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Some of the earliest settlers in Fishing
Creek Valley were Lutherans, and many of their descendants still form a large
portion of the population of Rye Township. As early as 1763, John Rankin
located land "at Candennan's Gap it Kittatiny Hill;" Israel Jacobs
settled on Fishing Creek in 1766, and John Jacobs in 1768; Adam Reigart in 1773
and Samuel Starr, "on the waters of Fishing Creek," in 1774, and
George Albright (German, Albrecht) located land in 1786. These pioneer
settlers were soon joined by others from the eastern counties and Cumberland
Valley, among whom were the Reibers (German, Raubers) in 1790, the Foulks (Volks)
in 1795, the Ensmingers in 1797 and then the Sloops, Finicles, Kimmels, Hinkels,
Billows (German, Billoch), and a number of others. These all settled on
Fishing Creek along Gherman's Creek and in Pisgah Valley, so that at the
beginning of the present century a considerable number of Lutheran families was
scattered through that region over an extended territory on the northwest of the
North Mountain. Before they had a church in their midst, these members
attended preaching at Carlisle, a distance from ten to fifteen miles, by a
rugged path over the North Mountain. Rev. John G. Butler was pastor of he
Lutheran Church at Carlisle from 1780 to 1788, and it is thought that he
occasionally visited and preached for the scattered members on this side of the
mountain, especially so as their number was considerable, and he was noted for
looking up the destitute members of the Church. Rev. Butler resigned at
Carlisle in 1788, and in 1790 the congregation at Loysville secured as pastor,
Rev. John Timohty Kuhl,
who preached statedly for "the Germans
in Sherman's Valley," and occasionally, if not regularly, also for the
members "on the waters of Fishing Creek," until 1796, when he
left Sherman's Valley.
Rev. John Herbst
pastor of the church at Carlisle, in 1797,
commenced to preach at Loysville regularly once every four weeks. On his
way to and from Loysville he usually stopped with the members of Fishing Creek
and preached for them. In 1801, Rev. Herbst resigned at Carlisle, and in
1802 he was succeeded there by
Rev. Frederick Sanno,
who, from 1802 to 1809, on his way to and
from Loysville, preached frequently in Fishing Creek Valley. Some of the
aged members still remember his preaching, and also, that he instructed a class
of catechumens, whom he confirmed in Mr. Philip Foulk's barn, where he had
communion at the same time. When this was, and whom he confirmed, cannot
be remembered. It was probably in 1808 or 1809. In winter he
preached in private dwellings and in summer in barns and sometimes in the
woods. On such occasions the members all around from six to ten miles
assembled to hear the word of life. Excepting the single instance just
referred to, the young people always went to Carlisle to attend catechetical
instruction, and so did the members on occasions of communion. On their
way to and from Carlisle, they crossed the North Mountain at Sterrett's
Gap. In those days the people were surely willing to deny themselves in
order to hear the word of God. Who in Sherman's Valley would now walk ten
or fifteen miles over a high and rugged mountain to hear the Gospel
preached? Carriages and the means of easy and speedy conveyance were then
unknown, and if they had been known, they would have been useless, as the
mountain was crossed by a narrow path, leading over high rocks and deep
gorges. In 1809, Rev. Sanno ceased to preach in Sherman's Valley, and then
Rev. John Frederick Osterloh
took charge of the congregations in said
valley. He resided in Saville Township on a small tract of land of his own, but
now belonging to Mr. Henry Fleisher. At Fishing Creek he preached
regularly once every four weeks, in summer usually in Mr. Kimmel's barn and in
winter at different places in private dwellings and school-houses. He
preached also about six miles west of Fishing Creek neighborhood at Reiber's
Church or school-house on Sherman's Creek. This church or school-house
(for it was used for both purposes), now in Carroll Township, was built by the
early settlers. It stands yet, an ancient-looking structure, and a large
graveyard adjoins it.
In June, 1811, as delegate of the charge, Mr. C. Geiger of the Fishing Creek
congregation accompanied Rev. Osterloh to Synod, then held at Philadelphia.
When this congregation was regularly organized does not appear; it is however
highly probable, from all we can learn, that it was about the year
In the spring of 1813, at Reiber's Church or school-house, Rev. Osterloh
confirmed the following class of catechumens--the only class he confirmed among
this people:
Philip Hinkel; George Hinkel; John Shearer; John Reiber; Matthias Finicle; Mrs.
Mary Finicle; Susan Ensminger; Catharine Kimmel; Margaret Kimmel; Barbara
Kimmel; Susan Shearer; Elizabeth Jacobs; Susan Jacobs; Elizabeth Reiber;
Catharine Losh. *
*For these names we are indebted to Mrs. Susan Billow, whose
maiden name was Ensminger, and who is the only survivor of the fifteen
catechumens that were then confirmed. She is a truly pious mother in
The members were scattered over an extensive territory, and were
therefore easily beguiled by the influence of straggling preachers. Hence,
from the minutes of Synod, June, 1813, we learn that a letter was addressed to
Synod "by a part of the congregation in Rye Township, Cumberland (now
Perry) County, in which the signers state that they have employed Mr. G.
Preissler as their preacher, and they pray therefore that he may be received as
a member of this Ministerium." Thus the spirit of schism was rife among the
members in Fishing Creek Valley. "In regard to Mr. Preissler, it was, on
motion, Resolved, That the Ministerium can at present have nothing to do
with him, and that the President, in the name of the Ministerium, fraternally
admonish him to cease exercising the functions of the ministry." It
seems Mr. Preissler alienated a part of the congregation by intruding himself as
a minister. Such self-constituted preachers have always done
mischief. Who, and what Mr. Preissler was, we do not know. No doubt
Synod had good reasons for the action it took in his case.
In the summer of 1815, Rev. Osterloh resigned his congregations in Sherman's
Valley, and moved to Cumberland Valley. The Fishing Creek congregation was
then vacant. In June, 1816, a petition from this congregation was read
before Synod, praying that body to send them a minister. On motion, Synod
"Resolved, That the pastor of Carlisle be requested to serve this
congregation." Thus the congregation was again attached to Carlisle
and served from thence.
Rev. Benjamin Keller
was then pastor of the Lutheran Church at
Carlisle, and, in accordance with the resolution of Synod, at once commenced to
preach for the congregation in Fishing Creek Valley. He labored with great
zeal, and encouraging success attended his pious efforts to do good. Among
the first things this indefatigable and faithful minister of Christ did, was to
collect the youth for catechetical instruction and to make arrangements for the
erection of a suitable house of worship. In the Lutheran Observer,
August 14th, 1857, he says: "I preached every fourth Sunday afternoon
in Sherman's Valley (crossing at Sterrett's Gap), in the second story of a new
log house, belonging to a Mr. George Albrecht (now written Albright), until we
had a church built, which was consecrated by the Rev. George Lochman, D.D., then
pastor of the Lutheran congregation at Harrisburg. After the church was
built and consecrated, I gave it up to the Rev. J. W. Heim."
The corner-stone of this church was laid some time in July, 1816; but we cannot
ascertain who the building-committee were, or who the ministers were in
attendance on this occasion. About ten years ago, by some "lewd
fellows of the baser sort," this corner-stone was forced out and robbed of
its contents--a few coins, books and documents. We have found no traces of
a congregational constitution. Probably none was adopted. The
church-edifice was speedily erected and completed, and on Sunday, the 14th day
of August, 1816, it was consecrated with appropriate ceremonies and received the
distinctive title, Mount Zion Church. The Rev. Dr. Lochman preached
the dedicatory sermon and consecrated the church. The edifice was built of
hewed logs, and is about thirty-five feet by forty in size. It was a high
structure, and had inside high galleries on three sides, and a high pulpit
against the wall. A few years ago the building was lowered, the galleries
were removed, the pulpit was rebuilt and in all respects the internal
arrangement of the church was rendered more convenient and comfortable than it
had been before. The church is located in Fishing Creek Valley ,Rye
At this time (1816) and for a number of years after, the Church-Council
consisted of the following persons:
Christian Ensminger & Philip Foulk, Elders
Anthony Kimmel & Peter Foulk, Deacons
Under the efficient labors of Rev. Keller the congregation revived and attained
a high degree of prosperity. He was beloved by the people, and his efforts
to do them good were appreciated by them and blessed of God. But we need
not proclaim his praise; the large number of accessions to the congregation,
under his ministry, speaks more effectually than anything we can say.
Soon after he had taken charge of the congregation, Rev. Keller commenced
instructing a large class of catechumens in the Catechism of the Church, and at
the first communion he held here, on Sunday, the 10th of November, 1816, the
following thirty-five persons were confirmed:
John Reiber
Maria Shade
Daniel Ensminger
Elizabeth Shade
Catharine Bender
Conrad Hinkel
Barbara Finicle
Lydia Billow
Anna Foulk
Elizabeth Foulk
John Foulk
Maria Musser
Solomon Finicle
Margaret Yoh
Catharine Richter
William Messinger
Catharine Schlang
Jacob Messinger
Barbara Jacobs
Solomon Schlang
Maria Gamber
Catharine Sahrin
Anna Shade
Maria Bradley
Elizabeth Ensminger Susan Bender
Catharine Foulk
On the same day, with the above catechumens, the following thirty-six members
Christian Ensminger
Henry Jacobs
Regina Ensminger
Maria Jacobs
Elizabeth Jacobs
Susan Jacobs
Bernhardt Schlang
John Richter
Justina Schlang
Susan Myers
Philip Foulk
John Ensminger
Eve Foulk
David Ensminger
George Billow
Susan Billow
Peter Foulk
Catharine Foulk
Anna M. Reiber
John Focht
Anna M. Reiber
Margaret Billow
Magdalene Cornman
Margaret Swartz
Peter Finicle
Catharien Souder
Elizabeth Finicle
Susan Heckendorn
William Messinger, Sen. Elizabeth
In all seventy-one members communed, being about the numerical strength of the
congregation at that time. Nearly all whose names are given above have
since gone to the eternal world.
The first person buried in the graveyard at Mount Zion Church was John Stoufer,
on the 20th of May, 1820, aged fifteen years and fifteen days.
As Rev. Keller's charge was very large, he preached here only once every four
weeks, usually on Sunday afternoon. On such occasions the members came
together from a great distance all around, and seemed to appreciate the preached
Gospel very highly.
Nearly four years had now passed away, when Rev. Keller met and instructed
another large class of catechumens in the doctrine of our holy religion.
This was the last class he instructed here. On Monday, the 22d of May,
1820, when the Lord's Supper was also administered, the following thirty-two
persons were confirmed:
Anna M. Ensminger
Salome Richter
Peter Foulk
Maria Richter
Samuel Foulk
Margaret Losh
John Foulk
Elizabeth Losh
Elizabeth Kimmel
Maria Stankey
Susan Messinger
Sarah Messinger
David Reiber
Margaret Messinger
George Reiber
Catharine Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Magdalene Billow
George Nevinger
Susan Foulk
John Stankey
Susan Finicle
Barbara Ensminger
Julia A. Fair.
At this time (1820), deducting removals by death, letter, & c., the whole
number of communing members was eighty-three. The congregation seems to
have been in a flourishing condition. Rev. Keller served this congregation
as pastor till he resigned at Carlisle, late in the fall of 1827, and in
February, 1828, he took charge of the Lutheran congregation at Germantown,
Pa. Besides those whose names are given above, we do not find that he
confirmed any others here. Whilst pastor he preached to this congregation
exclusively in the German language. It appears that in the spring of 1829,
Rev. L. H. Meyer
took charge of this congregation and served
with it great acceptance for about one year. We have not been able to
learn why Rev. Meyer served this congregation only so short a time, or with what
other congregations he served it in Cumberland County. Our impression is
that he served it only as a temporary supply. The aged members speak of
him with affection and the highest terms of regard, and regret sincerely that he
left them so soon. Immediately after Rev. Meyer had resigned, in the
spring of 1829, the
Rev. John William Heim
of Loysville took charge of the congregation
and served it as pastor, in connection with his other congregations in Perry
County, until he was called to the eternal world, in December, 1849. This
indefatigable herald of the Cross labored in this congregation with great
acceptance and success, and the number of accessions, under his ministry, to the
membership was large. Soon after he had become pastor of the congregation,
he met and instructed a class of catechumens in the Catechism, and when he held
the first communion here, on Sunday, the 30th of August, 1829, the following
forty-one persons were confirmed:
Anna M. Hair
Joseph Ensminger
Catharine Fair
John Finicle
Susan Stouffer
Joseph Foulk
Catharine Bowman
Sarah Sailer
Margaret Sailer
Baltzer Beistlein
Sarah Spahr
Henry Gamber
Eliza Mickey
Mary A. Mickey
Rosanna Ensminger
Sarah Foulk
Elizabeth Billow
Sarah Smeigh
Sarah Mahaffey
Elizabeth Roth
Elizabeth Shade
Elizabeth Souder
Elizabeth McCord
David Smeigh
Elizabeth Finicle
William Smeigh
Rebecca Finicle
George Smeigh
At this time the congregation numbered one hundred and sixteen members.
Daniel Yoh was Elder and David Shade Deacon.
Rev. Heim catechized here once every four or five years, and as the congregation
at that time embraced a large territory, the number of catechumens was usually
large. On Sunday, the 25th of May, 1834, the following twenty-three
persons were confirmed:
Catharine Hauk
Susan Hair
William Ensminger
Elizabeth Hair
Benjamin Finicle
Maria Kunkel
John Finicle
Elizabeth Souder
Maria Dunkelberger
Sarah Finicle
Elizabeth Foulk
Hannah Foulk
Susan Mickey
John Dunkelberger
Charity Richter
John Kunkel
The whole number of communicants was at this time eighty-eight. This was,
however, by no means the whole number of members. Rev. Heim's labors were
signally crowned with God's blessing. He cold not but be encouraged to
prosecute his calling with joy and holy delight, when everywhere so many were
found willing to unite themselves with God's people.
Having been for half a year carefully instructed in the doctrines of the
Christian faith, on Sunday, the 22d of April, 1838, the following twenty-six
catechumens were confirmed:
George Finicle
Elizabeth Messinger
John Finicle
Maria Shade
Henry Finicle
Elizabeth Foulk
Maria Foulk
Margaret Jacobs
Catharine Meyer
David Sidel
Louisa Meyer
Susan Sloop
Henry Leppert
Elizabeth Sloop
Hannah Sidel
Maria Yoh
Catharine Souder
Magdalene Wick
Elizabeth Reed
Maria Messinger
Mary A. Reed
So far as the increase of members were concerned, the congregation was evidently
in a prosperous condition. What the state of piety was we are not
informed. We must suppose, however, that the preaching of the word was not
without effect. In his preaching and catechetical lectures, Rev. Heim
sought to do immortal souls good. A few years had again passed away, when
a large number were found willing to attend lectures on the Catechism, and on
Sunday, the 18th of April, 1841, the following twenty-seen persons were
Sarah Finicle
Christian Finicle
Anna M. Noss
William Finicle
Susan Noss
Henry Ensminger
Rachel Billow
David Ensminger
Sarah Foulk
Hannah Foulk
John Yoh
Mary A. Messinger
Daniel Sweger
Sarah Jacobs
Mary A. Sloop
George Yoh
Catharine Sloop
Solomon Yoh
Margaret Fair
David Yoh
Catharine Hair
Samuel Noss
Maria Reed
Henry Koup
At this time the number of communicants was one hundred and eleven. The
congregation had hitherto been constantly increasing by large accessions to the
membership. But about this time the want of preaching in the English
language began to be deeply felt. Hence, some of the members united in
forming Mount Pisgah congregation, about five miles west of Mount Zion
Church. The Rev. John Ulrich of Carlisle organized Mount Pisgah
congregation in 1839, and preached to it in the English language. Thus a
large number of members were drawn off from Mount Zion congregation. Rev.
Heim, however, continued his labors with success and on Sunday, the 13th of
April, 1845, the following twenty-four persons were confirmed:
Susan Billow
Regina Ensminger
John Souder
Caroline Ensminger
John Sweger
Mary A. Ensminger
Samuel Sweger
Maria Jacobs
Rebecca Hartman
William Finicle
Elizabeth Siesholtz
George Messinger
Christiana Hair
David Messinger
Susan Hair
Maria Light
Anna M. Gamber
Anna Foulk
Elizabeth Gamber
In June, 1846, the St. David's or Billow's congregation was organized by Rev.
Lloyd Knight, about four or five miles north of Mount Zion Church, to which most
of the members of the new organization had belonged. Thus, Mount Zion
congregation was considerably reduced in numbers by the organization of Mount
Pisgah in 1839 and of St. David's in 1846. In the fall of 1846, Rev. Heim
met another class of catechumens for instruction in the Catechism, and on
Wednesday, the 6th of January, 1847, the following twelve persons were
Levi Sweger
Susan Reed
William Finicle
Susan Albright
William Ensminger
Sarah Noss
Solomon Ensminger
Regina Gamber
Barbara Fleisher
Catharine Smeigh
Hannah Messinger
This was the last class of catechumens Rev. Heim confirmed at Mount Zion
Church. He continued, however, to preach here till he was removed by the
hand of death in December, 1849. He was pastor of the congregation nearly
twenty-one years, during which time he confirmed at this place one hundred and
fifty-three persons. He preached exclusively in the German language and
opposed the introduction of the English. Hence the formation in part at
least, of two congregations, one north and the other west of Mount Zion; and
hence, too, the reason why Mount Zion congregation is not now what it might be,
and what it once was in point of numerical strength.
At the formation of the Petersburg charge, in February 1850, by the convention
of delegates held at Bloomfield, the Mount Zion congregation was attached to
said charge. After Father Heim's death, the congregation had no preaching
for about ten months. In November, 1850, the
Rev. John P. Hiester
accepted a call from the Petersburg charge,
and commenced to preach at Mount Zion; but as he could not preach in the German
language, the German-speaking portion of the congregation became dissatisfied
and were on the point of seceding from the charge in order to get preaching in
their own language. In September, 1851, the congregation sent Mr.
Messinger, as commissioner, to Synod, in order to secure German preaching for
the congregation, or permission for it to withdraw from the charge or to call
another man. After considerable discussion of the subject in question, it
way by Synod
"Resolved, That the Fishing Creek church be recommended to remain in
the charge of Brother Hiester, and that he use his endeavors to procure the aid
of his neighboring clerical brethern to supply them as frequently as possible
with German services."
For the want of German preaching and from other causes, as well as the formation
of the two congregations referred to above, the Mount Zion congregation had
dwindled down very much in the number of members, so that when Rev. Hiester held
communion here the first time there were only forty communicants.
During the summer of 1852, a number of persons attended the catechetical
lectures of the pastor, and on the 11th of August, 1852, the following were
John Fleisher; George Reed; William Reed; Simon Finicle; John Gamber; Catharine
A. Ensminger; Sarah Messinger; Sarah Reed; Elizabeth Fleisher; Jane Hartman.
These were the only persons, so far as we can learn, who were confirmed whilst
Rev. Hiester was pastor of the congregation. At Synod in September, 1852,
Rev. Hiester reported "that he had made efforts, but unsuccessfully, to
secure German preaching for Fishing Creek Church." Thus the wants of
the German part of the congregation remained unsupplied, and more or less
dissatisfaction was continued by them. It is to be regretted that they
were not supplied, at least for some time, with preaching in their own
language. The transition from all German to all English was too abrupt and
complete for the congregation, and, as might be expected, called forth strenuous
opposition, and much dissatisfaction. Only time can reconcile the Germans to
English preaching. Having served the congregation as pastor about three
years, Rev. Hiester resigned in November, 1853. The charge was then vacant
about six months. A call was then extended to the
Rev. George A. Nixdorff
and accepted by him, and he commenced his
pastoral labors here in June, 1854. He held the first communion here on
the 22d of April, 1855, when the following twelve persons were confirmed:
George Ensminger; David Sloop; Jacob Hartman; David Gamber; William Fleisher;
George Snell; Isabella Ensminger; Elizabeth Ensminger; Sarah Reed; Rachel A.
Reed; Rebecca Finicle; Susan Messinger.
At this time (1855) the Church-Council consisted of John Sweger, Elder, and
George Messinger and William Ensminger, Deacons. On the 19th of April,
1857, Moses Waugh was confirmed.
Rev. Nixdorff resigned in May, 1858, having served the congregation as pastor
about four years. A call was then extended to the
Rev. William Diven
and accepted by him, and on the 22d of August
of the same year he commenced his labors as pastor of this congregation.
He preaches here once every two weeks. Some prejudice against English
preaching is still entertained by some. In January, 1859, the following
persons were confirmed:
William Ensminger; George Albright, James White, Mary J. Grier, Nancy Kleckler;
Magdalene Finicle.
For want of documents, the above is the fullest sketch of the history of Mount
Zion Church and congregation that can be given. Since the death of Father
Heim in December, 1849, no German has been preached here. It is hoped the
congregation will gradually gain its former position as to number of members.
At the desire of some friends of the church, we will conclude by subjoining a
full list of the members of this congregation on the 1st of June, 1862.
This list may be of interest to those who shall come after us. There are
fifty-seven members, viz.:
Daniel Ensminger
Barbara Messinger
Susan Ensminger
Susan H. Messinger
Joseph Ensminger
Barbara Messinger
Elizabeth Ensminger
Mary A. Messinger
William Ensminger,
John Reed
William Ensminger,
Hannah Reed
George Ensminger
Susan Reed
Margaret Ensminger
Anna M. Reed
Isabella Ensminger
Sarah Reed
Sarah J. Ensminger
Daniel Comp
Susan Ensminger
Daniel Sweger
Susan Sweger
John Sweger
Elizabeth Sweger
William Finicle
James White
Rebecca Finicle
Margaret White
Helena Finicle
Anne Grier
Sophia Bensel
Mary J. Grier
Henry Gamber
Susan Fleisher
John Gamber
Barbara Fleisher
David Gamber
Sarah Smeigh
S. E. Gamber
Jacob Smeigh
Mary Gamber
Peter Low
Maria Gamber
Elizabeth Hummel
Regina Gamber
Catharine A. Sloop
Elizabeth Gamber
Elizabeth Noss
William Messinger
Susan Meyers
George Messinger
"Our souls, by love together
Cemented, mix'd in one.
Our hope, one heart, one mind, one voice,
'This heav'n on earth begun."
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