Mercer County PAGenWeb

Greenville High School 

Our Honor Roll


Although we were very sorry to lose them, we are proud to say that two of the members of our class heard the call of the colors and are now in training.




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Ambulance Co. 3, A. E. F., France 

Lyle, better known as Zeke, left us last year and joined the ambulance corps in Texas.  He made good in a short time and received a number of promotions.  A short time ago he arrived in France and expects to go into active service at any time.  Zeke’s wonderful tenor voice is missed very much and some of the songs hardly seem natural without it.        Click to enlarge photo



Camp Mills, Long Island, N.Y. 

Donald slipped away the first of our Senior year before we knew much about it, we heard that he had enlisted.  His interesting letters which come back assure us that he enjoys camp life and means to do all that he can to help win the war.

Click to enlarge photo


from 1918 Greenville High School yearbook, 

page 44

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