The following information was extracted from
the book, History of Perry County Pennsylvania; H. H. Hain; Hain-Moore Co.;
Harrisburg, Pa.; 1922. Chapter XVIII.
On the hill at Markelville, then known as Boserman's Mills, there stood a
building locally termed "Washington Seminary." In the spring of
1855 a school known as Buffalo Creek High School was opened in this
building. The law providing for the election of county superintendents of
schools had just gone into effect during the previous year, and Rev. A. R.
Height, a Lutheran clergyman, was made the county superintendent. He was
also chosen principal of this school and filled the positions
simultaneously. A year later, in 1856, the school was called Buffalo Creek
High School and Perry County Normal Institute, and in 1857 the first part of the
title had been dropped and it was known as the Normal Institute at Markelville
and so advertised, the name of the town in the meantime having been changed to
Markelville. He was succeeded by Rev. George S. Rea, a Presbyterian
clergyman, who in 1801 gave place to Prof. G. W. Leisher, later a Lutheran
clergyman. In 1866, Prof. C. W. Super--now Dr. Duper--tried to resuscitate
the academy, which the fortunes of war had disturbed. he was succeeded by
Alexander Stephens and Adam Zellers, in turn. As an evidence of its large
attendance, in 1860 it was attended by 112 boarding students. In 1867
George Markel erected a two-story frame academy building in which the school was
continued and the students boarded. This building had fifteen rooms for
students and the basement was above street level and was intended for classroom
use. It was Mr. Markel's intention to make the school a permanent
institution, but his death caused its discontinuance. Prof. John S.
Campbell, of Newport, states (1920), "It is a pity that this man was called
away," he having had personal knowledge of his ability and energy.