Webster Cemetery
Established in the 1860's
Elkland Township, Sullivan County, PA

East side of SR 4009 (formerly LR 56019), ¼ mile north of intersection of Eldersville Road (formerly TR 413)
& southwest of Bedford Corners.
Our contributors are:
Mike and Debbie Krause
PO Box 88, Dushore, PA 18614
September 2001
Updated March 2009 by:
Linda Karge McDonald and Regan McCarty

Webster Cemetery
Elkland, PA
October 26, 2001
Photo Taken by Mike and Debbie Krause


Editor's Note: In February and March 2009, Regan McCarty, mentored by Linda Karge McDonald of Cherry Mills, PA, chose the Webster Cemetery as her graduation project at the Sullivan County High School. Regan, pictured below, cleaned all the tombstones and reset others, filled in graves, and planted ground cover and flowers. She also refinished the wrought iron fence around the grounds. This cemetery was Regan's 4-H Club "Rubbing Elbows with Your Ancestors" Project. Regan also photographed the grounds and grave markers, and reviwed and revised the list of interments. All the tombstones are marble and therefore have become harder to read over time with the effects of erosion. The earliest burial is dated in 1868. These photos and comments are integrated below with the original cemetery listing and photographs taken by Mike and Debbie Krause. The new updates from Linda and Regan are in maroon. You can reach Linda for comment at Linda Karge McDonald.

You will also learn more about the Webster family whose members are buried here at Settlers LVIII: Jonathan Webster: An Early Settler of Elkland Township by Lyle Rockwell, Larry Pardoe, Carol Brotzman and Sharon Webster. You should also read the biography of John J. Webster in the Streby History of Elkland. Their farm was in Estella, a community within Elkland Township.

Regan McCarty Cleans the Old Stones
Webster Cemetery
Elkland, PA
March 2009
Photo Taken by Regan McCarty





Webster, George

April 1876

Jan. 18, 1877

Son of J.J. & C. Webster; aged 10 months

Webster, Mary J.


Jan. 22, 1871

Wife of John J. Webster; age 29 years
"Yes She's Gone but Not Forgotten, Though to Think of her is Sad, in the Hearts of All who Know her, will her Image Long Remain"

Webster, Bertha


Mar. 8, 1888

Child of Wm. & BM Webster; aged 7 yrs, 8 mos, and 24 dys; same stone as Susie H.

Webster, Susie H.


Mar. 10, 1888

Child of Wm. & BM Webster; aged 3 yrs, 3 mos, and 3 dys; same stone as Bertha
"Happy Infants Early Blest, Rest in Peace, Full Slumber Rest, We Have Gone to Jesus"

Webster, George


Mar. 16, 1868

Son of J. & Harriet Webster
PVT, CO. K. 50 Reg
"In the 29th year of his age"
" – "His principles were true and good. And for his countrys freedom stood."
Veteran marker: 1861-1865
Note: Compare the photo linked above with a photo of the same marker for George Webster taken before the March 2009 clean-up.

Webster, Jonathan W.



Son of Jonathan & Harriet Webster

Webster, Jonathan

July 24, 1808

Jan. 3, 1879

Aged 71 yrs

Dues, Henrietta Webster

Dec. 11, 1813

May 2, 1872

"Wife of Gustus Dues; Born in Prussia" aged 59 yrs

Webster Cemetery
Elkland, PA
March 2009
Photo Taken by Regan McCarty

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