Letter from Dr. David Long 1761-1852

Son of John Long
Aaron Long Jr., his nephew.



Having stumbled across this account of the Long family I have
decided to transcribe it and donate a few copies  to  certain
libraries in the United States.

These  records  are not only important to the Long family but
to the Boyd family as well because it shows the connection of
Abraham Boyd  of  Hopkinton,  Massachusetts  and  Wilmington,
Vermont  to  John Boyd  who  married Margaret Long in Boston,
Massachusetts in 1731 ( page 16).  Perhaps  John Boyd came  to
Boston from Ireland as John Long did. If not on the same ship
then just before or after.

In transcribing these records I have done my best to decipher
some  of  the words and names. If mistakes are made, and some
surely are, I apologise.  I  did  not  work from the original
but a  copy  of  a  copy.  Perhaps  another  person  will see
something  that  I  did  not (in the original).  In  any event I have
made this record  available  to  a  few  more  genealogists  and family
historians which might prove valuable in future.

An original copy of the letter is at the Arms Library in Shelburne Falls,
Massachusetts. Another copy is at the Allen Library in Fort Wayne, IN

Richard G. Boyd
12137 Highland Avenue
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
December 31, 1992


                   SEYMOUR E. LONG, LATE

                    OF MARGATE, FLORIDA


     His dedication to the  history of the  Long family and
     founding father of  "The John Long Family Association"
     will be  remembered by future  generations  of  Long's
     and by all people who are searching their family roots.


Page 1.

John Long,  my  grandfather  and   your   great   grandfather

emigrated  from Ireland  in  the  year  1726  bringing in his

family,  John Long,  Ginny  Long, Mary Long. After landing in

America  was born, James Long, Elizabeth Long and David Long.

In  the  same  ship Matthew Taft and family emigrated. Robert

Taft, Matthew Taft, John Taft, Mary Taft  my  mother and your

grandmother and Anna Taft. John Long, my grandfather and your

great grandfather  with his family settled in Taunton (Mass.)

where he lived and died.  Matthew Taft  ventured  far away in

the wilderness to a newly settled town, Upton,  30 miles from

Boston  &  26  miles  from Taunton. A greater adventure then

than now to go to  California or Oregon where he located 4

hundred acres of land and settled himself and family in the

year 1727. His sons, Robert, Matthew, & John when received

back a fourth part.......

Page 2

Our  father  and  grandfather  in the year  1741  purchased a

fine  lot  of  land  adjoining  Matthew  Tafts.   Ignorant of

crossing  the  briney  ocean in the same ship together. There

and then he beheld the lovely face and beautiful person, Mary

Taft,  our  mother  and  grandmother and by patiently waiting

until  1746,  John  Long  and  Mary  Taft  became one and the

following is the fruits of that union.

John Long  b. Sept 3, 1747    d. Jan 2, 1805 aged 57y 4m 21d

James Long b. June 27, 1749   d. Aug 9, 1773 aged 24y 2m 12d

Betsy Long b. Dec 11,1750     d. Sept   1756 aged 6y 9m 6d

Ann Long   b. June 14, 1752   d. Sept 17, 1756 aged 5y 3m 3d

Matthew Long b. May 8, 1756   d. Sept 17, 1756

Sarah Long b. Apr 2, 1754     d. Jne 13, 1813 Aged 59y 2m 11d

Matthew Long b. Sept 7, 1757  d. Dec 21, 1821 Aged 63y 3m 14d

Page 3.

Robert Long b. Oct 14, 1759 d. Oct 31 1833 Aged 74y 17d

David Long  b. Aug 10, 1761

Aaron Long  b. Sept 13, 1763 d. Sept 13, 1830 Aged 67y

Mary Long  b. Aug 6, 1765

Abner Long b. Sept 28, 1767 d. Sept 29, 1849 Aged 82y 1d

Rueben Long b. Sept 14, 1769 d. Aug 28, 1824 Aged 54y 11m 14d

David Long family  5 sons  3 daughters

John Long b. July 29, 1785 d. Aug 24, 1836 Ae 51y 16d

David Long Jr. b. Sep 29, 1787 d. Sep 1, 1851 Ae 63y 11m 2d

A son b. Aug 9, 1789  d. one day

Hugh Long   b. 22 June 1791

Mary Long   b. July 21, 1793  d. Aug 30, 1850 Aged 57y 1m 2d

Peggy Long  b. July 6, 1796   d. May 28, 1797 Aged 10m 22d

Page 4

James Long  b. Mar 18, 1798

Jane Long   b. Oct 26, 1804 d. Aug 8, 1824 Ae 19y 9m 18d


William Long b. Dec 3 1807

David Long b. Dec 13, 1811 d. July 25, 1842 Ae 31y 7m 12d

John Long b. July 1, 1814 d. May 22, 1835 Ae 20y 10m 15d

                   DAVID LONG Jr's CHILDREN

Solon Long b. Apr 11, 1812 d. Jan 10, 1830 Ae 17y 9m 2d

Harris Long b. Mar 13, 1814 d. Jly 27, 1815 Ae 1y 4m 14d

Mary Long b. Mar 1, 1816 married Soloman Severance has two

sons; Lewis Severance and Soloman Severance Jr. Bright lads.

Page 5

Mary Long's children

Margret Long great grand children 8  2 of them dead.

David  no issue

Lucinda united in covenent Alden STONE one great g. child

Dewitt Viness united Mrs. William 1 g g child

Adaline companion of Wm. CARTER  no fruit.

Jane partner to Oscar Re___? fruitful indeed 3 g g children

Roland Everit  Joseph W. Leaver

Hugh Long's children by Mary second wife first wife Mary dead

July (Julie) Long, Mary Long, Chester Long

July Long's children page 12

July Long born May 1, 1815.

Mary Long born June 23, 1817 died March 22, 1842 aged 24

years 2 mts 1 day.

Chester Long born February 15, 1819 had 3 children 1 son and

2 daughters. 2 dead daughters.

James Long's children

Dela morice? born Nov 10, 1823 died Feb 18, 1827 aged 3 years

9 months 18 days.

Darvin Long born April 9, 1825, 1 daughter

Jane Long born June 2, 1827 1 son James and one daughter.

Page 6

Hugh Long's grandchildren

Hugh Dodge, Mary Dodge, Juliet Dodge, Loyat? Dodge

                      My brothers family

                      John Long's family

Lewis Long b. 12 Jan 1779 d. 30 Sep 1800 Ae 20y 7m 18d

Betsy Long b. 5 Jly 1782 d. 14 Sep 1802 Ae 20y 2m 9d

Silas Long b. 1 Sep 1784 his family Osius? Long, Aristis Long

Alfonzo Long, Lewis Long, Edward Long, Ophelia Long, Arabel

Long, Carline Long, Mary Long, From Telagraph History Report

4 told ________  Ester Long on page 7

John Long died young.

Diana Long married Robert SEVERANCE, the fruits of which 4

sons Soloman, Darvin, Orsemus, John,

Ester Long married Adonigah ATHERTON - Large family

Page 7

Robert Severance, husband of Diana Long died and 5 months

after his wife followed him to the silent house appointed for

all the living, the grave. But before she died she gave her 4

sons before named to David Long's family at Cleveland as his

sons and so far as adoption could constitute sons they became

his sons and truly so for Soloman Severance married his

daughter Mary Long his only child from which sprang Lewis and

Soloman Severance.

Darvin Severance died long since. Soloman Severance died in

the year 1835 or 36 if my memory is correct. Orsemus has a

family and is a much respected business man and citizen. John

Severance is of age, he can speak for himself as he stands on

his own two legs.

Ester Long, daughter of John Long married Adonigah ATHERTON

Large family beyond my history

Page 8

Sarah Long married Moses WOOD, the fruit of which was 3 sons

_______? Daniel Wood and Rueben Wood, 7 daughters; Betsy,

Hannah, Polly, Rhoda, Anne, Mary, and Melissa? Wood. Some of

the fruits of Rhoda is Almusia? Albert and A_______? P______?

From Hannah Wood stock proceeded? Romain Stewart Long now by


            Matthew Long's family

James Long, Ezra Long, Fisher Long, Orlando Long, Nancy Long,

Patty Long, Betsy Long, Polly Long, Mary Long.

Ezra Long`s family; Joel Long, John Long, Rufus Long, Nancy

Long, Lo___? Long, Polly Long.

Fisher Long's Family; Diana Long, Orsemus Long.

James Long's family; Fisher Long, Wm. Long, Matthew Long,

Patty Long, Sally Long, Betsy Long.

Here ends the history of Matthew Long's issue as they all

moved in a joint stock from Vermont to Pennsylvania in 1813

to a place called Sugar Crick. I visited this family of

farmers in 1818 and found them multiplied in number and

stock. Ezra a unionized _______?

Page 9

Robert Long's family. He married S______? SWIFT

Chester Long, a gospel preacher settled on Long Island here

ends my history of him.

Oren Long, a good citizen has a good partner in life, a good

home, one adopted son. All this is easily proved.

Rueben Long died aged 18 years.

Nancy Long married James GITTREY?  2 children.

Polly Long married Zephaniah SWIFT. No fruit.

Carline Long married Leonard ORMSBY has a large family, John

Ormsby included.

David Long, himself and children and grandchildren and great

grandchildren before noted.

Page 10

Aaron Long's family and wife Polly MILLER, fruits:

Polly Long, Mary Long, Anna Long, Melinda Long, Aaron Long

Jr., Anna Long, Lucy Long? Joel Long, Alonzo Long, Joel Long,

Robert Long.

Polly Long married ________? BOUWILL? had 1 son.

Mary Long m. had 1 daughter who married Hugh MILLER.

Melinda Long married Lewis STEWART, had 1 son Romain STEWART.

Aaron Long Jr. married Nancy COOLEY will find their record on page 20.

Anna Long married Solan COOK has 2 daughters.

Robert Long married Anna LACEY, 1 child.

Mary Long born Aug 6, 1765 is the wife of T.L. ENSWORTH,

Clinton, Oneida County, New York. One son L.W.L ENSWORTH.

Known as Col. ENSWORTH.

Page 11

             Abner Long's family

James Long, Abner Long Jr., Walter Long, Edward Long, Lewis

Long, Polly Long, Mary Long, Diana Long. Adaline Long, Lovice


James Long lives in Michigan, his family is Shepard Long,

Permedo Long, Ensign Long, Deborah Long, Diana Long, Almira

Long, Margaret Long, Sarah Long, Lovice Long

Edward Long's family; he married Betsy BRIGGS; children

Martha Long, John Long, Edward Long, David Long, Charles Long

Edward Long's charactor and standing in life and society

gives honor to the name of Long. He is a citizen of Erie

County and as a magistrate doth honor to himself and the

office he fills. His arm is the sword to protect the law for

the safety of life. Long may he live in life and in office.

Page 12

Diana Long is the wife of Enos CATHCART and she has one

beautiful adopted daughter, Loviah CATHCART and in addition a

good partner and to wind up the story a good home.

Adaline Long is the partner in life with Silas Topliff? He

would be great if he knew how has a large family beyond my


Josiah Long is the wife of Jonas KENNY, has 1 son and 1


Rueben Long has one son, Franklin Long and daughter Nancy


July (Julie?) Long's children: 2 sons  5 daughters.

Hugh Dodge, Violet Dodge, ________ Dodge.

Born August 10, 1845. Jane Dodge, Mary Dodge, Anna Dodge,

Hannah Dodge.

Page 13

James Long, My father and your Grandfather's brothers family

had three sons and 4 daughters. James Long, Stephan Long,

Josiah Long, Mary Long, Elizabeth Long, Ginny Long, Sarah

Long- in the early age of his family he moved from _______?

where they were born to Hopkinton, New Hampshire. (Mass.?)

The following is their history small and short.

James Long had two sons, Wm. Long and James Long, 3 daughters

Patty Long, Abigail Long, Rachel Long. Abigail Long became

the wife of Col. Bruce. Both her husband  and  father  fell

victims in the cause of liberty in the war of 1775 in the

memorial battle of Monmouth.

Stephan Long's history is of public notarity, he graduated at

Cambridge in 1799. He is the partner of Clark in the survey

of our mountains and hills of our western world. He yet lives

or did live in 1847. Was president of a courtmartial at

Washington. I hope yet lives.

Page 14

James Long is a rich farmer in New Hampshire, has 3 sons,

David Long, John Long, Ebenezer Long, 2 daughters Abigail

Long, Hannah Long.

Joseph Long, 1 son, Orin Long, 2 daughters, Mary Long, Nancy Long.

Stephan Long has 2 sons & 1 daughter, Grace Long, Harris

Long, Washington Long. These are the descendants of James

Long, brother to John Long, my father and your grandfather.

David Long, my father and your grandfather's brother; his

family; David Long, Stephan Long, Wm. Long, John Long, Nancy

Long, Mary Long, Anna Long, Hannah Long, Sarah Long.

David Long became a preacher of the Baptist order, had

several sons and daughter Zilpah Long, married Nathaniel

MERRILL, has a grandson 4 miles on our route this side

Batavia.  David Long's sons emigrated to the south. Stephan

had 3 sons, Lawson Long, Wm. Long, Stephan Long settled and

last account of him was in Shelburne.

Page 15

Stephan Long in Shelburne family. Joseph Long, a military man

a Colonel.  David Long, wagon and carriage maker.

Stephan Long, a lawyer of note.

Franklin Long, large family, young.

Washington Long, a platform? saying for him??

Abigail Long, Mary Long, Nancy Long.

Uncle David Long's sons.

William Long's family, Wm. Long, Osias Long, Oratio Long,

Zilpha Long, Mehata Long, Betsy Long, Sarah Long.

John Long's family

Orin Long, John Long, Polly Long, Betsy Long

Orin Long married Hannah WILSON, has 3 sons, 1 daughter.

John Long never married. Polly married Rueben SMITH.

Sarah Long married John MERRILL. His family is away from my


Page 16.

Ginny Long (1) , my father & your grandfather's sister, married

John Boyd.   From  the  fruits  of  this  union sprung  all

the  numerous  families  of  Boyds,   John Boyd, David Boyd,

Abraham Boyd, Samuel Boyd,  William Boyd.   From Samuel Boyd

sprang the great Kentucky Boyd (2)  member of Congress (3) ____?

no credit to one drop of Long blood but later the 3rd generation

Robert Boyd, owner of the best  horse  ever slept  upon the

Plank Road, is a good whig.   John Boyd (3) member of Congress

once and agin from Washington County is a grandson of Samuel

Boyd, good whig.

  Here I leave Aunt Ginny's family.

Aunt Mary Long's family.

Mary Long married James Woodard, had one son. One daughter

died young. This family early settled in Shelburne (Mass).

Lived and died there. His son Samuel had no family.

1. "Ginny" was the nickname ofMargaret Long who married John
Boyd in Boston, 1731.

2. Lynn Boyd Congressman b. Nashville, Tenn Nov 22, 1800 son
of Abraham Boyd. (I have since found that this Lynn Boyd was
a son of Abraham who was a son of James, born in Virginia and
thus not closely related to our Boyds. RGB)

3. John Huggins Boyd, Congressman, born in Salem, NY., July
31, 1799.   (See "Who was Who" 1607-1897 page 136.) [J.H.
Boyd not traced by this compiler.]

Page 17

Aunt  Elizabeth  Long  married  Nathan  Babbit,   settled  in

Braintree?, Mass.  had  two  daughters. He  fell a victim for

liberty  at   Yorktown in the capture of the British Bull DOG

Cornwallis.  Having giving a short history of the  ancient as

well as our modern relations I think it may be of some use to

know the union of several families by marriage.

       Marriages of my fathers family and descendants.

My father

John Long married          Mary Taft          13 children


John Long Jr. married      Esther Haws         8 children

Sarah Long  "do" meaning "ditto" Moses Wood   10 children

Matthew Long  "   "   "     "  Betsy Haws     11 children

Robert Long   "   "   "     "  Lorinda?  Swift 6 children

David Long    "   "   "     "  Marget Harkney? 8 children

Aaron Long    "   "   "     "  Polly Miller    9 children

Mary Long     "   "   "     "  Ansil Hustons  10 children

  married 2nd.   JW Levin

Abner Long    "   "   "     "  Diana ??       10 children

  married 2nd      Abigal Stone

Rueben Long   "   "   "     "  Ginney Wilson   2 children

Page 18

David Long's children;

John Long married Martha BROWN.                  children   3

David Long Jr., married Juley? WALWORTH             "       3

Hugh Long married _______? HASTINGS 2nd Lorry COBB  "       4

Mary Long on the last page back.

James Long married Mary CATHCART                    "       3

John Long family,  none

David Long Jr. family one Mary has two sons, Lewis Severance

and Solon Severance.

Hugh Long, 1 son, Chester Long 2 daughters, July Long,  Mary

Long died 22 March 1842.

Chester Long married Harriet LEE, has 1 son 1 daughter dead.

July Long married Josiah DODGE has 3 sons, 4 daughters.

Page 19

G. Children             G. Grandchildren     Living    Dead

Wm. Long

David Long

John Long                                       1        2

Solan Long                                      1        2

Harris Long

Mary Long married Soloman SEVERANCE 2 sons      2

July Long married Josiah DODGE had 7 children   6         1

Mary Long married Jackson HASTINGS

Chester Long married Harriet LEE   3 children   1         2

Margaret Hastings m. Wilson DODGE had 8 child.  6         2

David L. Hastings

Lucinda Hastings m. Alden STONE 1 child         1

Dewitt Seaver

Adaline Seaver

Viness? Seaver m. July WILLIAM 1 child          1

June Seaver m. Ovil REED  4 children            4

Solan Seaver

Everitt Seaver

Josiah W. Seaver

Jane Monica Seaver

Darvin Long m. Catherine COLE 1 daughter        1

Jane Long m. Lester MORGAN 1 son 1 dau.         2

Grandchildren 22
Living        16
Dead           6

Page 20

Aaron Long, Self and family.

   Aaron Long married

   Nancy COOLEY

Children's names:

Charles Levant Long

Sarah Chapman Long

Ann Judson Long

Mary Miller Long

Frances Amelia Long

Ellen Mae Long

Harriet Lacy Long

Harriet Adelle Long

Laura Mitilda Long

Francis Anna Long

       (Traced over pencil notations by P.M. Long Jr.)

            (no number for this page in original)

1851 Living or dead

Grandchildren     Great G. Children   Living     Dead

John Longs         William Long         1
                   David Long                      1
                   John Long                       1

David Long         Solan Long                      1
                   Harris Long                     1
                   Mary Long living 2 G. Grand     2

Hugh Long          July Long            6          2
                   Mary Long dead
                   Chester Long         2

Mary Long's children
 Nancy Hastings 8 children, G. Grand    6          2
 David L. Hastings
 Lucinda Hastings                       1
 Dewitt Seaver
 Viness Seaver                          1
 Adaline Seaver
 Jane Seaver                            4
 Solan Leaver, Everit Leaver, Josiah Leaver

James Long's family
Darvin Long, Dela Marie Long
Jane Long

Grandchildren living 16, dead 6

Page 21

Parley Long, uncle to John Long, my father, came to America

in the year 1732, settled in Uxbridge, lived there until

1780, at which place and time I became acquainted with him he

had moved to Salem, Washington County when I moved to Hebron

in 1784. He died aged 89 years. His family consisted of three

sons. Edward Long; Captain Long was the most active business

man in town. Samuel Long was killed in the Bennington battle.

Levi Long married, had a family, 1 son was drowned in the

river near Glen Falls. He had two daughters, Mary Long

married Thomas McClarey? had 1 son 2 daughters. One daughter

married Wm. Seaver from whom proceeded Wm. Seaver Jr, ______?

_______? ________? _________? Daniel Seaver, Overseer of

Railroad baggage. James makes, Wm. Seaver and son Tipers of

the frothey times????????

Page 22

Edward Long settled in Cambridge, Washington County, New

York, purchased Old LARKINS checkered house. He has a small

family. One son of his name as a stand by, Israel Long family

John Long, Matthew Long. John Long was killed at the battle

of the burning of Buffulo in the late war with Great Britain

of 1812-13-14 and 1815. The result of which I hope and pray

may be the means of opening their eyes to see their danger of

ever again insulting the American eagle and flag.

Doctor Ebenezer Long, Brandon, Vermont, second and third

cousin. He was and is a worthy good man, Phyisian. David

Long, great family at Greenfield, Mass. I expect to soon able

to record.

Page 23

My mother's sister, Anna (TAFT) married John ROCKWOOD, had a

large family of 5. Hezekiah Rockwood, Josiah Rockwood, Elisha

Rockwood, John Rockwood, Amamill? Rockwood. 3 daughters,

Hannah, Deborah, and Comfort Rockwood. Hannah married Daniel

FISK a Baptist exhorter making much noise, all wind like

carbonic gas. down! down!

Josiah Rockwood born the same day as my sister Sarah Long,

April 2, 1754, had a large family. The fruits of this large

family occopied a large population, standing in their parent

state.  This aunt Rockwood, after the death of her husband,

John Rockwood, married Deacon Joel ADAMS, brother to John

ADAMS second ruler of America.

            (This ends Dr. David Long's Letter)

          Research paper of Emilene Rice Long (1970's)

John Long and his wife Sarah came from Ireland to America in the year 1726
and settled in Taunton, MA. They had six children;  John b. 1720,  Jenny, Anna,
James, Margaret and David b 1724 d. 1784 who is ancestor of the other branch
of the Long's in town. (Shelburne)

John II born in 1720 and Mary TAFT whom he married were both born in Ireland and
came to America at the same time. Their marriage intentions are recorded in the Upton
town records September 21, 1746. The came from Upton to Shelburne in 1780 and
purchased the farm which has ever since been occupied by his descendants, his son
Aaron bringing a load of goods with an ox team.

They had thirteen children, John the oldest was a surgeon (authored Dr. John Long's
Diary) in the Revolutionary army. He settled in Shelburne and lived south of the the E.
Ruddy place. He had a son Silas who was a doctor and lived in the same place.

(I) Have no records of the others only David who married Margaret Hastings and lived
and died in Corfu, New York. (He authored "Dr. David Lon's letter, 1851)

Emilene Rice Long

                  Research letter of Paul Manley Long, 1970

                                           John Long
                          First Generation and Children

John Long born in Ireland about 1700 and died in Taunton -- date unknown.
married Sarah Jane in Ireland. Sarah Jane died in Taunton Dec. 9, 1763. The
John Longs emigrated from the Londonderry area in 1726 and settled in Taunton, MA.

It has not been resolved what the names of the daughters of John were nor where all
the children were born.

A letter dated September 20, 1850  from David Long, grandson of John and son
of John II states, "My grandfather emigrated to America from the Protestant part of Ireland
in the year of the Christian era, 1726. My grandfather's family consisted of three sons and
three daughters, the three oldest born in Ireland, and the three youngest in America, John,
James and Genny in Ireland and Sarah, David and Anna in America."

At the time David wrote the foregoing he was 89 years of age. One year later he wrote
an account of all the descendants of John that he was able to account for. In this account he
wrote as follows:

"John Long, my grandfather emigrated from Ireland in the year 1726 bringing his family,
John Long, Genny Long, Mary Long. After landing in America was born James Long,
Elizabeth Long, David Long."

"The Long Family History" by J. Montgomery Seaver states:

"The first descendants of the Longs were John and Jennie Long who came from Ireland
in 1726. They had issue John, Mary, James, Elizabeth and David."

As stated above David was 89-90 years when he wrote his account of the Long family. He was
born in 1761 so he never knew his grandfather or grandmother. His account was based on
memory of conversations with his father  (and perhaps others). Therefore the listing of
John's children and birthplaces are subject to correction.

Paul M. Long, 1970.

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