Baker | | Bill Wagner | |
Barno | | Sherry Whitecavage | |
Barrow | | Susan Barrow Spaulding | |
Baciuska | | Pete Baciuska | |
Bensinger | Lower Mahantongo and Hubley | Phil and Pat Carl | |
Berkheiser | | Gwen Bixler Drivon | |
Bixler | | Gwen Bixler Drivon | |
Blackmon/Blackman |   | Holly Knott | |
Bonsavage, Bonsevicius | Shenandoah | Nancy Davis | |
Brodt | | Gwen Bixler Drivon | |
Bruner | | Allyson Tilton | |
Campbell | Honeybrook, Silverbrook | Kathryn T. DeCampo | |
Callaghan | Heckscherville | Catherine C. Clifford | |
Cantlin | St.Clair, Shenandoah | Mary Ann Lubinsky | |
Cantwell | Cass Township | Gary Cantwell | |
Carl | Lower Mahantongo and Hubley | Phil and Pat Carl | |
Castor | | Peter Horn | |
Caul | Asheville, Gordon | Mike Burke | Website |
Clarke | Pottsville, St. Clair, Minersville | Colleen Callahan | |
Colihan, Colahan | Pottsville | Catherine C. Clifford | |
Collins | Mahanoy Twp. | Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen | |
Comnetsky/Komonetsky | | Sherry Whitecavage | |
Cooper | | Lara Cooper | |
Cosgrove | Cass Twp., Shenandoah | Bill Fox | |
Costic | | Cheryl Moser | |
Curry | Barnesville | Karen McGurk | |
Curry | Mt. Laffee | Marianne Granoff | |
Davis | | Vivian Lane | |
Davis | Minersville | James R. Davis | Website |
Delaney | | Thomas A. Delaney | |
Dietrich | | Gwen Bixler Drivon | |
Dillman | | Carol Bauby | |
Dowd | | Thomas A. Delaney | |
Drabnis | | Becky Davis | |
Dreidlein | Ashland, Pottsville | Tom Quinn |
Tree on Ancestry |
Drexel | Tamaqua | Kim | |
Dronick | | Cheryl Moser | |
Duffy | Coaldale, Honeybrook, Silverbrook | Kathryn T. DeCampo | |
Dyki | | Betsy Arnoldi | |
Eastwood | | Allyson Tilton | |
Eisenhower | Ringtown, New Ringgold, Union Twp., Barry Twp. | Barbara Meyer | |
Eisenhuth | Tamaqua | Kim | |
Ernst | Branch Twp. | Sharon Mills | |