Sullivan County, PA

August 2004
Contributed by Mike Krause of Dushore, PA. Please address any comments or suggestions to Mike. The coordinates were calculated by Bernard Kotalik. The table below was prepared in an Excel file with cemetery names and longitude and latitute. To get the exact minutes for any coordiante, just take the number after the decimal point and multiply it times 60. For example, in the first longitude coordinate below, multiply .39589116 times 60 to get 23.753 minutes.

We are grateful to Mike and Bernie for this contribution of information for locating and preserving old county cemeteries.


Name .......Longitude ............Latitude .........SP_sk*
  1 Fairview -76.39589116 41.51384713 1=Ym\Z4Ub{w-
  2 Greenwood -76.56681781 41.55962848 1=Ym\vJve9z-
  3 Junk -76.24866874 41.46916898 1=Ym]mWb^mjf
  4 New Molyneux Cemetery -76.57507424 41.50712303 1=Ym\w{c84r>
  5 St. Vladimir's -76.31805566 41.45305548 1=Ym^76,8yt-
  6 Union Cemetery -76.52590083 41.55030483 1=Ym\vuyByb>
  7 West Hill -76.74625427 41.54547767 1=Ym\nl+EShf
  8 Old Friends & Brown -76.73874639 41.54702966 1=Ym\nL??82-
  9 New Friends -76.70091918 41.54279342 1=Ym\nWiv26p
  10 Estella -76.62670843 41.51182557 1=Ym\P4M84@-
  11 Webster -76.60891585 41.53871639 1=Ym\Oz)9yep
  12 Mullan-Pardoe-Grange -76.61964014 41.54061131 1=Ym\OWytZ7f
  13 Bethel -76.60720653 41.54975949 1=Ym\OunOR,-
  14 German -76.60889044 41.56533064 1=Ym\OT.g]M>
  15 Fairmount -76.60467417 41.4904031 1=Ym\PT3b9G-
  16 Hillsgrove -76.71271594 41.44148955 1=Ym^:3^1j=-
  17 Eagles Mere -76.59938539 41.40741325 1=Ym^1H*)zwp
  18 Colley -76.2846341 41.53327879 1=Ym]lMRnZ2-
  19 St. Basil's -76.40277013 41.52643046 1=Ym\Z2\SJip
  20 St. Francis of Assisi -76.37891087 41.48326535 1=Ym\ZTX^lWf
  21 Trinity Lutheran -76.37957649 41.48175177 1=Ym\Zu1O3<>
  22 Bernice -76.37860724 41.4720974 1=Ym\Zy2oMMp
  23 Evangelical -76.33348695 41.45559158 1=Ym\zwP2t.f
  24 Byzantine Catholic -76.33284279 41.45355983 1=Ym^711n_:-
  25 Old Vladimir's -76.32635973 41.44814886 1=Ym^72he{8>
  26 Bella Sylva -76.25822729 41.46308963 1=Ym]mw;UeD-
  27 Cherry Grove -76.47758539 41.36900106 1=Ym^44)yo6-
  28 Sacred Heart -76.49877341 41.42570508 1=Ym^2<6tD]-
  29 Mountain Ash -76.49141729 41.42194765 1=Ym^2=chm?p
  30 Hillside -76.55854328 41.35742141 1=Ym^3A+uOGp
  31 Old Sonestown -76.55518184 41.35749055 1=Ym^3AdU{v-
  32 Ayres -76.79383577 41.581586 1=Ym\L+=Ki\-
  33 Porter -76.77143292 41.56149051 1=Ym\LRtOTDf
  34 King Burial Ground -76.6194852 41.52191825 1=Ym\P2yTDj>
  35 Old Molyneux -76.5885418 41.51086009 1=Ym\w.ooul-
  36 Bird -76.57163079 41.50844843 1=Ym\w+\6.+f
  37 Bear Mountain -76.66180859 41.48002491 1=Ym\Ph+9oTp
  38 Bryan -76.6429678 41.46814863 1=Ym\POJDZAp
  39 The Commons -76.48187542 41.48636238 1=Ym\XQRnHZf
  40 Peace -76.42376102 41.51290777 1=Ym\Z?Y8n;p
  41 Jackson -76.41083076 41.50995767 1=Ym\ZA*UP2-
  42 Old Zion -76.37026488 41.53538658 1=Ym\ymb;g*p
  43 Ellis -76.36776515 41.45072206 1=Ym^7)e3Hvf
  44 Rock Burying Ground -76.24059568 41.48885203 1=Ym]mt{ul3>
  45 Ricketts -76.32813112 41.36400126 1=Ym^94H:ojf
  46 Muncy Valley Burying Ground -76.58335361 41.34578762 1=Ym^3_tU?)f
  47 Mount Vernon -76.61620451 41.34394201 1=Ym^@en8jn-
  48 Strawbridge -76.59420267 41.311602 1=Ym^3m4v?j-
  49 Taylor -76.64442382 41.34259592 1=Ym^@=oBz.-
*SP_sk=GIS Reference Point
generated with xls2html converter


HTML Formatting by Bob Sweeney
Sullivan County Page Coordinator
Last Updated on 08/14/04

Copyright © 2004 Robert E. Sweeney and individual Contributors. All Rights Reserved. Prior written permission is required from Robert E. Sweeney and individual Contributors before this material can be printed or otherwise copied, displayed or distributed in any form. This is a FREE genealogy site sponsored through PAGenWeb and can be reached directly at ~Sullivan County Genealogy Project (http://www.rootsweb.com/~pasulliv)