvania.

����������� Edward was a baggage-master on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, 1880 Census]


9346��� CHESTER WARREN McCARTY, sixth child of Hiram T. ����� McCarty and Rebecca Michael, born in Muncy Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 9 Apr 1867, died in Muncy Creek, 21 Apr 1938, buried in the Muncy cemetery; married1. Mary Bardo; married 2. Sarah E.T.

���������� Chester was a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, MCR]



�������������������������������������������������� (order unsure)


����� 93461. (Son) McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 93462. Louella McCarty����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 12 May 1895

����� 93463. John Franklin McCarty������������������������������������������ d.�� 4 Jul�� 1923

����� 93464. Clinton Frederick McCarty������������������������ d.�� 2 Dec 1942


9351��� ROBERT BRUCE McCARTY, first child of Otis L. McCarty and Mary Beeber, born in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 5 Aug

1860, died in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, 14 Oct 1913, buried in the Muncy cemetery; He never married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Beaver, MCR]


9352��� EDWIN STANTON McCARTY, second child of Otis L. McCarty and Mary Beeber, born in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 8 Jul�����������

1863; married 1. 22 Jul 1886, D. Emma L. Fox of Chautauqua, New York, born Nov 1861, died 5 Aug 1887; married 2. 27 Jun 1889, Louise A. Ream of Wellsville, New York, born 27 Jun 1863, died 9 Dec 1933. There were no children.

���� ������ Edwin was a merchant in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Beaver]


9353��� DIMNER BEEBER McCARTY, third child of Otis L. McCarty and Mary Beeber, born 19 Aug 1865; married 1. 1 Jan 1890, Myra Baxter of Port Allegheny, Pennsylvania, born 15 Sept 1867, died 2 Jun 1913; married 2. 28 Apr 1920, Rose Ream of

Wellsville, New York. There were no children. In 1928, they were living in Olean, New York and in 1939, Clearfield, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Beaver]


9354��� ELIZABETH FLORENCE McCARTY, fourth child of Otis L. McCarty and Mary Beeber, born 7 Nov 1867; married in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 17 Dec 1889, William G. Holder of Smithport, Pennsylvania, born 4 Aug 1859. In 1902, they were living in Smithport. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Beaver]




����� 93541. Mildred L. Holder��� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 6 May 1891

����� 93542. Mary Iva Holder����� ���������������������������������������������� b. 28 Mar 1893

����� 93543. Neal Otis Holder�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 29 May 1896


9361��� THOMAS WILSON, first child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born 18 Sept 1852; married Lavina Cox. They lived at Port Allegheny, Pennsylvania ���������� and had several children [Carrell/Dungan]


9362��� HENRY LYMAN WILSON, second child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born 10 Sept 1854; married Anna R. Ackley of Elmer, New Jersey.

����� ����� He was a conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad.In 1902, they were living in Glassboro, New Jersey. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 93621. Joseph T. Wilson���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 26 Aug 1883

����� 93622. Orra Pauline Wilson��������������������������������������������� b. 22 Feb 1894


9363��� HOWARD FOREST WILSON, third child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born 27 Jan 1857; married twice but no record of names of wives. He lived at Port Allegheny, Pennsylvania. There were two children of his first marriage. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9364��� LAURA VIOLA WILSON, fourth child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born about 1860; married Thomas Stickler. In 1902, their address was 406 Lafayette Street, Tampa, Florida. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9365��� OSCAR BOYD WILSON, fifth child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born about 1865; married Mabel__________. They lived at Hughesville, Pennsylvania. [Carrell/Dungan]




����� 93651. Orlo J. Wilson

����� 93652. a daughter

����� 93653. a daughter


9366��� FRANK DeLAY WILSON, sixth child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born about 1868; married and living at Port Allegheny, Pennsylvania.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 93661. a child


9367��� AUGUSTUS ELWOOD WILSON, seventh child of Lucetta McCarty and Augustus Wilson, born about 1870; married. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9411��� WILLIAM E. FOULKE, child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Edwards, born 23 Dec 1816. Moved to Milford, Indiana, Aug 1848 (this could be a mistake; his father, stepmother and rest of the family moved there in 1838, see above) [Source: Carrell/Dungan]


9412��� TACY H. FOULKE, first child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 9 Feb 1822; married Daniel Burt. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94121. Silas Burt


9413��� MARGARET FOULKE, second child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 22 Nov 1823; married Elijah Lilly. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94131. Samuel Lilly

����� 94132. Tacie E. Lilly

����� 94133. David Lilly

����� 94134. Green Lilly

����� 94135. Sarah A. Lilly

����� 94136. William Lilly


9414��� JESSE H. FOULKE, third child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 5 Apr 1826; married Micha Jamison (Jamsen). [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




94141. Mary E. Foulke

����� 94142. John Foulke

����� 94143. Joshua Foulke

����� 94144. Oliver Foulke


9415��� SARAH H. FOULKE, fourth child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 5 Nov 1827; married William Butler. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94151. Joseph C. Butler


9416��� JOSEPH FOULKE, fifth child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock. born 29 Jul 1829; married Elizabeth Atkins. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94161. Joseph Foulke


9417��� EDITH FOULKE, sixth child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 2 Jul 1831; married _______Tolbert, of Brooklyn, Iowa. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94171. John K. Tolbert

����� 94172. Almira Tolbert

����� 94173. William Tolbert

����� 94174. Elmer E. Tolbert

����� 94175. Iola Tolbert



9418��� MARY ELLEN FOULKE, seventh child of Samuel M. Foulke and Ann Heacock, born 7 Apr 1834, died 15 May 1836. [Carrell/Dungan]


9431��� SARAH THORPE, first child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 9 Oct 1810. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9432��� SAMUEL THORPE, second child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 25 Oct 1811, died unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9433��� JAMES THORPE, third child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 27 Oct 1813; married Eliza Ann Hallowell, child of Samuel and Jane Hallowell.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9434��� ELEANOR THORPE, fourth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 2 Sept 1815; married William Thompson, child of Levi and Esther Thompson.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94341. Jesse Thompson

����� 94342. Elwood Thompson

����� 94343. William Thompson

����� 94344. George Thompson

����� 94345. Mary Thompson

����� 94346. child��������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 94347. child���������������������������������� �����d. before 1902


9435��� JABEZ THORPE, fifth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 23 Mar 1817; married Ann Richardson, child of Samuel and Rebecca Richardson. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




������������ 94351. George Thorpe


(probably others)


9436��� HANNAH THORPE, sixth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 18 Apr 1819; married T. James Pickett, child of Moses and Hannah Pickett. They had no children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9437��� ELIZABETH THORPE, seventh child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 13 Mar 1822, died young. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9438��� JESSE THORPE, eighth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 24 Jan 1825, died young.[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]

9439��� MARY W. THORPE, ninth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 5 May 1827; married Joseph Mendenhall, of Westland, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����94391. Charles A. Mendenhall

����� 94392. George T. Mendenhall

����� 94393. J. Lindley Mendenhall


943(10)�� THOMAS THORPE, tenth child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 23 >Feb 1829; married ? [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 943(10)1. William Thorpe


943(11)�� ANN F. THORPE, eleventh child of Mary Foulke and Thomas Thorpe, born 10 Sept 1831; married Henry F. Pickering, child of Eliza and Rebecca Pickering.

In 1902, they were living in Richland, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9441��� HANNAH GRUBB, first child of Ann Foulke and Curtis Grubb, born 21 Jan 1826, died 19 Jun 1857; married 22 Feb 1844, Milton R. Pettit, son of William and Mary Pettit, born 14 Jul 1822. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94411. Curtis G. Pettit�������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 31 Dec 1844

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 5 Feb 1845

����� 94412. William B. Pettit������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 15 Mar 1846

��� ��94413. Anna Elizabeth Pettit��� ������������������������������������������ b. 11 Apr 1849

����� 94414. Mary C. Pettit���������� �������������������������������������������� b. 23 Apr 1851

����� 94415. Franklin R. Pettit���� �� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Oct 1854

����� 94416. Hannah L. Pettit�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 30 Sept 1856


9442��� MARY GRUBB, second child of Ann Foulke and Curtis Grubb, born 27 Sept 1827, died 14 Jan 1853; married 25 Aug 1850, Joshua Crozier. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94421. Anna G. Crozier���������� ����������������������������������������� b. 14 Dec 1851

������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Jan1852

����� 94422. Lydia H. Crozier��������� ������������������������������������������ b. 14 Dec 1851

d.      4 Aug 1852��


9443��� SAMUEL M. GRUBB, third child of Ann Foulke and Curtis Grubb, born 25 Apr 1829; married 11 Apr 1866, Edith A. Griffith. In 1902, living in Pleasant Grove, ������ Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94431. Anna Bell Grubb������ ��������� b.�� 4 Apr 1870

����� 94432. Gertrude Grubb������� ��������� b. 15 Sept 1872

����� 94433. Mary Elizabeth Grubb������ b. 19 Jul1877


9444��� ELIZABETH GRUBB, fourth child of Ann Foulke and Curtis Grubb, born 30 Nov 1831, died 26 Feb 1851; married, 21 Sept 1849, Samuel Lloyd. They lived in

Kansas City, Missouri. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94441. William G. Lloyd������ �������� b. 18 Aug 1850


9445��� LYDIA H. GRUBB, fifth child of Ann Foulke and Curtis Grubb, born 16 Jul 1834, died 27 Nov 1855; married, 2 Oct 1854, William Raley. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9451��� SAMUEL FOULKE, first child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, died an infant. [Source: Lancaster]


9452��� ANN FOULKE, second child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, died an infant. [Source: Lancaster]


9453��� JOSHUA FOULKE, child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, born 30 May 1823; married Sarah Hatfield. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94531. John Thomas Foulke���� ����������������������������������������� b. 3 Dec 1848

����� 94532. Elizabeth A. Foulke��� ������������������������������������������� b. 1 Feb 1851

����� 94533. Jesse Fremont Foulke��


9454��� MILTON FOULKE, child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, 23 Jan 1826; married Jane Conner.[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94541. Emma Foulke������������������������������������������������������ d. an infant

����� 94542. Viola Foulke������������ ��������������������������������������������� d. an infant

����� 94543. Mary Foulke������������� ������������������������������������������� b. 4 Jun 1858

����� 94544. Serenia Foulke������������������ �� �������������������������������� b. 5 Oct 1861


9455��� PHEBE FOULKE, child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, born 21 Oct 1827; married George Monigold. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94551. Salathael Monigold������

����� 94552. Mary E. Monigold

����� 94553. Sarah J. Monigold

����� 94554. Louisa Monigold���������� ����������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 94555. John Monigold

����� 94556. Irene Monigold


9456��� MARY FOULKE, child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, born 17 Jun 1830; married Martalas Gardner. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94561. Martalas T. Gardner

����� 94562. Milton F. Gardner

����� 94563. Melanethon S. Gardner

����� 94564. Ada May Gardner

����� 94565. India A. Gardner


9457��� NATHAN FOULKE, child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, born 26 Feb 183_; married Martha J. Hartman. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94571. William E. Foulke

����� 94572. John W. Foulke

����� 94573. Nathan W. Foulke

����� 94574. Mary Eva Foulke

����� 94575. Thomas M. Foulke

����� 94576. Silas M. Foulke

����� 94577. Charles M. Foulke

����� 94578. Jennie S. Foulke

����� 94579. Sarah A. Foulke�������� ������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

�� 9457(10). Frank W. Foulke

�� 9457(11). Minnie Foulke���������� ������������������������������������������� d. before 1902


9458��� MILES FOULKE, eighth child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, died an infant. [Source: Lancaster]


9459��� SILAS FOULKE, ninth child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, born 1 Dec 1840; married Catherine Sharon. [Source: Lancaster]




����� 94591. Mattie M. Foulke������� ������������������������������������������ d. before 1902

����� 94592. Augustus L. Foulke

����� 94593. Walter F. Foulke


945(10)ELIZA J. FOULKE, tenth child of Thomas Foulke and Sarah Spencer, died an infant. [Source: Lancaster]����� �����������


9471��� ABRAM COWGILL, child of Jane Foulke and Isaac Cowgill. In 1902, his family was living near Pasadena, California. [Source: Lancaster]


9481��� WILLIAM WILSON, first child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson; married 1. Caroline Wickersham;married 2. Olive Butler. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94811. Marcus Wilson

����� 94812. Mary Wilson

����� 94813. Eva E. Wilson

����� 94814. Caroline Wilson




�� ���94815. Warren Wilson��������� �������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 94816. Lucy Wilson

����� 94817. Martha Wilson�������


9482��� JOSEPH WILSON, second child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9483��� MARTHA WILSON, third child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson. In 1902, she was living in Dublin, Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9484��� JOHN WILSON, fourth child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9485��� ISAAC WILSON, fifth child of Amelia Foulke andJohn Wilson; married Catharine Huston. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9486��� JESSE WILSON, sixth child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson; married and had children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94861. Lizzett Wilson

����� 94862. Charles Wilson�����


9487��� EDITH WILSON, seventh child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson; married _______Morris. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94871. Edith Morris���������� ����������� b. before 1902


9488��� SARAH WILSON, eighth child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson; married ______Winslow. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9489��� HANNAH WILSON, ninth child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


948(10)�� ISRAEL WILSON, tenth child of Amelia Foulke and John Wilson; married Laura Nation [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 948(10)1. Edith Wilson


9491��� MARGARET FOULKE, first child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 13 Dec 1829; married 1. William McNichols; married 2. Thomas Smith of Zanesville, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94911. Annie E. McNichols�����

����� 94912. Mary E. McNichols

����� 94913. Wellington McNichols

����� 94914. Elizabeth McNichols

����� 94915. Oliver A. McNichols

����� 94916. Sylvester McNichols

����� 94917. William S. McNichols

����� 94918. Amanda McNichols




����� 94919. Allen Smith

9492��� ANNE FOULKE, second child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 23 Nov 1831; married Mahlon Smith. They moved to Oklahoma.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94921. Lorenzo D. Smith

����� 94922. Mary E. Smith

����� 94923. Sarah Smith

����� 94924. Margaret E. Smith

����� 94925. Ida M. Smith

����� 94926. Ulysses G. Smith

����� 94927. Rachel J. Smith

����� 94928. Martha E. Smith


9493��� ELLIS FOULKE, third child of Cadwalader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 6 Jul 1834, died 13 Jul 1834. [Source: Lancaster]


9494��� JOHN FOULKE, fourth child of Cadwalader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 6 Jul 1834, died 18 Jan 1835. [Source: Lancaster]


9495��� OLIVER E. FOULKE, third child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 19 Nov 1836; married 1. 12 Oct 1865, Mary A. Hill, died 27 Nov

1890; married 2. 9 Aug 1893, Anna M. Miller.

���� ������ Oliver located in Greenfield, Ohio where he and his son were engaged in the shoe business. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94931. Herman M. Foulke���� ������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jul 1871


9496��� WILLIAM HOOPES FOULKE, fourth child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 26 Sept 1843, died Feb 1865.William enlisted in the Union Army and died in a Confederate prison in Danville, Virginia. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9497��� PARKER FOULKE, fifth child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 29 Aug 1846; married 3 Feb 1869, Mary Clingan. They lived at Macomb, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94951. Charles O. Foulke

����� 94952. Anna L. Foulke


9498��� JOHN K. FOULKE, sixth child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 7 Mar 1850, died 25 Jun 1894; married Nancy Montgomery. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94981. Maud M. Foulke


9499��� MARY E. FOULKE, seventh child of Cadwallader Foulke and Elizabeth Hoopes, born 25 Aug 1852; married James Thornberry. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 94971. Louis Thornberry

����� 94972. Margaret Thornberry


94(10)1�� JOHN B. FOULKE, first child of Jesse Foulke and Mary Baker, born 31 Mar 1844; married 2 Apr 1864, Mary Hodson. In 1902, they were living in Sheridan, Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(10)11. Cora Foulke��������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Apr 1867

�� 94(10)12. Amba Foulke��������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 30 Sept 1869

�� 94(10)13. Francis M. Foulke��� �������������������������������������������� b. 21 Feb 1874

�� 94(10)14. Marvin H. Foulke���� �������������������������������������������� b. 10 May 1884


94(10)2�� GEORGE FOULKE, second child of Jesse Foulke and Mary Baker, born 7 Jun 1845; married 1. 9 Jan 1875 Narcissa A. Wilson, died 30 Jun 1877; married 2. 1 Mar 1879, Mary Frances Underwood. They lived in Noblesville, Indiana. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(10)21. Jesse Alvin Foulke�� �������������������������������������������� b. 6 Nov 1876




�� 94(10)22. Grace Foulke�������� ���������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Feb 1880

�� 94(10)23. Carrie Foulke������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 30 Dec 1881

�� 94(10)24. Alice Foulke�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 30 Oct 1883

�� 94(10)25. Sarah Foulke�������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 13 Mar 1886

�� 94(10)26. Arthur Foulke������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 19 Jan 1894


94(10)3�� SARAH ANN FOULKE, third child of Jesse Foulke and Mary Baker, born 20 Nov 1846; married 26 Feb 1868, William F. McShane. In 1902, they were living in Carmel, Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(10)31. Eva J. McShane����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 24 Jan1869

�� 94(10)32. Nona B. McShane������� ��������������������������������������� b. 15 Aug 1871

�� 94(10)33. Alma F. McShane������� ���������������������������������������� b. 21 Jun 1881

�� 94(10)34. James William McShane���������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Apr 1884

�� 94(10)35. Lena A. McShane������� ���������������������������������������� b. 20 Apr 1887


94(10)4�� WILLIAM FOULKE, fourth child of Jesse Foulke and Mary Baker, born 5 Dec 1847, died 28 May 1877; married 23 Apr 1874, Carrie Garretson.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(10)41. Mary Foulke ������������������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Nov 1875


94(10)5�� AMASA J. FOULKE, fifth child of Jesse Foulke and Mary Baker, born 28 Aug��� 1849; married 1. Lucetta Carlisle, died 16 Nov 1873; married 2. 20 Aug 1877 Belle Linder, died 9 Oct 1887; married 3. 27 Feb 1890, Elizabeth Lee Grant.

��� ������� In 1902 Amasa and Elizabeth were living in Lewisville, Nebraska. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(10)51. Alice Foulke��������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 Jul 1868

����������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Aug 1874

�� 94(10)52. Charles W. Foulke���� ������������������������������������������ b. 14 Aug 1871


94(11)1�� SON WEBSTER, first child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 4 Jul 1825,��� died 4 Jul 1825. [Source: Lancaster]


94(11)2�� ANN WEBSTER, second child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 18 May��� 1826; married John B. Kester. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)11. Horace Kester

�� 94(11)12. Jane Kester

�� 94(11)13. Sumner Kester

�� 94(11)14. John Kester

�� 94(11)15. Phebe Kester

94(11)3�� PHEBE WEBSTER, third child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster; married Robert I. Thomas, died before 1902. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(11)4�� PLUMMER WEBSTER, fourth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 7 May 1829, died in California at the age of 29. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(11)5�� SARAH WEBSTER, fifth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 5 Feb 1831; married Thomas Smith. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)51. Silas Smith���������� ������������������������������������ d. before 1902

�� 94(11)52. Marion Smith��������� ��������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

�� 94(11)53. Mary Smith����������� ���������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

�� 94(11)54. Lendley Smith

�� 94(11)55. Eli Smith


94(11)6�� NATHAN WEBSTER, sixth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born Dec 1832; married 1. Jane Harland; married 2. Eliza Troxler. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)51. Alfred Webster

�� 94(11)52. Phebe Webster




�� 94(11)53. Eli Webster

�� 94(11)54. Eliza Webster


94(11)7�� ELI WEBSTER, seventh child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 16 Aug 1834, died on or about 2 Apr 1865. Eli was a member of the 98th Regiment,

Illinois Volunteers and was killed at the Battle of Selma, Alabama which was fought on the above date. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Strait]


94(11)8�� ELIAS H. WEBSTER, eighth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 23 Mar 1836; married 1. Ruth Ann Hall; married 2. Deborah Jane Engle. They lived in Quaker City, Ohio. Elias was a member of the 98th Regiment, Illinois

Volunteers during the Civil War. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)71. Charles Webster

�� 94(11)72. Frank E. Webster

�� 94(11)73. Annie Webster

�� 94(11)74. Sarah Bell Webster

�� 94(11)75. Walter Webster

�� 94(11)76. Mame Estella Webster


94(11)9�� SILAS F. WEBSTER, ninth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 18 Dec 1839; married Edith Worrall. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)81. Laura Webster�������� �������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

�� 94(11)82. Edward Webster

�� 94(11)83. Adda Webster

�� 94(11)84. Alice M. Webster


94(11)(10) JOHN SIMEON WEBSTER, ninth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, ��������� �������born 12 Dec 1841; married Julia Embrey. They had two children, the second for which we have no name. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(11)91. John Webster

�� 94(11)92. child Webster


94(11)(11) HANNAH WEBSTER, tenth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, born 10������ Nov 1843. She was unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(11)(12) MARY ELLEN WEBSTER, twelfth child of Mercy Foulke and Eli Webster, �������� ������born 10 Feb 1846, died at age 4 (C/D says 18). [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)1�� MARGARET HOOPES, first child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes, died ����before 1902. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)2�� ELIZABETH HOOPES, second child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; ���� ���married ______McClintock. In 1902, they were living in Cherokee, Kansas. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)3�� SARAH HOOPES, third child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; married ______Rhoades. In 1902, they were living in Redlands, California. [Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)4�� SUSAN HOOPES, fourth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes, died before 1902; married ______ Kelly. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)5�� WILLIAM HOOPES, fifth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; married ���Mary Cleary. In 1902, they were living in Vermont, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(12)51. James L. Hoopes

�� 94(12)52. Arthur S. Hoopes

�� 94(12)53. Grace Hoopes

�� 94(12)54. Annie Hoopes

�� 94(12)55. Ralph N. Hoopes

�� 94(12)56. M. Mae Hoopes


94(12)6�� ANN HOOPES, sixth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; married ������� ���������� ����������______Nelson. In 1902, they were living in Lewistown, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster,�������� �� Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)7�� SILAS HOOPES, seventh child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes. In 1902, he was living in Hutchinson, Kansas. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)8�� ELLIS HOOPES, eighth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes, died before 1902 in Vermont, Illinois; he was married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)9�� RUTH HOOPES, ninth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; married ����� ���______Frazier. In 1902, they were living in Viola, Wisconsin. [Lancaster,������ �� Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)(10)MARY HOOPES, tenth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes; married ______Brown. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)(11)JOHN HOOPES, eleventh child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes. In 1902, he was living in Ipave, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


94(12)(12)HENRY HOOPES, twelfth child of Grace Foulke and Ellis Hoopes. In 1902, ������ �������he was living in Vermont, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]�����������


94(14)1�� SILAS FOULKE, first child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 30 May 1841; married 1. Jane Cade; married 2. Sarah Trimmer. In 1902, they were living in Cory, Indiana. [Source: Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(14)11. Charles C. Foulke




�� 94(14)12. Jesse Foulke

�� 94(14)13. Archie Foulke

�� 94(14)14. John Foulke

�� 94(14)15. Barney Foulke

�� 94(14)16. Catherine Foulke

�� 94(14)17. Mary Foulke

�� 94(14)18. William D. Foulke

�� 94(14)19. Homer Foulke

94(14)1(10). Ruby Foulke

94(14)1(11). Asbury Foulke


94(14)2�� DAVID H. FOULKE, second child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 23 ������� ��June 1842, died 1878; married Caroline Fagin. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(14)21. Edna Foulke��������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 1871

�������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 1898


94(14)3�� EDWIN A. FOULKE, third child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 8 Jun 1844; married 1. Phebe A. Kester; married 2. Margaret Kylander. In 1902, they were living in Saline City, Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(14)31. Fanny Pearl Foulke

�� 94(14)32. Chauncey Foulke

�� 94(14)33. Malinda Foulke

�� 94(14)34. Harry Foulke

�� 94(14)35. William Foulke

�� 94(14)36. Basel Foulke


94(14)4WILLIAM P. FOULKE, fourth child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 12��� Jun 1845; married 1. 25 Sept 1870, Laura Harper, born 11 Jun 1846, died 4 Jun 1872; married 2. 24 Jun 1877, Eliza J. Donham, born 6 (5?) Dec 1860. In 1902, they were living in Knightstown, Indiana. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(14)41. Blanch Foulke������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul 1871




�� 94(14)42. Anna D. Foulke���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 Jul1878

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Mar 1900

�� 94(14)43. Nellie M. Foulke���� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jun 1880

�� 94(14)44. Mabel A. Foulke����� �������������������������������������������� b. 21 Jun 1887

�� 94(14)45. Carroll L. Foulke��� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Mar 1895


94(14)5�� PHEBE A. FOULKE, fifth child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 1847; married 1. James Rector; married 2. Charles G. Rector. In 1902, Phebe and her second husband were living in Cory, Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 94(14)51. Charles Rector

�� 94(14)52. Edwin Rector

�� 94(14)53. Claude Rector

�� 94(14)54. Gertrude Rector

�� 94(14)55. Maude Rector


94(14)6�� MARY FOULKE, sixth child of John Foulke and Sarah Hartley, born 1861; married Oliver E. Stewart. In 1902, Mary and Oliver were living in Lewisville,

Indiana. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



[Source: F. Beers, Map of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania 1872]


9611��� SARAH McCARTY, first child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born 3 Dec 1828, died May 1855, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox

Township, Pennsylvania. She never married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]


9612��� JOHN PARDOE McCARTY, second child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born 3 Jun 1831, died in Hudson, Iowa, 12 Jun 1885; married, 21 Sept 1859,

Sarah M. Molyneux, daughter of Edward Molyneux and Rebecca Bird, born 20 Mar 1837, died in Hudson, Iowa, Sept 1914.

���� ������ They lived on a farm on McCarty Ridge until John's health failed. They then moved to Hudson, Iowa where John died a few years later.�� After John's death, Sarah married, 25 Dec 1886, Daniel Walters, born 13 Feb 1832.

���� ������ Sarah's mother, Rebecca (Bird) Molyneux was believed to have been the first white child born in what would later become Sullivan County.[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Molyneux I, II & III, LMW]


9613��� JESSE R. McCARTY, third child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 8 Mar 1833, died 15 Feb 1920; married, 23 Apr 1857, Ellen E. Corbin, daughter of Chauncy and Violaty Corbin, died 5 Feb 1909.

���� ������ They owned the farm on McCarty Ridge adjoining that of his brother, Job. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




���� 96131. Melvina E. McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b. 19 Jun 1858

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 May 1913

���� 96132. Lloyd L. McCarty����� �������������������������������������������� b. 30 Aug 1859

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Aug 1940

���� 96133. Orrin H. McCarty������� ������������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul�� 1862

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 May 1934

���� 96134. William L. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 27 Feb 1864

������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 18 Sept1930

���� 96135. Jennie V. McCarty������ ������������������������������������������ b.�� 8 Oct 1865

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Dec 1965

���� 96136. Anna S. McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 13 Jul 1867

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Jun 1942

���� 96137. Minnie A. McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Oct 1869

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.����� Oct 1956

���� 96138. George P. McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b. 31 May 1871

���� 96139. Hepburn O. McCarty����� ��������������������������������������� b. 13 Jul�� 1873

��������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 May 1939

9613(10). Clinton P. McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 8 Nov 1876

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Mar 1939



9614��� ABEL C. McCARTY, fourth child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 8 Aug 1835, died Apr 1921, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County; married, 14 Jan 1864, Julia A. Black, child of James and Margaret Black, born 15 Jun 1842, died 16 Mar 1926, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township.

���� ������ They owned the farm, which was located between that of Fredrick McCarty and Theodore C. Heess. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96141. Orwell A. McCarty������ ���������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jun 1869

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Apr 1893

����� 96142. Katharine McCarty������ ����������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Jun 1872

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Oct 1931

����� 96143. Julia Elma McCarty����������� ��������������������������������� b. 19 Jan1877

����������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1929�����������


9615��� JOSEPH C. McCARTY, fifth child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 22 May 1837, died 26 Oct 1878; married 1. 24 Aug 1859, Adaline Rundell, child of Harrison and Mary Rundell, born 11 Aug 1837, died 13 Jun 1866; married 2. 6 Apr 1869, Clementine Little, born 13 Jun 1838. [Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Streby]




����� 96151. Ida May McCarty��������� ��������������� ����������������������� b. 25 Dec 1861

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 May 1885

����� 96152. M. Elizabeth McCarty���� �������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Aug 1864

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Dec 1885

����� 96153. William H. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Apr 1866

����� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Jun 1947




����� 96154. Clayton A. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 20 Feb 1872

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 Aug 1876

����� 96155. Ruie Isabel McCarty����� ���������������������������������������� b. 15 Jul�� 1875

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 10 Apr 1876


9616��� Job McCarty, sixth child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 19 Dec 1837, died 1929, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County; married, 13 Nov 1872, Georgianna Molyneux, child of James Molyneux and Esther Tomlinson, born 4 Oct 1852, died 1944, buried in the Elkland Friends Burial Ground.

���� ������ Job and Georgia lived on the Aaron McCarty homestead.Job was apparently both active in local politics and vocal in his beliefs.�� In the Press and Standard, Saturday March 1, 1873, vol.1, no.15, we find:


Following officers elected in County last Friday:


Elkland:��������� Judge of elections������ Allen Little

����������������������� Inspectors������������������� Job McCarty

����������������������������������������������������������� S. Bryan

����������������������� Justice of the Peace��� W.C. Marsden

����������������������� Constable������������������� N.C. Pardoe

����������������������� School Directors�������� Theodore Heess

����������������������������������������������������������� J. Pardoe

����������������������� Supervisors���������������� William Whiteley

����������������������������������������������������������� Joseph McCarty

����������������������� Assessor��������������������� J.W. Pardoe


����������� Then, in The Review, December 14, 1882, vol.5, no.42:


����������� The Republican party is still being reinforced in this part of the county, the young Republican having recently taken up his abode with Job McCarty in this place. But we think he will hardly count one for Blaine in 1884.


����������� In 1917, Job sold the farm to his son Francis but remained living there with his wife and spending winters in Vestal, New York.

���� ������ On November 13, 1922, they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary when many who had attended the wedding in 1872 were present. [Carrell/Dungan, Molyneux I, II, III, Heess]




����� 96161. James Irvin McCarty��� ����������������������������������������� b. 16 Nov 1873

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Nov 1873

����� 96162. Carlton Donald McCarty���� ���������������������������������� b. 4 May 1875

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Feb 1908

����� 96163. Gordon Lyman McCarty������ �������������������������������� b.�� 5 Sept 1877

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 May 1901

����� 96164. Nellie Lulu McCarty���� ����������������������������������������� b. 19 May 1880

����������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Aug 1972

����� 96165. John Leslie McCarty������ ��������������������������������������� b. 23 Nov 1882

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Jun1910

����� 96166. Ralph Parker McCarty��� �������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Feb 1886

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1978

����� 96167. Rush Roberts McCarty��� �������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Aug 1888

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1985

����� 96168. Francis Molyneux McCarty�� �������������������������������� b. 27 Apr 1891

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Sept 1972

����� 96169. Grace McCarty���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 18 Dec 1892

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Feb 1893

�� 9616(10). Helen Ruth McCarty������� ������������������������ b. 22 Nov 1894

�� 9616(11). Esther McCarty��������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 1 May 1897

����������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Jun 1897


9617��� Ellen McCarty, seventh child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born 14 Jan 1842, died 1906; she was unmarried.

����������� Ellen taught at the Friends School in Elkland Township, Sullivan County for many years. She lived with her sister, Elizabeth, wife of Theodore C. Heess. [Lancaster,

Carrell/Dungan, Heess]


9618��� ELIZABETH McCARTY, eighth child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 16 Aug 1844, died 4 Mar 1937, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married, 29 Mar 1871, Theodore C. Heess, child of Christian and Dorothea Heess, born in Connstadt, near Stuttgart, in the Kingdom of Wurttemberg, Germany, 4 Feb 1845, died 6 Oct 1916, buried in the Elkland Friends Burial Ground.

���� ������ Theodore came to America in 1852 with his parents, three brothers and two sisters, when he was seven years old. He purchased a heavily-timbered piece of land adjoining his father's farm, and by very hard work he cleared it of the timber, stumps and stones and developed one of the best farms in that section. He had a power mill and ground all the grain for his livestock. He also had a blacksmith shop where he did all of his shoeing and repair work. Theodore's death, at the age of 72, was caused by a fall from an apple tree.

����������� The following item from The Review, November 16, 1882, vol.5, no.38, testifies to this family�s character:


����������� A correspondent from Elkland sends us the following communication:


����������� A little lad, apparently in very destitute circumstances, appeared at the home of Theodore Heess in Elkland on the evening of the first inst. He was taken in, and kindly cared for by the inmates. And, as he is a promising looking little chap, when �fixed up a bit� he will probably be retained in the family. It is hoped that he will show his gratitude to his benefactors by continuing in his present good behavior. Weight � lbs .net.


���� ������ Theodore and Elizabeth were consistent members of the Society of Friends and were an inspiration to their children who greatly admired them. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96181. Albert F. Heess�������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jan 1872

������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Jul1957

����� 96182. John Karl Heess�������� ������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jan 1873

����� 96183. Henry A. Heess��������� ������������������������������������������� b. 20 Aug 1875

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Oct 1945

����� 96184. Walter J. Heess�������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jun 1879

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 1 Aug 1880

����� 96185. Robert T. Heess�������� ������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Nov 1883

����� 96186. Nellie M. Heess�������� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Aug 1885

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 27 Jan1954


9619��� THOMAS McCARTY, ninth child of Aaron McCarty and Elizabeth Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 1 Aug 1848, died 7 Jun 1914; married, 13 Oct 1876, Myrtle Verdella Grange, child of John and Eliza Grange.

���� ������ Thomas owned a farm on McCarty Ridge near those of his brothers. Myrtle was an aunt of the football hero, "Red" Grange. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96191. Edna McCarty����������� ������������������������������������������� b. 28 Sept 1877

��������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 May 1880

����� 96192. Russell McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jul�� 1879

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 May 1956

����� 96193. Elizabeth M. McCarty��� ��������������������������������������� b. 25 May 1881

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Nov 1942

����� 96194. Jessie McCarty��������� �������������������������������������������� b. 25 May 1884

����� 96195. Lee H. McCarty��������� ������������������������������������������ b. 15 Aug 1886

����� 96196. Merton McCarty��������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Jul�� 1889

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Dec 1955�������


9641��� JAMES KITELEY, first child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 20 Sept 1832, died in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 31 Dec 1885; married Isabel Jane Hughes. James was raised in Hamilton. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96411. Elizabeth Ann Kiteleyb. 28 Feb 1860


9642��� ELLEN KITELEY, second child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 1 Oct 1834; married William Clayton. They settled in Phelps, New York.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96421. Albert Clayton�������� ���������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 96422. Elizabeth Clayton����� ��������������������������������������������� d. before 1902

����� 96423. Emma Clayton

����� 96424. Isabel Clayton

����� 96425. Joseph Clayton

����� 96426. Martha Clayton

����� 96427. William Clayton

����� 96428. Leila Clayton


9643��� MARY KITELEY, third child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 1 Mar 1837, died 1 Jan 1912; buried in Friends Southwestern Burial Ground,

Philadelphia married, 20 Mar 1873, Parvin Masters, son of David and Mary Masters, born 29 Jul 1819, died Jul 1901, buried in the Friends Southwestern Burial Ground.

���� ������ They lived in the same building, which was occupied by the Friends Book Store, 302 Street, Philadelphia. Parvin had charge of the Friends Meeting House, located at 3rd and Arch Streets in Philadelphia. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96431. Arthur H. Masters����� ������������������������������������������� b. 15 Feb 1874

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Mar 1939

����� 96432. Narcissa E. Masters��� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 4 Aug 1876

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 30 Jun1944

����� 96433. Margaret P. Masters��� ������������������������������������������ b. 25 Mar 1884


9644��� ISAAC KITELEY, fourth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 9 Apr 1839; married Phebe Hughes. They lived in Skirton (Stirton?) Ontario, Canada. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96441. Joseph R. Kiteley

����������� 96442. Catharine Kiteley

����������� 96443. William Kiteley

����������� 96444. James J. Kiteley

����������� 96445. Frank Kiteley

����������� 96446. Isabel Kiteley

����������� 96447. Walter Kiteley


9645��� JOEL KITELEY, fifth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 7 May 1842; married Isabel Butterworth. They lived in Moorefield, Ontario, Canada (about 20 miles northwest of Kitchener). [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96451. Hiram Kiteley

����� 96452. Iva J. Kiteley

����� 96453. James Kiteley

����� 96454. Thomas Kiteley

����� 96455. Henry Kiteley

����� 96456. Sedgwick Kiteley


9646��� MARTHA J. KITELEY, sixth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 2 Jun 1844; married John Doyle. They lived in Elvira, Ontario, Canada [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96461. Louisa Doyle

����� 96462. Elizabeth Doyle

����� 96463. John A. Doyle

����� 96464. Mary Doyle

����� 96465. Martha Doyle

����� 96466. Phebe Doyle

����� 96467. Henry Doyle

����� 96468. Stanley Doyle

����� 96469. William Doyle


9647��� ELIZABETH A. KITELEY, seventh child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born 14 Oct 1847; married John Harrison. They lived in Stirton, Ontario, Canada. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96471. William Harrison

����� 96472. Alberta Harrison

����� 96473. Stanley Harrison


9648��� JOSEPH J. KITELEY, eighth child of Elizabeth McCarty and Joseph Kiteley, born, Bradford, Ontario, Canada, 14 May 1849, died in Bradford, 12 Jun 1909; married, 18 Feb 1878, Eleanor Lynd, daughter of Joseph Lynd and Jane Maconchy, born 9 Jul 1855, died after1927.Joseph lived on the old homestead in Bradford for his entire life. Eleanor was still living there in 1927 but planned a move to Toronto in the spring of 1928. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96481. William Kiteley������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 10 Feb 1879

����� 96482. Jennie M. Kiteley����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 18 Jan 1882

����� 96483. Helen Kiteley��������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 10 Aug 1886

����� 96484. Elizabeth L. Kiteley�� ��������������������������������������������� b. 12 Dec 1893

����� 96485. Marjorie E. Kiteley��� �������������������������������������������� b. 18 May 1900


9651��� JOHN PARDOE, first child of Jane McCarty and William Pardoe, born 6 Apr 1839; married 1. 24 May 1871, Celinda Glidewell, born 7 Dec 1847, died 11 May 1895; married 2. Harriet Little. They lived in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96511. Laura M. Pardoe����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 24 Nov 1881

����� 96512. May E. Pardoe������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 19 Aug 1883


9652��� ALBERT PARDOE, second child of Jane McCarty and William Pardoe, born 9 Sept 1841, died, Eldredsville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 13 (15) Mar 1884; married 1. 1 Jan 1867, Susanna Brenchley, child of James and Hannah Brenchley, died 1867; married 2. Ellen E. Norton, child of George and Densey Norton, born 5 Oct 1847.������������������ ���������������������������������

���� ������ They lived in Eldredsville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96521. Ira J. Pardoe������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 16 Nov 1867


9653��� JOSEPH PARDOE, third child of Jane McCarty and William Pardoe, born 30 Mar 1845; married 1. 25 May 1871, Eliza Ann Molyneux, daughter of John Molyneux and Martha Sadler, born 23 Sept 1838, died 13 May 1882; married 2. 18 Apr 1883, Mary Kelder.

���� ������ They lived in Eldredsville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Joseph must have been very active in community affairs, for we find this amusing item in the Press and Standard, Saturday, July 12, 1873, vol.1, no.34:


����������� The citizens of Elkland vicinity assembled in a beautiful grove on the premises of Joseph Pardoe and enjoyed a picnic dinner with the �feast of reason and flow of soul,� which is usual at such gatherings. We understand that Judge Bedford was among the speakers, but the names of the others we are unable to give. Several of our correspondents must have been on the grounds, but why they have not reported we are unable to say. If we did not know Elkland in general, and our correspondents in particular, to be sound on the temperance question, we should suspect that they had not recovered from the festivities of the day.


���������� There were no children from either marriage. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Molyneux I]


9654��� JOEL PARDOE, fourth child of Jane McCarty and William Pardoe, born 30 Sept 1847, died 18 Sep1870. [This entry is found only in Lancaster]


9655��� MARY E. PARDOE, fifth child of Jane McCarty and William Pardoe, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 8 May 1849; married, 15 Oct 1874,

Frank Barnes, child of Robinson and Amanda Barnes, born 15 Oct 1874.

���� ������ They lived in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]������������������������������������




����� 96551. Jane Barnes����������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 15 Aug 1875

����� 96552. Martha Barnes��������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 Jan 1878

����� 96553. William Barnes�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 15 Feb 1883


9661��� JOSHUA R. McCARTY, first child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 26 Nov 1838, died 22 May 1901, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County; married 1. 23 Oct 1867, Sarah Ann Taylor, born 7 Aug 1846, died 6 Mar 1870, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan County; married 2. 7 Oct 1875, at Falls Monthly Meeting (Primitive), Cynthia Battin, child of Samuel and Catherine Battin, born 2 Nov 1852, died 1919, buried in Elkland Friends Burial Ground. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, gravestones]




����� 96611. Silas T. McCarty������ �������������������������������������������� b. 29 Jul 1868

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.����������� 1942

����� 96612. Taylor S. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 6 Mar 1870




����� 96613. Samuel McCarty�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 14 Feb 1877
Editor's Note: You can learn more at Sidebar: Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel and Cora Smith McCarty

����� 96614. Edward McCarty�������� ����������������������������������������� b. 21 May 1879

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Apr1887

����� 96615. Joseph H. McCarty����� ����������������������������������������� b. 26 May 1881

������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1940

����� 96616. Sumner F. McCarty **����� ����������������������������������������� b. 20 Nov 1884

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Apr1950

** Editor's Note: You can find out more about Sumner Francis McCarty in The McCarty Family section of Faces and Families of Old Sullivan County, Group Three.


9662��� LYDIA McCARTY, second child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, died before 1902. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]


9663��� JAMES W. McCARTY, third child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born 8 Feb 1843, died 12 Oct 1909, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; never married.��

�� �������� James lived with his brother Francis. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, gravestone]


9664��� ELVIRA M. McCARTY, fourth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 19 Apr 1846, died 20 (13?) Feb 1913; married 27 Dec 1865, Joel L. Molyneux, child of Edward Molyneux and Rebecca Bird, born 10 Feb 1835, died 14 (15?) Dec 1915.

���� ������ Joel was a veteran of the Civil War and was cited by his colonel for special acts of bravery. His letters and diaries have been wonderfully chronicled by Kermit Molyneux Bird, in Quill of the Wild Goose.Joel�s mother, Rebecca Bird, is said to have been the first white person to be born in what was to become Sullivan County. [see Molyneaux notes]

���� ������ Both Elvira and Joel were teachers. In later years, Elvira was much esteemed in the community as a nurse. They lived in Millview, Sullivan County. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Molyneaux I, II & III]




����� 96641. Martha Arloa Molyneux����� ����������������������������������� b. 20 Feb 1867

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Nov 1872

����� 96642. Mary Alice Molyneux������� ������������������������ b.�� 9 Sept 1869

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Dec 1949

����� 96643. Rosa Adele Molyneux������� ����������������������������������� b. 24 Apr 1871

��������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Aug 1958

����� 96644. John Robert Molyneux������ ������������������������ b. 29 Jun 1873

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Oct 1947

����� 96645. Charles Ross Molyneux����� ����������������������������������� b. 29 May 1876

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 24 Apr 1886

����� 96646. David Silas Molyneux������ ������������������������� b. 11 Oct 1878

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 14 Oct 1951

����� 96647. Wardner Kenneth Molyneux�� ������������������������������� b. 12 Apr 1881

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 Sept 1969

����� 96648. Marion Winifred Molyneux�� ��������������������������������� b. 28 Apr 1883

��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Nov 1969



(Source: Molyneux I)


9665��� LORENZO McCARTY, fifth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]


9666��� RACHEL McCARTY, sixth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 17 Apr 1849, died 20 Sept 1912; married 1. 1876, John Annable, son of John and Rachel Annable, died 1940; married 2. 1885, Jesse Everett, born 1848, died 1928. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96661. John Annable��������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 23 Oct 1879

������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. an infant




����� 96662. Alma H. Everett������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jun 1886

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 28 May 1953

����� 96663. Mildred Everett������ ���������������������������������������������� b. 19 Jun 1891

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 4 Dec 1979

����� 96664. Florence Everett����� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 May 1893


9667��� ROSALINDA McCARTY, seventh child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born 24 (25?) Sept 1852, died 24 (3?) Feb 1896, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married, 1885, Edward Grundy Rogers, son of Jonathan Rogers and Elizabeth Huckell, born 9 Oct 1849, died Jul 1924.

���� ������ Edward was a farmer and lumberman and served as a member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature from 1900-1903. They lived at Lincoln Falls, Sullivan County. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




����� 96671. Daisy G. Rogers������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 28 Oct 1886

����� 96672. Bessie Rogers�������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 7 Mar 1888

����� 96673. Frank G. Rogers������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 28 Jun 1889

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.����������� 1905

����� 96674. Ruth M. Rogers������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jun 1891

����� 96675. Raymond D. Rogers���� ����������������������������������������� b. 11 Jul 1892

����������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� d.����������� 1949

����� 96676. Robert Curtis Rogers������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Jan 1895

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 17 Oct 1918


9668��� FRANCIS H. McCARTY, eighth child of Silas McCarty and Sarah Annable, born 4 Apr 1856, died 29 Aug 1919, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married M. Louzina Rogers, child of Jonathan Rogers and Elizabeth Huckell, born 17 Jan 1857, died 30 May 1920, buried in the Elkland Friends Burial Ground.

���� They lived on the farm previously owned by Francis' father, Silas.����




����� 96681. Charles McCarty����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 24 Sept 1882

����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������������������������� d. 29 Apr 1891

����� 96682. Serena McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 29 Aug 1886

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 5 Jun 1939

����� 96683. Marian McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b. 26 Apr 1892


9671��� HARRIET McCARTY, first child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 17 Jan 1841, died in Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Jun 1922; married, 20 Sept 1860, John S. Brown, son of George and Mary Brown, died 1921.

���� ������ John was a farmer on Coon Hill in Elkland Township. Before he was of age he purchased a large tract of virgin forest and began to prepare for a home by cutting timber and rolling the logs into great piles and burning them. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]




����� 96711. Francis L. Brown������ �������������������������������������������� b.�� 3 Sept 1861

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Dec 1885

����� 96712. Effie A. Brown�������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 25 Jan 1863

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Oct 1865

����� 96713. Delbert L. Brown������ ������������������������������������������� b. 13 Apr 1865

����������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Mar 1921

����� 96714. Allen Newton Brown�������� ������������������������ b. 17 Nov 1867

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 26 Aug 1897

����� 96715. Bertha A. Brown������� ������������������������������������������� b. 31 Oct 1869

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Jul1955

����� 96716. L. Jane Brown��������� ��������������������������������������������� b. 11 Feb 1872

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.����� May 1932

����� 96717. Elizabeth E. Brown���� ������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Sept 1875

����� 96718. Charles Wesley Brown������ ����������������������������������� b.�� 3 Sept 1877

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Jul1940

����� 96719. Clarkson Shepard Brown���� ��������������������������������� b.�� 6 Mar 1879

����������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Dec 1959


9672��� DAVID McCARTY, second child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 24 Feb 1842, died there, Nov 1900;

married Lydia Fawcett, daughter of John and Phebe Fawcett.

����������� Their home in Sullivan County was near that of David's parents, located halfway between the Elkland Campgrounds and Campbellsville. Only the foundation remains on an overgrown lot. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]




����� 96721. Mary Elizabeth McCarty�������������������������������������� b. 24 Jun 1873

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 19 Feb 1913

����� 96722. Nelson Joel McCarty������ �������������������������������������� b. 12 Feb 1874

����� 96723. Estella Minerva McCarty��� ����������������������������������� d. 13 Jun1958

����� 96724. Cora Belle McCarty�������� ������������������������������������� b. 16 Jun1881

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Nov 1965

����� 96725. Ada Bertha McCarty����� ��������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Aug 1884

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Jun 1939


9673��� MARY ELIZABETH McCARTY, third child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born 24 Aug 1843, died 11 Apr 1864; married, 19 Sept 1860, George Brown. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]




����� 96731. Jane Brown





9674��� VINCENT McCARTY, fourth child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born Feb 1845. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]


9675��� LEWIS McCARTY, fifth child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 21 Sept 1846, died 10 Feb 1905, buried in the Warburton Hill Cemetery, Sullivan County; married 1. 1 Jan 1883, Angeline Bird, daughter of Charles Bird and Harriet Molyneux, born 29 Mar 1852, died 2 Mar 1898, buried in the Warburton Hill Cemetery; married 2. Lucy Bird, child of Powell Bird and Sarah Molyneux, born 1846.

����������� Lewis and his first wife built a home in Forks Township, Sullivan County on "a knoll between Winifred Clarks and Clifford Molyneux�s, on the left side of the road."Because lightning kept striking the hose, they built another home in 1888. This one was "down in the valley about a quarter of a mile south of Vernon Broschart's, on the west side of the road across from the stone row on the Broschart's property."

����������� The children all attended the Pleasant Valley School "now owned by Robert Caldwell and Ned Selwyn.�

����������� Lewis' brother Septer never married and lived most of his life with them. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Molyneux I, II & III, Woodhead, Joel McCarty chart]




����� 96751. Rosalinda McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 13 Feb 1884

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 11 Apr 1898

����� 96752. Charles B. McCarty�������� ������������������������������������� b. 30 Apr 1886

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 25 Feb 1905

����� 96753. Lillian McCarty������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 31 May 1888

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Jan�� 1907

����� 96754. Harriet McCarty����������� ���������������������������������������� b. 23 Mar 1890

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1953

����� 96755. Joel C. McCarty����������� ���������������������������������������� b. 24 Mar 1893

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������ 1972

����� 96756. Mary Alice McCarty��������������������������������������������� b. 17 Jul1896



9676��� CHESTER McCARTY, sixth child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born 7 Nov 1848, died 16 Sept 1876; he was unmarried.

����������� Family tradition tells that Chester went off to fight for the Union Army during the Civil War and never returned home. After his death, the family had to ship his body home, at great expense, but we have no record of burial location. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]


9677��� JOHN SYLVESTER McCARTY, seventh child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 16 Nov 1850, died in Michigan, 23 Jun 1909; married 1. 1874, Mary Jane Lemma, died 1875; married 2. 1876, Laura Jane Monroe (Nichols), born 1847, died 1900.

���� ������ John Sylvester moved to Michigan while a young man and spent the rest of his life there. His first wife died in 1875, probably in childbirth or complications thereof. His first child, Ellen was then raised by Cynthia (Monroe) McCall, possibly the sister of John's second wife, Laura Jane Monroe. ���

����������� It seems that there were four moves: Ellen was born in Otisville, Lapeer County, Michigan where she was raised by Cynthia McCall; the next two children were born in or near Mt. Clemens (now a suburb of Detroit), Macomb County, Michigan; the next two were born In or near Columbiaville, Lapeer County, Michigan, some fifty miles northwest of Mt. Clemens; and, finally, in 1891, the whole family moved to Ironwood, Gogebic County, Michigan on the far northwestern tip, at the Wisconsin border. They also possible lived for a time in Otter Lake, Lapeer County, just prior to moving to Ironwood. While they were living in Otisville, John's brother, Wells was also. At least one of Wells' children, Mabel, was born there.

����������� Ken McCarty tells us that John Sylvester was deaf in later years. He was walking to work on the railroad track. He did not hear the train coming. The engineer said he looked back just as they hit him. He was killed instantly. His wife, Laura Jane Monroe McCarty, was walking across the family pasture in Ironwood. Their bull attacked and gored her. John went to the rescue and dragged her out while beating the bull between the eyes with a two by four. He managed to save her life, but she was confined to a wheel chair. She died at the age of 47.

[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead, funeral card]




����� 96771. Ellen Rosalinda McCarty���������������������� b.�� 6 Oct 1875




����� 96772. Arthur Allen McCarty������� ����������������������� b. 10 Oct 1877

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Jan1962�����������

����� 96773. Martha Jane McCarty�������� ����������������������������������� b. 28 Mar 1880

���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ d. 17 Jul�� 1924

����� 96774. Clarence Sylvester McCarty�������������������������������� b. 19 Mar 1882

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 21 Jan1970

����� 96775. Lulu Maude McCarty��������� ���������������������������������� b. 27 Jan�� 1885

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Mar 1964





9678��� SEPTER McCARTY, eighth child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born 17 Apr 1853. Septer never married and lived all of his life with various relatives in Forks and Elkland Townships in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. It seems odd that no record of his death or burial place exists, though it is likely to be the Warburton Hill Cemetery.

����������� Uncle Sept lived most of the time with the family of his brother Lewis. The story is told of the night At Lewis�s farm that the lightning during a storm was so forceful that it knocked Septer right out of bed. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]


9679 �� WELLS McCARTY, ninth child of Joel McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 15 Mar 1855, died in Otisville, Michigan, 19 Apr 1922, buried in the Smith Hill Cemetery, just south of Otisville on State Route M15; married 1. 1876, Minerva Fawcett, daughter of John and Phebe Fawcett, born 1853, died in Michigan, 1896; married 2. in Otisville, Michigan, 1898, Lucy Ranney.

���� ������ He moved to Lapeer County, Michigan shortly after marrying his first wife where he worked on a farm for a short time. Soon after he purchased a farm in that county and worked it for about six years. While he was living in Lapeer County, so also was his brother, John Sylvester, who moved to Ironwood, Michigan in 1891. Wells later sold the farm to buy one in Genesee County, Michigan, where he lived for nearly fifteen years. He then traded that farm for one in Lapeer County, Michigan where he lived until March 1922 when he moved to Otisville, Michigan, only to die a month later. He and his family were members of the Free Methodist Church, which he joined early in life. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead, Smith MS]







����� 96791. Leonard R. McCarty��� ����������������������������������������� b. 14 Jun 1879

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Mar 1956

����� 96792. Mabel C. McCarty����� ������������������������������������������ b. 24 Mar 1884

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 2 Apr 1955

����� 96793. Fred J. McCarty������ ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Mar 1886

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 May 1946

����� 96794. Nellie B. McCarty���� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 5 Jan�� 1889

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d.�� 5 May 1915




����� 96795. Lena G. McCarty������ ������������������������������������������� b. 16 Jan 1899


967(10)�� DOCTOR FREMONT McCARTY, tenth child of Joel McCarty and Ann ��� ����Woodhead, born in Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 20 Apr 1857, died Forksville, Pennsylvania, 6 May 1921, buried, Forksville Cemetery; married 1. 3 Mar 1887, Mary Jane "Jennie" Osler, daughter of J.M. Osler and Julia Brown,

died in childbirth, 1888; married 2. 3 Jul 1893, in Waverly, New York, Bessie Irene Lee, daughter of Uriah Lee and Lucelia Lenox, born in Evergreen, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1 Oct 1872, died in Johnson City, New York, 26 Nov 1946, buried in the Forksville Cemetery, 29 Nov 1946.

����������� For a biographical sketch and some of the writings of "Doc" McCarty, see DOCTOR FREMONT MCCARTY: AN APPRECIATION. For background on Bessie�s family, see SOME NOTES ON THE LEE FAMILY.

����������� The family lived for many years on the farm on McCarty Ridge in Elkland Township. After Doc died, the farm became too much of a burden to maintain. Only the two youngest children, Benjamin and Donovan, were living at home to help their mother run the farm.






Late in 1925, the farm was sold and its contents put up for auction. Donovan McCarty describes what happened next:�������������������� �����������

����������� After the farm was sold, my mother and I went to live with Sadie Rogers down at Lincoln Falls. Her husband had died - that was Ed Rogers. And we were there that winter. Ben was there for a while then went �������� to Endicott. Roscoe, meanwhile, had come to Endicott to work in the tannery. After that winter, mother was looking for work, and she heard about this place out in Harrison Valley, Pennsylvania, out in Potter County. ��������� There was this quite wealthy family; they were looking for someone to be a housekeeper and to care for the lady of the house who wasn't well at all. Mother got the job and I stayed with her at the home of this ����� woman's at Mills, Pennsylvania. We were there a year and they finally put the lady in a home, in an institution. Well, my mother went to Buffalo to work. Someone got her a job as a housekeeper.

����������� After a time she came back to Endicott here and she went to work at the Susquehanna Valley Home in Binghamton. She was one of the matrons in the boys' building. She lived right at the home. When she wanted to retire, she came to Union and kept an apartment for Ben and I. Ben got married first. After Ben got married, mother and I had a little apartment over here on West Main Street.


����������� After Donovan was married, Bessie lived alternately with the families of her children. At the time of her death she was living with her daughter, Gladys McCarty Bailey and her family in Westover, New York. [Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead, DCM]




�� 967(10)1. Clarissa Belle McCarty�� ���������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1894

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Nov 1921

�� 967(10)2. Emery Grundy McCarty���� ���������� ����������������������� b. 30 Jan1898

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. Oct�� 1952

�� 967(10)3. Gladys Maude McCarty���� ���������������������������������� b. 22 Jul�� 1901

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Mar 1965

�� 967(10)4. Roscoe Vernon McCarty��� ��������������������������������� b.�� 4 Jan�� 1904

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 15 Mar 1953

�� 967(10)5. Benjamin Purl McCarty��� ������������������������ b. 11 Nov 1907

������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 8 Mar 1970

�� 967(10)6. Donovan Champ McCarty��� ������������������������������� b. 11 Jun 1911


967(11)�� ROSALINDA (ROSALIND ELLEN) McCARTY, eleventh child of Joel ��� ���McCarty and Ann Woodhead, born in Forksville, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 28 Mar 1860, died 1 Nov 1884; married 30 May 1879, John Wesley Brown, son of Charles and Sarah Brown' born 15 Mar 1859, died 3 Jan 1935.

����������� After their marriage, John and Rosalinda built a home near Lincoln Falls on the land later owned by Lynwood Cott and the home by the Croman family. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Woodhead]





�� 967(11)1. Sarah Ann Brown���������� ������������������������������������� b. 23 Apr 1880

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� d. 15 Jun 1934�����

�� 967(11)2. Elsie Jane Brown�������� ����������������������������������������� b.�� 6 Dec 1881

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 17 Nov 1925

�� 967(11)3. Clara Winifred Brown������ ����������������������������������� b. ��6 Sept 1886

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 28 Mar 1948


96(10)1�� CHRISTINA SCHILL, first child of Sarah McCarty and George Schill, born 3 Jul 1867; married 29 Oct 1890, John Cook, son of William Cook and Martha Bradley. They lived near Downingtown, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




�� 96(10)11. Elizabeth B. Cook��� �������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Oct 1894

�� 96(10)12. John W. Cook�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 10 Jun 1896

�� 96(10)13. George M. Cook������ ������������������������������������������ b. 12 Sept 1898

�� 96(10)14. Alice Lillian Cook�� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Nov 1908


96(11)1�� FREDERICK O. McCARTY, first child of Thomas McCarty and Chloe ����������������� ����Wilcox, born in Piatt, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 17 Sept 1852, died 1927, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married, 12 Sept 1877, Celinda Kilmer, daughter of William and Catherine Kilmer, born 17 Apr 1852, died 1920, buried in the Elkland Friends Burying Ground.

����������� They lived on the farm owned formerly by his father, Thomas. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, gravestones, LMW]




�� 96(11)11. George F. McCarty������ �������������������������������������� b. 18 Jul�� 1875

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 7 Jun 1960

�� 96(11)12. Iva L. McCarty��������� ������������������������������������������ b. 27 Nov 1880����������

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Apr 1968

�� 96(11)13. Elsie McCarty���������� ������������������������������������������� b. 20 Sept1883

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d. 29 May 1964

�� 96(11)14. Jennie McCarty��������� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 4 Jun�� 1886

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� d.������������� 1982


96(11)2�� LUCETTA J. McCARTY, second child of Thomas McCarty and Chloe Wilcox, born in Piatt, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 20 Jun 1854; married, 5 Jul 1873, Joshua G. Cott, son of Henry A. Cott and Elizabeth Chapel, born 21 Aug 1854. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess. LMW]




96(11)21. Ellen M. Cott��������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 14 Nov 1876

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 14 Jan1925

96(11)22. John H. Cott���������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 29 Mar 1878

96(11)23. Hannah M. Cott�������� ������������������������������������������� b. 30 Oct 1879

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 16 Dec 1938

96(11)24. Frederick E. Cott����� �������������������������������������������� b. 29 Aug 1885

96(11)25. Clarence G. Cott������ �������������������������������������������� b. 19 May 1891

96(11)26. Marion E. Cott������ ���� ������������������������������������������ b. 22 Jun1898��


96(11)3�� MARTHA E. McCARTY, third child of Thomas McCarty and Chloe Wilcox, ��������� ����born in Piatt, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, 3 Jun 1857, died 1935, buried in the Friends Burial Ground, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania; married, 14 Sept 1881, Ernest Beebe, born 1860, died 1895, buried in the Elkland Friends Burial Ground. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess]




�� 96(11)31. Herman A. Beebe������� ���������������������������������������� b. 23 Aug 1888

�� 96(11)32. Della L. Beebe�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 25 Jun 1890

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Jan�� 1896

�� 96(11)33. Chloe A. Beebe�������� ������������������������������������������ b.�� 7 May 1892

�� 96(11)34. Henry B. Beebe�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 12 Aug 1894

�� 96(11)35. Ernest L. Beebe������� ������������������������������������������� b. 19 Feb 1898


9911��� SARAH J. HARRIS, first child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 23 Aug 1836, died 3 Apr 1855; married, 1854, Daniel Fretz (Fritz?). They lived in Newberry, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99111. Adam Fretz���������� ������������������������������������ b. 30 Jan 1855


9912��� LETITIA HARRIS, second child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 9 Aug 1838, died 11 Jul 1849. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9913 �� THOMAS C. HARRIS, third child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 15 Oct 1840; married 9 Aug 1864, Emarine Pass, daughter of Joseph and Eleanor Pass. They lived in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99131. Claude Harris�� ����������������������������������������������������� b. 24 May 1866

���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 16 Mar 1868

����� 99132. Andrew G. Harris����� �������������������������������������������� b. 13 Aug 1867

����� 99133. Lettie A. Harris����� ������������������������������������ b. 23 Feb 18

����� 99134. Alice B. Harris������ ������������������������������������ b. 25 Feb 18

���������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ d. 18 Nov 1890

����� 99135. Walter B. Harris����� ���������������������������������������������� b. 10 Aug 1875

����� 99136. DeWitt B. Harris����� ��������������������������������������������� b. 14 Nov 1878

����� 99137. Rachel Harris�������� ������������������������������������ b. 15 Feb 1881

����� 99138. Charles R. Harris���� ���������������������������������������������� b. 21 Mar 1883

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ d. 28 Mar 1885


9914��� HANNAH B. HARRIS, fourth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 6 Nov 1842, died 7 Dec����������� 1847. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9915��� JOHN B. HARRIS, fifth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 9 Sept 1844, died 9 Sept 1845. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9916��� LUCY E. HARRIS, sixth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 20 Aug 1846, died 22 Aug 1897; married, 30 Mar 1871, W.C. Dunlap. They lived in Montoursville, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99161. Harris Dunlap������� ������������������������������������ b. 24 Sept 1873

����� 99162. Charles Dunlap������ ����������������������������������������������� b. 18 Jun 1875

����� 99163. Burton Dunlap������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1878

����� 99164. Sylvester Dunlap���� ����������������������������������������������� b. 20 Apr1880

����� 99165. John Dunlap��������� ������������������������������������ b. 12 Jan�� 1885


9917��� MARY R. HARRIS, seventh child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 4 Feb 1849, died 25 Sep����������� 1853. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9918��� CHARLOTTE A. HARRIS, eighth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 11 Jul 1851; married, 22 Feb 1872, George B. Federhof. They lived in Montoursville, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99181. Harry Federhof������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 12 Jan 1873

����� 99182. Viola Federhof������� ���������������������������������������������� b. 26 Apr 1887


9919��� SYLVESTER HARRIS, ninth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, born 20 Jan 1855, died 3 Jun 1879. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


991(10)�� THEODORE R. HARRIS, tenth child of Abigail Ogden and John B. Harris, ����born 17 Mar 1857, died 3 Jul 1892; married Lucy Holcomb. They lived in Ionia, Michigan. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 991(10)1. George Harris��������� �������������������������������������������� b.������� 1884

�� 991(10)2. Paul Harris����������� ����������������������������������������������� b.������� 1887


9931��� CATHARINE BETY, first child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 25 Mar 1838, died 9 Dec 1878. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9932��� MARY MARGARET BETY, second child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 28 Jun 1840; unmarried. In 1902, Mary Margaret was living in Buckhorn,

Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9933��� ELMIRA I. BETY, third child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 18 Dec 1842, died 10 Sept 1847. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9934��� LANAH JANE BETY, fourth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 8 Aug 1845, died 10 Aug 1849. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9935��� SARAH M. BETY, fifth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 1 May 1848; married Thomas J. Ohl. In 1902, they were living in Ingram, Pennsylvania.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99351. John Arthur Ohl����� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 2 Dec 1872

����� 99352. Walter Byron Ohl���� ��������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Aug 1874

����� 99353. Edith Marie Ohl����� ����������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 May 1883

����� 99354. Sadie Ohl����������� �������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 May 1883

����� 99355. Percy S. Ohl�������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 9 Aug 1887


9936��� THOMAS JEFFERSON BETY, sixth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 27 Oct 1850, died 4 Dec 1852. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9937��� EMMA LAVINA BETY, seventh child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 15 May 1853; married Dr. John C. Fruit. In 1902, they were living in Buckhorn, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99371. Richard Fruit������� ������������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Oct 1882

����� 99372. Mary Edith Fruit���� ����������������������������������������������� b. 13 Mar 1891

9938��� ALTA MARIE BETY, eighth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 18 Dec 1855, died 1 Oct 1877. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9939��� AUGUSTA BETY, ninth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 4 Mar 1859; married John A. Merrill. In 1902, they were living in Mansfield, Pennsylvania.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




����� 99391. Viola Jane Merrill�� ����������������������������������������������� b. 27 Nov 1879

����� 99392. Lettie A. Merrill��� ������������������������������������� b. 14 May 1881

����� 99393. Reese Merrill������� ������������������������������������������������� b. 15 Oct 1882

����� 99394. Mary B. Merrill����� ����������������������������������������������� b. 10 Oct 1884

����� 99395. John O. Merrill����� ������������������������������������ b. 21 May 1894

����� 99396. Benjamin Merrill���� ����������������������������������������������� b. 12 Feb 1897


993(10)�� JOHN WILLITS BETY, tenth child of Jane Ogden and John Bety, born 7 Jun 1861; married Anna J. Leidy. There were no children. In 1902, John and Anna

were living in Ingram, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(10)11�� SAMUEL HINKLE, first child of Amanda Thomas and Caspar Hinkle; married ��Mary Ann ______. They lived in New Britain, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster,

Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)12�� THEODORE HINKLE, second child of Amanda Thomas and Caspar Hinkle. ��������� ����He lived in New York. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)13�� HENRY HINKLE, third child of Amanda Thomas and Caspar Hinkle; he ���� ����married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)14�� CASPAR HINKLE, JR., fourth child of Amanda Thomas and Caspar Hinkle. ��������� ����He lived in Delaware. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)15�� AMANDA M. HINKLE, fifth child of Amanda Thomas and Caspar Hinkle; she married, and in 1902, her husband was deceased and she was living in

Philadelphia, married name unknown. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)21�� ALICE G. THOMAS, first child of Jervis Thomas and Jane R. Green, born in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 11 Feb 1831, died in Illinois, 1 Jan 1875; married in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, 5 Apr 1854, William D. Foulke, child of Everard Foulke and Frances Watson, born in Buckingham, Bucks County, 5 Jun 1828, died in Ormond, Florida, 26 Mar 1899.

���� ������ William moved with his parents to Champaign County while a child. After his marriage to Alice, they moved to Rossville, Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




�� 9(10)211. Susan J. Foulke������� �������������������������������������������� b. 20 Feb 1855

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Feb 1880

�� 9(10)212. Mary Ella Foulke������ ������������������������������������������ b. 20 Sept 1856

�� 9(10)213. Jane T. Foulke�������� �������������������������������������������� b. 20 Jul�� 1858

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 22 Apr 1883

�� 9(10)214. Alice Lulu Foulke����� ������������������������������������������� b. 26 Jan 1864

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 2 Jul 1897


9(10)22�� WILLIAM G. THOMAS, second child of Jervis Thomas and Jane R. Green, born in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 15 Jul 1832, died in Quakertown, 21 Jul 1864; married Rachel Y. Sterner. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




�� 9(10)221. William Richard Thomas���������������������������������������� b. 23 Apr 1863

�� 9(10)222. Mary Jane Thomas������� ��������������������������������������� b. 23 Oct 1864


9(10)23�� SAMUEL G. THOMAS, third child of Jervis Thomas and Jane R. Green, born >29 Jan 1834, died 23 Feb 1894; married ______ Ogden. In 1902, they were living in Illinois. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)24�� MARY G. THOMAS, fourth child of Jervis Thomas and Jane R. Green, born in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 25 Nov 1838, died 28 Feb 1924; married 1. 15 Mar 1858, Dr. Richard J. Linderman of Quakertown, child of Isaac Linderman and Elizabeth Yost, born in Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 12 Jan 1836, died in Philadelphia, 6 Jan 1901; married

2. 28 Jul 1909, Arthur H. Middleton, born 3 Oct 1854, died 18 Jan 1910.

���� ������ Dr. Linderman was graduated from the Pennsylvania Medical College, Philadelphia with the degree of M.D. on 16 Mar 1856. He began practice in Quakertown and later established a drug store there. In 1870 he gave up the practice of medicine to give his whole attention to the drug business.He was an active member of the Bucks County Medical Society, which he represented in State and National Associations. He was also a member of the Lehigh Valley Medical Society. He took an active interest in public affairs, was for nine years a member of the Quakertown School Board, and active in establishing the high school. In 1868 he was elected to the Pennsylvania State Senate where he served one term. He was one of the projectors of the Quakertown National Bank, and served many years as a director. In 1889, he and his family moved to Philadelphia, where they resided at 2809 North Broad Street.

���� ������ Arthur H. Middleton was a prominent businessman in Philadelphia. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]




�� 9(10)241. Edgar Linderman�������� ����������������������������������������� b. 10 Jan1860

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. 20 Feb 1860

�� 9(10)242. Elmer Linderman�������� ����������������������������������������� b. 30 Mar 1861

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 9 Sept 1864

�� 9(10)243. Alice Linderman�������� ������������������������������������������ b. 15 Jul�� 1865

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 5 Aug 1866

�� 9(10)244. Herbert Linderman������ ���������������������������������������� b. 21 Jan�� 1867

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 4 Mar 1904

�� 9(10)245. Bertha Linderman������� ����������������������������������������� b. 22 Jan�� 1870

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 3 Jul�� 1893


9(10)31�� ELIZABETH MATTHEWS, first child of Louisa Thomas and Morris ���������������������� ������Matthews. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)32�� FRANKLIN MATTHEWS, second child of Louisa Thomas and Morris ����������������� ������Matthews. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)51�� LANCASTER THOMAS, first child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, >born 27 Oct 1838, died 22 Apr 1910; he never married. Lancaster was a druggist in Philadelphia for many years. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)52�� HANNAH THOMAS, second child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, born 16 Nov 1841, died 13 Dec1915; she never married. [Carrell/Dungan, ������������������� ����EFFUB]


9(10)53�� EDWIN THOMAS, third child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, born 3 Apr 1843, died in Philadelphia, 19 Oct 1875; he never married. [Sources: Lancaster, ����� ����Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)54�� HENRY THOMAS, fourth child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, born 27 Jun 1846, died 27 Aug 1846. [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)55�� IRVIN THOMAS, fifth child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, born 22 Sept 1847, died 19 Jul 1911; he never married. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, ����EFFUB]


9(10)56�� ELWOOD THOMAS, sixth child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, ����born 23 Jun 1850, died 29 Oct 1923. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)57�� SARAH L. THOMAS, seventh child of Edward Thomas and Anne M. Foulke, >born 16 Aug 1852, died after1925; she never married. In 1925 Sarah was living

in Quakertown. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]

9(10)61�� THOMAS JEFFERSON COPE, child of Hannah Thomas and Matthias Cope. >[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)71�� BENJAMIN THOMAS, first child of Benjamin Thomas and Kate Ganawere, ��������� ����died young. [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(10)72�� MARY THOMAS, second child of Benjamin Thomas and Kate Ganawere, ����������� ����died young. [Carrell/Dungan, EFFUB]


9(12)11�� WALTON HULL, first child of Rachel McCarty and ______Hull. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)12�� EDWIN HULL, second child of Rachel McCarty and ______Hull. In 1902, he >was living in Findlay Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)13�� HERBERT HURLBURT HULL, third child of Rachel McCarty and ������������ �����______Hull; married Frances Buckins. In 1902 they were living at 1389 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(12)131. Mary Hull

�� 9(12)132. Sarah Hull

�� 9(12)133. Alice Hull


9(12)31�� JOSEPH PAXTON McCARTY, first child of Oliver McCarty and Eleanor Pancoast; married Sarah Doty. In 1902, they were living in Barberton, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(12)311. Oliver Canby McCarty

�� 9(12)312. Lucy McCarty


9(12)32�� JAMES WALTON McCARTY, second child of Oliver McCarty and Eleanor Pancoast; married Lucy Abbot. In 1902, they were living at 36 Kenilworth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(12)321. Bessie McCarty


9(12)33�� MARTHA LEWIS McCARTY, third child of Oliver McCarty and Eleanor Pancoast; married John C. Jacoby. In 1902, they were living in Ashland, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(12)331. George W. Jacoby

�� 9(12)332. Walton Jacoby


9(12)34�� MARY L. McCARTY, fourth child of Oliver McCarty and Eleanor Pancoast; ��������� ����she was unmarried in 1902, and living in Ashland, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)61�� GEORGE HARSH McCARTY, first child of Joseph Paxton McCarty and Mary Elizabeth Westlake, born 28 Feb 1852; unmarried in 1902. [Lancaster,��������������� Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)62�� JENNIE WATSON McCARTY, second child of Joseph Paxton McCarty and Mary Elizabeth Westlake, born 4 Dec 1856, died 30 Jul 1866. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)63�� MARTHA LOUISE McCARTY, third child of Joseph Paxton McCarty and ����������� ����Mary Elizabeth Westlake, born 3 Sept 1858; married, 30 Jun 1880, William T. Wilson. In 1902, they were living at 200 Broadway, Logansport, Indiana. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(12)631. Thomas H. Wilson����� ����������������������������������������� b. 22 Jul 1882

�� 9(12)632. Elizabeth Wilson �������������������������������������������������� b. 18 Dec 1883

�� 9(12)633. Joseph M. Wilson����� ������������������������������������������ b. 21 Apr 1887

�� 9(12)634. Dorothy Wilson������� �������������������������������������������� b. 12 Aug 1893


9(12)71�� JANE WATSON, first child of Mary A. McCarty and Dr. Joseph Watson, died before 1902. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(12)72�� MARK WALTON WATSON, second child of Mary A. McCarty and Dr. ����Joseph Watson; married Harriet Marshall. In 1902, they were living in �������������� ���������� ����Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)21�� NATHAN HARVEY, first child of Sarah McCarty and ______ Harvey. In 1902, he was living in Castanea, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)22�� RICHARD HARVEY, second child of Sarah McCarty and ______ Harvey. In 1902, he was living in Castanea, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)31�� THOMAS J. McCARTY, first child of Henry McCarty and his wife. In 1902, ��������� ����he was living in Salem, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)32�� ELIZABETH McCARTY, second child of Henry McCarty and his wife; ����� ����married ______ Johns. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)33�� ANDREW J. McCARTY, third child of Henry McCarty and his wife. In 1902, >he was living in Denver, Colorado. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)34�� CHARLES McCARTY, fourth child of Henry McCarty and his wife. ���������������������� �����[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)35�� HENRY L. McCARTY, fifth child of Henry McCarty and his wife. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)36�� BELLE McCARTY, sixth child of Henry McCarty and his wife. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)61�� GEORGE MABON McCARTY, first child of Alfred McCarty and Agnes Mabon; married Elizabeth Matthews (Mathers?). In 1902, they were living at 940 Eleventh Street, San Francisco, California. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(14)611. Alfred McCarty

�� 9(14)612. Elizabeth McCarty

�� 9(14)613. Helen McCarty

�� 9(14)614. Jeanette McCarty

�� 9(14)615. James McCarty


9(14)62�� KATHARINE MARGARET McCARTY, second child of Alfred McCarty and ������ ����Agnes Mabon. [Source: Lancaster]


9(14)63�� ORIN PHILIP McCARTY, third child of Alfred McCarty and Agnes Mabon, ��������� ����married Elvah Deborah Barney. Orin was a passenger agent for the

Southwest Division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(14)631. Stella Margaret McCarty

�� 9(14)632. Orin Brown McCarty

�� 9(14)633. William Durrell McCarty


9(14)64�� CHARLES HARRIS McCARTY, fourth child of Alfred McCarty and Agnes Mabon, died before 1925. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)65�� JEANETTE McCARTY, fifth child of Alfred McCarty and Agnes Mabon. In 1902, she was living at 2229 King Street, Denver, Colorado. [Sources: Lancaster,Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)71�� HARRISON CALLER, first child of Mary McCarty and J.M. Caller. He lived in Weimar, Texas [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(14)72�� DAUGHTER McCARTY, second child of Mary McCarty and J.M. Caller, died��� 1872; married J.W. Tinkler, a cousin. They had three daughters and one son.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]��


9(15)11�� ANGELINA BEWLEY, first child of Eliza McMichael and Nathan Bewley; married 7 Jan 1851, John L. Lukens, died 22 May 1899. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(15)111. Frances L. Lukens����� ����������������������������������������� b. 27 Mar 1858

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. 16 Apr 1890

�� 9(15)112. Howard R. Lukens������ ���������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Oct 1859

�� 9(15)113. Harry L. Lukens������� ������������������������������������������� b. 30 Jan 1865


9(15)12�� PHEBE R. BEWLEY, second child of Eliza McMichael and Nathan Bewley, died unmarried. She lived in Quakertown. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)13�� ANNIE LOTT, child of Eliza McMichael and Dr. Charles F. Lott, born in ��� ����Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 29 Mar 1852, died after 1928; married, 20 Oct 1875, Charles C. Haring.

���� ������ Charles was President of the Quakertown National Bank and a prominent financier of Upper Bucks County. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(15)131. Nellie Lott Haring����� ������������������������������������������� b. 22 Feb 1877

�� 9(15)132. Grace Lott Haring������ ����������������������������� ����������� b. 15 Jul 1879

������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� d. an infant

�� 9(15)133. Frederica Lott Haring�� ���������������������������������������� b.�� 4 Sept 1882

�� 9(15)134. Florence Lott Haring��� ���������������������������������������� b. 28 Aug 1884

�� 9(15)135. Clara Lott Haring������ ������������������������������������������ b. 30 Nov 1880

�� 9(15)136. Myrtle Lott Haring����� ����������������������������������������� b. 24 Oct 1888

�� 9(15)137. Gertrude Lott Haring��� ���������������������������������������� b. 23 Jan 1890

�� 9(16)138. Rachel Lott Haring����� ����������������������������������������� b. 11 Feb 1893


9(15)21�� ELIZABETH THOMPSON, first child of Jane McMichael and James ��������������������� �����Thompson. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)22�� JOHN THOMPSON, second child of Jane McMichael and James Thompson. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)23�� JAMES A. THOMPSON, third child of Jane McMichael and James Thompson. In 1902 he was living in Nessanoming, Pennsylvania. [Source: Lancaster]


9(15)24�� MARTHA THOMPSON, fourth child of Jane McMichael and James ��������������������� �����Thompson. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)51�� MARTHA JANE DIMM, first child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. ����� ����Thomas Dimm, born 1 Oct 1833; married William Washington Wales, born 26 Mar 1826. They lived in Clyde, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(15)511. Frank Winfield Wales����� ������������������������� b. 30 Mar 1850

������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� d. 13 Feb 1852

�� 9(15)512. James Albert Wales������� ������������������������������������� b. 30 Aug 1852

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� d.�� 6 Dec 1889

�� 9(15)513. Lillie M. Wales���������� ������������������������������������������ b. 19 Apr 1854

�� 9(15)514. Bert Thomas Wales�������� ������������������������� b.�� 5 Aug 1865

�� 9(15)515. Gertrude Phebe Wales����� ����������������������������������� b. 27 Apr 1867


9(15)52�� MARY BELLE DIMM, second child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. ��� ����Thomas Dimm, born 10 Mar 1836, died 27 Dec 1872. [Sources: Lancaster, ���������������������� �����Carrell/Dungan]




9(15)53�� PHILIP DIMM, third child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas Dimm, >born 4 Jan 1838, died 8 Jan 1838. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)54�� FERDINAND A. DIMM, fourth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. �� ����Thomas Dimm, born 8 Mar 1839, died 27 Jun 1864. [Sources: Lancaster, ������������ ���������� ������Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)55�� LYDIA A. DIMM, fifth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas ��� ����Dimm, born 28 Aug 1841, died 12 Sept 1842. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)56�� PATTERSON DIMM, sixth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas Dimm, born 28 Jul 1844, died 26 Aug 1845. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)57�� RHODILLA MINERVA DIMM, seventh child of Phebe Ann McMichael and �������� ����Rev. Thomas Dimm, born 25 Aug 1846; married Murry Brown of St. Louis, Missouri. Murry was a car accountant in the office of the Wabash Railroad. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(15)571. George Ralph Brown����������������������������������������� b.����������� 1871

�� 9(15)572. Annie Lott Brown������� ���������������������������������������� b.��� Oct 1873

�� 9(15)573. Carrie G. Brown�������� ����������������������������������������� b. 28 Jun 1876

�� 9(15)574. Mattie W. Brown

�� 9(15)575. Murry Brown

9(15)58�� ROSETTA DIMM, eighth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas ����������� ����Dimm, born 18 Dec 1848, died 2 Mar 1901. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)59�� BENJAMIN F. DIMM, ninth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas��� Dimm, born 24 May 1851; married Emma Woodworth.

�� �������� In 1902, they were living at 265 Crawford Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. Benjamin was a traveling salesman for a wholesale hardware firm. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(15)591. Blanche Dimm


9(15)5(10). CHARLES A. DIMM, tenth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. ����� ��������Thomas Dimm, born 21 Jan 1853; married 1. Cora Stewart; married 2. Jennie Beddle. Charles and Cora had two sons of whom we have no further record.

�� �������� In 1902, he and his second wife were living at 812 Woodward Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Charles was an attorney in Cleveland. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)5(11). GEORGE C. DIMM, eleventh child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. �� ��������Thomas Dimm, born 7 Feb 1855; married Harriet Ironmonger. There were no children. George was a Probate Judge of Jackson County, Kansas. In 1902, they were living in Holton, Kansas. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(15)5(12). WILLIAM W. DIMM, twelfth child of Phebe Ann McMichael and Rev. Thomas Dimm, born 13 Jul 1857; married Marie Shuner.

�� �������� In 1902, they were living at 144 Hydraulic Street, Dayton, Ohio. William was a postal clerk in Dayton. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




9(15)5(12)1. Mabel Dimm

9(15)5(12)2. Jessie Dimm


9(16)21�� EVA MAY McCARTY, first child of William C. McCarty and Margaret James, ������ born 14 Sept 1864; married, 27 Oct 1887, Harvey Heason. In 1902, they were living in Conotton, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(16)211. William Dwight Heason���� b. 15 Jul 1889

�� 9(16)212. Margaret Lillian Heason���� b. 21 Nov 1891

�� 9(16)213. Anna Blooma Heason�������� b. 23 Oct 1893


9(16)22�� BATELLE McCARTY, second child of William C. McCarty and Margaret James, born 4 Apr 1867; married, 15 Apr 1896, Helen Ida Hoxworth, born

14 Jun 1868.

���� ������ Batelle was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1902, they were living in Piedmont, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)23�� WESLEY JAMES McCARTY, third child of William C. McCarty and �������������������� �����Margaret James, born 30 Nov 1869.

����������� He was the principal of the Commercial Department at Scio College, Scio, Ohio.[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)41�� LAURA McCARTY, first child of Robert McCarty and Elizabeth Teeter; ���� ����married Benjamin Severance.

In 1902, they were living in Sheridanville, Pennsylvania. They had several

children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)42�� ROBERT McCARTY, second child of Robert McCarty and Elizabeth Teeter; ��������� ����he married and they had several children. Robert was a trainmaster for the P.C.C. & St. Louis Railroad at Sheridanville, Pennsylvania. In 1902, they were living in Sheridanville. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)43�� VINCENT McCARTY, third child of Robert McCarty and Elizabeth ���������������������� ����Teeter. He was a telegraph dispatcher and, in 1902, was living in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)44�� GEORGE McCARTY, fourth child of Robert McCarty and Elizabeth Teeter; married and, in 1902, was living in Sheridanville, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)51�� DAVID LANCASTER McCARTY, first child of James L. McCarty and Mary >Barrick, died in the Army; he was unmarried. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)52�� THOMAS T. McCARTY, second child of James L. McCarty and Mary Barrick, born 12 Jan 1843; married, 3 Dec 1873, Phebe McLaughlin.

���� ������ Thomas was an attorney-at-law and Judge of Common Pleas Court of Stark, Columbiana and Carroll Counties, Ohio. In�� 1902, they were living in Canton, Ohio. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)53�� SUSAN McCARTY, third child of James L. McCarty and Mary Barrick, born 1844; married Oscar Stoneman. In 1902, they were living in Leavittsville, Ohio.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)54�� MARTHA McCARTY, fourth child of James L. McCarty and Mary Barrick, born 1846; married Thomas McLaughlin. In 1902, they were living in Leavittsville, Ohio. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]




�� 9(16)541. Anna McLaughlin

�� 9(16)542. James McLaughlin

�� 9(16)543. Lillian McLaughlin

�� 9(16)544. Margaret McLaughlin


9(16)55�� JOHN McCARTY, fifth child of James L. McCarty and Mary Barrick, born 1853; married Lyde Hardlock of Leavittsville, Ohio. They had seven children.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(16)56�� ANDREW W. McCARTY, sixth child of James L. McCarty and Mary Barrick, born Oct 1855; married Cora Meffert. In 1902, they were living in Canton, Ohio where Andrew was an Attorney-at-law. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)11�� JOHN JESSE McCARTY, first child of Martin McCarty and Harriet Maury, died young. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)12�� RICHARD McCARTY, second child of Martin McCarty and Harriet Maury; married ______ Baker. In 1902, they were living in Powell's Valley, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)13�� MARTIN M. McCARTY, third child of Martin McCarty and Harriet Maury; married Lydia Bowman. In 1902, they were living in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)14�� WILLIAM McCARTY, fourth child of Martin McCarty and Harriet Maury; married ______ Lenker. In 1902, they were living in Hamburg, Pennsylvania.

[Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)15�� FANNY McCARTY, fifth child of Martin McCarty and Harriet Maury; married Samuel Wolf. In 1902, they were living in Dauphin, Pennsylvania.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)41�� SON McCARTY, first child of David Boon McCarty and Margaret Crouse, died before 1902. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)42�� HARRY C. McCARTY, second child of David Boon McCarty and Margaret Crouse; married ______ Moore. In 1902, they were living in Williamsport, �������� ���Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)51�� CATHARINE MILLIKEN, first child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken; married James Irvin. They had six children and, in 1902, were living

in Philadelphia. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)52��� JOAN MILLIKEN, second child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken, ��������� ����died before 1925; married John Steckley of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. They had ������������������ �����ten children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)53�� MARTHA MILLIKEN, third child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken; married Frank Kline. They had four children and, in 1902, were living in

Philadelphia. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)54�� LUCY MILLIKEN, fourth child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken; married T. Hayes. They had four children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)55�� SARAH MILLIKEN, fifth child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken. In ��������� ����1902, she was living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)56�� IOLA MILLIKEN, sixth child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken. She was a missionary. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)57�� ISSAC MILLIKEN, seventh child of Ann Isabel McCarty and Isaac Milliken; married B_____ Young. They lived in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)61�� GEORGE McCARTY, first child of Jesse McCarty and ______ Novinger. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)81�� WALKER McCARTY, first child of William McCarty and Julia O. Bell; married ______ Kinter. In 1902, they were living in Germantown, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)82�� THEODORE McCARTY, second child of William McCarty and Julia O. Bell; married ______ Hocker. In 1902, they were living in Brooklyn, New York.

[Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)91�� ETTA MEEKER McCARTY, first child of Joseph Warren McCarty and Mary Campbell, born 5 Apr 1876; married, 25 Oct 1900, Walter Kahler. They had one

son. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(17)92�� NANCY JANE McCARTY, second child of Joseph Warren McCarty and Mary Campbell, born 22 Aug 1877. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)21�� JOSEPHINE LEEDOM, adopted child of Jesse T. Leedom and Elizabeth ��� ���Mitchell, born 1854; married Harry A. Smith. [Leedom]




�� 9(18)211. Jesse L. Smith


9(18)31�� CHARLES LEEDOM, first child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. Muller, ����������� ����born 1 Jan 1862; married 19 Nov 1890, Jessie Mellin, daughter of Edgar and

Elizabeth Mellin, born in New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 10 May 1862. In 1902, they were living at 1403 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. There were no children. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]


9(18)32�� SARAH ANN LEEDOM, second child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. ����Muller, born 19 Jun 1863, died 29 Feb 1869. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, ��� ����Leedom]


9(18)33�� ROSINA LEEDOM, third child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. Muller, born 13 Feb 1866; married, Apr 1892, George B. Hilliard. George was a druggist in Washington, New Jersey. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




�� 9(18)331. Elsie Eliza Hilliard�� ���������������������������������������������� b. 8 Jul 1900


9(18)34�� ELIZA LEEDOM, fourth child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. Muller, ��� ����born 14 Sept 1869; married, 8 Oct 1890, William B. Wallace. In 1902, they were living at 5908 Master Street, Philadelphia. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]


9(18)35�� LOUISA LEEDOM, fifth child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. Muller, born 27 May 1872, died 12 Feb1883. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]


9(18)36�� MORRIS LEEDOM, sixth child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. Muller, ����born 25 Aug 1874; married 5 Oct 1896, Cornelia Mount Corle.

�� �������� In 1902, they were living at 545 Madison Street, Brooklyn, New York. Morris was a druggist. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]




�� 9(18)361. Marjorie Wallace Leedom���������������������������������� b. 7 Sept 1897


9(18)37��� JONATHAN LEEDOM, seventh child of David R. Leedom and Louisa F. ����Muller, born 18 Dec 1881. In 1902, he was living in Philadelphia. [Sources: Lancaster, ��������� ����Carrell/Dungan, Leedom]


9(18)41.�� ELLEN KNIGHT LEEDOM, first child of Edward Leedom and Sarah T. �� ����Knight, born 15 Sept 1860; unmarried in 1902. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)42.WALTER FRANCIS LEEDOM, second child of Edward Leedom and Sarah T. Knight, born in Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 7 Mar 1862; married at Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 25 Dec 1885, Charlotte Miller.

����������� Walter had charge of his father's farm in Torresdale, Pennsylvania for some years, then in 1885 located in Bristol, Bucks County, where he established a coal and lumber yard which he conducted successfully for 35 years, retiring in 1920. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Farmer's National Bank of Bristol and the Cornwell National Bank. He is also a Director of the Bucks County Contributionship, the oldest fire insurance company in Bucks County, President of the Merchants and Mechanics Building and Loan Association and a director of the Bristol Cemetery Association.

���� ������ He was a member of Bristol Lodge, No.25 Free and Accepted Masons, The Royal Arch Chapter, Commander of Knights Templar and Lu Lu Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine, Bristol Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Square Club. He is a member of the Society of Friends. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



�� 9(18)421. Hillborn H. Leedom���� ���������������������������������������� b. 20 Jan 1887

����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� d. an infant

�� 9(18)422. Madora Wilson Leedom�� ����������������������������������� b. 12 Sept 1890


9(18)43.ALICE LEEDOM, third child of Edward Leedom and Sarah T. Knight, born 22 Feb 1868, died 12 Oct 1899; she was unmarried. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)61�� CHARLES LEEDOM, first child of Thomas L. Leedom and Hannah A. Thomas, born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 Nov 1858. He lived in Bristol, Pennsylvania and was prominently identified with the manufacture of carpets and rugs as head of the business establishment founded by his father. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)62�� CLARA LEEDOM, second child of Thomas L. Leedom and Hannah A. Thomas, born 8 Mar 1862; married, 9 Apr 1891, Edwin C. Beers. Edwin was associated with his brother-in-law in the manufacture of carpets. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)81�� LYDIA L. TAYLOR, first child of Mary L. Leedom and Edward Taylor, born 20 Oct 1860; married, 18 Feb 1886, William B. Knight, child of Barclay Knight, born 6 May 1857. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]



�� 9(18)811. Alice Knight��������� ����������������������������������������������� b. 31 Mar 1887

�� 9(18)812. Mary Taylor Knight��� ������������������������������������������ b. 30 Nov 1889

�� 9(18)813. Anna Phillips Knight������������������������������������������� b.�� 1 Dec 1890

�� 9(18)814. Thomas Leedom Knight���������������������������������������� b. 18 Aug 1892

�� 9(18)815. Edward Taylor Knight���������������������������������������� b. 30 Aug 1896


9(18)82�� ANNA TAYLOR, second child of Mary L. Leedom and Edward Taylor, born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania,14 Apr 1865; married, 29 Dec 1886, Charles L. Knight, son of Barclay Knight. There were no children. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)83�� RACHEL TAYLOR, third child of Mary L. Leedom and Edward Taylor, born 9 Oct 1869, died 8 Feb 1896. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


9(18)84�� EDWARD L. TAYLOR, fourth child of Mary L. Leedom and Edward Taylor, born 29 Nov 1871; married 14 Jan 1894, Emily Snyder Wynkoop. There were no children. They lived in Oak Lane, Pennsylvania where Edward was a coal dealer. [Sources:Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan]


Go to The McCarty Heritage: Part Two.

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