Main Street, Dushore, PA
Turn of the Twentieth Century
Looking West From Public Square
Spire of St. Basil's in Distance
Note Telephone Poles Along Main Street, but No Cars
Undated Photo Poscard
Note: See companion postcard at bottom of page.
Original item posted for auction on eBay in March 2008

The Sullivan County Courthouse

Marriages from the Year 1904





Sweeney, Peter Francis

Kelly, Agnes Elizabeth


January 7, 1904

Croft, Pearl L.

Worthington, Clyde M.


January 16, 1904

Coyle, Emma E.

O'Neill, Timothy Joseph


June 22, 1904

Hibler, Sarah E.

Whitman, Levi


June 25, 1904

Dempsey, Nellie M.

Dunn, Edward B.


April 27, 1904

Main Street, Dushore, PA
About 1904
Looking West From Public Square
See comment below.
Photo of an unused postcard courtesy of Deb Wilson

The photo shown here is almost identical in theme and components to the top photo on this page, but not exactly. The horse drawn vehicle parked to the right is different in each picture, and the spire of St. Basil's seems to be "missing" or out of view in the latter image. There are other minor differences as well, but the photos could have been taken close together in time, maybe even on the same day if the photographer was gathering images for a series of postcards. Here is what Deb Wilson, our photo contributor, has to say:

You can't see St. Basil's on the hill but it is there. It must be over to the right, just out of view. On the back of the card there is what is known as an "Azo stampbox" mark. These marks have different characteristics that date the card. This one is an Azo with 4 triangles pointing up in the corners, so that information dates the photo as taken between 1904 and 1918. But since the card was never mailed, there is no postmark. So, it is impossible to pin down the date exactly. I'd guess the date is much closer to 1904.

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