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Beaver Meadows Cemetery

March 17, 2016




Funeral Records


 There  are  two  unmarked graves  with  flags,  representing soldiers  of the Civil War alongside the cemetery fence  adjacent  to the  parking lot.  Glenn Bennett tried to ascertain the names  of these soldiers, but was unable to accomplish this task.   All we know is that they are numbered 138 and 112.  When the American  Legion was asked, the answer was no records were kept.  Two more  unknown  soldiers,  that someone once knew who was. Gone but not forgotten here.


There are two broken bits of a head stone in the old part of the  cemetery which do not appear to be from the same stone.  The first is a partial recording with the name William H. It is on  a  stone  with a curved top nothing more can be found, it now  leans against  the R.J. Hall Stone just up from the entry gate  by  the church.   The second, is a small middle section of a  stone  that has  a partial name ?way  died 1870.  This is located three  rows down  from  the top of the cemetery by the  church.   This  is probably  the stone for the Shumway children that have  been included on a new family stone.  Field stones mark unknown graves.



Funerals held at the Beaver Meadows  Meeting House (Church);


     I am including a very few of the records of the  Reverend D.D. Gray shared to me  by Marie VanDeMark. These have been hand copied a few times so there could be errors, but the basics are good. These records can be found at the Laceyville Oldest House and the Wyoming County Historical Society in Tunkhannock, PA.


Funerals held at the Beaver Meadows Meeting House (Church) conducted by Elder Rev. D.D. Gray.  He was a local Elder, and the Pastor of the (Laceyville) Braintrim Baptist Church for 31 years.   He was never the pastor at the Beaver Meadows or Bixby (Which ever name that was in use at that time) Meeting House. The records of the Freewill Baptist Church of Silvara mention meetings held at Fowler Hill. They used the Bishop School house for religious services. I am sure he was a traveling preacher.


These  records  are from the Elder Reverend D. D.  Grey.   During this  time period Reverend Grey was the minister for  the  Lacey­ville Baptist Church, serving as Elder. 


Charles  Bennett, funeral from the Beaver Meadows  Meeting  House  August  18, 1862, burial was probably at Fowler Hill, there is  a headstone for Charles Bennett there. Psalm 39:4 was the sermon. * Historians note from the Bennett Genealogy; His dates are  June 6,  1827-August 1, 1862. He was the son of Ferris and Nancy  Ben­nett who died at 35 years  27 days  1 month


Bixbys  Meeting  House  was the setting for the  funeral  of  Mr. Marbakers child November 2, 1862.  The sermon was John 14:3.  The burial was Fowler Hill.  There is a headstone for Phillie Marbak­er, child of Edmund and Thankful Marbaker there which died Novem­ber 1, 1862.


A  child of Perry Babcock ( his wife was Mary Culver), funeral  November  7, 1863,  from  the Beaver Meadows Meeting House,  burial  where  ?, Beaver  Meadows  or Fowler Hill ?  The sermon was 1  Corinthians 15:15, 52.

Wife  of  D.D. Bennett, funeral from the Beaver  Meadows  Meeting House, November 3, 1863, burial probably at Fowler Hill, there is a headstone there.* Historians note from the Bennett Genealogy;  Harriet E. Hoadley The  headstone  records died November 22, 1862 or 3  age  ?   She was the daughter  Peleg and Polly Hoadley.  Peleg died in May 1838.


Child of D.D. Bennett, funeral October 1, 1864 at Beaver  Meadows Meeting House.  Burial probably Fowler Hill.  The sermon was  Job 1:21.


*  Historians Note;  A child of D.D. Bennett has a  headstone  at Fowler Hill.  Charles Bennett died  October 1, 186? by stone.


Fowler  Hill Church services from the Bishop School house were terminated  about  the  time of the Civil War, that would explain  using  the Beaver  Meadows  Meeting House as the closest church  for  these funerals. Fowler Hill at that time era was listed with the Free­will  Baptist Church records of Silvara, later  as a Methodist School House Charge.




Fowler Hill Cemetery
   Rush Township
Susquehanna County PA



*  Historian  notes:   From the  Bicentennial  Braintrim  Baptist Church  1794-1994 booklet regarding the Elder D.D. Grey.

     The following is  the  basic early history of the  how  the  Baptist belief got started near started  Laceyville.  Mr. Samuel  Sturde­vants family was simple, numbered 11.  On May 24, 1794 he  formed the Braintrim Baptist church with just 11 members at Black Walnut bottom.   The members were as follows:  Samuel Sturdevant,  Sarah Sturdevant, Joseph Westcot, Hannah Westcot, Jedidiah Coon,  Olive Coon,  Azor Sturdevant, Fear Sturdevant, Noah  Sturdevant,  Molly Sturdevant,  and  Samuel Sturdevant Jr.   Samuel  Sturdevant  was licensed  to  preach October 25, 1794, at aged  54  years.    The first  to  follow her father's guidance and be  baptized  was  his daughter Sarah.  She became the wife of Jacob Grey, mother of Elders Davis Dimock Grey and H.H. Grey.  D.D. was probably  named for  the Baptist minister Davis Dimock who was preaching  in  the Montrose area at that time.  On May 24, 1834, D.D. Grey and Isaac

Lake  became  licensed  to preach.  Rev. Fox  resigned  from  the Braintrim Baptist Church in 1836,  and the Rev. Davis Dimock took over.   Rev. D.D. Grey  had been a pastor at a church in  Prince­ton, New Jersey, but he had been a spiritual child of  Braintrim,  a  grandchild of the founder of the church,  Samuel  Sturdevant.  He became the new pastor at Braintrim November 23, 1849,  serving for  22 years.  He had been converted at the age of  nine  years, baptized  in to Braintrim, licensed to preach May 24,  1834,  and ordained in Montrose 1836.    Rev. D.D. Grey preached 4,899  ser­mons  by his 40th anniversary, and had baptized over 700  people. When  he  had served Laceyville about twenty years  he  resigned, Rev. J.A. Bell took the helm over for about one year.  The church  then  recalled Rev. D.D. Grey to serve again.  He served 11  more  years,  a total of 31 years as Pastor of the  Laceyville  (Brain­trim) Baptist Church until his death February 9, 1881.  He  added 91 members to the roll by baptism.  Friends of the Rev. D.D. Grey erected  a  monument in his honor at the  Lacey  Street  Cemetery  where  he was lain to rest eternally.  The cost of  the  monument was  $308.00,  it  was unveiled Memorial Day 1883.   There  is  a window  on  the North side of the auditorium  in  the  Laceyville Baptist  Church that signifies Rev. D.D. Greys life.  The  window has  a  Cross, The Fruit, and The Crown. These  representing  his life, by the first he was saved, the second he bore life, and the third  he  now  wears in eternal life.  We know  that  Rev.  Grey served the members of our church, and the Freewill Baptist Church of  Silvara.   His records reveal much about local  history,  not just at Laceyville but throughout the area as he was the  Baptist Elder  serving  our local  region, and remember we were  a  Union Church with all beliefs, his records prove it.  


* Historians note: The Reverend Grey had been married twice, once to  Mary  Black  (1811-1864), a sister to  Nancy  Black  Bennett.  Therefore,  an  uncle to all the Bennett relatives here,  and  to  Polly  Ann  Harsh.  Rev. Grey married second  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth Tompkins, who died at age 94.  She is buried in the Hanover-Green cemetery, Wilkes Barre, Pa.




I have included a  few more records of Rev. D.D. Grey associated with the area,

Stevensville, 5 Feb. 1861, funeral of Mr. Featherbay, Text Rev. 1:7


Preformed at the Tuscarora Creek, 26 May 1865, funeral of Clark Warner, text 1 Cor.7: 29


Rush --- Speech at the laying of the cornerstone to the meetinghouse.  July 11, 1866

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Beaver Meadows Cemetery

 February 9, 2014


Plot Maps and Lot Numbers


The following pages are plot maps of the Beaver Meadows Cemetery given to me by Douglas Clapper in 1995. There are several copies circulating but all are basically the same. I do not know who initially did the drawing, I suspect Glenn Bennett.  The  interments for each lot number are listed below the plot maps.

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Beaver Meadows Cemetery

April 24, 2016


These are the plot owners as of August 1995.  I was loaned  these records  by Douglas Clapper and Dale Bennett.  They are  recorded just as they were found.


The Beaver Meadows Cemetery plotted lot by lot

Lot Numbers:


lot 1; Row A;  Pickett, Henry 

lot 2; Row B;  Pickett, W.A.   

lot 3; Row C;  Pickett, M.J.   

lot 4; Row D;  Pickett, Marvin and King, Melvin 

lot 5; Row E;  Bennett, N.C. and Bennett, Wayne

lot 6; Row F;  Bennett, D.D.

lot 7; Row G;  Bennett, A.E.

lot 8; Row H;  Place, C.A.

lot 9; Row I;  Cobb, D.C. and Steiger, A.D.

lot 10; Row J;  Cobb, N.C. and Olin

lot 11; Row K;  Culver, C.B.

lot 12; Row L;  Carter, J.G.

lot 13; Row M;  Carlin, L.D.

lot 14; Row N;  Babcock, N.P.

lot 15; Row O;  Hall, O.L.

lot 16; Row P;  Bennett, V.D.

lot 17; Row Q;  Bennett, V.D.

lot 18; Row R;  unknown:  may be Riley, Rufus and Pardon Potter

lot 19; Row Q;  Sink, W.L.

lot 20; Row P;  Baker, Wm.

lot 21; Row O;  Maxfield, A.J. and B.H.

lot 22; Row N;  Blakeslee, E.L.

lot 23; Row M;  Marbaker, Joseph

lot 24; Row L;  Clapper, E.L. and H.C.

lot 25; Row K;  Strickland, N.C.

lot 26; Row J;  Brown, P.M.

lot 27; Row I;  Wage, H.O. and Chester

lot 28; Row H;  Hoover, George

lot 29; Row G;  Clapper, O.D.

lot 30; Row E;  McLaud, Samuel

lot 31; Row D;  King, Charles

lot 32; Row C-1; McLaud, Guy

lot 33; Row C;  Pickett, Samuel

lot 34; Row B;  Wootton, George

lot 35; Row A;  Wootton, Olin

lot 36; Row A;  Sharer, Walter H.

lot 36b; Row A-1; Sharer, Kenneth and Howard

lot 37; Row B;  Garris, William

lot 38; Row C; Grannis, George

lot 39; Row C-1; Mitchell, David

lot 40; Row D; Harsh, Ann

lot 41: Row E; McLaud, J.P.

lot 42; Row G; Rought, Wm. S.

lot 43; Row H; Brotzman, Elisha

lot 44; Row I; Culver, James J.

lot 45; Row J; Hoadley, Charles O.

lot 46; Row K; Clapper, J.F. and Garris, J.A.

lot 47; Row L; Clapper, Estella

lot 48; Row M; Herman, William

lot 49; Row N; Marbaker, John

lot 50a; Row O; Brotzman, Clark  2 grave  

lot 50b; Cobb, Robert and Ruth 4 grave

lot 51; Row P; Hogeboon, James O.

lot 52; Row Q; LaFrance, Levi

lot 53; Row R; Baker, Dorsey

lot 54; Row S; Wakely, Wm.

lot 55; Row S; Hawley, Adella

lot 55a; Row T; Steiger, Elizabeth

lot 56; Row R; Place, John

lot 57; Row Q; Parys, Louis

lot 58; Row P; Bennett, Chester and Gordon

lot 59; Row O; Hitchcock, Nellie

lot 60; Row N; Hitchcock, Lizzie and Floy

lot 61; Row M; Clapper, James W.

lot 62; Row L; Smith, Ward

lot 63; Row K; Otis, A.R. and Beeman, Nolan

lot 64; Row J; Tyrrell, Merton R.

lot 65; Row I; Brotzman, Jennie, and Comstock, F.C.

lot 66; Row H; Wood, George

lot 67; Row G; Sink, Soloman B.

lot 68; Row E; McLaud, George and Dunbar

lot 69; Row D; Woodruff, Calvin

lot 70; Row C-1;

lot 71; Row C; Whitney, W.B.

lot 72; Row B; Smith, Ernest

lot 73; Row A; Sharer, Llewellyn

lot 73b; Row A-1; Campbell, Randy and Sandy

lot 74; Row A; Bennett, Marion

lot 74b; Row A-1;

lot 75; Row B; Chapple, Joseph and Elsie

lot 76; Row C; Hall, Frank

lot 77; Row C-1; Hall, Fred

lot 78; Row D; Marbaker, Miles B.

lot 79; Row E; Devine O.B. and John O.

lot 80; Row G; Baker, George

lot 81; Row H; Bennett, Howard I.

lot 82; Row I; Harford, Adelbert

lot 83; Row J; Woodruff, B. Frank

lot 84; Row K; Millard, Amasa and Blake

lot 85; Row L; Devine, Daniel

lot 86; Row M; Warner, Milton - Larish Elmer

lot 87; Row N; Trible, Glenn

lot 88; Row O; Woodruff, W.H.

lot 89; Row P; Whitney, E.L. and Bryce

lot 90; Row Q; Denson, Perry

lot 91; Row R; Hawley, Nellie

lot 92; Row N; Cobb, Elwin and Wilson, Kenneth

lot 93; Row M; Marbaker, Morton           maybe a 3 grave lot

lot 93 1/2  3 grave lot

lot 94; Row L; Wootton, John  1/2 lot Ralph Stanton

lot 95; Row K; Brink, Walter

lot 95w; Row K; Millard, Harry

lot 96; Row J; McLaud, Paul

lot 97; Row I; Brink, Theodore

lot 98; Row H; Goodwin, Fred

lot 99; Row G; Grannis, Edward J.

lot 100; Row E; Marbaker, Clarence and Raymond

lot 101; Row D; Marbaker, Edward Junior

lot 102; Row C-1; Shook, Paul  1/2 lot Benscoter, Fred

lot 103; Row C; Brotzman, Francis, Dale and Carol Brotzman retain the original deed

lot 104; Row B; Marbaker, Oscar

lot 105; Row A; Chaffee, Sereno

lot 105b; Row A-1;

lot 106; Row A; Brink, Leonard

lot 106b; Row A-1; Brotzman, F. Dale and Carol

lot 107;  Row B; Repsher, Leland

lot 108;  Row C; Place, Otto and Lyle

lot 109;  Row C-1; Hunsinger, Glenn

lot 110;  Row D; Clapper, Clifford

lot 111;  Row E; Newhart, Ed and Jane

lot 112;  Row G; Bell  (2 grave lot)

lot 112b; Dobos, William and Bertha 4 graves on the North

lot 113;  Row H; Wood, Charles

lot 114;  Row I; Garris, N.G. and Frank

lot 115;  Row J; McLaud, Marion C.

lot 116;  Row H; John McCormick      3 grave lot

lot 116a:  3 grave lot     

lot 117;  Row G; McCormick, Donald     3 grave lot

lot 117a:  3 grave lot

lot 118;  Row E; Owens, Floyd

lot 119;  Row D; Singer, Sam     3 grave lot

lot 119a: 3 grave lot

lot 120;  Row C-1; Hall, Stan and 1/2 Brotzman, Marvin

lot 121;  Row C; Clapper, Donna (Adams)

lot 122;  Row B; Repsher, Cecil (Milton)

lot 123;  Row A; Marbaker, Harry

lot 123b; Row A-1; Marbaker

lot 124;  Row A; Bennett, Richard

lot 124ba; Row A-1;  David Olmstead  1 grave

lot 124Bbc:  Proof, Helen and Donald  2 grave lot

lot 125;  Row B; Brotzman, Alan  5 graves

lot 126;  Row C; Place, Alfred and Barbara

lot 127;  Row C-1; Sivers, Webb

lot 128;  Row D; Devine, Harold

lot 128A; Row D; Grover, Andy    4 bodies one grave, cremated

lot 128cd;  Marie Devine to Rev and Mrs James Smith  2 graves

lot 129;  Row C; Brotzman, Elston S.

lot 130;  Row B; Brotzman, Bryce (he is buried in Sunnyside Ceme­

tery Tunkhannock, Pa.)

lot 131;  Row A; Cobb, Paul H.

lot 131b; Row A-1; Benscoter, Gerald

lot 132;  old  

lot 133;  old

lot 134;  old                  

lot 135;  old

lot 136;  old

lot 137;  old

lot 138;  old

lot 139;  old

lot 140;  old

lot 141;  old

lot 142;  old

lot 143;  old

lot 144;  old

lot 145;  old

lot 146;  old

lot 147;  old

lot 148;  old

lot 149;  old

lot 150;  old

lot 150a; William Schweitzer, to be buried next to Amelia Tiffany if  there is room, there wasn't, he was buried here.   Cremation.  If the lot is not needed, it returns to the cemetery,  originally

a one grave lot sold by Max Whitney to Bill Schweitzer.

lot 150b; Wheaton, Fred and Guy

lot 150d;  Meehan, Debra Morgan

lot 151;    

lot 152; 

lot 153; 

lot 154;

lot 155;

lot 156a; Marbaker, Albert and Emily    3 graves

lot 156b; Helvig, Kovalick 3 graves

lot 157;  Thompson, Arbutus

lot 158;  Bennett, Dale and Donna

lot 159;  Whitney, Carl

lot 160; 

lot 161;

lot 162;

lot 163;

lot 164;

lot 165;

lot 166;  Bennett, Edward Ferris

lot 167;  Frisbie, Kay (Thompson)

lot 168;  Bennett, Dean and Diane

lot 169;  Cobb, Richard

lot 170;

lot 171;  Trible, Clyde and Marie

lot 172;  Cobb, Glenn

lot 173;  Melan, David and Joyce, Eugene and Sandy 

lot 174;

lot 175a;  Rapp, Micky and Sherri   4 grave

lot 175b:  Henry and Beverly Stanton   2 grave

lot 176a;   4 grave

lot 176b;  Harvey, Lisa and Stiril 2 grave

lot 177; 

lot 178;  Bond, Howard and Doris 

lot 179;  Glaser, Richard W. and Catherine C.

lot 180;  Wells, William and Ellen (Thompson)

lot 181;  Bennett, Boyd and Shirley

lot 182;  Lockwood, James and Phyllis, 2 graves, 4 graves Dale and Carol Brotzman

lot 183;  

lot 184;  Trible, Clyde

lot 185;  Searfoss, Joyce

lot 186;  Melan, Eugene and Sandy 

lot 187;  Gregerson, Louis and Helen

lot 188;  McLaud, Richard

lot 189;

lot 190;

lot 190b: William and Sandra Jayne  2 grave

lot 191;  Thomas, Matthew and Theresa Stanton 

lot 192a; Henry Stanton Junior, and Maureen   4 grave 

lot 192b:  William and Audrey Eberhardt  2 graves

lot 193;  Kelley, Robert and Pat

lot 194;  James and Maria Canfield

lot 195a;  Stanton, Henry and Beverly  2 graves 

lot 196;  

lot 197;

lot 198;  Rowe, Charles and Alice

lot 199;

lot 200a;  Decker, Ted and Alta  2 graves

lot 200b Kumetz, Guido  4 graves

lot 201; Russell and Crystal Hons 

lot 202;  Marilyn Bishop, James Edward Melan (2 graves)

lot 203;  Millard, Glenwood

lot 204ab;  Laurence and Donna McLaud Norton   2 grave lot

lot 204Acd; Norton, Paul E  2 grave

lot 204b;   2 grave lot

lot 205;

lot 206;  Whipple, Elias LeRoy and Irene

lot 207;  Voda, Richard and Linda

lot 208a

lot 208b; Donahue, Sharon

lot 209;  

lot 210;

lot 211;  Clapper, Douglas and Virginia

lot 212a;  Canfield, Clifford             2 grave lot

lot 212b;  Canfield, Clifford Jr          2 grave lot

lot 212c;  Walliken, Michael and Geneva   2 grave lot

lot 213;  Repsher, Cecil and Pearl

lot 214;  Ellsworth, Charles and Caroline

lot 215;  Steele, Almeda

lot 216;  Brown, Barbara and William

lot 217;

lot 218;

lot 219a;  Milton Repsher Jr 4 graves

lot 219b;  Card, Richard and Candy  2 graves

lot 220a;  Melan, William and Amy   3 graves

lot 220b;  Newell, Gregory and Colleen

lot 221;  Sands, Sabrina 1 grave

lot 221a; Sands, Robert and Kate 4 graves

lot 222;

lot 223;

lot 224;

lot 225;

lot 226;  Brotzman, Elston

lot 227;  Groover, Francis and Virginia

lot 228;  Garris, Odessa

lot 229a;

lot 229b; Donahue, Randall and Helen  

lot 230;

lot 231;  Clapper, Dennis and Pat   

lot 231b;  

lot 232;  Clapper, Douglas and Virginia    

lot 233;  McGavin, Clara Canfield Keener

lot 234;  Crawford, Lewis and Kathy (now Kathy Teetsels lot)

lot 235;  Friedemann, Earl and Emma

lot 236;

lot 237;  Armbsby,  Lee and Walters, Louise

lot 238;

lot 239;

lot 240;  Milton and Neta Repsher

lot 241A; Newell, Gregory and Colleen     2 graves

lot 241b;  4 graves

lot 242;  Ryan, George and Jenella  

lot 243;

lot 244;

lot 245;

lot 246;  Spires, Thelma and Elinor

lot 247;  Ace, Francis and Rhea

lot 248;

lot 249;  Brotzman, Elisha and Linda

lot 250;

lot 251;

lot 252;  Cobb, James and Eleanor

lot 252b;

lot 253;

lot 254;

lot 255;

lot 256;

lot 257;  Bennett, Brian and Dianne

lot 258;  Camp, Deborah and David

lot 259;  Fassett, Morris and Charlotte

lot 260;

lot 261;

lot 262; 

lot 263;

lot 264;

lot 265ab;   Monroe and Diane Ryan   2 graves

lot 266;

lot 267;

lot 268;

lot 269;

lot 270;

lot 271;

lot 272;

lot 273;

lot 274;

lot 275;  Daniel and Rita Clapper

lot 275b;

lot 275c

lot 276;

lot 276b;

lot 277;

lot 278;

lot 279; 

lot 280;

lot 281;

lot 282;  Button, Herbert and Dean,   Jeff and Isaac Millard

lot 283;  McLaughlin, Liza and Hillary

lot 284;

lot 285;

lot 286;

lot 287;

lot 288;

lot 289;

lot 290;

lot 291;

lot 292;

lot 293;

lot 294;

lot 295;

lot 296;

lot 297;

lot 298;

lot 299b;

lot 300;  Linda Krukowski

lot 301;  Clapper, Tina and Jerry

lot 295;

lot 296;

lot 297;

lot 298;

lot 299;

lot 299b;



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Beaver Meadows Cemetery

April 24, 2016




*  Historians  note:  From a cemetery association  meeting,  date early 1990's, the driveway up through the cemetery was to be sold  for burial lots.  It was reported that they were all purchased by  Glenn Bennett.  I have not found any mention of this on the  plot owners  records  of Dale Bennett or Douglas Clapper. I  have  not  been permitted to view the secretaries records to verify this. My husband Dale Brotzman was a member and related this to me.


*  Historians note: It was reported at the October 24, 1996 ceme­tery  association  meeting that Bill and Florence  Brotzman  pur­chased  a lot in the cemetery, and that Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ryan  purchased 2 graves.


The cemetery had been cataloged by Hedy Chaffee between 1980 - 1989, and Carol Brotzman in 1995 - 2016

Family information in the cemetery section comes from the follow­ing sources:


Hedy  Chaffees records and Tuscarora Township Historical  Society files,  Betty  Smith and the Montrose  Historical  Society,   Eva Bannon and her family records, The Bennett Genealogy, The  Brotz­man Genealogy, Glenn Bennett, Dorothy Bennetts records, Donna and Dale  Bennett,  Janella  Garris Ryans  records,   Marie  Woodruff VandeMarks  records, Linda Culver Englishs records, Carol  Brotz­mans records, Helen Brotzman Gregersons records, Linda  Gregerson Whipple, Jeannie Hibbard Yurgatis, Jeannie Grow Hibbards records, Ray Marbakers records, Bessie Donahue Benscoters records,  Marga­ret Donahue, Dean Button, Mary Schweitzers records, Clyde Trible, Holly Cobb, Muriel Whitney, Carol  Walker Comstocks records, Jane Newhart,  Caroline Fassett Elsworth, Mrs. Sheldon  Millard,  Gwen Pickett, Alice Sivers, Mae Hawley Fassetts personal records,  Ray Marbaker's family records, Leo Bolles records,  Carl and Marcella Whitneys  records,  John  and  Stanley  Parys,  Katheryn  Fassett Schuster,  Carl  Salsman,  Chip  Schuster,  Grace  Boreck,  Kathy Heilman's records and the Bradford County History published in 1996.  

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The Beaver Meadows church sporting the new roof that was installed in November 2015


Copyright © 2017 Robert E. Sweeney and Carol Brotzman. All Rights Reserved. Prior written permission is required from Robert E. Sweeney or Carol Brotzman before this material can be printed or otherwise copied, displayed or distributed in any form. The Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum is hereby expressly and solely authorized to use this material in any non-commercial educational fashion. This is a FREE genealogy site sponsored through PAGenWeb and can be reached directly at ~Sullivan County Genealogy Project (

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