The Waterman Cemetery,

Waterman Road, Stevens Township,

 Bradford County, PA

by Carol Hoose Brotzman

1995 and October 14, 2006


Photos by Carol Hoose Brotzman October 14, 2006



This cemetery was comprised of one large headstone with all the names etched upon it until I spotted a smaller stone for Nora Avis Shaver and her son along the roadside. Then I noticed two more that had been placed since I visited in 1995. The cemetery is located alongside the edge of Wolf Creek, on the outer edge of Stevens Township, Bradford County, PA on Waterman Road.



  The property of French Avis (who would have been 103 in July 1995 when I first visited the cemetery); he married Leslie Potts. The owner in 1995 was his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Maxine Potts Roosa. The property has since been sold to someone else. **  Frenchie was the daughter of Friend and Estella Beaumont Avis, born Rushville area.  All were members of the Rushville Church according to Maxine. Saint Matthews Episcopal Church has records recording the family also. Maxine told me how Leslie Potts put the steeple on the Presbyterian Church at Rushville. 

** Editor's Note: In May 2009, we received the following message from Sean Harrington:

The property the cemetery resides upon is owned by Donald Harrington and has been owned since 1964. (the Potts and others, before and after, own 3/4 of an acre beside but not including the cemetery). Donald has notified the state of, and has maintained said site to this date. Donald Harrington is my father and an honorable man and will maintain the upkeep as long as he can (being that he is currently 87years old). He has seen that this site is on record as a historical site (which should keep it safe). I as a Marine myself will do my part for this veteran and fellow Marine and family, but being in Florida have some limitations.
Sean Harrington

According to our contributor, Carol Brotzman:

No one can tear up a cemetery here in PA either any more, but they could for years, and they did. Now the old cemeteries or burial plots are listed on deeds as portions not belonging to properties, even if they are in the middle of a lot. That's a good thing. Sean's father's deed was too early to state that. When his property is transferred the next time, it should mention the cemetery with boundaries.
The township only has to maintain cemeteries as far as having them mowed once or twice a year. Tuscarora Township mows 3 times a year and I am not exactly sure what the ruling is. The Veterans office plays for maintenance of veteran's graves and provides the flag. The fee that is paid is nominal.
Congratulations to Sean's father for being so diligent in maintaining Waterman. If I can be of any help, please let me know.
Carol Brotzman
Beaver Meadows, Tuscarora Township Bradford County, PA


The house next to the cemetery was moved to the present location from up on the hillside, behind its present location.  While being moved, the chain broke; it landed where it is right now, so they re-routed the creek (Wolfe Creek) to go behind the house for safety.


There is a large concrete hand on the concrete fence post, adjacent to the garage pointing the way to the main headstone. It is still in great condition. I must say I have never seen anything like it.





This is the main stone in the Waterman Cemetery.


The main stone records, on the side near the barn


In memory of

Leonora w/o  Wm. Averst

b/ May 20, 1831

d/ January 17, 1851



w/o J.F. Ellsworth

b/ August 23, 1842

d/ December 22, 1876

daughters of Titus and Caroline Waterman









The side in back


b/ July 12, 1833

d/ February 7, 1836



Friend V.

b/ May 21, 1838

d/ April 19, 1942

Children of Titus and Caroline Waterman









The side toward Wolfe Creek

Griswald W.

b/ November  9, 1828

d/ May 11, 1849



b/ August 22, 1825

d/ August 22, 1852

sons of Titus and Caroline Waterman




The side facing the road is very worn from the elements

Titus Waterman

b/ North Haven, Conn.

September 16, 1799

d/ January 17, 1868



his wife

b/ North Haven, Conn.

February 25, 1806

d/ March 20, 1877



There are footstones with names all around the edge of the main stone.  One person was a member of the Masons, as there were remains of a Mason Flag in 1995.



This one records simply, “Titus”









These are the “New Headstones” placed since 1995:


The new headstone for Nora Avis Shaver records:

July 25, 1877 - February 15, 1902

Infant Son February 15, 1902.


There was previously a wooden cross on that site.




The wooden cross is still there, beside the flagstone marker.

The new headstone was placed after 1995. There has to be an error on the death date for Nora I. Shaver. When I looked at census, I find they were counted twice in 1900, once with just her husband William and their son Emery in Orwell Township, Bradford County, PA. I clearly find them a second time in 1900 with her parents in Rush Township Susquehanna County, PA.  Nora is alive not deceased as the headstone leads us to believe in 1910 residing with her husband William Frank Shaver who was 40, and their children Emery W Shaver age 11, Myrtle I. Age 9, Maude L. age 6, and Ruth C. age 2. They have another child Pauline age 10 who is residing with the Friend C. Avis family, her grandparents also in Pike Township, Bradford County, PA.  In 1920 Nora and William Shaver are in  Rush Township, Susquehanna County, just across the boarder with their family that has grown. They now have Irene C. age 8 and Vera E.  Age 1-˝ years. In 1930 the father is gone and Nora is living with her daughter Ruth and her husband James Taylor and their baby Louise born about 1920 in Johnson City, New York. I have no idea when she actually passed away but obviously the headstone has issues with dates! William Shaver was born in Michigan according to 1900 and 1910 census reports with his father born New York and mother born in Pennsylvania.  1920 census has him born Pennsylvania and his parents born New York and New Jersey. I can not positively identify him in 1880.




William Waterman


USS Oliver Cromwell Revolutionary War

June 25, 1763 – February 25, 1847


Miriam Thorpe Waterman

1772 – 1864








* HISTORIANS NOTE FROM CEMETERY RECORDS: Naomie Waterman w/o J.F. Ellsworth b/ August 23, 1842 d/ December 22, 1876, daughter of Titus and Caroline Waterman








b/ August 22, 1825  d/ August 22, 1852   sons of Titus and  Caroline Waterman)


A death recorded in the Saint Matthews record book:



*  HISTORIANS NOTE: (CEMETERY RECORDS, Caroline Waterman, wife, b/ North Haven, Conn.   February 25, 1806   d/ March 20, 1877)


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