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Examination of Daniel Nelson | Examination of Esther Nelson | Examination of Margaret Nelson | Examination of Sarah Nelson 

No. 1
December 1823
Perry County
At a Court of ___ and Te___ held at Landisburg for the county of Perry before the honorable John Reed Esquire president and his associate Judges of the said Court on the first Monday in December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.
The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania inquiring in and for the body of the county of Perry upon their oaths and affirmations respectfully do present that Joseph Neilson late of the county of Perry, tanner, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil, on the twenty sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and twenty three at the township of Toboyne and county of Perry aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court with force and in the ____ of God ________ Commonwealth then and there being _______ in and upon one Robert Neilson, feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought did make an assault and that he the said Joseph Neilson with a certain knife made of iron and steel of the value of fifty cents, which be the said Joseph Neilson in his right hand then and there had and held him the said Robert Neilson in and upon the breast, belly sides left arm and left thigh of him the said Robert Neilson, then and there feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did strike, thrust, stab and penetrate giving to the said Robert Neilson then ___ of there with the knife aforesaid in and upon the breast belly sides left arm and left thigh of him the said Robert Neilson six several wounds, to wit, one mortal wound in and upon the lower part of the left breast of him the said Robert Neilson of the breadth of one inch and of the depth of six inches, and one other mortal wound in and upon the left side of the left breast of him the said Robert Neilson of the breadth of one inch and of the depth of four inches, and one other mortal wound in and upon the left side of the belly between the short ribs of him the said Robert Neilson of the breadth of one inch and of the depth of six inches and one other mortal wound in and upon the right side of the belly of him the said Robert Neilson of the breadth of one inch and of the depth of four inches and one other mortal wound in and upon the left arm of him the said Robert Neilson of the length of four inches and of the depth of two inches and one other mortal wound in and upon the left thigh of him the said Robert Neilson of the length of two inches and of the depth of one inch, of which said six several mortal wounds he the said Robert Neilson then and there instantly died and so the jurors aforesaid upon their oaths and affirmations aforesaid, do say, that the said Joseph Neilson him the said Robert Neilson in manner and form aforesaid then and there feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder contrary to the form of the act of General Assembly in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Thomas Elsler, Attorney General

John Brunner?
Alexander Douglas
Robert Adams, Esq.
Margaret Neilson
Esther Neilson
Sarah Neilson
Daniel Neilson

Samuel McCord
Samuel Nesbit
Hugh Clark
James Clark
Fisher Nesbit
Charles Robison
George Douglas
Andrew Norcross?
Henry Zimmerman
John Zimmerman
William McCord
Abraham Bower, Sr.
John Calho_n
Margaret Nesbit

Examination of Daniel Nelson
Perry County
The examination of Daniel Nelson of the township of Toboyne County of Perry and State of Pennsylvania yeoman.  Taken before Robt. Adams Esq. one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the said county the 27th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and twenty three the Said Daniel Nelson being charged with Having been party in the murder of Robt. Nelson of the township, county and State aforesaid with Having Stabbed the said Robt. Nelson with a knife or some other sharp weapon and the said Robt. Nelson is since dead.  The said Daniel Nelson upon his examination now taken before me saith that on Saturday last past the said Daniel Nelson Joseph Nelson and Robt. Nelson was engaged in holling in Rye on the farm of Margarett Nelson that in the Evening of said day the above mentioned three to wit Daniel Nelson Joseph Nelson and Robt. Nelson came into the House of Margaretta Nelson being the time there was some Rain and During the time it was Raining Joseph nelson went home to his own House and said Danl Nelson went up to barn and lay down then Robt. Nelson came up to the barn and scoalded me I took my Cri_ndle and went over to try my Creadle in the oats I went past Joseph as he was standing out before the door and he asked me what was the matter as he seen by my Looks there was something the matter  I told him that Robt. had scoalded me he said he had went on High annuff this H----- he believed he would go over and peacify him meaning Robt. Nelson  I went in & eat some victuals in Joseph and from that I went on till the oats and began to creadle and I Heard the noise at the House I took my creadle and ___ with it till Josephs and Left it there and ran from that like my mothers and just as I was coming up the steps of the House Joseph Nelson was coming out of the House I asked him what was the matter he said he had got his shirt tore I went in and seen Robert Setting in the floor and the girls holding him up  I asked the girls what was the matter with him meaning Robert one of them said he had fallen on the steps I made answer and said I thought it was a stab of a knife we then carried him to bed  I then went up and fetched Charls Robison  I then came back to the Lane and then went to the field for a Horse  I fetched the Horse to the House and saddled him and then went up to Carsons then Thomas Carson and me rode over to John Nelsons and John Nelson Thomas Carson and myself came Home put the beast in the field and went in the House sat some time there and then went to bed
Taken before me the 27th Day
of July AD 1823
Robt. Adams
Daniel Nelson (signed)

The examination of Ester Nelson of Toboyne Township, County of Perry and State of Pennsylvania taken before me Robt. Adams Esqr. one of the Justices of the Peace in for the said county the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty Three, the said Easter Nelson being charged with being aiding assisting or otherwise trying to conceal a certain Murder committed on the body of Robt. Nelson at the house of Margarett Nelson on the 26th day of July 1823.  The said Easter Nelson on her Examination saith that on the 26th day of July 1823 in the Evening of said day about sun set my Mother Robert Mary and Sally were eating their supper and during the time they ware eating I went to the Loft and Then I Returned back to the Stair Door  I seen Robt.& Joseph standing in h--- Robert had Joseph by the brest then I went in between them and parted them then I took Robt. to the Door and Mary and Sally took Joseph to the other Door when I took Robt. to the Door he turned about and looked back in the house I asked him [what just] _________________  he said he was not angry now there would be no more of it and he stood on his feet a few minnets and then sunk away then my mother hollored something I do not know what she said he fell over on the ground.  I then called to the Rest to come and help in with him and Joseph Mary and Sally came and helped in with him we lifted him up and took him in and set him at the door so that he might get air as he set up he seed to braithe as well as usual for a while we then took him to bed and set him up and I set behind him untill he breathed his last breath but during the time he sat in the floor we opined his Clothes to give him air and then we discovered blood from off him to see where the blood came from we then seen the one mark on his brest I do not know how he got hurt but it must have been when Joseph and him was in ._____ we did not see any but the one mark untill some of the men came and examined him and the time they ware going to eat and the time they ____ that Robt got hurt Daniel was at the oat field I believe as he was not in the House.
Subscribed before me this 
30th day of August AD 1823
Robt. Adams

Ester Nelson (signed)

Perry Co.
The examination of Margarete Nelson of Toboyne township County of Perry and State of Pennsylvania When before Robt. Adams Esqr. one of the Justices of the peace in & for the said county  The 30th Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and twenty three the Said Margarette Nelson being charged with having been aiding assisting or otherwise concealing a certain Murder committed in the house of the said Margarette Nelson on the 20th day of July last past the said Margarite nelson upon her examination saith that on the 26th day  of July 1923 in the evening of said as the family of the said Magarette Nelson was going to eat their supper then said Margarette Nelson asked where Daniel was and some of them made answer and said they did not _____ I asked them if he had went to the other House They said they did not know then Robert got up and went to the barn and after Robert returned from the barn I asked him if Daniel was at the barn;  Robt. said he was there and was coming down Daniel then came in as we were siting down to eat.  I told him to come  to his Supper but he did not sit down to eat Daniel appeared to be some how affronted at Robt. but I did not know how the offence came then Daniel and Robt had some words:  then Daniel went to the loft and brought a grain creadle down and from that he went in the oats field and began to creadle oats and before we ware done eating all but my self I had just set back from the table Joseph came in and sat down and after he had set down he said I think you have turned one man away  Robt. made answer and said if ever I know him to act so again I will take and tye him till he comes to him self  Joseph said you should not mind him yes says Robt. or you Either Joseph said Shure I am not affraid to speak to you then Robert jumped up from the table then They made at each other but how they caught hold of each other I can not tel as the Girls ran to them  that was Mary and Sally Ester was up stairs and ran down and went betwen them and parted them She took Robt to the front Door and Joseph went to the back door then Robt went out on the p___ door steps and I said Robt. what makes you get in such a possion you know that this vexes me whether he made me answer or not I can not tell then just at that time he fell and as I thought he fell on the scraper he fell over on his back off the steps then I called out he was killed then the girls came out and raised a great screem and a Cry then I calld to Joseph to come and help in with him then he came and we carried him to the back door we set him up and rubbed his face with whiskey Then I told Joseph to go and fetch Wm. Bruner and accordingly he went and brought him then the girls and Daniel carried him to the bed whether Joseph helped to carry him before he started I do not know but he did not live long after we put him to bead.
questions asked Do you know who it was that stabbed Robert  Answer I do not know but suspect it was Joseph there was no other person for it as Daniel was not in the hous.
Margret Nelson (signed)

Subscribed this 30
day of August AD 1823
before Robert Adams.

Perry County
The examination of Sarah Nelson of toboyne township county of Perry and State of Pennsylvania taken before Robt. Adams Esqr. one of the Justices of the Peace in and for he county affsd.  the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and twenty three the said Sarah Nelson being charged with having been aiding assisting or otherwise concealing a Certain Murder committed in the House of Margarett Nelson the 26th day of July last past on the body of Robt. Nelson the said Sarah Nelson on her examination saith that on the 26th Day of July 1823 in the Evening of said day as we were sitting eating our supper there was Robert, Mother Mary and my self ware Eating and During the time we were Eating Joseph Nelson came in and told Robert that he believed he had turnd off [one man?] Robt. said that if he would give him any of his [chat] he would tie him  Robt. got up and went till Joseph Mary got up and went to them but I was frightned that I did not _______ catched each other then i went to them as soon as I could I got a hold of Joseph & I took him Back but I was so frightned that I did not know how it was I seen no weapon that any of them had nor any ______ between them Joseph shirt was some tore & after we had parted them Robert went towards the Door and my Mother called out that Robert had fell  I then went to him but before I got to him Ester had Lifted him up So that he could sit:  Then we carried him in the House floor and Mary opened up his Clothes then we discovered blood on him we held him up for some time and wet his face with whiskey he appeared not to come to we then carried him to bead and in the course of one minnet I think he was Dead at the time we took him to bead  Daniel helped with him to bead but Daniel was not there at the time that Robt. got hurt when Daniel first came in we had him setting up in the floor he asked what was the matter whether any person ___ him answer or not I cannot tel there was no person to Hurt him but Joseph as there was no more there at the time he get hurt but Joseph at the time we Discovered Blood on him we ___ Sarah and found the wound on his Breast we thought at that time that he got it by the fall

Sarah "/" her mark Nelson

Subscribed this 30th day of
August AD 1823 before
Robt. Adams



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